44 research outputs found

    Apertura, limpieza y mezclado del algodón

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    Esta cartilla trata sobre el proceso industrial de mezclas de algodón con otras fibras, para mejorar las cualidades finales del hilo. Se explica los pasos para conseguir un equilibrio de propiedades como resistencia de las fibras, grado, color, longitud, madurez, finura, etc.This primer is about the industrial process of blending cotton with other fibers, to improve the final qualities of the yarn. The steps to achieve a balance of properties such as fiber resistance, grade, color, length, maturity, fineness, etc. are explained.Acción de púas opuestas -- Acción de corrientes de aire -- Acción de batidores -- Acción de regulaciónnaConvenio Sena - Coltejer59 página

    Homeorresis cardiovascular y ácido basica durante el ciclo productivo en bovinos Holstein Friesian.

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    Ganado de leche-Ganadería lecheMaestría en CienciasMaestrí

    Microhabitat use and multivariate pattern of motile epifaunal community in relation to sediment grain size in a tropical Seagrass meadow

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    RESUMEN: La relación entre la estructura física del habitat y la comunidad de la epifauna móvil asociada a una pradera dominada por Thalassia testudinum, fue estudiada en las isobatas de 1 y 3 m, en términos de diversidad de la especie, densidad de organismos, uso de microhábitats y el patrón multivariado de especies en asociación con la biomasa del pasto marino, densidad de brotes, largo y ancho de hojas, biomasa algal tanto epifitica como rizofítica, biomasa de las esponjas y tamaño de grano del sedimento. El pasto marino mostró diferencias significativas entre profundidades, pero no la biomasa algal epifitica y rizofítica, ni tampoco la biomasa de las esponjas y el tamaño de grano. A pesar de las diferencias presentadas en el pasto marino, diversidad de especies del epifaunal y densidad del organismos, no se presentaron diferencias de estos indicadores entre las profundidades. Ningún atributo del pasto marino mostró correlaciones fuertes con los descriptores de la fauna.ABSTRACT: The relationship between habitat physical structure and motile epifauna community associated to a Seagrass bed dominated by Thalassia testudinum was study over the isobaths of 1 and 3 m, in terms of species diversity, organisms density, micro habitat use and multivariate species pattern in association with Seagrass biomass, shoot and leaf density, leaves long and wide, epiphytic and rizophytic algae biomass, sponges biomass and sediment grain size. Seagrass features showed significant differences between depths, instead epiphytic and rizophytic algae, sponges biomass and sediment grain size did not. Though differences exhibited by Seagrass, epifaunal species diversity and organism density neither were different between depths. In the same way none Seagrass feature showed strong correlations with faunal descriptors, tending even to be negative instead positive

    Coexistence for LTE-advanced and FSS services in the 3.5GHz band in Colombia

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    The 3.5GHz band is an optimal candidate for 5G networks due to its propagation characteristics and massive bandwidth. However, services like the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) are using this band in several countries. Therefore, this paper presents a coexistence study of the Long Term Evolution - Advanced (LTE-A) and FSS services in the 3500-3700 MHz in Colombia. Simulations were done in realistic scenarios in the city of Bogota, Colombia. Preliminary results show that critical scenarios are the ones from the LTE eNodeB (eNB) and Users Equipment (UE) nodes to the FSS earth stations. The study includes the analysis of Guard Bands (GB) and arrival angles into the Protection Distances (PD). Results show that the PD is highly dependent on the angle of the interfering signal and the GB used. The PD for a cochannel interference in a suburban scenario is higher than 250km, in the worst-case scenario, and could be reduced down to 17.5 km if a 25 MHz GB is included and the angular difference of the interfering LTE-A signal is 42 square. Moreover, our results show that the PD needed for interference from UE are 100 times less compared to the eNB ones

    Diseño de un pavimento para la estructura vial, de la vía conocida como "El Kilómetro 19", desde el K2+000 al K2+500, que comunica a los municipios de Chipaque - Une, en el departamento de Cundinamarca

