477 research outputs found

    Analytic real-time analysis and timed automata: a hybrid methodology for the performance analysis of embedded real-time systems

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    This paper presents a compositional and hybrid approach for the performance analysis of distributed real-time systems. The developed methodology abstracts system components by either flow-oriented and purely analytic descriptions or by state-based models in the form of timed automata. The interaction among the heterogeneous components is modeled by streams of discrete events. In total this yields a hybrid framework for the compositional analysis of embedded systems. It supplements contemporary techniques for the following reasons: (a) state space explosion as intrinsic to formal verification is limited to the level of isolated components; (b) computed performance metrics such as buffer sizes, delays and utilization rates are not overly pessimistic, because coarse-grained analytic models are used only for components that conform to the stateless model of computation. For demonstrating the usefulness of the presented ideas, a corresponding tool-chain has been implemented. It is used to investigate the performance of a two-staged computing system, where one stage exhibits state-dependent behavior that is only coarsely coverable by a purely analytic and stateless component abstraction. Finally, experiments are performed to ascertain the scalability and the accuracy of the proposed approac

    energy related catalysis

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    by addition of alkali metals as promoters [13] Adding alkali(oxides) to the surface of a transition-metal induces local electrical fields.This allows one to exploit the fact that the N2 dissociation transition state has a larger dipole moment than adsorbed N. Therefore, the scaling relation line in Fig. 1a is shifted downwards resulting in a circumvention of the pure-metal scaling relation and a considerably better catalyst.These industrial advancements can be contrasted to the naturally occurring systems as enzymes including nitrogenase. Despite that this biological system is known to be able to make ammonia at ambient temperatures and pressure, it is a very inefficient process. Hence, not only do we need to find inorganic catalyst but they have to be scalable andmore efficient than the naturally occurring process. The challenge remains to develop a systematic approach to understanding effects like this in order to give us a toolbox of strategies to design radically better catalysts. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

    Mehrsprachigkeit in Südtirol aus dem Blickwinkel ladinischsprachiger Kinder

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    Südtirol ist ein Land, in dem heute drei anerkannte Sprachgruppen, nämlich die deutsche, die italienische und die ladinische, friedlich miteinander leben. Doch warum Ladinisch heutzutage innerhalb dieser Provinz nur mehr in Gröden und im Gadertal Verwendung findet und wie weit und hart der Weg bis hin zur Autonomie des Landes war, darauf wird in einem historischen Abriss, dem ersten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit, kurz eingegangen. Durch das Zusammenleben deutsch-, italienisch- und ladinischsprachiger Menschen ergeben sich verschiedene Formen der Mehrsprachigkeit, die in unterschiedlichen Kontexten gelebt und gefördert werden. Für die empirische Untersuchung wurde der qualitative Forschungsansatz gewählt und da zwei zwölfjährige ladinischsprachige Kinder, die eine ladinische Mittelschule besuchen, befragt wurden, war es notwendig, zuerst die wesentlichen Zielsetzungen dieses Schultyps aufzuzeigen. Die Interviews vermitteln einen Einblick in die Sprachbiografie eines Mädchens aus Gröden und eines Burschen aus dem Gadertal und es wurde gezeigt, wie die beiden Multilingualismus im privaten und im öffentlichen Bereich erleb(t)en. Im Laufe der Gespräche sollten sie ebenfalls kleine Übersetzungsversuche durchführen und ein Sprachenporträt ausmalen. Im Anschluss wurden ihre verbalen und nonverbalen Aussagen miteinander verglichen, interpretiert, reflektiert und mit ausgewählter Fachliteratur in Beziehung gesetzt. Dabei konnte festgestellt werden, wie sie den Sprachen Deutsch, Italienisch, Ladinisch und Englisch gegenüberstehen, wann und wo sie diese selbst einsetzen und wie sie auch in ihrem späteren Berufsleben noch von ihrem Sprachenrepertoire profitieren können.South Tyrol is an area in which members of the three accepted linguistic groups German, Italian and Ladin live together peacefully today. In the first chapter of this thesis, a short historic outline of the linguistic developments in the province of South Tyrol casts light on why Ladin is only being used in the areas of Val Gardena (Gröden) and Val Badia (Gadertal) today as well as on the long and difficult path towards autonomy for South Tyrol. The coexistence of the German, Italian and Ladin speech communities have developed various forms of multilingualism. An empirical study, following the quantitative research method, has been conducted using data from interviews with two twelve-year-old Ladin-speaking children who attend a local secondary school. Hence, the main aims and objectives of this particular school type had to be explained. These interviews explore the linguistic biographies of a girl from Val Gardena (Gröden) and that of a boy from Val Badia (Gadertal). They analyze the way in which these two children experience their multilingualism in both public and private spheres, and are backed up by “Sprachenporträts” – silhouettes of a male or female which the children were asked to fill with the multiple languages they speak –, giving further insights into their very own perceptions of lived multilingualism. In addition, some attempts at translating a few frequently-used terms were made. Following the interviews, I went about comparing, reflecting on and interpreting the children’s verbal and nonverbal utterances, before finally drawing a larger picture by linking these results to selected secondary sources on the topic. Subsequently, their attitudes towards German, Italian, Ladin and English could be identified while also exploring the domains in which either one of these languages are used by the South Tyrolian boy and girl. Finally, predictions regarding the usefulness of their broad linguistic repertoire for their future lives and careers are made

    Preparation, performances and reaction mechanism for the synthesis of H2O2 from H2 and O2 based on palladium membranes

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    Taking a critically informed approach, this innovative text examines emerging approaches to social procurement within the context of New Public Government (NPG), and examines the practices of social procurement across Europe, North America and Australia. Considering both the possibilities and limitations of social procurement, and the types of value it can generate, this book also provides empirically driven insights into the practicalities of 'triple bottom line' procurement, the related challenges of measuring social value and the management of both the strategic and operational dimensions of procurement processes. As such it will be invaluable reading for all those interest in social services, public governance and social enterprise

    Catalysis by hybrid sp2/sp3 nanodiamonds and their role in the design of advanced nanocarbon materials

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    Hybrid sp2/sp3nanocarbons, in particular sp3-hybridized ultra-dispersed nanodiamonds and derivative materials, such as the sp3/sp2-hybridized bucky nanodiamonds and sp2-hybridized onion-like carbons, represent a rather interesting class of catalysts still under consideration

    Green Approaches to Carbon Nanostructure-Based Biomaterials

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    The family of carbon nanostructures comprises several members, such as fullerenes, nano-onions, nanodots, nanodiamonds, nanohorns, nanotubes, and graphene-based materials. Their unique electronic properties have attracted great interest for their highly innovative potential in nanomedicine. However, their hydrophobic nature often requires organic solvents for their dispersibility and processing. In this review, we describe the green approaches that have been developed to produce and functionalize carbon nanomaterials for biomedical applications, with a special focus on the very latest reports

    Italienisches, europäisches und internationales Immaterialgüterrecht

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