162 research outputs found

    Legal Remedies for “Cloud-Seeding” Activities: Nuisance or Trespass?

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    Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) and intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) of proteins are very common and instrumental for cellular signaling. Recently, a number of studies have investigated the kinetic binding mechanisms of IDPs and IDRs. These results allow us to draw conclusions about the energy landscape for the coupled binding and folding of disordered proteins. The association rate constants of IDPs cover a wide range (10(5)-10(9) M-1 s(-1)) and are largely governed by long-range charge-charge interactions, similarly to interactions between well-folded proteins. Off-rate constants also differ significantly among IDPs (with half-lives of up to several minutes) but are usually around 0.1-1000 s(-1), allowing for rapid dissociation of complexes. Likewise, affinities span from pM to mu M suggesting that the low-affinity high-specificity concept for IDPs is not straightforward. Overall, it appears that binding precedes global folding although secondary structure elements such as helices may form before the protein-protein interaction. Short IDPs bind in apparent two-state reactions whereas larger IDPs often display complex multi-step binding reactions. While the two extreme cases of two-step binding (conformational selection and induced fit) or their combination into a square mechanism is an attractive model in theory, it is too simplistic in practice. Experiment and simulation suggest a more complex energy landscape in which IDPs bind targets through a combination of conformational selection before binding (e. g., secondary structure formation) and induced fit after binding (global folding and formation of short-range intermolecular interactions)


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    Proteins that contain long disordered regions are prevalent in the proteome and frequently associated with diseases. However, the mechanisms by which such intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) recognize their targets are not well understood. Here, we report the first experimental investigation of the interaction kinetics of the nuclear co-activator binding domain of CREB-binding protein and the activation domain from the p160 transcriptional co-activator for thyroid hormone and retinoid receptors. Both protein domains are intrinsically disordered in the free state and synergistically fold upon binding each other. Using the stopped-flow technique, we found that the binding reaction is fast, with an association rate constant of 3 x 10(7) M-1 s(-1) at 277 K. Mutation of a conserved buried intermolecular salt bridge showed that electrostatics govern the rapid association. Furthermore, upon mutation of the salt bridge or at high salt concentration, an additional kinetic phase was detected (similar to 20 and similar to 40 s(-1), respectively, at 277 K), suggesting that the salt bridge may steer formation of the productive bimolecular complex in an intramolecular step. Finally, we directly measured slow kinetics for the IDP domains (similar to 1 s(-1) at 277 K) related to conformational transitions upon binding. Together, the experiments demonstrate that the interaction involves several steps and accumulation of intermediate states. Our data are consistent with an induced fit mechanism, in agreement with previous simulations. We propose that the slow transitions may be a consequence of the multipartner interactions of IDPs

    Dissecting Inter-domain Cooperativity in the Folding of a Multi Domain Protein.

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    Correct protein folding underlies all cellular functions. While there are detailed descriptions and a good understanding of protein folding pathways for single globular domains there is a paucity of quantitative data regarding folding of multidomain proteins. We have here investigated the folding of a three-domain supramodule from the protein PSD-95, consisting of one PDZ domain, one SH3 domain and one guanylate kinase-like (GK) domain. This supramodule has previously been shown to work as one functional unit with regard to ligand binding. We used equilibrium and kinetic folding experiments to demonstrate that the PDZ domain folds faster and independently from the SH3-GK tandem, which folds as one cooperative unit. However, concurrent folding of the PDZ domain slows down folding of SH3-GK by non-native interactions, resulting in an off-pathway folding intermediate. Our data contribute to an emerging description of multidomain protein folding in which individual domains cannot a priori be viewed as separate folding units

    Problems Affecting Labor

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    Much experimental work has been devoted in comparing the folding behavior of proteins sharing the same fold but different sequence. The recent design of proteins displaying very high sequence identities but different 3D structure allows the unique opportunity to address the protein-folding problem from a complementary perspective. Here we explored by ℙ-value analysis the pathways of folding of three different heteromorphic pairs, displaying increasingly high-sequence identity (namely, 30%, 77%, and 88%), but different structures called G A (a 3-α helix fold) and G B (an α/β fold). The analysis, based on 132 site-directed mutants, is fully consistent with the idea that protein topology is committed very early along the pathway of folding. Furthermore, data reveals that when folding approaches a perfect two-state scenario, as in the case of the G A domains, the structural features of the transition state appear very robust to changes in sequence composition. On the other hand, when folding is more complex and multistate, as for the G Bs, there are alternative nuclei or accessible pathways that can be alternatively stabilized by altering the primary structure. The implications of our results in the light of previous work on the folding of different members belonging to the same protein family are discussed

    Инфекционно-токсический шок в акушерстве и гинекологии

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    CRISPR/Cas9-based inactivation of human papillomavirus oncogenes E6 or E7 induces senescence in cervical cancer cells

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    Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) such as HPV16 and HPV18 can cause cancers of the cervix, anogenital and oropharyngeal sites. Continuous expression of the HPV oncoproteins E6 and E7 are essential for transformation and maintenance of cancer cells. Therefore, therapeutic targeting of E6 or E7 genes can potentially treat HPV-related cancers. Here we report that CRISPR/Cas9-based knockout of E6 or E7 can trigger cellular senescence in HPV18 immortalized HeLa cells. Specifically, E6 or E7-inactivated HeLa cells exhibited characteristic senescence markers like enlarged cell surface area, increased β-galactosidase expression and loss of lamin B1. Since E6 and E7 are bicistronic transcripts, inactivation of HPV18 E6 resulted in knockout of both E6 and E7 and increasing levels of p53/p21 and pRb/p21, respectively. Knockout of HPV18 E7 resulted in decreased E6 expression with activation of pRb/p21 pathway. Taken together, our study demonstrates cellular senescence as an alternative outcome of HPV oncogene inactivation by CRISPR/Cas9