18 research outputs found

    Transposon- and Genome Dynamics in the Fungal Genus Neurospora: Insights from Nearly Gapless Genome Assemblies

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    A large portion of nuclear DNA is composed of transposable element (TE) sequences, whose transposition is controlled by diverse host defense strategies in order to maintain genomic integrity. One such strategy is the fungal-specific Repeat-Induced Point mutation (RIP) that hyper-mutates repetitive DNA sequences. While RIP is found across Fungi, it has been shown to vary in efficiency. The filamentous ascomycete Neurospora crassa has been a pioneer in the study of RIP, but data on TEs and RIP from other species in the genus is limited. In this study, we investigated 18 nearly gapless genome assemblies of ten Neurospora species, which diverged from a common ancestor about 7 MYA, to determine and compare genome-wide TE distribution and their associated RIP patterns. Four of these assemblies, generated by PacBio technology, represent new genomic datasets. We showed that the TE contents between 8.7-18.9% covary with genome sizes that range between 37.8-43.9 Mb. Degraded copies of Long Terminal Repeat (LTR) retrotransposons were abundant among the identified TEs, and these are distributed across the genome at varying frequencies. In all investigated Neurospora genomes, TE sequences had signs of numerous C-to-T substitutions, suggesting that RIP occurred in all species, and accordingly, RIP signatures correlated with TE-dense regions in all genomes. In conclusion, essentially gapless genome assemblies allowed us to identify TEs in Neurospora genomes, and reveal that TEs contribute to genome size variation in this group. Our study suggests that TEs and RIP are highly correlated in each examined Neurospora species, and hence, the pattern of interaction is conserved over the investigated evolutionary timescale. Finally, with our results, we verify that RIP signatures can be used to facilitate the identification of TE-rich region in the genome. The comprehensive genomic dataset of Neurospora is a rich resource for further in-depth analyses of fungal genomes by the community

    Satellite DNA evolution in Corvoidea inferred from short and long reads

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    Satellite DNA (satDNA) is a fast-evolving portion of eukaryotic genomes. The homogeneous and repetitive nature of such satDNA causes problems during the assembly of genomes, and therefore it is still difficult to study it in detail in nonmodel organisms as well as across broad evolutionary timescales. Here, we combined the use of short- and long-read data to explore the diversity and evolution of satDNA between individuals of the same species and between genera of birds spanning ~40 millions of years of bird evolution using birds-of-paradise (Paradisaeidae) and crow (Corvus) species. These avian species highlighted the presence of a GC-rich Corvoidea satellitome composed of 61 satellite families and provided a set of candidate satDNA monomers for being centromeric on the basis of length, abundance, homogeneity and transcription. Surprisingly, we found that the satDNA of crow species rapidly diverged between closely related species while the satDNA appeared more similar between birds-of-paradise species belonging to different genera

    An annotated chromosome-scale reference genome for Eastern black-eared wheatear (Oenanthe melanoleuca).

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    Pervasive convergent evolution and in part high incidences of hybridization distinguish wheatears (songbirds of the genus Oenanthe) as a versatile system to address questions at the forefront of research on the molecular bases of phenotypic and species diversification. To prepare the genomic resources for this venture, we here generated and annotated a chromosome-scale assembly of the Eastern black-eared wheatear (O. melanoleuca). This species is part of the O. hispanica-complex that is characterized by convergent evolution of plumage coloration and high rates of hybridization. The long-read-based male nuclear genome assembly comprises 1.04 Gb in 32 autosomes, the Z chromosome, and the mitogenome. The assembly is highly contiguous (contig N50: 12.6 Mb; scaffold N50: 70 Mb), with 96% of the genome assembled at chromosome level and 95.5% BUSCO completeness. The nuclear genome was annotated with 18,143 protein-coding genes and 31,333 mRNAs (annotation BUSCO completeness: 98.0%), and about 10% of the genome consists of repetitive DNA. The annotated chromosome-scale reference genome of Eastern black-eared wheatear provides a crucial resource for research into the genomics of adaptation and speciation in an intriguing group of passerines

    The avian W chromosome is a refugium for endogenous retroviruses with likely effects on female-biased mutational load and genetic incompatibilities