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    Investigación de materialesEl propósito del trabajo es realizar una aplicación de los diferentes conceptos técnicos y académicos vistos a lo largo del curso de la especialización, verificando y comparando los parámetros empleados en cada uno de los métodos de diseño utilizados, estableciendo las diferencias que se derivan al ser utilizados y que pueden o no desarrollar resultados cuestionables o inesperados con relación al comportamiento de la misma estructura. Otro propósito del trabajo es ofrecer a futuros estudiantes, un material de consulta que les permita conocer algunas formas y juicios que se deben considerar en los diseños de estructuras con pavimento flexible.EspecializaciónEspecialista en Ingeniería de Pavimento

    Circular design in the Global South

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    One Planet Sustainable Buildings and Construction Programme (SBC), led by the Ministry of the Environment, Finland and co-led by RMIT University and UN Environment Programme was initiated in 2015. Work on circular built environments commenced in the second iteration of the programme’s work plan. SBC was the first global programme that worked on circularity and responsibly sourced materials in the buildings and construction sector. In 2020, the SBC programme published a range of reports focusing on the state of play for circular built environments across specific regions, tied together with a global report. The present focus of the programme is on Africa, Asia and Latin America, where case studies are collected following a common framework.These case studies together with a global survey provide reliable performance data for responsibly sourced building materials in the Global South. The underpinning premise through this process is to support related SDGs across the social, environmental, and economic considerations and enable countries to achieve their targets under the Paris Agreement. This paper presents key findings from this study, largely derived through case studies in the Global South. The results show that not all stages of the building life cycle are addressed through local examples

    Impactos ambientales asociados a la huella de carbono y la energía incorporada del ciclo de vida de una edificación en Medellín

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    The aim of this paper is to present an analysis model built in order to calculate the carbon footprint and embodied energy of a building. For this purpose, an analysis was made by using the Umberto NXT CO2 software for phases 1 and 2 of the life cycle of the building. Phase 1, materials and supplies and Phase 2, construction. Emissions of Phase 3, derived from the buildings operations, and Phase 4, end of life cycle, are not part of the scope of this study. In conclusion, extraction of raw material and manufacture of building materials stages in Phase 1 were found to generate more than 93% of the carbon footprint and more than 87% for embodied energy. The other stages did not present significant percentages in these two indicators.El objetivo de este trabajo es la implementación de un modelo que permita calcular la huella de carbono y la energía incorporada de una edificación. Para esto se hizo un análisis mediante el software UMBERTO NXT CO2 de las fases 1 y 2 del ciclo de vida de la edificación, como se describe a continuación: Fase 1, materiales e insumos y Fase 2, construcción. Las emisiones de la Fase 3, derivadas de la operación de edificaciones, y Fase 4, final de ciclo de vida, no forman parte del alcance del presente estudio. Se encontró que las etapas de extracción de la materia prima y la fabricación de materiales en la Fase 1 generan más del 93% de la huella de carbono y más del 87% para la energía incorporada. Las demás fases no presentaron porcentajes significativos en estos dos indicadores

    Technical-economic study of three productive alternatives of the dual-purpose bovine system in Meta-Colombia

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    Introduction. The profitability of the dual-purpose system (DPS) is affected by low production efficiency and high production costs generated in traditional management. Studies based on the reduction of expenses and increase of income, could suggest strategies to improve economic efficiency. Objective. Determine the technical y profitable efficiency of three production alternatives for bovine DPS in Meta, Colombia. Materials and methods. Seventy-two Bos taurus x Bos indicus cows were selected, starting lactation, fed under grazing, during the period 2016-2017, in a farm in Meta, Colombia. The cows and their calves were distributed in three groups; alternative 1 (MA1): milking 2 times a week until weaning (100 days), alternative 2 (MA2): milking 2 times a week until weaning (240 days), and traditional (MT): milking daily until weaning (240 days). In the calves, the weight at birth and at 252 days of age (W252) were measured, and the daily weight gain (DWG) was estimated. In the cows, the birth rate (BR) and the milk produced per lactation (MPL) were measured. The productive response fed the economic analysis projected for a breeding stock of 100 cows. Results. The W252 and DWG between MA1 (189.30 kg; 0.64 kg/animal/day) and MA2 (186.10 kg; 0.63 kg/animal/day) were similar (P>0.05), but higher (p<0.05) than those of the MT (155.10 kg; 0.54 kg/animal/day). BR presented the highest benefit for MA1 (0.84 calves/cow/year), followed by MA2 (0.74 calves/cow/ year) and MT (0.68 calves/cow/year). The MPL was 1204.36 kg for MT, 303.74 kg for MA2 and 158.75 kg for MA1. MA1’s profitability outperformed MA2 and MT by 9.5 and 9.2 %, respectively. Conclusions. The MA1 reflected the greater economic efficiency mainly due to the effect of the increase in the BR and the decrease in production costs

