1,483 research outputs found


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    Multidirectional instability of the shoulder is a complex entity and it appears that factors in addition to excessive capsular laxity play a pathophysiologic role. So the objective of this study is to compare the electromyography activity of the scapular muscles during abduction and adduction of shoulder in athletes with multidirectional instability and abnormal scapulothoracic motion with individual without lesion

    Reliability and usability assessment of three different softwares for photogrammetric analysis of hip flexion angle

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    The photogrammetric analysis can be done by using different softwares. Thus, the purpose of this study was to assess the reliability and the usability of three different softwares during the hip flexion photogrammetric analysis and to discuss the qualitative and quantitative aspects of each one. Twenty-six volunteers participated in this study with age between 19 and 30 years old (x=25.4 years, SD=2.5) who underwent the sit-to-reach test through adapted Wells´ bench. Reflective skin markers were positioned in the anterior superior iliac spine and greater trochanter. The image acquisition was collected in the maximum limit of test execution. All softwares showed a high reliability between measures, besides it was presented specifics advantages and disadvantages during adoption one of them. SAPO´s software was considered with major points for professional practice, although taking the analysis for scientific research all softwares demonstrated characteristics that must be taken into consideration before adopting them.A análise fotogramétrica pode ser feita por meio de diferentes programas computacionais. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a confiabilidade e usabilidade de três diferentes programas em uma análise fotogramétrica durante a flexão do quadril e discutir aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos de cada um deles. Participaram do estudo 26 voluntários do gênero masculino, com idade entre 19 e 30 anos (x=25,4 anos, DP=2,5) que realizaram o teste do sentar e alcançar por meio do banco de Wells adaptado. Marcadores cutâneos foram posicionados nos processos ósseos: trocânter maior do fêmur e espinha ilíaca anterossuperior. A aquisição da imagem foi realizada no limite máximo da execução do teste. Todos os programas apresentaram uma alta confiabilidade entre as medidas, além disso, foram apresentadas vantagens e desvantagens específicas na adoção de cada um deles. O programa SAPO foi considerado com maiores vantagens para utilização na prática profissional, no entanto, para realização de análises em pesquisas científicas todos os programas apresentam pontos que devem ser considerados antes da sua adoção


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    The Biodex Balance System is a multiaxial device that objectively measures and records an individual’s ability to stabilize the determined joint under dynamic stress. Some authors describe the importance of knee position strategy for stabilizing balance in this situation; however, the reliability of each knee position is underestimated. With this the objective of this study is to compare intrarater reliability of two knee position situations in the Biodex Balance System test


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    The aim of this study was to compare the muscular activity of knee stabilizers in different neuromuscular exercises in individuals with ACL reconstruction and nonlesioned individuals. Eight males submitted to ACL reconstruction and eight nonlesioned males participated. The maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) of each muscle was used for signal normalization. The electromyographic signal was quantified by the root mean square. The MVIC % between groups was different for extensor muscles of the nonlesioned group, when compared to flexor muscles of the reconstructed group

    Electromyographic activity of knee muscles in individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction under different perturbations: case report

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    The aim of this case study was to describe electromyographic (EMG) activity of the knee stabilizing muscles in subjects having received different autografts in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgical reconstruction: two subjects with anterior bone-tendon-bone graft, two with hamstring graft and two controls. Normalised EMG signal was collected during maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) of each muscle (vastus medialis obliques, vastus lateralis, semitendinosus, biceps femoris and gastrocnemius) and then under six perturbation stimuli at one-leg stance: on the ground, inclined and round board, balance board, anterior-posterior (AP) and medium-lateral (ML) roller-board. When comparing only extensor muscles between cases, a higher percent of MVIC was found in vastus medialis obliques and vastus lateralis in the anterior graft group (during one-leg stance, inclined board, and AP roller-board), whereas in hamstring graft cases this occurred on the round and balance boards. The analysis of flexor muscles showed greater activity on balance board and ML roller-board in subjects with hamstring graft. The amount of muscle activation thus may vary according to the stimulus. It may be said that muscles are most activated in subjects with anterior graft. These findings may guide rehabilitation of patients submitted to ACL reconstruction.O objetivo deste foi descrever a atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos estabilizadores do joelho de indivíduos que receberam diferentes enxertos na cirurgia de reconstrução do ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA). Foram avaliados dois casos de enxerto patelar, dois de enxerto posterior e dois controle, durante seis estímulos proprioceptivos ao indivíduo em apoio unipodal (em solo, prancha inclinada, prancha redonda, balancinho e rollerboard em sentido ântero-posterior, AP, e médio-lateral, ML). O sinal eletromiográfico normalizado foi captado durante contração isométrica voluntária máxima (CIVM) de cada músculo (vasto medial oblíquo, vasto lateral, semitendinoso, bíceps femoral e gastrocnêmio). Ao comparar os músculos vasto medial oblíquo e vasto lateral entre os casos, foi encontrada porcentagem da CIVM maior na amostra com enxerto patelar durante os estímulos solo, prancha inclinada e rollerboard AP, enquanto nos casos de enxerto posterior isso ocorreu sob os estímulos de balancinho e prancha redonda. Ao analisar somente os músculos flexores, os sujeitos com enxerto posterior apresentaram maior atividade sob os estímulos de balancinho e rollerboard ML. Conclui-se que os casos com enxerto patelar ativam mais sua musculatura que aqueles com enxerto posterior; e a quantidade de ativação muscular parece variar para cada estímulo sensório-motor, conforme o tipo de enxerto usado. Estes achados podem orientar a reabilitação de indivíduos submetidos à cirurgia de reconstrução do LCA

