472 research outputs found

    Phenomenology of emotions with special reference to dysphoria

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    Dysphoria is a complex phenomenon which must be defi ned in the framework of different forms of affections. It belongs to the broader field of emotions, which are characterized by some essential features: i.e. movement, passiveness, tran-sitoriness, and reference to the others. All these four essential features of emotion are specifi cally altered in depression, whose phenomenology is presented in a clinical case. In discussing dysphoria, a first distinction is made between par-ticular and global affections. The fi rst type encompasses emotions and feelings, while the second one includes humor, mood and temper. Dysphoria belongs to one of these global affective states: the humor, which has to do with the spatial dimension of existence. In dysphoria the patient experiences the world as oppressive and invasive of his/her intimacy; the others are lived as persons demanding answers or actions he/she is not able to fulfill. Finally, the phenomenology of dysphoria is analyzed through the four essential features described above and examples are given

    Tratamiento logopédico de la disfagia orofaríngea. Nuevas técnicas en el tratamiento de la disfagia

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    El interés por la disfagia ha ido aumentando en los últimos años, y esto se traduce en un incremento en las publicaciones científicas, al mismo tiempo que en una atención más especializada en su detección e intervención. Aun así, debe continuar el esfuerzo para que cualquier persona con alteraciones en la deglución pueda ser diagnosticada y tratada. El objetivo de la presentación es realizar un breve recorrido por las diferentes herramientas con las que cuentan los logopedas para tratar pacientes con disfagia. A parte de los tratamientos farmacológicos y quirúrgicos necesarios en algunas disfagias orofaríngeas, gran parte de los pacientes van a ser tratados por logopedas. Este motivo lleva al logopeda a conocer a fondo: los ejercicios miofuncionales clásicos para movilizar y fortalecer los músculos implicados en la deglución, también con apoyo instrumental en los últimos años utilizando la electroestimulación neuromuscular; el vendaje neuromuscular; la ejercitación en el control respiratorio; las técnicas de incremento sensorial; las maniobras posturales y las técnicas deglutorias. De forma complementaria es importante un abordaje en las adaptaciones del entorno, haciendo un énfasis especial en las adaptaciones de la dieta. Así mismo, existen programas específicos para trabajar los mecanismos vocales relacionados con la disfagia como Lee-Silverman- Voice Treatment (LSVT) utilizado especialmente en enfermos con Párkinson. Un especial apunte requiere el análisis acústico de los sonidos de la deglución, que además de ser un instrumento de apoyo en la exploración de la disfagia, va a ser de gran utilidad en su intervención como medida de feedback. Es un imperativo para cualquier profesional de la salud la reflexión bioética, implicando a pacientes y familias en la toma de decisiones autónoma. Gracias a una relación terapéutica basada en la confianza y en una buena comunicación se conseguirá un óptimo seguimiento en el tratamiento.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Design and development of a data acquisition system for motorsport vehicles

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    Aquest projecte consisteix en crear un sistema d’adquisició de dades y telemetria per a competicions de motor des de 0, el qual es pugui utilitzar en qualsevol tipus de vehicle sigui de combustió o elèctric. El nostre sistema d’adquisició de dades comptarà amb la majoria de sensors més importants per a poder analitzar el comportament del vehicle i la conducció del pilot, així com la integració d’una pantalla per al pilot i l’enviament de dades en temps real a diferents dispositius. Per a dur a terme el nostre projecte, farem una selecció dels diferents components necessaris per al seu funcionament, dissenyarem tot el codi per aconseguir un correcte funcionament de tots els sensors, fabricarem els diferents cablejats i carcasses per a poder integrar tots els components, dissenyarem la interfície gràfica per a la pantalla del pilot i finalment crearem la interfície gràfica per a la part de telemetria permeten la visualització de les dades en temps real des de qualsevol dispositiu. L’objectiu final serà poder realitzar aquest sistema amb els coneixements adquirits durant el grau, en un temps ajustat i dut a terme per una sola persona. Tenint en compte que aquest tipus de sistemes solen estar creats per a un grup gran de diversos enginyers en un període de temps llarg, serà un repte no només a nivell tècnic i de coneixements sinó també de gestió del temps per a poder desenvolupar el projecte dintre del termini establert.This project involves creating a data acquisition and telemetry system for motorsport from scratch, which can be used in any type of vehicle, whether combustion or electric. Our data acquisition system will have the most important sensors to be able to analyze the behavior of the vehicle and the driving of the pilot, as well as the integration of a screen for the pilot and the sending of data in real time to different devices. To carry out our project, we will make a selection of the different components necessary for its operation, we will design all the code to achieve a correct operation of all the sensors, we will manufacture the different wiring and housings to be able to integrate all the components, we will design a graphical user interface for the pilot screen and finally we will create another graphical interface for the telemetry part that allows the visualization of the data in real time from any device. The ultimate goal of carrying out this project will be to be able to develop this system with the knowledge acquired during the degree, in a tight time and by a single person. Since such systems are usually created for a large group of several engineers over a long period of time, it will be a challenge not only in terms of technical and knowledge but also time management to be able to develop the project within of the established ter

    Brief communication: lower-bound estimates for residence time of energy in the atmospheres of Venus, Mars and Titan

