1,893 research outputs found

    Mobile five senses augmented reality system: technology acceptance study

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    The application of the most recent technologies is fundamental to add value to tourism experiences, as well as in other economic sectors. Mobile Five Senses Augmented Reality (M5SAR) system is a mobile guide instrument for cultural, historical, and museum events. In order to realize the proclaimed five senses, the system has two main modules: a (i) mobile application which deals mainly with the senses of sight and hearing, using for that the mobile device camera to recognize and track on-the-fly (museum's) objects and give related information about them; and a (ii) portable device capable of enhancing the augmented reality (AR) experience to the full five senses through the stimulus of touch, taste, and smell, by associating itself to the users' smartphone or tablet. This paper briefly presents the system's architecture but, the main focus is on the analysis of the users' acceptance for this technology, namely the AR (software) application, and its integration with the (hardware) device to achieve the five senses AR. Results show that social influence, effort expectancy, and facilitating conditions are the key constructs that drive the users to accept and M5SAR's technology.Funding Agency Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Project: Laboratory of Robotics and Engineering Systems, LARSyS UID/EEA/50009/2019 Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Project: Arts and Communication Research Center, CIAC UID/Multi/04019/2019 Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Project: Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-Being, CinTurs UID/SOC/04020/2019 Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Project: Center for Advanced Studies in Management and Economics, CEFAGE UID/ECO/04007/2019 Project M5SAR I&DT - CRESC ALGARVE2020 3322 PORTUGAL2020 European Union (EU) Instituto de Salud Carlos IIIinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hardness and elasticity in cubic ruthenium dioxide

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    The Knoop hardness of the highly incompressible cubic phase of ruthenium dioxide was found to be 19–20 GPa from indentation tests. This value scales well with the shear modulus approximated by the elastic constant C44 of 144 GPa obtained from Brillouin scattering measurements. This work provides evidence that the shear modulus is a better indicator of hardness than the bulk modulus for ionic and covalent materials

    Evidence of Genetic Segregation among Meagre (Argyrosomus regius) Atlantic Spawning Areas

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    The meagre Argyrosomus regius, one of the largest sciaenidae in the world, is a valuable resource for fisheries and aquaculture. Despite its socioeconomic relevance, knowledge about population dynamics and wild stocks is still scarce, and conservation risks are associated with overexploitation. Two genetic distinct groups, one in the North Atlantic Ocean and one in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, were identified by previous studies. However, little is known about the genetic structure of the Atlantic group, where four important spawning areas have been identified. To assess if each spawning area is an independent breeding unit, the genetic diversity, populational structure, and demographic history of A. regius along the North-East and Eastern Central Atlantic coast were analyzed, using 15 microsatellite loci. Results corroborate the hypothesis tested, suggesting four genetic groups: a first group encompassing individuals from the Gironde spawning area, a second group encompassing individuals from the Tagus spawning area, a third group corresponding to individuals captured in the Algarve region, and a forth group gathering individuals from Morocco and Mauritania. This study reveals the need for specific fisheries management plans considering genetic structure information, and highlights the need for international cooperation

    Deteção remota multiespectral e hiperespetral como fonte de conhecimento no sector português da Faixa Piritosa Ibérica

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    ABSTRACT: Remote sensing is an invaluable tool to increase geological and mining knowledge, due to its screening view and variable discrimination and identification capabilities of the target materials. In this study an overview of remote sensing research developed and ongoing within the Portuguese sector of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (PSIPB) since 2000 is given. Multispectral and hyperspectral datasets were processed using hybrid methods, related both to general and detailed characterization, to: 1) support geological, mineral and hydrothermal mapping, 2) generate products derived from multivariate analysis and band ratios, 3) enhance correlation with radiometric data, 4) provide elements for environmental assessment concerning mining activity, 5) map Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) based on spectral field signatures, 6) quantify AMD based on high correlation mineralogical mapping, and 7) monitor AMD. The results highlight the importance of the quantitative digital support given by remote sensing tools within the Portuguese Sector of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (PSIPB), ruled by georesource exploitation in different stages of the Mine Lyfe Cycle.RESUMO: A deteção remota é uma ferramenta valiosa para aumentar o conhecimento geológico e mineiro, devido à visão sinótica e à capacidade variável de discriminação e identificação dos materiais-alvo. Neste trabalho dá-se uma visão geral da investigação através dos trabalhos de deteção remota desenvolvidos e em curso no Setor Português da Faixa Piritosa Ibérica (SPFPI) desde 2000. Os dados multiespectrais e hiperespectrais foram processados usando métodos híbridos quer para a sua caracterização geral quer detalhada para: 1) apoiar a cartografia geológica, de mineralizações e sistemas hidrotermais, 2) gerar produtos de análise multivariada e rácios de bandas, 3) melhorar a correlação com dados radiométricos 4) fornecer elementos para avaliação ambiental em áreas mineiras, 5) cartografar a drenagem ácida de mina (DAM) com assinaturas espectrais de campo, 6) quantificar a DAM através de cartografia mineralógica de alta correlação, e 7) monitorizar a DAM. Destaca-se a importância do suporte digital quantitativo dado por ferramentas de deteção remota no SPFPI, regido pela exploração de georrecursos em diferentes fases do Ciclo de Vida das Minas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Utilidad de los marcadores biológicos en la detección precoz y prevención del síndrome de burnout