    Comparação da atividade elétrica dos músculos trapézio superior e extensores do punho em duas condições de digitação

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    Introdução O uso adequado da posição do braço e do punho durante a digitação pode reduzir a sobrecarga muscular e prevenir doenças musculoesqueléticas.Objetivo Avaliar a atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos trapézio superior e extensores do punho durante duas condições de digitação.Materiais e métodos Seis mulheres sadias (X idade = 42 anos, DP = 10), (Xaltura = 1,65m, DP = 0,05) e (Xmassa = 71 kg, DP = 16) participaram deste estudo. A tarefa foi realizada com e sem um apoio de braço. Uma escala de percepção de esforço foi aplicada para todos participantes. ANOVA de medidas repetidas foi utilizada para verificar diferenças na percepção de esforço e root mean square (RMS) para a atividade eletromiográfica.Resultados Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante para o RMS entre as tarefas de digitação. A condição sem apoio de braço apresentou maior média de velocidade e quantidade de palavras digitadas (P = 0,02; P = 0,03) e houve uma diferença significante na percepção de esforço durante a condição sem apoio de braço (P = 0,03). A atividade eletromiográfica não apresentou diferença.Conclusão A atividade elétrica muscular não se alterou independente do apoio e ocorreu a melhora do esforço percebido após 10 minutos de digitação sem apoio. Estudos em longo prazo são necessários.Introduction The proper use of the position of the arm and wrist while typing may reduce muscle overload and prevent musculoskeletal disorders.Objective To evaluate the electromyographic activity of upper trapezius and wrist extensor muscles during two typewriting conditions.Materials and methods : Six healthy females (Xage = 42 years,SD= 10), (Xheight = 1.65m, SD = 0.05) and (Xweight = 71kg, SD = 16) participated in this study. The task was performed with a newly developed arm support and without the support. A perceived exertion scale was used with all subjects. An ANOVA with repeated measures was used to verify differences in perceived exertion and root mean square (RMS).Results There were no statistically significant differences for the RMS between the typewriting tasks. The condition without arm support presented a significantly greater mean velocity and amount of words typed (P= 0.02; P= 0.03) and there was a significant difference in perceived exertion during the condition without arm support (P= 0.03). Electromyographic activity did not present differences.Conclusion The muscle electrical activity was not altered regardless the arm support and occurred the improvement of the perceived exertion after 10 minutes of typing without support. Long-term studies are needed

    Study protocol of European Fans in Training (EuroFIT):a four-country randomised controlled trial of a lifestyle program for men delivered in elite football clubs

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    Background: Lifestyle interventions targeting physical activity, sedentary time and dietary behaviours have the potential to initiate and support behavioural change and result in public health gain. Although men have often been reluctant to engage in such lifestyle programs, many are at high risk of several chronic conditions. We have developed an evidence and theory-based, gender sensitised, health and lifestyle program (European Fans in Training (EuroFIT)), which is designed to attract men through the loyalty they feel to the football club they support. This paper describes the study protocol to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the EuroFIT program in supporting men to improve their level of physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour over 12 months. Methods: The EuroFIT study is a pragmatic, two-arm, randomised controlled trial conducted in 15 football clubs in the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal and the UK (England). One-thousand men, aged 30 to 65 years, with a self-reported Body Mass Index (BMI) ≥27 kg/m2 will be recruited and individually randomised. The primary outcomes are objectively-assessed changes in total physical activity (steps per day) and total sedentary time (minutes per day) at 12 months after baseline assessment. Secondary outcomes are weight, BMI, waist circumference, resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure, cardio-metabolic blood biomarkers, food intake, self-reported physical activity and sedentary time, wellbeing, self-esteem, vitality and quality of life. Cost-effectiveness will be assessed and a process evaluation conducted. The EuroFIT program will be delivered over 12 weekly, 90-minute sessions that combine classroom discussion with graded physical activity in the setting of the football club. Classroom sessions provide participants with a toolbox of behaviour change techniques to initiate and sustain long-term lifestyle changes. The coaches will receive two days of training to enable them to create a positive social environment that supports men in engaging in sustained behaviour change. Discussion: The EuroFIT trial will provide evidence on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the EuroFIT program delivered by football clubs to their male fans, and will offer insight into factors associated with success in making sustained changes to physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and secondary outcomes, such as diet.Trial registration: ISRCTN: 81935608. Registered 16 June 2015.<br/

    Optimasi Portofolio Resiko Menggunakan Model Markowitz MVO Dikaitkan dengan Keterbatasan Manusia dalam Memprediksi Masa Depan dalam Perspektif Al-Qur`an

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    Risk portfolio on modern finance has become increasingly technical, requiring the use of sophisticated mathematical tools in both research and practice. Since companies cannot insure themselves completely against risk, as human incompetence in predicting the future precisely that written in Al-Quran surah Luqman verse 34, they have to manage it to yield an optimal portfolio. The objective here is to minimize the variance among all portfolios, or alternatively, to maximize expected return among all portfolios that has at least a certain expected return. Furthermore, this study focuses on optimizing risk portfolio so called Markowitz MVO (Mean-Variance Optimization). Some theoretical frameworks for analysis are arithmetic mean, geometric mean, variance, covariance, linear programming, and quadratic programming. Moreover, finding a minimum variance portfolio produces a convex quadratic programming, that is minimizing the objective function ðð¥with constraintsð ð 𥠥 ðandð´ð¥ = ð. The outcome of this research is the solution of optimal risk portofolio in some investments that could be finished smoothly using MATLAB R2007b software together with its graphic analysis