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    It is a broadly observed pattern that the non-recombining regions of sex-limited chromosomes (Y and W) accumulate more repeats than the rest of the genome, even in species like birds with a low genome-wide repeat content. Here, we show that in birds with highly heteromorphic sex chromosomes, the W chromosome has a transposable element (TE) density of greater than 55% compared to the genome-wide density of less than 10%, and contains over half of all full-length (thus potentially active) endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) of the entire genome. Using RNA-seq and protein mass spectrometry data, we were able to detect signatures of female-specific ERV expression. We hypothesize that the avian W chromosome acts as a refugium for active ERVs, probably leading to female-biased mutational load that may influence female physiology similar to the ‘toxic-Y’ effect in Drosophila males. Furthermore, Haldane's rule predicts that the heterogametic sex has reduced fertility in hybrids. We propose that the excess of W-linked active ERVs over the rest of the genome may be an additional explanatory variable for Haldane's rule, with consequences for genetic incompatibilities between species through TE/repressor mismatches in hybrids. Together, our results suggest that the sequence content of female-specific W chromosomes can have effects far beyond sex determination and gene dosage

    Identifying the causes and consequences of assembly gaps using a multiplatform genome assembly of a bird-of-paradise

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    Genome assemblies are currently being produced at an impressive rate by consortia and individual laboratories. The low costs and increasing efficiency of sequencing technologies now enable assembling genomes at unprecedented quality and contiguity. However, the difficulty in assembling repeat-rich and GC-rich regions (genomic “dark matter”) limits insights into the evolution of genome structure and regulatory networks. Here, we compare the efficiency of currently available sequencing technologies (short/linked/long reads and proximity ligation maps) and combinations thereof in assembling genomic dark matter. By adopting different de novo assembly strategies, we compare individual draft assemblies to a curated multiplatform reference assembly and identify the genomic features that cause gaps within each assembly. We show that a multiplatform assembly implementing long-read, linked-read and proximity sequencing technologies performs best at recovering transposable elements, multicopy MHC genes, GC-rich microchromosomes and the repeat-rich W chromosome. Telomere-to-telomere assemblies are not a reality yet for most organisms, but by leveraging technology choice it is now possible to minimize genome assembly gaps for downstream analysis. We provide a roadmap to tailor sequencing projects for optimized completeness of both the coding and noncoding parts of nonmodel genomes

    Genetic barriers to historical gene flow between cryptic species of alpine bumblebees revealed by comparative population genomics

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    Evidence is accumulating that gene flow commonly occurs between recently diverged species, despite the existence of barriers to gene flow in their genomes. However, we still know little about what regions of the genome become barriers to gene flow and how such barriers form. Here, we compare genetic differentiation across the genomes of bumblebee species living in sympatry and allopatry to reveal the potential impact of gene flow during species divergence and uncover genetic barrier loci. We first compared the genomes of the alpine bumblebee Bombus sylvicola and a previously unidentified sister species living in sympatry in the Rocky Mountains, revealing prominent islands of elevated genetic divergence in the genome that colocalize with centromeres and regions of low recombination. This same pattern is observed between the genomes of another pair of closely related species living in allopatry (B. bifarius and B. vancouverensis). Strikingly however, the genomic islands exhibit significantly elevated absolute divergence (dXY) in the sympatric, but not the allopatric, comparison indicating that they contain loci that have acted as barriers to historical gene flow in sympatry. Our results suggest that intrinsic barriers to gene flow between species may often accumulate in regions of low recombination and near centromeres through processes such as genetic hitchhiking, and that divergence in these regions is accentuated in the presence of gene flow

    Recurrent chromosome reshuffling and the evolution of neo-sex chromosomes in parrots

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    The karyotype of most birds has remained considerably stable during more than 100 million years’ evolution, except for some groups, such as parrots. The evolutionary processes and underlying genetic mechanism of chromosomal rearrangements in parrots, however, are poorly understood. Here, using chromosome-level assemblies of four parrot genomes, we uncover frequent chromosome fusions and fissions, with most of them occurring independently among lineages. The increased activities of chromosomal rearrangements in parrots are likely associated with parrot-specific loss of two genes, ALC1 and PARP3, that have known functions in the repair of double-strand breaks and maintenance of genome stability. We further find that the fusion of the ZW sex chromosomes and chromosome 11 has created a pair of neo-sex chromosomes in the ancestor of parrots, and the chromosome 25 has been further added to the sex chromosomes in monk parakeet. Together, the combination of our genomic and cytogenetic analyses characterizes the complex evolutionary history of chromosomal rearrangements and sex chromosomes in parrots

