3,003 research outputs found

    Rank-1 Tensor Approximation Methods and Application to Deflation

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    Because of the attractiveness of the canonical polyadic (CP) tensor decomposition in various applications, several algorithms have been designed to compute it, but efficient ones are still lacking. Iterative deflation algorithms based on successive rank-1 approximations can be used to perform this task, since the latter are rather easy to compute. We first present an algebraic rank-1 approximation method that performs better than the standard higher-order singular value decomposition (HOSVD) for three-way tensors. Second, we propose a new iterative rank-1 approximation algorithm that improves any other rank-1 approximation method. Third, we describe a probabilistic framework allowing to study the convergence of deflation CP decomposition (DCPD) algorithms based on successive rank-1 approximations. A set of computer experiments then validates theoretical results and demonstrates the efficiency of DCPD algorithms compared to other ones

    Renormalization group and spectra of the generalized P\"oschl-Teller potential

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    We study the P\"oschl-Teller potential V(x)=α2gssinh2(αx)+α2gccosh2(αx)V(x) = \alpha^2 g_s \sinh^{-2}(\alpha x) + \alpha^2 g_c \cosh^{-2}(\alpha x), for every value of the dimensionless parameters gsg_s and gcg_c, including the less usual ranges for which the regular singularity at the origin prevents the Hamiltonian from being self-adjoint. We apply a renormalization procedure to obtain a family of well-defined energy eigenfunctions, and study the associated renormalization group (RG) flow. We find an anomalous length scale that appears by dimensional transmutation, and spontaneously breaks the asymptotic conformal symmetry near the singularity, which is also explicitly broken by the dimensionful parameter α\alpha in the potential. These two competing ways of breaking conformal symmetry give the RG flow a rich structure, with phenomena such as a possible region of walking coupling, massive phases, and non-trivial limits even when the anomalous dimension is absent. We show that supersymmetry of the potential, when present, is also spontaneously broken, along with asymptotic conformal symmetry. We use the family of eigenfunctions to compute the S-matrix in all regions of parameter space, for any value of anomalous scale, and systematically study the poles of the S-matrix to classify all bound, anti-bound and metastable states, including quasi-normal modes. The anomalous scale, as expected, changes the spectra in non-trivial ways.Comment: 42 pages, 16 figures. V2 - Improved version: new discussions added in Sect.4, introduction and conclusio

    On the Semantic Representation and Extraction of Complex Category Descriptors

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    Abstract. Natural language descriptors used for categorizations are present from folksonomies to ontologies. While some descriptors are com-posed of simple expressions, other descriptors have complex composi-tional patterns (e.g. ‘French Senators Of The Second Empire’, ‘Churches Destroyed In The Great Fire Of London And Not Rebuilt’). As con-ceptual models get more complex and decentralized, more content is transferred to unstructured natural language descriptors, increasing the terminological variation, reducing the conceptual integration and the structure level of the model. This work describes a representation for complex natural language category descriptors (NLCDs). In the repre-sentation, complex categories are decomposed into a graph of primitive concepts, supporting their interlinking and semantic interpretation. A category extractor is built and the quality of its extraction under the proposed representation model is evaluated.

    Real ou ficção: uma questão fotográfica no conto Las babas del diablo, de Julio Cortázar e na obra fílmica Blow-Up, de Michelangelo Antonioni

