103 research outputs found

    Sirenas de ayer, sirenas de siempre : a propósito de un racconto del príncipe Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa

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    A partir de un relato corto de Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, que narra la relación amorosa de un profesor de griego con una sirena, se estudia, a través de los textos, la transformación iconográfica y simbólica de las sirenas desde Homero hasta los escritores de los siglos XIX y XX. Consideraciones sobre el escenario geográfico del mito.The iconographic and symbolic transformation of the Sirens, from Homer to the writers of the 19th and 20th centuries, is studied through the texts, taking as starting point a short tale by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, which tells about a love relationship between a Greek teacher and a Siren. Considerations about the geographical scene of the myth

    La tribu Velina en Mallorca y los nombres de Palma y Pollentia

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    Los ciudadanos de Palma y Pollentia son los únicos fuera de la Península Italiana adscritos a la tribu Velina. A partir del texto de Plin. N.H. 18 (110-111) se propone establecer una relación entre este hecho -no explicado hasta ahora-, los nombres de ambas ciudades y el origen de los colonos en ellas establecidos por Cecilio Metelo, que habrían procedido de la región del Piceno. Esta hipótesis encuentra una confirmación en la tipología de las estelas funerarias con representación de la porta Ditis, presentes en Mallorca y muy abundantes en la región umbroapenínica.The citizens of Palma and Pollentia are the only ones outside of the Italian Peninsula to have been assigned to the tribe Velina. Starting from Plin. N.H. 18 (110-111), it is proposed to establish a relation between this fact -which remains unexplained-, the names of both cities and the origin of the colonists, settled there by Caecilius Metellus and most probably coming from the region of Picenum. This hypothesis is confirmed by the typology of Majorcan funerary stelae representing the porta Ditis, very abundant in the Umbrian-Appeninian region

    El culto a Deméter y core en Cartago. Aspectos iconográficos

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    This article deals with the two arrival ways of the worship of the goddesses Demeter and Core at Sicily (Gela-Siracuse and Selinous). The author considers them to be at the same time the arrival ways of their worship and their iconography at Carthago. It is argued also about some hypothesis which are thought good nowadays. Finally, the author goes into the evidences of their worship in the Punic mother country. Special attention is turned to thymiatheria shaped like a woman's head and to some pieces of statues with a pig in their bosom


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    Index de les obres ressenyades: Borja DÍAZ ARIÑO, Epigrafía latina republicana de Hispani