    The exploration and evolution of the avian genomic dark matter

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    The development and improvement of genome sequencing technologies in the last decade revolutionised the entire field of biology with genome assemblies of virtually any organism. Despite this tremendous progress, complex genomic regions are systematically missing from genome assemblies and form the so-called "genomic dark matter". The presence of genomic dark matter entails that such regions cannot be fully studied and the effects and/or functions thereof (if any) on the organisms remain hidden. Therefore, it is key to be able to explore those dark genomic corners to fully understand the evolution and physiology of organisms without biasing the interpretations. In this thesis, I contribute to the understanding of the use of new sequencing technologies to assemble complex genomic regions and to investigate the evolution of such regions throughout the avian phylogeny. First, I assessed the best combination of technologies and assembly methods to maximise the resolution of genomic dark matter using genomic data from the paradise crow. This included testing for the presence of repetitive elements, GC-rich regions, G-quadruplex motifs, non-recombining sex chromosomes, and microchromosomes. Then, the high-quality assemblies for the paradise crow and other birds allowed the discovery that the avian W chromosome features more than half of potentially active transposable elements (TEs), especially endogenous retroviruses, of the genome. This characteristic makes the W chromosome potentially "toxic" for females. The female-biased accumulation of active TEs could also play a role in the origin of genetic incompatibilities and be an explanatory variable for Haldane’s rule in birds. Next, I investigated the genetic variability of birds-of-paradise chromosomes originating from structural rearrangements with a special focus on the W chromosome. The analysis revealed more genetic variability than previously reported suggesting that all sources of genetic variability should be considered to understand the evolution of sex-limited chromosomes. Finally, I explored the evolution of another main component of avian genomic dark matter, satellite DNA, throughout the phylogeny of birds-of-paradise and closely related crow species. I found that the avian satellitome evolves in different modes in the two groups and a more comprehensive species sampling is necessary to establish which evolutionary mode is the most prevalent in birds. Altogether, the results of this thesis provide a case study for how to investigate the most complex genomic regions, highlight their possible evolutionary roles, and therefore showcase the necessity for the field to shed light into the dark corners of genomes. Mind the gap

    Comparative analysis of bats and rodents' genomes suggests a relation between non-LTR retrotransposons, cancer incidence, and ageing

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    The presence in nature of species showing drastic differences in lifespan and cancer incidence has recently increased the interest of the scientific community. In particular, the adaptations and the genomic features underlying the evolution of cancer-resistant and long-lived organisms have recently focused on transposable elements (TEs). In this study, we compared the content and dynamics of TE activity in the genomes of four rodent and six bat species exhibiting different lifespans and cancer susceptibility. Mouse, rat, and guinea pig genomes (short-lived and cancer-prone organisms) were compared with that of naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber) which is a cancer-resistant organism and the rodent with the longest lifespan. The long-lived bats of the genera Myotis, Rhinolophus, Pteropus and Rousettus were instead compared with Molossus molossus, which is one of the organisms with the shortest lifespan among the order Chiroptera. Despite previous hypotheses stating a substantial tolerance of TEs in bats, we found that long-lived bats and the naked mole rat share a marked decrease of non-LTR retrotransposons (LINEs and SINEs) accumulation in recent evolutionary times

    Transposable Elements Activity is Positively Related to Rate of Speciation in Mammals

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    Transposable elements (TEs) play an essential role in shaping eukaryotic genomes and generating variability. Speciation and TE activity bursts could be strongly related in mammals, in which simple gradualistic models of differentiation do not account for the currently observed species variability. In order to test this hypothesis, we designed two parameters: the Density of insertion (DI) and the Relative rate of speciation (RRS). DI is the ratio between the number of TE insertions in a genome and its size, whereas the RRS is a conditional parameter designed to identify potential speciation bursts. Thus, by analyzing TE insertions in mammals, we defined the genomes as "hot" (high DI) and "cold" (low DI). Then, comparing TE activity among 29 taxonomical families of the whole Mammalia class, 16 intra-order pairs of mammalian species, and four superorders of Eutheria, we showed that taxa with high rates of speciation are associated with "hot" genomes, whereas taxa with low ones are associated with "cold" genomes. These results suggest a remarkable correlation between TE activity and speciation, also being consistent with patterns describing variable rates of differentiation and accounting for the different time frames of the speciation bursts.Correction in: Journal of Molecular Evolution, vol. 86, issue 5, pages 311-311. DOI: 10.1007/s00239-018-9850-z</p