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    Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Rolle der Fotografie in der Kurzgeschichte Las babas del diablo von Julio Cortázar und im Film Blow-Up von Michelangelo Antonioni zu analysieren, basierend auf den Annahmen von Roland Barthes über den fotografischen Prozess. Die Erzählung „Las babas del diablo“ wurde erstmals 1959 in einer Sammlung von Kurzgeschichten mit dem Titel „Las Armas Secretas“ veröffentlicht und erzählt die Geschichte des Fotografen und Übersetzers Michel, der beim Vergrößern einiger Fotos erkennt, dass die Bilder Beweise für ein Verbrechen sind. Inspiriert von dieser Handlung hat Michelangelo Antonioni im Dezember 1966 den Film Blow-Up vorzüglich transkreiert (CAMPOS, 2013). Von der Kurzgeschichte bis zum Film wurden von Antonioni mehrere Fragen aufgeworfen, die sowohl in der literarischen als auch in der filmischen Arbeit identifiziert wurden. Sowohl Literatur als auch audiovisuelle Medien haben die Fähigkeit zum Erzählen und das Bedürfnis nach Erzählungen, was die Nähe zwischen beiden Bereichen ermöglicht. Jede Sprache hat jedoch ihre Besonderheiten, da die Produktionen ihre eigene Art haben, sich auszudrücken und Bedeutungen anzueignen. Dazu diskutieren wir literatur- und fotografiebezogene Studien wie Roland Barthes (1984), Ismael Xavier (2003), Susan Sontag (2003), Julio Cortázar (2003) u.a.The purpose of the work is to perform an analysis of the role of photography in the short story Las babas del diablo by Julio Cortázar and the film work Blow-Up, by Michelangelo Antonioni, based on Roland Barthes' assumptions about the photographic process.  The narrative Las babas del diablo was first published in 1959, in a collection of short stories entitled Las armas secretas, it tells us the story of the photographer and translator, Michel, who by expanding some photos he realizes, in the images, that the photos are evidence of a crime. Inspired by this plot, in December 1966, Michelangelo Antonioni, transcribed (CAMPOS, 2013), in an exquisite way, the film Blow-Up. From the tale to the film, several questions were brought by Antonioni, identified in both literary and filmic work. Both literature and audiovisual media have the ability to narrate and the need for narratives, which allows proximity between both areas. However, each language has its specificities, since productions have their own ways of expressing themselves and appropriating meanings. . To this end, we will bring to discuss studies related to literature and photography, such as Roland Barthes (1984), Ismael Xavier (2003), Susan Sontag (2003), Julio Cortázar (2003) among others.El propósito de este trabajo es analizar el papel de la fotografía en el cuento Las babas del diablo, de Julio Cortázar y en la película Blow-Up, de Michelangelo Antonioni, a partir de los presupuestos de Roland Barthes sobre el proceso fotográfico. La narrativa Las babas del diablo se publicó por primera vez en 1959, en una colección de cuentos titulada Las Armas Secretas, nos cuenta la historia del fotógrafo y traductor Michel, quien al ampliar unas fotos se da cuenta, en las imágenes, que las fotos son evidencia de un crimen. Inspirándose en esta trama, en diciembre de 1966, Michelangelo Antonioni, transcribió exquisitamente (CAMPOS, 2013), la película Blow-Up. Del cuento a la película, varios interrogantes fueron planteados por Antonioni, identificados tanto en la obra literaria como en la fílmica. Tanto la literatura como los medios audiovisuales tienen capacidad de narración y necesidad de narraciones, lo que permite la proximidad entre ambos ámbitos. Sin embargo, cada idioma tiene sus especificidades, ya que las producciones tienen sus propias formas de expresarse y apropiarse de significados. Para ello, abordaremos estudios relacionados con la literatura y la fotografía, como Roland Barthes (1984), Ismael Xavier (2003), Susan Sontag (2003), Julio Cortázar (2003) entre otros.O propósito do trabalho é realizar uma análise do papel da fotografia no conto Las babas del diablo, de Julio Cortázar e da obra fílmica Blow-Up, de Michelangelo Antonioni, com base nos pressupostos de Roland Barthes sobre o processo fotográfico.  A narrativa  Las babas del diablo foi publicada pela primeira vez em 1959, em uma coletânea de contos intitulada Las armas secretas, ela nos conta a história do fotógrafo e tradutor, Michel, que ao ampliar algumas fotos ele percebe, nas imagens, que as fotos são provas de um crime. Inspirado nessa trama, em dezembro de 1966, Michelangelo Antonioni, transcria (CAMPOS, 2013), de maneira primorosa, o filme Blow-Up. Do conto ao filme, vários questionamentos foram trazidos por Antonioni, identificados tanto na obra literária quanto na fílmica. Tanto a literatura quanto os meios audiovisuais possuem a capacidade de narração e a necessidade de narrativas, o que permite a proximidade entre ambas as áreas. Contudo, cada linguagem tem suas especificidades, visto que as produções têm formas próprias de se expressarem e de se apropriar de significados. Para tal, traremos para discussão estudos referentes à literatura e fotografia, tais como Roland Barthes (1984), Ismael Xavier (2003), Susan Sontag (2003), Julio Cortázar (2003) entre outros

    The loss of spatiality in the novel A morte e o meteoro of Joca Reiners Terron

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar questões acerca da perda da espacialidade na construção do enredo na obra A morte e o meteoro, de Joca Reiners Terron, escrito em 2019. Narrativa em quatro capítulos intitulados: Grande Mal; Apagar o sobrenome; Não morrer mais e Cosmogonia, nela é contada a história, que se passa em um futuro não muito distante do atual, em uma Amazônia destruída. E que nos é contado por um narrador, cujo nome não é apontado na obra. No decorrer da trama, os espaços e as ambientações são construídos de forma a levar o leitor a perceber que o extermínio total da tribo indígena dos kaajapukugi se deu por variados acontecimentos que se interligam. Para tal leitura tomamos por base, para além dos conceitos críticos e literários, relacionados à estética literária, também nos servirão como aporte estudos referentes ao espaço e a ambientação, tais como Lima Barreto e o espaço romanesco, de Osman Lins, Espaço e romance, de Antônio Dimas, entre outros.This article aims to analyze questions about the loss of spatiality in the construction of the plot in the work A morte eo meteoro, by Joca Reiners Terron, written in 2019. Narrative in four chapters entitled: Grande Evil; Delete the last name; No more dying and Cosmogony, in it the story is told, which takes place in a future not too distant from the present, in a destroyed Amazon. And that is told to us by a narrator, whose name is not mentioned in the work. During the plot, the spaces and settings are constructed in such a way as to make the reader realize that the total extermination of the indigenous tribe of the Kaajapukugi took place through various interconnected events. For this reading, we take as a basis, in addition to critical and literary concepts related to literary aesthetics, studies referring to space and setting will also serve us, such as Lima Barreto and the novel space, by Osman Lins, Space and novel, by Antônio Dimas, among others


