15 research outputs found

    Modelo básico epidemiológico SIR para el COVID-19: caso las Regiones del Perú

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    In this work, a basic epidemiological model is used to determine the evolution of COVID-19 in each of the regions of Peru. For determining the parameters of the model which characterize a certain epidemic, the reports of infected, deceased and recovered people provided by the Regional Health Management of Peru are used. As a result, we obtained the configuration of the infected, susceptible and removed which are consistent with the existing bibliography, thus we also obtain a time interval in which there is a considerable number of infected, the maximum number of infected and the date on which it occurs.En este trabajo se utiliza un modelo epidemiológico básico para determinar la evolución del COVID-19 en cada una de las regiones del Perú. Para determinar los parámetros del modelo que caracteriza una determinada epidemia, se utiliza los reportes de las personas infectadas, fallecidas y recuperadas proporcionados por las Gerencias Regionales de Salud del Perú. Como resultado, se obtiene la configuración de los infectados, susceptibles y removidos que concuerda con la bibliografía existente, así también se obtiene un intervalo de tiempo en que hay un considerable número de infectados, el máximo de infectados y la fecha en que ocurre

    Magnesium Inhibits Wnt/β-Catenin Activity and Reverses the Osteogenic Transformation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

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    Magnesium reduces vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) calcification in vitro but the mechanism has not been revealed so far. This work used only slightly increased magnesium levels and aimed at determining: a) whether inhibition of magnesium transport into the cell influences VSMC calcification, b) whether Wnt/β-catenin signaling, a key mediator of osteogenic differentiation, is modified by magnesium and c) whether magnesium can influence already established vascular calcification. Human VSMC incubated with high phosphate (3.3 mM) and moderately elevated magnesium (1.4 mM) significantly reduced VSMC calcification and expression of the osteogenic transcription factors Cbfa-1 and osterix, and up-regulated expression of the natural calcification inhibitors matrix Gla protein (MGP) and osteoprotegerin (OPG). The protective effects of magnesium on calcification and expression of osteogenic markers were no longer observed in VSMC cultured with an inhibitor of cellular magnesium transport (2-aminoethoxy-diphenylborate [2-APB]). High phosphate induced activation of Wnt/β-catenin pathway as demonstrated by the translocation of β-catenin into the nucleus, increased expression of the frizzled-3 gene, and downregulation of Dkk-1 gene, a specific antagonist of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. The addition of magnesium however inhibited phosphate-induced activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. Furthermore, TRPM7 silencing using siRNA resulted in activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. Additional experiments were performed to test the ability of magnesium to halt the progression of already established VSMC calcification in vitro. The delayed addition of magnesium decreased calcium content, down-regulated Cbfa-1 and osterix and up-regulated MGP and OPG, when compared with a control group. This effect was not observed when 2-APB was added. In conclusion, magnesium transport through the cell membrane is important to inhibit VSMC calcification in vitro. Inhibition of Wnt/β-catenin by magnesium is one potential intracellular mechanism by which this anti-calcifying effect is achieved

    El hexametonio en la encefalopatía hipertensiva

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    Routine treatment of hypertension through new powerful sympatholytic agents in order to achieve the reduction of blood pressure for long periods of time and in the hope of preventing vascular impairment is usually practiced by some and used with many other reserves. Instead, there are compelling indications to lower blood pressure, such as hypertensive encephalopathy, sub-arachnoid haemorrhage and left heart failure.El tratamiento rutinario de la hipertensión arterial por medio de los nuevos potentes agentes simpaticolíticos con el fin de conseguir el descenso de la presión arterial por períodos de tiempo prolongados y en la esperanza de prevenir el deterioro vascular, es practicado habitualmente por unos y empleado con muchas reservas por otros. En cambio, hay indicaciones perentorias para rebajar la presión sanguínea, tales como la encefalopatía hipertensiva, la hemorragia sub-aracnoidea y la insuficiencia cardíaca izquierda

    El hexametonio en la encefalopatía hipertensiva

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    Routine treatment of hypertension through new powerful sympatholytic agents in order to achieve the reduction of blood pressure for long periods of time and in the hope of preventing vascular impairment is usually practiced by some and used with many other reserves. Instead, there are compelling indications to lower blood pressure, such as hypertensive encephalopathy, sub-arachnoid haemorrhage and left heart failure.El tratamiento rutinario de la hipertensión arterial por medio de los nuevos potentes agentes simpaticolíticos con el fin de conseguir el descenso de la presión arterial por períodos de tiempo prolongados y en la esperanza de prevenir el deterioro vascular, es practicado habitualmente por unos y empleado con muchas reservas por otros. En cambio, hay indicaciones perentorias para rebajar la presión sanguínea, tales como la encefalopatía hipertensiva, la hemorragia sub-aracnoidea y la insuficiencia cardíaca izquierda

    Implementation of a mobile application for reservation services in veterinarians, restaurants, beauty salons and social clubs

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    Tras la situación de pandemia los negocios se han visto en la necesidad de hacer uso de las tecnologías, migrar a este escenario no ha sido fácil para muchos, de igual forma los usuarios también han tenido que aprender a utilizarlas, puesto la atención brindada actualmente por la mayoría de las empresas es con cita, por ende es necesario realizar una reserva. Esta forma de interacción virtual empresa-cliente presenta muchos inconvenientes al ser poco prácticos para ambas partes, algunas plataformas poco amigables e intuitivas, en base a ello nace la idea de negocio de implementar un aplicativo que haga fácil esta interacción, ahorrando tiempo, mostrando diversas alternativas de servicios a elección, de una manera didáctica, sencilla y segura. Mediante un análisis externo e interno de mercado, la elaboración de un plan económico al igual que de operaciones, se llega la conclusión de que la idea propuesta es rentable y beneficiosa para los actores involucrados, considerando las tendencias y necesidades de las personas se seleccionaron cuatro sectores: restaurantes, salones de belleza, veterinarias, clubes sociales.After the pandemic situation, businesses have seen the need to make use of technologies, migrating to this scenario has not been easy for many, in the same way users have also had to learn to use them, given the attention currently provided by most companies are by appointment, therefore a reservation is necessary. This form of virtual company-client interaction has many drawbacks as it is impractical for both parties, some platforms are unfriendly and intuitive, based on this the business idea of ​​implementing an application that makes this interaction easy, saving time, showing various Choice of service alternatives, in a didactic, simple and safe way. Through an external and internal analysis of the market, the development of an economic plan as well as operations, the conclusion is reached that the proposed idea is profitable and beneficial for the actors involved, considering the trends and needs of the people, four were selected sectors: restaurants, beauty salons, veterinarians, social clubs.Trabajo de investigació

    Magnesium inactivates Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway in VSMC.

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    <p>Relative mRNA expression on VSMC cultured with 3.3+1.4 mM Mg, and 3.3 mM P+1.4 mM Mg+10 µM 2-APB. Control group with 0.9 mM P+0.8 mM Mg was also included. <b>(A)</b> Frizzled 3, <b>(B)</b> DKK-1, <b>(C)</b> VCAN/versican, <b>(D)</b> cyclin D1, and <b>(E)</b> c-Myc. <b>a</b>, P<0.05 vs controls; <b>b</b>, P<0.05 vs VSMC with 3.3 mM P+0.8 mM Mg; and <b>c</b>, P<0.05 vs VSMC with 3.3 mM P+1.4 mM Mg. Bars are the mean±SE of three experiments in triplicate.</p

    siRNA inhibition of TRPM7 activates Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway in VSMC.

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    <p>Relative mRNA expression of VSMC transfected with siRNA of TRPM7 24-type VSMC were included as controls. <b>(A)</b> TRPM7, <b>(B)</b> Frizzled 3, <b>(C)</b> VCAN/versican, <b>(D)</b> DKK-1. <b>a</b>, P<0.05 vs controls. Bars are the mean±SE of two experiments in triplicate.</p

    Inhibition of TRPM7 abrogates protective effect of magnesium on calcification and gene expression on VSMC.

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    <p>VSMC were cultured with 3.3+1.4 mM Mg with the TRPM7 inhibitor 2-APB (10 µM). VSMC with 3.3 mM P+0.8 mM Mg were also included. The graphics are <b>(A)</b> calcium content, and the relative mRNA expression of <b>(B)</b> Cbfa-1, <b>(C)</b> MGP, and <b>(D)</b> OPG. <b>a</b>, P<0.05 vs VSMC with 3.3 mM P+0.8 mM Mg; <b>b</b>, P<0.05 vs VSMC with 3.3 mM P+1.4 mM Mg. Bars are the mean±SE of three experiments in quadruplicate.</p