    Indicadores reproductivos en cohortes bovinas que beben como única fuente agua tratada proveniente de la producción del petróleo, en diferentes diluciones con agua de pozo profundo

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    The effect of consumption of treated water from oil production on the reproductive indicators of dual-purpose bovine females was studied. The study was carried out at the municipality of Villavicencio, department of Meta, Colombia. Twenty-four Cebu x Holstein Friesian cows, randomly distributed in 4 treatments, each treatment with permanent disposition of a previously tested reproductive bull were selected. The selected groups consumed water at will of treated production under grazing conditions, as follows: 1. 100% treated production water, 2. mixture of 50% of treated production water and 50% of deep well water (DWW), 3. mixture of 25% of treated production water and 75% of DWW, and 4. 100% of DWW (Control). The variables evaluated in each animal were: age at first birth (AFB), age at first conception (AFC), interval between birth (IBB), birth conception interval (BCI), and number of calves/cow year or birth rate. The statistical analysis included Shapiro-Wilk normality test, one-way analysis of variance and Kruskall-Wallis test, and the SPSS-22 software was used. The results found indicated for AFB and AFC between treatments, averages that ranged from 20.8 and 25.1 months and 30.2 to 34.5 months, respectively, without significant differences (p&gt; 0.05). The variables IBB, BCI and birth rates had medians between 339 to 466 days, 57 to 184 days, and 0.78 to 1.08, respectively. No significant differences were found between the animals that consumed and did not consume treated production water.Se estudió el efecto del consumo de agua tratada proveniente de la producción del petróleo sobre indicadores reproductivos de la hembra bovina de doble propósito. El estudio se desarrolló en el municipio de Villavicencio, departamento del Meta, Colombia. Los animales seleccionados fueron 24 vacas F1, Cebú x Holstein Friesian, distribuidos al azar en 4 tratamientos, cada uno con disposición permanente de reproductor previamente probado y que consumieron agua a voluntad de producción tratada utilizada bajo condiciones de pastoreo, así: 1. 100 % agua de producción tratada, 2. mezcla de 50 % de agua de producción tratada y 50 % de agua de pozo profundo (PP), 3. mezcla de 25 % de agua de producción tratada y 75 % de agua PP, y 4. 100 % de agua PP (Control). Las variables evaluadas en cada animal fueron: la edad al primer parto (EPP), la edad a la primera concepción (EPC), el intervalo entre parto (IEP), el intervalo parto concepción (IPC), número de terneros/vaca año o tasa de natalidad. El análisis estadístico comprendió prueba de normalidad, Shapiro-Wilk, análisis de varianza de una vía y prueba de Kruskall-Wallis, se empleó el software SPSS-22. Los resultados encontrados indicaron para EPC y EPP entre tratamientos, medias que oscilaron 20,8 y 25,1 meses y 30,2 a 34,5 meses, respectivamente, sin diferencias significativas (p &gt; 0.05). Las variables IEP, IPC y tasas de natalidad estuvieron entre 339 a 466 días, 57 a 184 días, y 0,78 a 1,08, respectivamente. No se encontraron diferencias entre los animales que consumieron y no consumieron agua de producción tratada