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    O presente trabalho aborda a adoção à brasileira ou simulada, que ocorre quando os adotantes não seguem os procedimentos exigidos por Lei, registrando filho de outrem em nome próprio, sendo tal situação considerada ilegal, tendo em vista que não cumpre os requisitos exigidos para o regular processo da adoção. O presente artigo objetiva analisar a constitucionalização do direito civil e a relevância do princípio constitucional da dignidade da pessoa humana, teorias aplicadas em alguns casos de prática da adoção simulada. Possui como método de investigação a pesquisa bibliográfica e a análise de julgados, com uma abordagem qualitativa

    O panorama das produções científicas referente à contabilidade ambiental nos anos de 2011 a 2021: uma revisão bibliométrica: The overview of scientific production regarding environmental accounting in the years 2011 to 2021: a bibliographic review

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    Este artigo traz o objetivo de mapear e analisar a configuração da produção científica internacional sobre contabilidade ambiental, utilizando as bases de dados internacionais ISI Web of Science (Wos) e Scopus. Usou-se a metodologia de revisão bibliométrica de literatura e seguindo as leis de Bradford, Lotka e Zipf analisou-se os resultados que abordavam o tema. Foram utilizados os softwares R e Excel para tratar os dados. Segundo os resultados os autores que mais se destacam internacionalmente são Matias Laine, Collin Dey e Tung Dao Nguyen e a maior parte dos autores que publicam sobre o assunto são do Reino Unido e Itália com um total de 24 e 17 publicações respectivamente. As publicações sobre o tema possuem uma tendência significativamente positiva, porém em alguns anos observados ocorreu um decréscimo no número de publicações


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    Brazil has the largest continuous area of mangrove forests in the world, the Amazon Macrotidal Mangrove Coast (AMMC). The objective of the present study is to simulate the response of eastern Amazonian mangroves to sea-level rise, and to produce a vulnerability assessment for this section of the Brazilian coast. We used a spatially explicit model, based on cellular automata and Geographic Information System (GIS) to identify resistance patterns, migration and/or inundation of these mangroves for different events of sea-level rise (SLR). The simulation considers 90 elevation events from 0.00318 m to 0.2862 m according to an arithmetic progression of reason 0.00318 m for the time interval from 2010 to 2100. The adopted SLR rate was 3.18 mm / year (0.00318 m / year), this rate corresponds to an average of sea elevation values observed for the Brazilian coast during the mid-twentieth century and early twenty-first century. At the end of the simulation (year 2100), the original mangrove area (4,180 km2) was reduced to 2,916 km2, representing a loss of 30.24%. Our simulation also showed significant landward migration of the mangroves, and the modeled loss of the original mangrove area was compensated by a net addition of 301 km2 of new mangroves inland, a net increase of 7.2% in the total mangrove area (4,481 km2 in 2100). These results suggest that mangrove forests in the AMMC can present a pattern of area increase and migration to the continent from the projected SLR. These findings can help the identification of migration corridors for the Amazonian mangroves and the development of adaptation strategies in face of impending SLR

    Environmental education in water resources management based on environmental licensing model

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    No Brasil, a concepção das bases teórico-metodológicas para implementação prática da educação ambiental na gestão de recursos hídricos encontra-se em estágio inicial. No entanto, no licenciamento ambiental, essas bases apresentam amadurecimento e possibilidade de contribuírem para a democratização da sociedade e superação das injustiças ambientais. O objetivo deste estudo, nesse sentido, consiste em discutir a educação ambiental no licenciamento e na gestão dos recursos hídricos, na perspectiva crítico-comparativa, com o propósito de subsidiar o avanço dessas práticas educativas. À semelhança do que ocorre no licenciamento, os impactos gerados pelo usuário de recursos hídricos podem ser mitigados ou compensados por meio de condicionantes de outorga, como programas de educação ambiental. Esta proposta preenche lacuna, no sentido de que usuários que não tiveram exigências no processo de licenciamento, ou não necessitaram de licença ambiental, ainda assim contribuiriam para a sustentabilidade dos recursos hídricos, capacitando a sociedade civil organizada para a gestão participativa das águas, por meio do desenvolvimento de Programas de Educação Ambiental.In Brazil, the theoretical-methodological basis for practical implementation of environmental education for water resources management is at its early stages. However, it presents for environmental licensing maturity and opportunity to contribute significantly to fulfill an agenda for democratization and to overcome environmental injustices. The aim of this paper was to link the environmental education in the licensing with it in the management of water resources. It involved a critical and comparative analysis in order to contribute to the advancement of these educational practices. Similar to what occurs in the licensing, the impacts generated by the use of water could be mitigated or even have some kind of compensation by imposing constraints on the water concession term towards the presentation of an environmental education program associated to the impacts arising from such activities. This proposal also fills in the gap as the users who do not have requirements in the licensing process or did not require an environmental license would still contribute towards water resources sustainability, empowering the civil society for participatory water management through the environmental education program developed