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    The residence time of energy in a planetary atmosphere, tau, which was recently introduced and computed for the Earth''s atmosphere (Osacar et al., 2020), is here extended to the atmospheres of Venus, Mars and Titan. tau is the timescale for the energy transport across the atmosphere. In the cases of Venus, Mars and Titan, these computations are lower bounds due to a lack of some energy data. If the analogy between tau and the solar Kelvin-Helmholtz scale is assumed, then tau would also be the time the atmosphere needs to return to equilibrium after a global thermal perturbation

    Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in a captive bird Cyanocompsa brissonii (Cardinalidae) in Mendoza, Argentina

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    Palma Leotta, M.; Pelegrina, M.; Cáceres, A.: Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in a captive bird Cyanocompsa brissonii (Cardinalidae) in Mendoza, Argentina. Rev. vet. 26: 1, 79-81, 201

    Progesterona y allopregnanolona promueven la migración de células de cáncer de ovario humano: participación del receptor GABAA

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    El cáncer de ovario es la causa más común de muerte por cáncer del sistema reproductor femenino y la quinta causa de muerte por cáncer en mujeres. Allopregnanolona es el principal metabolito activo de la Progesterona. ALLO modula el eje hipotálamo-hipófiso-gonadal en respuesta al stress generando alteraciones del humor a través de distintos sistemas de neurotransmisión, involucrando los receptores de GABAA, NMDA y dopamina. En el ovario de rata, demostramos que allopregnanolona inhibió la ovulación y la liberación de LH mediado por el receptor GABAA. Allopregnanolona produce alteraciones morfo-fisiológicas, afectando la proliferación, apoptosis y angiogénesis, procesos implicados en la progresión tumoral. En el cáncer de ovario, la evidencia sobre los efectos de progesterona es controversial. Previamente, investigamos los efectos de progesterona y allopregnanolona en líneas derivadas de tumores humanos de cáncer de ovario y determinamos que allopregnanolona afecta la proliferación tumoral, la expresión de Ki67 y la capacidad clonogénica en la línea IGROV-1; mientras que no produce diferencias significativas en la línea SKOV-3. Allopregnanolona afecta el proceso tumorigénico en forma diferencial según la línea tumoral seleccionada. El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar la expresión de GABAA en ambas líneas tumorales y analizar la participación de este receptor en los efectos producidos por ambos esteroides sobre la migración tumoral

    Blind source separation and feature extraction in concurrent control charts pattern recognition: Novel analyses and a comparison of different methods

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    International audienceControl charts are among the main tools in statistical process control (SPC) and have been extensively used for monitoring industrial processes. Currently, besides the single control charts, there is an interest in the concurrent ones. These graphics are characterized by the simultaneous presence of two or more single control charts. As a consequence, the individual patterns may be mixed, hindering the identification of a non-random pattern acting in the process; this phenomenon is refered as concurrent charts. In view of this problem, our first goal is to investigate the importance of an efficient separation step for pattern recognition. Then, we compare the efficiency of different Blind Source Separation (BSS) methods in the task of unmixing concurrent control charts. Furthermore, these BSS methods are combined with shape and statistical features in order to verify the performance of each one in pattern classification. In additional, the robustness of the better approach is tested in scenarios where there are different non-randomness levels and in cases with imbalanced dataset provided to the classifier. After simulating different patterns and applying several separation methods, the results have shown that the recognition rate is widely influenced by the separation and feature extraction steps and that the selection of efficient separation methods is fundamental to achieve high classification rates

    Asymptotic mass limit of large fully heavy compact multiquarks

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    We acknowledge financial support from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (Spain) under Grant No. PID2020–113565GB-C22 and from Junta de Andalucía group PAIDI-205. We also acknowledge the use of the C3UPO computer facilities at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide.The properties of fully heavy arrangements including a number of quarks between 5 and 12 were calculated within the framework of a constituent quark model by using a diffusion Monte Carlo technique. We considered only clusters in which all the quarks had the same mass and whose number of particles and antiparticles were adequate to produce color singlets. All the multiquarks were in their lowest possible values of L2 and S2 operators. Thus, we considered only color-spin wave functions that were antisymmetric with respect to the interchange of any two quarks of the same type. We found that in both all-c and all-b multiquarks, the mass per particle levels off for arrangements with the number of quarks larger than or equal to six. The analysis of their structure implies that the fully heavy multiquarks are compact structures.MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 PID2020–113565GB-C22Junta de Andalucía group PAIDI-205Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    A kk-additive Choquet integral-based approach to approximate the SHAP values for local interpretability in machine learning

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    Besides accuracy, recent studies on machine learning models have been addressing the question on how the obtained results can be interpreted. Indeed, while complex machine learning models are able to provide very good results in terms of accuracy even in challenging applications, it is difficult to interpret them. Aiming at providing some interpretability for such models, one of the most famous methods, called SHAP, borrows the Shapley value concept from game theory in order to locally explain the predicted outcome of an instance of interest. As the SHAP values calculation needs previous computations on all possible coalitions of attributes, its computational cost can be very high. Therefore, a SHAP-based method called Kernel SHAP adopts an efficient strategy that approximate such values with less computational effort. In this paper, we also address local interpretability in machine learning based on Shapley values. Firstly, we provide a straightforward formulation of a SHAP-based method for local interpretability by using the Choquet integral, which leads to both Shapley values and Shapley interaction indices. Moreover, we also adopt the concept of kk-additive games from game theory, which contributes to reduce the computational effort when estimating the SHAP values. The obtained results attest that our proposal needs less computations on coalitions of attributes to approximate the SHAP values