353 research outputs found

    The ecosystem carbon sink implications of mountain forest expansion into abandoned grazing land: The role of subsoil and climatic factors

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    Woody encroachment is a widespread phenomenon resulting from the abandonment of mountain agricultural and pastoral practices during the last century. As a result, forests have expanded, increasing biomass and necromass carbon (C) pools. However, the impact on soil organic carbon (SOC) is less clear. The main aim of this study was to investigate the effect of woody encroachment on SOC stocks and ecosystem C pools in six chronosequences located along the Italian peninsula, three in the Alps and three in the Apennines. Five stages along the chronosequences were identified in each site. Considering the topsoil (0 30 cm), subsoil (30 cm-bedrock) and whole soil profile, the temporal trend in SOC stocks was similar in all sites, with an initial increment and subsequent decrement in the intermediate phase. However, the final phase of the woody encroachment differed significantly between the Alps (mainly conifers) and the Apennines (broadleaf forests) sites, with a much more pronounced increment in the latter case. Compared to the previous pastures, after mature forest (>62 years old) establishment, SOC stocks increased by: 2.1(mean) ± 18.1(sd) and 50.1 ± 25.2 Mg C·ha -1 in the topsoil, 7.3 ± 17.4 and 93.2 ± 29.7 Mg C·ha -1 in the subsoil, and 9.4 ± 24.4 and 143.3 ± 51.0 Mg C·ha -1 in the whole soil profile in Alps and Apennines, respectively. Changes in SOC stocks increased with mean annual air temperature and average minimum winter temperature, and were negatively correlated with the sum of summer precipitation. At the same time, all other C pools (biomass and necromass) increased by 179.1 ± 51.3 and 304.2 ± 67.6 Mg C·ha -1 in the Alps and the Apennines sites, respectively. This study highlights the importance of considering both the subsoil, since deep soil layers contributed 38% to the observed variations in carbon stocks after land use change, and the possible repercussions for the carbon balance of large areas where forests are expanding, especially under pressing global warming scenarios. © 2019 Elsevier B.V.The project of this work is part of the research activities of the PhD in science, technology and biotechnology for sustainability. The first author received a fully founded scholarship partially by the University of Tuscia (Viterbo - Italy) and partially by the University of Molise . Tommaso Chiti participated in the project by conducting his work with the funding obtained through the LIFE MediNet project (grant number LIFE15 PRE IT/732295 ). Jorge Curiel Yuste was financed in part by the Basque Government through the BERC 2018-2021 (grant code) program and by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) through BC3 María de Maeztu excellence accreditation MDM-2017-0714. I.C (grant code)

    Ethical issues associated with in-hospital emergency from the medical emergency team's perspective: a national survey

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    Medical Emergency Teams (METs) are frequently involved in ethical issues associated to in-hospital emergencies, like decisions about end-of-life care and intensive care unit (ICU) admission. MET involvement offers both advantages and disadvantages, especially when an immediate decision must be made. We performed a survey among Italian intensivists/anesthesiologists evaluating MET's perspective on the most relevant ethical aspects faced in daily practice

    Improvement in the sustainability and stability of acrylic protective coatings for outdoor bronze artworks

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    Outdoor bronze artworks are an entrenched part of our urban landscape. They are usually covered by a patina resulting from their exposition to the environment. This patina plays an important aesthetic role and may provide some passivation on the surface, nonetheless it does not prevent the degradation processes promoted by external factors such as pollution, light and humidity. One of the strategies to slow down these unwanted processes is the application of protective coatings. The products currently available have some limitations due to the loss of effectiveness over time and poor environmental sustainability. With the aim of proposing more performing alternatives, coatings based on Paraloid (R) B44 modified with corrosion inhibitors and light stabilizers were prepared and characterized. Two non-toxic corrosion inhibitors were studied, 5-mercapto-1-pheniltetrazole (MPT) and 5-ethyl-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-amine (AEDTA), comparing them with the traditional benzotriazole (BTA). The approach used aimed to identify the blend providing the most stable coatings. The chemical and physical properties of the coatings, such as colour, solubility, glass transition and composition, were studied and monitored over time. All coatings have shown adequate visual properties; however, corrosion inhibitors degrade some other properties of the coatings and need to be used in conjunction with light stabilizers. The permanence of corrosion inhibitors in the coatings over time was also studied by investigating the role of the support. The establishment of specific interactions between inhibitors and the bronze surface lengthens their permanence in the coatings compared to what happens with inert supports. Especially for AEDTA, the inhibitor retention within the coating and at the coating-bronze interface is better than for BTA and MPT. The effect of each of the additives on the photooxidation stability of the coating was evaluated and the most promising inhibitor and stabilizer combination was identified