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    Burnout is associated with a worse health self-perception and greater physical and psychiatric comorbidity. The objective of this review is to summarize in a systematic way the main biomarkers associated with the burnout syndrome: cardiovascular (blood pressure, heart rate and variability of heart rate); sleep-related (quality,fragmentation, and sleep latency); associated with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the sympathetic-adrenal-medullary axis (cortisol, salivary IgA, lysozime, a-amylase and chromogranin-A); related to the immune system (natural killer cells and mononuclear antibodies CD57 and CD16), and related to inflammation (TNF-a, IL-4 interleukins, fibrinogen, reactive C protein). In the next years, some of these biomarkers, mainly those related to the immune system and inflammation could become useful keys for the early detection and monitorization of this disorder.El burnout se asocia a una peor autopercepción de la salud, así como a una gran comorbilidad somática y psicológica. El objetivo de esta revisión es presentar de forma sistemática los principales biomarcadores asociados al burnout: cardiovasculares (tensión arterial, frecuencia cardiaca y variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca); losrelacionados con el sueño (calidad, fragmentación, latencia y horas de sueño); losrelacionados con los ejes hipotálamo-hipófiso-suprarrenal y simpático-médulo-suprarrenal (cortisol, IgA, lisozima, a-amilasa y cromogranina A salival);relacionados con el sistema inmunitario (células naturales asesinas y anticuerpos mononucleares CD57 y CD16), ylosrelacionados con la inflamación (TNF-a, interleuquinas IL-4, fibrinógeno, proteína c-reactiva). Es probable que en los próximos años algunos de estos biomarcadores, sobre todo los relacionados con el sistema inmune y con la inflamación, resulten de gran utilidad para la detección precoz y monitorización del tratamiento en este trastorno.

    Influenza A virus infection in pigs from Mozambique

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    Swine  influenza  (SI)  is  an  acute  and  highly  contagious  disease  of  the  respiratory tract of pigs caused by swine influenza A virus (SIA). The disease causes economic losses in swine production and is of great public importance for its zoonotic potential. The aims of the present  study  were  to  report SIA infection  in  pigs  from  Mozambique  and  characterize  the anatomopathological  and  immunohistochemical  features  of  associated  lung  lesions.  Lungs from  457  slaughtered  pigs  were  subjected  to  gross  evaluation  and 38  (8.3%)  lungs  with cranioventral  consolidation  were  collected  from  a slaughterhouse  in  Matola  City,  Southern Mozambique. Consolidation areas in each lung lobe  were classified in 4 grades according to the lesion extension. Samples with consolidated lung tissue were examined for histopathology and  immunohistochemistry  for  the  presence  of  SIA,  Porcine  circovirus  type  2  (PCV2)  and Mycoplasma  hyopneumoniae  antigens.  The  lungs  had  multifocal  to  coalescing  areas  of consolidation observed most frequently in the craniallobes. The lesions involved mainly one or three  pulmonary  lobes  and  grade  1  and  2  lesions  were  the  most  frequent.  The  main histopathological  findings  were  necrotizing  bronchiolitis  (23/38),  alveolar  neutrophil infiltration (24/38), type II pneumocytes hyperplasia (26/38), peribronchiolar lymphoid tissue hyperplasia  (28/38)  and  interstitial  mononuclear  cells  infiltrate  (29/38). SIA  antigen  was detected by immunohistochemistryin 84.3% (32/38) of lung samples and all lung samples were negative  for  PCV2  and Mycoplasma  hyopneumoniaantigense. Pigs  that  presented  a  positive result on IHQ were from Matutuine district (5/32), Moamba district (2/32), Namaacha district (21/32), Boane district (3/32) and Matola city (1/32). These results demonstrate that SIA is a cause of pneumonia in pigs in Mozambique