18 research outputs found

    Improving the teaching-learning process through psychoeducational advising

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    regulated learning, or more recently, in developing the competency ¿learning how to learn¿. Research has shown substantial differences between those students and teachers who work along these lines, as compared to others who do not. This paper studies the effect of an Advisory Program with regard to the way teaching and learning are designed and developed (carried out). Our point of reference is the DEDEPRO¿ model (DEsign, DEvelopment and PROduct), referring to regulation and self-regulation of the teaching and learning process (De la Fuente & Justicia, 2001, 2004, 2005). The research takes place in the area of educational guidance, as part of the advisory function offered by the provincial-level Office of Guidance to the Guidance Departments at the secondary schools. Method: A total of 21 teachers and 561 students participated in this experience in educational innovation. A quasi-experimental design was used, with pretest and posttest measurements, and a non-equivalent control group. Based on methodological strategies which the teacher incorporated into his or her daily practice, differences were measured using the Scales for Interactive Assessment of the Teaching-Learning Process, IATLP (De la Fuente & Martínez, 2004), both student and teacher versions. In order to prepare the teachers, a training process was carried out, supported by the Teacher Development Center in Almería, and in collaboration with Education & Psychology I+D+i (Almería), which performed an advisory role in the design, intervention, measurements and data processing, as well as EOS (Almería), who provided the instruments. Results: Scores obtained from the inferential analyses showed that the intervention produced significant effects in specific teaching and learning behaviors, as expected, in comparison to the control group. These were more profound in the area of teaching and learning process Design. Discussion: This experience shows that it is possible to improve the competency of teaching how to learn (for teaching staff) and in learning how to learn (for students), in ecological contexts, through the Guidance Department, especially if the latter takes on its potential functions in Research & Development & Innovation (R&D&I). Improving the Teaching-Learning Process through Psychoeducational Advising Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, N. 13 Vol 5(3), 2007. ISSN:1696-2095. pp:853-878 - 855 - Keywords: self-regulated learning, regulated teaching, DEDEPRO model, student-centered teaching, Psychoeducational consulting

    Autorregulación personal y percepción de los comportamientos escolares desadaptativos

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    Este estudio tiene como objetivo comprobar en qué grado la capacidad de autorregulación, en la adolescencia media, incide en su percepción de los problemas de desadaptación escolar. La muestra está constituida por 888 adolescentes de 12 a 17 años de edad. El estudio emplea una metodología inferencial, utilizando dos instrumentos, una versión castellana del Cuestionario de Autorregulación Personal (2003, 2007) y el Cuestionario de Problemas de Convivencia Escolar (2007) para medir las variables objeto de estudio. Los resultados de los análisis inferenciales (anovas) sugieren que el grado de autorregulación personal es interdependiente respecto a la percepción de los problemas de desadaptación y convivencia en los centros escolares. Se discuten los resultados e implicaciones para futuras investigaciones

    Validation study of the questionnaire on school maladjustmet problems (QSMP)

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the exploratory and confi rmatory structure, as well as other psychometric properties, of the Cuestionario de Problemas de Convivencia Escolar (CPCE; in Spanish, the Questionnaire on School Maladjustment Problems [QSMP]), using a sample of Spanish adolescents. The instrument was administered to 60 secondary education teachers (53.4% females and 46.6% males) between the ages of 28 and 54 years (M= 41.2, SD= 11.5), who evaluated a total of 857 adolescent students. The fi rst-order exploratory factor analysis identifi ed 7 factors, explaining a total variance of 62%. A second-order factor analysis yielded three dimensions that explain 84% of the variance. A confi rmatory factor analysis was subsequently performed in order to reduce the number of factors obtained in the exploratory analysis as well as the number of items. Lastly, we present the results of reliability, internal consistency, and validity indices. These results and their implications for future research and for the practice of educational guidance and intervention are discussed in the conclusions

    Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ) in Spanish Adolescents: Factor Structure and Rasch Analysis

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    Background: The Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ) is an instrument employed to measure the generalized ability to regulate behavior. Self-regulation is related to the management of risk behaviors, such as drug abuse or anti-social behaviors. The SRQ has been used in young adult samples. However, some risk behaviors are increasing among adolescents. The aim of this study is to examine the psychometric properties of the SRQ among Spanish adolescents. Methods: 845 high-school Spanish students (N = 443; 52.43% women), from 12 to 17 years old and ranging from the first to the fourth year of studies, completed the SRQ. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was carried out in order to establish structural adequacy. Then, a study of each subscale was conducted using the Rasch model for dimensionality, adjustment of the sample questions, functionality of the response categories, and reliability. Results: While controlling for method effects, the data showed goodness of fit with the four-factor solution and 17 items (Goal setting, Decision making, Learning from mistakes, and Perseverance), and the four sub-scales were unidimensional according to the Rasch analysis. The Rasch model itself was shown to be reliable, but not at the level of persons. This means that the instrument was not sensitive enough to discriminate people with different self-regulation levels. Discussion: These results support the use of the Spanish Short SRQ in adolescent samples. Some suggestions are made to improve the instrument, particularly in its application as a diagnostic tool

