109 research outputs found

    Assédio moral no local de trabalho: o caso do sector bancário português

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    O objectivo deste artigo é fazer, por um lado, uma breve revisão da literatura europeia relacionada com a ocorrência de assédio moral no local de trabalho e, por outro lado, fazer um ponto da situação da investigação existente em Portugal sobre esta temática, dando especial ênfase ao sector bancário português. Os resultados obtidos num estudo empírico recente, que teve como objecto este sector de actividade económica, são apresentados e discutidos à luz da evidência empírica existente. Adicionalmente é apresentado um panorama sintético da abordagem jurídica portuguesa deste fenómeno, o qual ganhou algum destaque no contexto da actual legislação laboral.assédio moral, sector bancário, legislação laboral

    O assédio moral : causas e condicionantes

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    Comunicação apresentada na Conferência "O assédio moral no local de trabalho : emergência de uma nova realidade" (29 e 30 de Novembro de 2007)O fenómeno do assédio moral, conhecido e estudado na Europa há mais de duas décadas, só muito recentemente ganhou entre nós foros de alguma importância. Na verdade, começam agora a surgir reportagens e artigos jornalísticos, inclusive na imprensa da área económica, dissertações de mestrado e até de doutoramento, eventos de natureza científica (como a “I Conferência Portuguesa sobre Assédio Moral no Local de Trabalho” realizada no final de Novembro de 2007 no ISEG) e até uma ou outra sentença judicial tendo por temática essencial a análise quer do fenómeno em geral quer de situações concretas do mesmo. Não há, porém, ainda em Portugal uma única associação de vítimas de assédio moral que, à semelhança do que se passa, de forma generalizada, por exemplo em Espanha, possa estudar mais aprofundadamente esta questão da perspectiva das diferentes áreas de conhecimento (a Medicina, o Direito, a Acção Social, a Psicologia, a Sociologia e até a Economia e a Gestão), propiciar ajuda adequada nas várias frentes às vítimas e divulgar os dados e os elementos mais importantes (estatísticas, investigação científica mais avançada, sentenças exemplares, etc.). E uma reacção adequada, suficientemente reparadora e dissuasora, por parte da Ordem Jurídica está muito, muito longe de ser uma realidade

    O direito do trabalho português, desde há 50 anos até à atualidade

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    Minerva : revista de estudos laborais. - ISSN 1647-0753. - V. 12, n.6 (2024)

    Assédio moral no local de trabalho : o caso do sector bancário português

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    O objectivo deste artigo é fazer, por um lado, uma breve revisão da literatura europeia relacionada com a ocorrência de assédio moral no local de trabalho e, por outro lado, fazer um ponto da situação da investigação existente em Portugal sobre esta temática, dando especial ênfase ao sector bancário português. Os resultados obtidos num estudo empírico recente, que teve como objecto este sector de actividade económica, são apresentados e discutidos à luz da evidência empírica existente. Adicionalmente é apresentado um panorama sintético da abordagem jurídica portuguesa deste fenómeno, o qual ganhou algum destaque no contexto da actual legislação laboral

    State of the Art - Ergonomics and Modeling of Functional Clothing Products with Biosignals Sensor Integration

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    This literature review aims to introduce and investigate the topics addressed in the development of this project, where we assess the development of functional clothing with integration of bio-signals sensors, exploring the textile materials, ergonomics, andrometry, usability and wearability. Keywords: Ergonomics/Andrometry, Biosignals sensors, Usability/Wearability, Conforto, Textile material

    Study of Deepfakes in Cyberspace, Impact, and Consequences on the Social Environment

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    We live in era in which we are inundated with information from both hemispheres, and in which the economy of attention makes us far from the truth. The present study has as its core to study the creation, use, as well as the sharing of videos originated by artificial intelligence that can make it appear that a person says or does something, although he has never said or done anything of the kind, this type of content is called deepfakes. The problem is the way in which these contents are propagated, which for the untrained eye, can be seem as authentic. To prepare the article, we opted for quantitative research, through a survey, and a literature review in books, articles and reports. It was found through the obtained data that many users are linked to the desire to verify the veracity and source of information circulating in digital networks

    Still a Powerful Tool?

