106 research outputs found

    I folkets tjeneste: Public service som omstridt begreb

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    The concept of public service has always been contested. A history of the concept shows at least five different uses or meanings since the early nineties. Public service may refer to the democratic education of citizens, cultural enlightenment in a variety of senses of Bildung, or to integration in a national heritage. It may be employed as the ‘broad’ concept of public service, meaning a mixture of quality and something for everybody, which makes it possible to keep viewers and listeners loyal to a particular channel. Finally, TV 2 has given the concept a new liberal-populist meaning of ‘meeting the people where it is’. The analysis shows that several of these meanings are diametrically opposed to each other

    VĂŚrdier i samfundsvidenskabelig forskning

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    Medborgerskab - ikke bare et dannelsesbegreb

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    Medborgerskab - ikke bare et dannelsesbegre

    The civic turn of immigrant integration policies in the Scandinavian welfare states

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    This special issue addresses the question of how to understand the civic turn within immigrant integration in the West towards programs and instruments, public discourses and political intentions, which aim to condition, incentivize, and shape through socialization immigrants into ‘citizens’. Empirically, it focuses on the less studied Scandinavian cases of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. In this introduction, we situate the contributions to this special issue within the overall debate on civic integration and convergence. We introduce the three cases, critically discuss the (liberal) convergence thesis and its descriptive and explanatory claims, and explain why studying the Scandinavian welfare states can further our understanding of the nature of the civic turn and its driving forces. Before concluding, we discuss whether civic integration policies actually work

    Medborgerlig integration pĂĽ muslimske friskoler

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    Danske muslimske friskoler har i længere tid været i mediernes og politikernes kritiske søgelys, og den socialdemokratiske regering har en erklæret intention om, at de skal lukkes (miste deres tilskud, hvis de har over 50 pct. elever af ”udenlandsk oprindelse”). Man mener, at forældres ret til selv at vælge skoleform – for disse skolers vedkommende – bør vige af hensyn til elevernes medborgerlige integration og autonomi, der anses at blive skadet af friskolernes religiøse etos og/eller adskillelsen fra etnisk danske børn. Denne artikel afrapporterer en nylig registerdataberiget spørgeskemaundersøgelse af medborgerlig integration blandt muslimske friskoler og folkeskoler – bl.a. om national identitet, social og institutionel tillid, gruppebias, liberale værdier, politisk interesse og effektivitetsfølelse. Resultaterne indikerer ikke, at muslimske niendeklasseelever i friskolerne er dårligere integreret end tilsvarende elever i folkeskolen

    Videnregnskabet pü vej til børsen

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    I de seneste par ür har behovet for videnregnskaber vÌret heftigt debatteret. Denne artikel beskriver kortfattet, hvad et videnregnskab er, og med udgangspunkt i investorers og analytikeres informationsbehov beskrives det, hvorfor videnregnskaber og børsprospekter har ligheder. Ved hjÌlp af en model til brug for analyser af virksomheders eksterne kommunikation vises desuden for en enkelt børsintroduktion, Lundbeck A/S, hvorledes et prospekt kan analyseres som et videnregnskab

    Assessments of citizenship criteria:are immigrants more liberal?

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    The literature on citizenship policies is flourishing, yet we know little of which naturalisation requirements majorities and minorities find reasonable, and how they view existing citizenship regimes. Drawing on original survey data with young adults in Norway (N = 3535), comprising immigrants and descendants with origins from Iraq, Pakistan, Poland, Somalia and Turkey, as well as a nonimmigrant majority group, this article examines whether perceptions of ideal citizenship criteria and assessments of Norway’s current rules differ between groups. In terms of ideal citizenship criteria, we find a striking similarity across groups when looking at six different dimensions of citizenship policy. When merged into an index and estimated in a multivariate regression model, we find that both immigrants and descendants are significantly more liberal than natives are, yet the differences are small. When assessing the semi-strict citizenship regime in Norway, we find that immigrants are significantly more positive towards the current rules than natives. The results lend little support to recent work on ‘strategic’ and ‘instrumental’ citizenship and point instead to a close to universal conception of the terms of membership acquisition in Norway. This suggests that states may operate with moderate integration requirements while maintaining the legitimacy of the citizenship institution
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