    Students factors affecting undergraduates perceptions of their teaching and learning process within ECTS experience

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    Introduction: In the present study, we investigated the potential factors that influenced the level of students satisfaction with the teaching¿learning process (TLP), from the perspective of students participating in the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) experience. Method: A total of 1490 students from the Universities of Almería and Granada (Spain) participated in an evaluation of their class discipline area. They completed the new revised protocol for evaluating the ECTS experience. Analyses of variance were carried out, taking the following factors as independent variables: student¿s grade average, year in school, study discipline, credit load in terms of ECTS credits assigned to a subject, the e-learning approach. Perception of the TLP was used as the dependent variable. Results: The data analyses showed variability of the degree of statistically significance among the factors that influenced students¿ perceptions of the TLP. These factors included: Student¿s grade average (in favor of high performers), year in school (in favor of earlier years), ECTS load (in favor of subjects with a medium load of credits), and e-learning (in favor of its use). These research findings provided evidence to explore the delineation of a potential profile of factors that trigger a favorable perception of the TLP. Discussion and Conclusion: The present findings certainly have implications to deepen our understanding of the core beliefs, commitment, and the experience in shaping the implementation of the European Higher Education Area through the ECTS

    Implications of Unconnected Micro, Molecular, and Molar Level Research in Psychology: The Case of Executive Functions, Self-Regulation, and External Regulation

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    The proliferation of research production in Psychology as a science has been increasing exponentially. This situation leads to the necessity of organizing the research production into different levels of analysis that make it possible to delimit each research domain. The objective of this analysis is to clearly distinguish the different levels of research: micro-analysis, molecular, and molar. Each level is presented, along with an analysis of its benefits and limitations. Next, this analysis is applied to the topics of Executive Functions, Self-Regulation, and External Regulation. Conclusions, limitations, and implications for future research are offered, with a view toward a better connection of research production across the different levels, and an allusion to ethical considerations

    How has the COVID-19 crisis affected the academic stress of university students? The role of teachers and students

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    The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have required substantial adjustments in terms of university teaching¿learning processes. The aim of this study was to verify whether there were significant differences between the academic year of 2020 and the two preceding years in factors and symptoms and stress. A total of 642 university students (ages 18¿25 years) participated by filling out validated self-reports during the months from March to August 2020. Using an ex post facto design, SEM analyses and simple and multiple ANOVAs were performed. Structural results showed that stress factors from the teaching process had a predictive value for the learning process, emotions, and academic burnout, and being a man was a factor predicting negative emotion. In a similar way, inferential results revealed no significant effect of academic year but did show an effect of gender on stress experiences during the pandemic. Aside from certain specific aspects, there was no significant global effect of the year 2020 on factors and symptoms of stress. The results showed that studying in the year of the COVID-19 outbreak did not have a significant effect on stress triggered by the teaching process. From these results, we draw implications for specific guidance interventions with university teachers and students

    Estudio de la validez interna y externa de un cuestionario sobre conductas problemáticas para la convivencia escolar según el profesor

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    A poll based on the analyses of discipline reports was made up. These reports are given by teachers of two public high schools in Almeria. Starting from this material, a questionnaire including the following categories was elaborated: undisciplined, antisocial, bullying and disruptive behaviour. The objective of this study is to analyse the validity and reliability of such instrument for the evaluation of interpersonal relationship problem at high school, according to teachers. In order to do this, we have studied the internal consistence. This typology differs its categories according a measure of social competence evaluated by teacher. In this way, we can consider it as an interesting instrument, capable of integrate the evaluation of different problem relational behaviours in high school, nowadays these problems are supposed from different perspectives of study

    The role of gender and age in the emotional well-being outcomes of young adults

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    Young adults face different stressors in their transition to college. Negative emotions such as stress can emerge from the demands they face. This study aimed at gaining an improved understanding of the role that gender and age play in the well-being of young adults. Coping strategies, resilience, self-regulation, and positivity were selected as indicators of well-being. Descriptive and inferential analysis have been conducted. Results show that well-being varies significantly with age and gender. Gender was predominantly involved in the acquisition of the well-being outcomes, highly predicting problem-focused coping strategies. No interaction effects were found between gender and age. An improved understanding of the developmental factors involved in well-being outcomes will enlighten future interventions aimed at improving young people’s resources to face adversity