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    Background: New therapies with prognostic benefits have been recently introduced in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) management. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prognostic power of current listing criteria for heart transplantation (HT) in an HFrEF cohort submitted to cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) between 2009 and 2014 (group A) and between 2015 and 2018 (group B). Methods: Consecutive patients with HFrEF who underwent CPET were followed-up for cardiac death and urgent HT. Results: CPET was performed in 487 patients. The composite endpoint occurred in 19.4% of group A vs. 7.4% of group B in a 36-month follow-up. Peak VO2 (pVO2) and VE/VCO2 slope were the strongest independent predictors of mortality. International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT) thresholds of pVO2 ≤ 12 mL/kg/min (≤14 if intolerant to β-blockers) and VE/VCO2 slope > 35 presented a similar and lower Youden index, respectively, in group B compared to group A, and a lower positive predictive value. pVO2 ≤ 10 mL/kg/min and VE/VCO2 slope > 40 outperformed the traditional cut-offs. An ischemic etiology subanalysis showed similar results. Conclusion: ISHLT thresholds showed a lower overall prognostic effectiveness in a contemporary HFrEF population. Novel parameters may be needed to improve risk stratification.publishersversionpublishe

    Large-Area Paper Batteries with Ag and Zn/Ag Screen-Printed Electrodes

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    This work was partially funded by H2020-ICT-2014-1, RIA, ERC-CoG-2014, and FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 Program and National Funds through FCT -Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the project UID/CTM/50025/2019.Large-area paper batteries have been explored in this paper, correlating electrode materials and screen printing with the electrochemical performances. The use of office paper embedded in salt solution with two electrodes performed by an easy and large-scale application technique opens doors to a new concept of energy storage. The proposed device is Li-free and uses zinc and silver powder-based screen printable pastes to deposit the electrodes. Cyclic voltammetry and charge-discharge curves reveal the performance of the produced devices using NaCl and KOH solutions in different concentrations. The simulation of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements gave clue of a similar working mechanism to conventional Li-ion batteries. After charging, a single paper battery achieves 1.83 V with 60 mA/cm2 and 90.6% charge-discharge efficiency. As a proof of concept, a small paper battery and a set integrated in series and parallel were used to power a commercial red light-emitting diode.publishersversionpublishe

    Characterization of oral enterobacteriaceae prevalence and resistance profile in chronic kidney disease patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis

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    Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a growing public-health concern worldwide. Patients exhibit compromised immunity and are more prone to infection than other populations. Therefore, oral colonization by clinically relevant members of the Enterobacteriaceae family, major agents of both nosocomial and dialysis-associated infections with frequent prevalence of antibiotic resistances, may constitute a serious risk. Thus, this study aimed to assess the occurrence of clinically relevant enterobacteria and their antibiotic resistance profiles in the oral cavity of CKD patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis (CKD-PD) and compare it to healthy controls. Saliva samples from all the participants were cultured on MacConkey Agar and evaluated regarding the levels of urea, ammonia, and pH. Bacterial isolates were identified and characterized for antibiotic resistance phenotype and genotype. The results showed that CKD-PD patients exhibited significantly higher salivary pH, urea, and ammonia levels than controls, that was accompanied by higher prevalence and diversity of oral enterobacteria. Out of all the species isolated, only the prevalence of Raoultella ornithinolytica varied significantly between groups, colonizing the oral cavity of approximately 30% of CKD-PD patients while absent from controls. Antibiotic resistance phenotyping revealed mostly putative intrinsic resistance phenotypes (to amoxicillin, ticarcillin, and cephalothin), and resistance to sulfamethoxazole (~43% of isolates) and streptomycin (~17%). However, all isolates were resistant to at least one of the antibiotics tested and multidrug resistance isolates were only found in CKD-PD group (31,6%). Mobile genetic elements and resistance genes were detected in isolates of the species Raoultella ornithinolytica, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella oxytoca, Escherichia coli, and Enterobacter asburiae, mostly originated from CKD-PD patients. PD-related infection history revealed that Enterobacteriaceae were responsible for ~8% of peritonitis and ~ 16% of exit-site infections episodes in CKD-PD patients, although no association was found to oral enterobacteria colonization at the time of sampling. The results suggest that the CKD-induced alterations of the oral milieu might promote a dysbiosis of the commensal oral microbiome, namely the proliferation of clinically relevant Enterobacteriaceae potentially harboring acquired antibiotic resistance genes. This study highlights the importance of the oral cavity as a reservoir for pathobionts and antibiotic resistances in CKD patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Coreia do Norte : a 9.ª potência nuclear

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    O IDN Brief que agora se publica, dedicado ao tema “A Nova Ordem Nuclear” oferece uma visão panorâmica e atual da problemática nuclear nas suas vertentes civil e militar. Conta, para o efeito, com um qualificado conjunto de artigos assinados por académicos e especialistas. Com esta publicação esperamos contribuir para a discussão de um tema que voltou a estar no centro das relações internacionaisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio