364 research outputs found

    Mean-Field-Theory for Polymers in Mixed Solvents Thermodynamic and Structural Properties

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    Theoretical aspects of polymers in mixed solvents are considered using the Edwards Hamiltonian formalism. Thermodynamic and structural properties are investigated and some predictions are made when the mixed solvent approaches criticality. Both the single and the many chain problems are examined. When the pure mixed solvent is near criticality, addition of a small amount of polymers shifts the criticality towards either enhanced compatibility or induced phase separation depending upon the value of the parameter describing the interaction asymmetry of the solvents with respect to the polymer. The polymer-solvent effective interaction parameter increases strongly when the solvent mixture approaches criticality. Accordingly, the apparent excluded volume parameter decreases and may vanish or even become negative. Consequently, the polymer undergoes a phase transition from a swollen state to an unperturbed state or even take a collapsed configuration. The effective potential acting on a test chain in strong solutions is calculated and the concept of Edwards screening discussed. Structural properties of ternary mixtures of polymers in mixed solvents are investigated within the Edwards Hamiltonian model. It is shown that the effective potential on a test chain in strong solutions could be written as an infinite series expansion of terms describing interactions via one chain, two chains etc. This summation can be performed following a similar scheme as in the Ornstein-Zernike series expansion.Comment: accepted in Macromol. Theory Simu

    Plasmodium falciparum glyoxalase II: Theorell-Chance product inhibition patterns, rate-limiting substrate binding via Arg(257)/Lys(260), and unmasking of acid-base catalysis

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    Glyoxalase II (GloII) is a ubiquitous thioester hydrolase catalyzing the last step of the glutathione-dependent conversion of 2-oxoaldehydes to 2-hydroxycarboxylic acids. Here, we present a detailed structure-function analysis of cGloII from the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. The activity of the enzyme was salt-sensitive and pH-log k(cat) and pH-log k(cat)/K-m profiles revealed acid-base catalysis. An acidic pK(a)(app) value of approximately 6 probably reflects hydroxide formation at the metal center. The glutathione-binding site was analyzed by site-directed mutagenesis. Substitution of residue Arg(154) caused a 2.5-fold increase of K-m(app), whereas replacements of Arg(257) or Lys(260) were far more detrimental. Although the glutathione-binding site and the catalytic center are separated, six of six single mutations at the substrate-binding site decreased the k(cat)(app) value. Furthermore, product inhibition studies support a Theorell-Chance Bi Bi mechanism with glutathione as the second product. We conclude that the substrate is predominantly bound via ionic interactions with the conserved residues Arg(257) and Lys(260), and that correct substrate binding is a pH-and salt-dependent rate-limiting step for catalysis. The presented mechanistic model is presumably also valid for GloII from many other organisms. Our study could be valuable for drug development strategies and enhances the understanding of the chemistry of binuclear metallohydrolases

    Relationship between cultivation mode of white rot fungi and their efficiency for olive oil mill wastewaters treatment

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    Four white rot fungi (WRF) strains, Phanerochaete chrysosporium , Trametes versicolor , Coriolopsis polyzona and Pycnoporus coccineus , were tested for efficiency of treatment of Olive Oil mill wastewaters (OOMW) in relation with their cultivation mode, i.e. under the form of free mycelium, mycelium immobilized in alginate beads and solid state cultivation on Petri dishes. Study of biodegradation of phenolic compounds, chemical oxygen demand (COD) decrease and decolourisation of OOMW have shown that Coriolopsis polyzona and Pycnoporus coccineus degradation performances were apparently only slightly affected by the cell cultivation procedures experienced here. In contrast, Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Trametes versicolor showed respectively marked preferences for solid state and alginate immobilisation procedures. Both mono and polyphenolics were reduced to different extent during incubation depending on the strain, as shown by gel filtration analysis. Final pH obtained after fungal treatment of the OOMW based medium (initial pH of 5.0) was measured in order to evaluate the possibility of releasing friendly the treated wastewater in the environment. Laboratory studies as reported here may be useful for orienting the choice of a strain for treating pollution by OOMW in a particular real situation

    Ethylene- and pathogen-inducible Arabidopsis acyl-CoA-binding protein 4 interacts with an ethylene-responsive element binding protein

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    Six genes encode proteins with acyl-CoA-binding domains in Arabidopsis thaliana. They are the small 10-kDa cytosolic acyl-CoA-binding protein (ACBP), membrane-associated ACBP1 and ACBP2, extracellularly-targeted ACBP3, and kelch-motif containing ACBP4 and ACBP5. Here, the interaction of ACBP4 with an A. thaliana ethylene-responsive element binding protein (AtEBP), identified in a yeast two-hybrid screen, was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation. The subcellular localization of ACBP4 and AtEBP, was addressed using an ACBP4:DsRed red fluorescent protein fusion and a green fluorescent protein (GFP):AtEBP fusion. Transient expression of these autofluoresence-tagged proteins in agroinfiltrated tobacco leaves, followed by confocal laser scanning microscopy, indicated their co-localization predominantly at the cytosol which was confirmed by FRET analysis. Immuno-electron microscopy on Arabidopsis sections not only localized ACBP4 to the cytosol but also to the periphery of the nucleus upon closer examination, perhaps as a result of its interaction with AtEBP. Furthermore, the expression of ACBP4 and AtEBP in Northern blot analyses was induced by the ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid, methyl jasmonate treatments, and Botrytis cinerea infection, suggesting that the interaction of ACBP4 and AtEBP may be related to AtEBP-mediated defence possibly via ethylene and/or jasmonate signalling

    An adjudication algorithm for respiratory-related hospitalisation in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Background:There is no standard definition of respiratory-related hospitalisation, a common end-point in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) clinical trials. As diverse aetiologies and complicating comorbidities can present similarly, external adjudication is sometimes employed to achieve standardisation of these events. Methods:An algorithm for respiratory-related hospitalisation was developed through a literature review of IPF clinical trials with respiratory-related hospitalisation as an end-point. Experts reviewed the algorithm until a consensus was reached. The algorithm was validated using data from the phase 3 ISABELA trials (clinicaltrials.gov identifiers NCT03711162 and NCT03733444), by assessing concordance between nonadjudicated, investigator-defined, respiratory-related hospitalisations and those defined by the adjudication committee using the algorithm. Results:The algorithm classifies respiratory-related hospitalisation according to cause: extraparenchymal (worsening respiratory symptoms due to left heart failure, volume overload, pulmonary embolism, pneumothorax or trauma); other (respiratory tract infection, right heart failure or exacerbation of COPD); “definite” acute exacerbation of IPF (AEIPF) (worsening respiratory symptoms within 1 month, with radiological or histological evidence of diffuse alveolar damage); or “suspected” AEIPF (as for “definite” AEIPF, but with no radiological or histological evidence of diffuse alveolar damage). Exacerbations (“definite” or “suspected”) with identified triggers (infective, post-procedural or traumatic, drug toxicity-or aspiration-related) are classed as “known AEIPF”; “idiopathic AEIPF” refers to exacerbations with no identified trigger. In the ISABELA programme, there was 94% concordance between investigator-and adjudication committee-determined causes of respiratory-related hospitalisation. Conclusion:The algorithm could help to ensure consistency in the reporting of respiratory-related hospitalisation in IPF trials, optimising its utility as an end-point.</p

    A loss-of-function mutation in the nucleoporin AtNUP160 indicates that normal auxin signalling is required for a proper ethylene response in Arabidopsis

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    As part of a continuing effort to elucidate mechanisms that regulate the magnitude of ethylene signalling, an Arabidopsis mutant with an enhanced ethylene response was identified. Subsequent characterization of this loss-of-function mutant revealed severe hypocotyl shortening in the presence of saturating ethylene along with increased expression in leaves of a subset of ethylene-responsive genes. It was subsequently determined by map-based cloning that the mutant (sar1-7) represents a loss-of-function mutation in the previously described nucleoporin AtNUP160 (At1g33410, SAR1). In support of previously reported results, the sar1-7 mutant partially restored auxin responsiveness to roots of an rce1 loss-of-function mutant, indicating that AtNUP160/SAR1 is required for proper expression of factors responsible for the repression of auxin signalling. Analysis of arf7-1/sar1-7 and arf19-1/sar1-7 double mutants revealed that mutations affecting either ARF7 or ARF19 function almost fully blocked manifestation of the sar1-7-dependent ethylene hypersensitivity phenotype, suggesting that ARF7- and ARF19-mediated auxin signalling is responsible for regulating the magnitude of and/or competence for the ethylene response in Arabidopsis etiolated hypocotyls. Consistent with this, addition of auxin to ethylene-treated seedlings resulted in severe hypocotyl shortening, reminiscent of that seen for other eer (enhanced ethylene response) mutants, suggesting that auxin functions in part synergistically with ethylene to control hypocotyl elongation and other ethylene-dependent phenomena

    Elimination of Bisphenol A and Triclosan Using the Enzymatic System of Autochthonous Colombian Forest Fungi

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) and triclosan (TCS) are known or suspected potential endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) which may pose a risk to human health and have an environmental impact. Enzyme preparations containing mainly laccases, obtained from Ganoderma stipitatum and Lentinus swartzii, two autochthonous Colombian forest white rot fungi (WRF), previously identified as high enzyme producers, were used to remove BPA and TCS from aqueous solutions. A Box-Behnken factorial design showed that pH, temperature, and duration of treatment were significant model terms for the elimination of BPA and TCS. Our results demonstrated that these EDCs were extensively removed from 5 mg L−1 solutions after a contact time of 6 hours. Ninety-four percent of TCS and 97.8% of BPA were removed with the enzyme solution from G. stipitatum; 83.2% of TCS and 88.2% of BPA were removed with the L. swartzii enzyme solution. After a 6-hour treatment with enzymes from G. stipitatum and L. swartzii, up to 90% of the estrogenic activity of BPA was lost, as shown by the yeast estrogen screen assay. 2,2-Azino-bis- (3-ethylthiazoline-6-sulfonate) (ABTS) was used as a mediator (laccase/mediator system) and significantly improved the laccase catalyzed elimination of BPA and TCS. The elimination of BPA in the absence of a mediator resulted in production of oligomers of molecular weights of 454, 680, and 906 amu as determined by mass spectra analysis. The elimination of TCS in the same conditions produced dimers, trimers, and tetramers of molecular weights of 574, 859, and 1146 amu. Ecotoxicological studies using Daphnia pulex to determine lethal concentration (LC50) showed an important reduction of the toxicity of BPA and TCS solutions after enzymatic treatments. Use of laccases emerges thus as a key alternative in the development of innovative wastewater treatment technologies. Moreover, the exploitation of local biodiversity appears as a potentially promising approach for identifying new efficient strains for biotechnological applications

    Evaluation of the role of glutathione in the lead-induced toxicity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The effect of intracellular reduced glutathione (GSH) in the lead stress response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was investigated. Yeast cells exposed to Pb, for 3 h, lost the cell proliferation capacity (viability) and decreased intracellular GSH level. The Pb-induced loss of cell viability was compared among yeast cells deficient in GSH1 (∆gsh1) or GSH2 (∆gsh2) genes and wild-type (WT) cells. When exposed to Pb, ∆gsh1 and ∆gsh2 cells did not display an increased loss of viability, compared with WT cells. However, the depletion of cellular thiols, including GSH, by treatment of WT cells with iodoacetamide (an alkylating agent, which binds covalently to thiol group), increased the loss of viability in Pb-treated cells. In contrast, GSH enrichment, due to the incubation of WT cells with amino acids mixture constituting GSH (l-glutamic acid, l-cysteine and glycine), reduced the Pb-induced loss of proliferation capacity. The obtained results suggest that intracellular GSH is involved in the defence against the Pb-induced toxicity; however, at physiological concentration, GSH seems not to be sufficient to prevent the Pb-induced loss of cell viability

    2010 SSO John Wayne Clinical Research Lecture: Rectal Cancer Outcome Improvements in Europe: Population-Based Outcome Registrations will Conquer the World

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    During the past two decades, rectal cancer treatment has improved considerably in Europe. Clinical trials played a crucial role in improving surgical techniques, (neo)adjuvant treatment schedules, imaging, and pathology. However, there is still a wide variation in outcome after rectal cancer. In most western health care systems, efforts are made to reduce hospital variation by focusing on selective referral and encouraging patients to seek care in high-volume hospitals. On the other hand, the expertise for diagnosis and treatment of common types of cancer should be preferably widespread and easily accessible for all patients. As an alternative to volume-based referral, hospitals and surgeons can improve their results by learning from their own outcome statistics and those from colleagues treating a similar patient group. Several European surgical (colo)rectal audits have led to improvements with a greater impact than any of the adjuvant therapies currently under study. However, differences remain between European countries, which cannot be easily explained. To generate the best care for colorectal cancer in the whole of Europe and to meet political and public demands for transparency, the European CanCer Organisation (ECCO) initiated an international, multidisciplinary, outcome-based quality improvement program: European Registration of Cancer Care (EURECCA). The goal is to create a multidisciplinary European registration structure for patient, tumor, and treatment characteristics linked to outcome registration. Clinical trials will always play a major role in improving rectal cancer treatment. To further improve outcomes and diminish variation, EURECCA will establish the basis for a strong, multidisciplinary, international audit structure that can be used as a template for similar projects worldwide