49 research outputs found

    Lasten ja nuorten mielenterveystyön vaikuttavuuden lisääminen : Kansallisen lapsistrategian toimenpiteen 13 loppuraportti

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    Lasten ja nuorten mielenterveyspalvelujen ongelmia ovat palvelujärjestelmän sirpaleisuus, tarpeenmukaisten hoitomenetelmien huono saatavuus sekä yhteistyön ja tiedonkulun vaikeudet eri toimijoiden välillä. Rakenteelliset puutteet ja riittämätön koordinaatio vaikeuttavat mielenterveysongelmien vuoksi apua hakevien lasten, nuorten ja perheiden tarpeiden mukaista ja yhdenvertaista auttamista. Raportissa kuvataan Suomen ensimmäisen kansallisen lapsistrategian toimeenpanosuunnitelman toimenpiteen 13 toteutus. Toimenpiteen tehtävänä oli lisätä lasten ja nuorten mielenterveystyön vaikuttavuutta kehittämistarpeiden kartoittamisella ja hyvien käytäntöjen ja osaamisen tukemisella. Toimenpiteessä tunnistettiin lasten ja nuorten mielenterveystyön vaikuttavuutta edistäviä ja haittaavia tekijöitä sekä ehdotettiin toimia, joilla selkeytetään mielenterveyspalveluiden kokonaisuutta sekä edistetään hoidon saatavuutta ja jatkuvuutta lapsen oikeudet huomioivalla tavalla. Toimenpiteen kehittämisehdotukset sisältävät muutoksia lainsäädäntöön, palvelujen järjestämiseen, johtamiskokonaisuuksiin, uusia palvelumuotoja sekä vaikuttavien tuki- ja hoitomenetelmien käytön ja lasten ja nuorten parissa työskentelevien työntekijöiden osaamisen suunnitelmallisen lisäämisen. Ehdotukset sisältävät sekä laajaa pitkäjänteistä kehittämistä edellyttäviä että pienempiä ja nopeammin toteutettavia toimenpiteitä. Jotkut ehdotukset edellyttävät lisäselvityksiä ja pitempikestoista valmistelua toteutuksen suunnittelemiseksi

    Vaikuttavammat mielenterveyspalvelut lapsille ja nuorille : toimenpidesuositus

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    Useissa selvityksissä on toistuvasti kirjoitettu lasten ja nuorten mielenterveyspalvelujen epäkohdista kuten palvelujen sirpaleisuudesta, yhteistyön sekä yhdenvertaisten palveluiden saatavuuden puutteista. Palvelujärjestelmä ei tällä hetkellä kykene riittävän hyvin vastaamaan mielenterveysongelmien vuoksi apua hakevien lasten, nuorten ja perheiden tarpeisiin. Tässä julkaisussa esitetään toimenpide-ehdotuksia, joilla voidaan lisätä lasten ja nuorten mielenterveys-, päihde- ja riippuvuustyön vaikuttavuutta erityisesti perustason mielenterveyspalveluissa

    Pim-1 kinase phosphorylates RUNX family transcription factors and enhances their activity

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    BACKGROUND: The pim family genes encode oncogenic serine/threonine kinases which in hematopoietic cells have been implicated in cytokine-dependent signaling as well as in lymphomagenesis, especially in cooperation with other oncogenes such as myc, bcl-2 or Runx family genes. The Runx genes encode α-subunits of heterodimeric transcription factors which regulate cell proliferation and differentiation in various tissues during development and which can become leukemogenic upon aberrant expression. RESULTS: Here we have identified novel protein-protein interactions between the Pim-1 kinase and the RUNX family transcription factors. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we were able to show that the C-terminal part of human RUNX3 associates with Pim-1. This result was confirmed in cell culture, where full-length murine Runx1 and Runx3 both coprecipitated and colocalized with Pim-1. Furthermore, catalytically active Pim-1 kinase was able to phosphorylate Runx1 and Runx3 proteins and enhance the transactivation activity of Runx1 in a dose-dependent fashion. CONCLUSION: Altogether, our results suggest that mammalian RUNX family transcription factors are novel binding partners and substrates for the Pim-1 kinase, which may be able to regulate their activities during normal hematopoiesis as well as in leukemogenesis

    Neoadjuvant therapy offers longer survival than upfront surgery for poorly differentiated and higher stage pancreatic cancer