    Enzymatic synthesis of lignin derivable pyridine based polyesters for the substitution of petroleum derived plastics

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    Following concerns over increasing global plastic pollution, interest in the production and characterization of bio-based and biodegradable alternatives is rising. In the present work, the synthesis of a series of fully bio-based alternatives based on 2,4-, 2,5-, and 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid-derived polymers produced via enzymatic catalysis are reported. A similar series of aromatic-aliphatic polyesters based on diethyl-2,5-furandicarboxylate and of the petroleum-based diethyl terephthalate and diethyl isophthalate were also synthesized. Here we show that the enzymatic synthesis starting from 2,4-diethyl pyridinedicarboxylate leads to the best polymers in terms of molecular weights (M n = 14.3 and M w of 32.1 kDa when combined with 1,8-octanediol) when polymerized in diphenyl ether. Polymerization in solventless conditions were also successful leading to the synthesis of bio-based oligoesters that can be further functionalized. DSC analysis show a clear similarity in the thermal behavior between 2,4-diethyl pyridinedicarboxylate and diethyl isophthalate (amorphous polymers) and between 2,5-diethyl pyridinedicarboxylate and diethyl terephthalate (crystalline polymers)

    What Can Modeling Tell Us About Sustainable End Points for Neglected Tropical Diseases?

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    As programs move closer toward the World Health Organization (WHO) goals of reduction in morbidity, elimination as a public health problem or elimination of transmission, countries will be faced with planning the next stages of surveillance and control in low prevalence settings. Mathematical models of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) will need to go beyond predicting the effect of different treatment programs on these goals and on to predicting whether the gains can be sustained. One of the most important challenges will be identifying the policy goal and the right constraints on interventions and surveillance over the long term, as a single policy option will not achieve all aims-for example, minimizing morbidity and minimizing costs cannot both be achieved. As NTDs move toward 2030 and beyond, more nuanced intervention choices will be informed by quantitative analyses which are adapted to national context

    Adult advanced life support: Section 3 of the European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015

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    Erweiterte lebensrettende Maßnahmen für Erwachsene („advanced life support“, ALS) kommen zum Einsatz, nachdem Basismaßnahmen zur Wiederbelebung („basic life support“, BLS) begonnen und, wenn sinnvoll, ein automatisierter externer Defibrillator (AED) verwendet wurde. Die Basismaßnahmen zur Wiederbelebung eines Erwachsenen und der Einsatz von AEDs wird in Kap. 2 ausgeführt. Basis- und erweiterte Maßnahmen sollen nahtlos ineinander übergehen, da erstere fortgeführt werden und sich mit den erweiterten überschneiden. Dieses Kapitel über die erweiterten Maßnahmen beinhaltet die Vermeidung des Kreislaufstillstands, spezielle Aspekte des außerklinischen ALS, den Start der innerklinischen Reanimation, den ALS-Algorithmus, die manuelle Defibrillation, das Atemwegsmanagement während der Reanimaton, Medikamente und ihre Anwendung während der Reanimation sowie die Behandlung von Periarrest-Arrhythmien. Es gibt zwei Änderungen in der äußeren Form dieser Leitlinien des Europäischen Rats für Wiederbelebung seit den Leitlinien von 2010: [1] Das Kapitel „Elektrotherapie“ [2] ist nicht mehr eigenständig, sondern Teil dieses Kapitels; und die Leitlinien zur Behandlung nach Reanimation sind in ein neues Kapitel ausgegliedert, welches die Bedeutung dieses letzten Glieds der Überlebenskette unterstreicht [3]. Diese Leitlinien basieren auf den International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) Consensus on Science and Treatment Recommendations (CoSTR) für ALS von 2015 [4]. Die Überprüfung der ILCOR-Empfehlungen von 2015 konzentrierte sich auf 42 Themen, entsprechend der zeitlichen Abfolge der erweiterten Maßnahmen: Defibrillation, Atemwege, Oxygenierung und Ventilation, Kreislaufunterstützung und Überwachung und Einsatz von Medikamenten während der Reanimation. Für diese Leitlinien wurden die ILCOR-Empfehlungen durch ein gezieltes Literatur-Review ergänzt, welches von der ERC-ALS-Leitlinien Autorengruppe zu den Themen die nicht in den ILCOR-CoSTR-Empfehlungen von 2015 überarbeitet wurden erstellt wurde. Die Leitlinien wurden ausgearbeitet, von den ALS-Verfassern geprüft und abschließend von der ERC-Vollversammlung und dem ERC-Vorstand abgesegnet

    The development of juvenile-typical patterns of play fighting in juvenile rats does not depend on peer-peer play experience in the peri-weaning period

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    Open access article. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) appliesPlay fighting in rats involves attack and defense of the nape. To protect the nape, rats use a variety of defensive tactics, with different strains having specific preferences. Targeting of the nape is established before weaning and defense matures over the course of the week preceding and the week proceeding weaning. Thus, it is possible that experience from engaging in immature forms of play is needed to consolidate the nape as the playful target and for the development of the juvenile-typical pattern of defense. Two experiments were conducted to evaluate this possibility. For the first experiment, male rats were reared over the week post-weaning in either pairs or alone, and their play tested with unfamiliar partners when juveniles (31-34 days). For the second experiment, during the week preceding weaning, male and female rats were placed into one of three conditions: (1) with the mother and no peers, (2) with same-sex siblings but no mother, or (3) with both the mother and same-sex siblings. The subjects were tested in same-sex, samecondition pairs when juveniles (31-34 days). Rats from all conditions, in both experiments, attacked the nape during play fighting and developed the same juvenile-typical patterns of playful defense. This suggests that the experience of peer-peer play in the peri-weaning period is not necessary for the development of the attack and defense components of juvenile-typical play.Ye

    Pinning in the play fighting of rats: a comparative perspective with methodological recommendations

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    Open access article. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International LIcense (CC BY 4.0) appliesDuring play fighting, rats attack and defend the nape of the neck and during the course of this competitive interaction, they may adopt a configuration in which one animal stands over its supine partner (i.e., pin). Because the pin configuration is typically frequent and relatively easy to identify, it has been widely used as a marker to detect the effects of experimental treatments. In the present study, the frequency of pinning during standardized, 10-min trials in three strains of rats, Long Evans hooded (LE), Sprague-Dawley (SD) and wild (WWCPS), was compared. LE and SD had higher rates than WWCPS rats (#/min: 6.5, 5.5, 1.5, respectively). When adjusted for strain differences in the frequency of attacks, SD as well as WWCPS rats had lower rates of pinning compared to LE rats. Both SD and WWCPS rats were less likely to use tactics of defense that promote pinning. Moreover, while the majority of the pins achieved in LE rats arose from the defender actively rolling over onto its back, the majority of pins in WWCPS rats arose because one partner pushed the other onto its back. SD rats were intermediate in this regard. Finally, once they do adopt the pin configuration, SD rats are less likely to remain supine than LE and WWCPS rats. That is, both SD and WWCPS rats have significantly fewer pins than LE rats, but a different combination of factors account for this. These data highlight the need to use a battery of measures for ascertaining the effects of experimental manipulations on play. Some suggested guidelines are provided.Ye

    Standardized EEG interpretation accurately predicts prognosis after cardiac arrest.

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify reliable predictors of outcome in comatose patients after cardiac arrest using a single routine EEG and standardized interpretation according to the terminology proposed by the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society. METHODS: In this cohort study, 4 EEG specialists, blinded to outcome, evaluated prospectively recorded EEGs in the Target Temperature Management trial (TTM trial) that randomized patients to 33°C vs 36°C. Routine EEG was performed in patients still comatose after rewarming. EEGs were classified into highly malignant (suppression, suppression with periodic discharges, burst-suppression), malignant (periodic or rhythmic patterns, pathological or nonreactive background), and benign EEG (absence of malignant features). Poor outcome was defined as best Cerebral Performance Category score 3-5 until 180 days. RESULTS: Eight TTM sites randomized 202 patients. EEGs were recorded in 103 patients at a median 77 hours after cardiac arrest; 37% had a highly malignant EEG and all had a poor outcome (specificity 100%, sensitivity 50%). Any malignant EEG feature had a low specificity to predict poor prognosis (48%) but if 2 malignant EEG features were present specificity increased to 96% (p < 0.001). Specificity and sensitivity were not significantly affected by targeted temperature or sedation. A benign EEG was found in 1% of the patients with a poor outcome. CONCLUSIONS: Highly malignant EEG after rewarming reliably predicted poor outcome in half of patients without false predictions. An isolated finding of a single malignant feature did not predict poor outcome whereas a benign EEG was highly predictive of a good outcome