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    Background: Neoadjuvant therapy for pancreatic cancer remains controversial. Our aim was to assess differences in survival, disease recurrence and histopathological tumor characteristics between patients treated with neoadjuvant therapy followed by subsequent surgery and patients undergoing upfront surgery.Material and methods: Out of 399 consecutive pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) patients operated at Helsinki University Hospital in 2000-2015, 75 borderline resectable patients were treated with neoadjuvant therapy. Resectable propensity scored patients (n=150) underwent upfront surgery. Neoadjuvant therapy consisted of folfirinox, single gemcitabine or combined with cisplatin, nab-paclitaxel or capecitabine with or without radiation. Survival was calculated with Kaplan-Meier and compared with the Breslow test. Survival was determined from the start of treatment, being the first day of treatment for patients treated with neoadjuvant therapy and the date of surgery for others.Results: Between 2000 and 2015 median disease-specific survival (DSS) [34 vs. 26 months, p=.016] and disease-free survival (DFS) [22 vs. 13 months, p=.001] were longer in patients treated with neoadjuvant therapy than in those undergoing upfront surgery. Survival differences were not significant in the 2000s but were, in turn, among patients treated in the 2010s with better survival for patients treated with neoadjuvant therapy [DSS 35 vs. 26 months, p=.008 and DFS 25 vs. 13 months, p=.001]. Especially patients with poorly differentiated G3 tumors [DSS 30 vs. 11 months, p=.004 and DFS 21 vs. 7 months, p=.001] and higher stage IIB-III [DSS 34 vs. 20 months, p=.006 and DFS 21 vs. 10 months, p=.001] had longer survival when treated with neoadjuvant therapy.Conclusions: PDAC patients treated with neoadjuvant therapy had longer DSS and DFS than those undergoing upfront surgery. Neoadjuvant therapy benefits especially borderline resectable patients with higher stage and poorly differentiated tumors.Peer reviewe

    Long-term nationwide trends in the treatment of and outcomes among pancreatic cancer patients

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The AuthorsWhilst treatment modalities for pancreatic cancer patients have evolved in recent years, their impact on outcomes remains relatively unexamined on a national scale. We aimed to analyse changes in overall survival and trends in surgical and oncological treatments in pancreatic cancer patients diagnosed in the periods 2000 through 2008 and 2009 through 2016 in Finland. We collected data for pancreatic cancer patients diagnosed between 2000 and 2016, gathering data from the Finnish national registries on surgeries, oncological treatments and time of death. Follow-up continued through the end of 2018. We compared patients diagnosed between 2000 and 2008 to those diagnosed between 2009 through 2016. Our study comprised 14 712 pancreatic cancer patients. There was no significant change in the national resection rate (8.1% vs 8.0%, p = 0.690). In radical surgery patients, median survival improved from 20 months (95% confidence interval (CI) 18–22) to 28 months (CI 25–31) (p < 0.001), with 1-year survival ranging from 70% to 81%. In the no-surgery group, median survival slightly improved from 3.1 months (CI 3.0–3.3) to 3.3 months (CI 3.1–3.4) (p < 0.001). The proportion of radical surgery patients receiving preoperative oncological treatment increased from 4% to 13% (p < 0.001) and only postoperative treatment from 25% to 47% (p < 0.001). Whilst the resection rate did not increase, the prognosis of pancreatic cancer patients improved, particularly amongst radical surgery patients resulting most likely from the fact that a larger proportion of patients receive more effective oncological treatments.Peer reviewe

    CheckMate-032 study: efficacy and safety of nivolumab and nivolumab plus ipilimumab in patients with metastatic esophagogastric cancer

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    Purpose: Metastatic esophagogastric cancer treatments after failure of second-line chemotherapy are limited. Nivolumab demonstrated superior overall survival (OS) versus placebo in Asian patients with advanced gastric or gastroesophageal junction cancers. We assessed the safety and efficacy of nivolumab and nivolumab plus ipilimumab in Western patients with chemotherapy-refractory esophagogastric cancers. Patients and Methods: Patients with locally advanced or metastatic chemotherapy–refractory gastric, esophageal, or gastroesophageal junction cancer from centers in the United States and Europe received nivolumab or nivolumab plus ipilimumab. The primary end point was objective response rate. The association of tumor programmed death-ligand 1 status with response and survival was also evaluated. Results: Of 160 treated patients (59 with nivolumab 3 mg/kg, 49 with nivolumab 1 mg/kg plus ipilimumab 3 mg/kg, 52 with nivolumab 3 mg/kg plus ipilimumab 1 mg/kg), 79% had received two or more prior therapies. At the data cutoff, investigator-assessed objective response rates were 12% (95% CI, 5% to 23%), 24% (95% CI, 13% to 39%), and 8% (95% CI, 2% to 19%) in the three groups, respectively. Responses were observed regardless of tumor programmed death-ligand 1 status. With a median follow-up of 28, 24, and 22 months across the three groups, 12-month progression-free survival rates were 8%, 17%, and 10%, respectively; 12-month OS rates were 39%, 35%, and 24%, respectively. Treatment-related grade 3/4 adverse events were reported in 17%, 47%, and 27% of patients in the three groups, respectively. Conclusion: Nivolumab and nivolumab plus ipilimumab demonstrated clinically meaningful antitumor activity, durable responses, encouraging long-term OS, and a manageable safety profile in patients with chemotherapy-refractory esophagogastric cancer. Phase III studies evaluating nivolumab or nivolumab plus ipilimumab in earlier lines of therapy for esophagogastric cancers are underway

    First-in-human phase 1 study of budigalimab, an anti-PD-1 inhibitor, in patients with non-small cell lung cancer and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s).Background: Budigalimab is a humanized, recombinant immunoglobulin G1 monoclonal antibody targeting programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1). We present the safety, efficacy, pharmacokinetic (PK), and pharmacodynamic data from patients enrolled in the head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) expansion cohorts of the phase 1 first-in-human study of budigalimab monotherapy (NCT03000257; registered 15 December 2016). Patients and methods: Patients with recurrent/metastatic HNSCC or locally advanced/metastatic NSCLC naive to PD-1/PD-1-ligand inhibitors were enrolled; patients were not selected on the basis of oncogene driver mutations or PD-L1 status. Budigalimab was administered at 250 mg intravenously Q2W or 500 mg intravenously Q4W until disease progression/unacceptable toxicity. The primary endpoints were safety and PK; the secondary endpoint was efficacy. Exploratory endpoints included biomarker assessments. Results: In total, 81 patients were enrolled (HNSCC: N = 41 [PD-L1 positive: n = 19]; NSCLC: N = 40 [PD-L1 positive: n = 16]); median treatment duration was 72 days (range, 1–617) and 71 days (range, 1–490) for the HNSCC and NSCLC cohorts, respectively. The most frequent grade ≥ 3 treatment-emergent adverse event was anemia (HNSCC: n = 9, 22%; NSCLC: n = 5, 13%). Both dosing regimens had comparable drug exposure and increased interferon gamma-induced chemokines, monokine induced by gamma interferon, and interferon-gamma-inducible protein 10. Objective response rates were 13% (90% CI, 5.1–24.5) in the HNSCC cohort and 19% (90% CI, 9.2–32.6) in the NSCLC cohort. Median progression-free survival was 3.6 months (95% CI, 1.7–4.7) and 1.9 months (95% CI, 1.7–3.7) in the HNSCC and NSCLC cohorts. Conclusions: The safety, efficacy and biomarker profiles of budigalimab are similar to other PD-1 inhibitors. Development of budigalimab in combination with novel anticancer agents is ongoing.Peer reviewe

    Evolution and modulation of antigen-specific T cell responses in melanoma patients

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    Analyzing antigen-specific T cell responses at scale has been challenging. Here, we analyze three types of T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire data (antigen-specific TCRs, TCR-repertoire, and single-cell RNA + TCR alpha beta-sequencing data) from 515 patients with primary or metastatic melanoma and compare it to 783 healthy controls. Although melanoma-associated antigen (MAA) -specific TCRs are restricted to individuals, they share sequence similarities that allow us to build classifiers for predicting anti-MAA T cells. The frequency of anti-MAA T cells distinguishes melanoma patients from healthy and predicts metastatic recurrence from primary melanoma. Anti-MAA T cells have stem-like properties and frequent interactions with regulatory T cells and tumor cells via Galectin9-TIM3 and PVR-TIGIT -axes, respectively. In the responding patients, the number of expanded anti-MAA clones are higher after the anti-PD1(+anti-CTLA4) therapy and the exhaustion phenotype is rescued. Our systems immunology approach paves the way for understanding antigen-specific responses in human disorders.Peer reviewe

    Evolution and modulation of antigen-specific T cell responses in melanoma patients

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    Analyzing antigen-specific T cell responses at scale has been challenging. Here, we analyze three types of T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire data (antigen-specific TCRs, TCR-repertoire, and single-cell RNA + TCRαβ-sequencing data) from 515 patients with primary or metastatic melanoma and compare it to 783 healthy controls. Although melanoma-associated antigen (MAA) -specific TCRs are restricted to individuals, they share sequence similarities that allow us to build classifiers for predicting anti-MAA T cells. The frequency of anti-MAA T cells distinguishes melanoma patients from healthy and predicts metastatic recurrence from primary melanoma. Anti-MAA T cells have stem-like properties and frequent interactions with regulatory T cells and tumor cells via Galectin9-TIM3 and PVR-TIGIT -axes, respectively. In the responding patients, the number of expanded anti-MAA clones are higher after the anti-PD1(+anti-CTLA4) therapy and the exhaustion phenotype is rescued. Our systems immunology approach paves the way for understanding antigen-specific responses in human disorders.</p