221 research outputs found


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    The paper provides analysis on the current state of the art in the field of green technologies, including green information technologies, and methods aimed to achieve effective energy consumption goals. Recent advances in the field summarized in prospective publications, were analysed. Modern Green IT and Green Energy strategies, aimed to reduce power consumption, environmental influence and improve sustainability, which assume the use of Cloud Technologies, renewable energy sources, proper recycling and reuse of devices and resources, were singled out. Finally, recommendations for IT and industrial companies aimed helping to achieve green strategies’ goals, were formulated


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    With the fast-paced technological development era and the importance of using the Internet in our daily lives, e-commerce as shopping no longer seems new or unusual. Regardless of type or size, companies are using e-commerce advantage to compete in the market. Each of these companies needs a circle of independent and loyal customers. When the customer is satisfied, he gives positive feedback about the company and makes a repeat purchase. In this way, he attracts new customers to the company and provides an independent income for the company. Certain factors influence the customer's attitude and behavior. It is essential to determine what influences their customers' choices when competing to earn profit in the market; the customer must be satisfied in order for him to want to make a repurchase. Repurchases from customers indicate a loyalty to the company. Customer loyalty can be the result of a company consistently meeting and exceeding its customer expectations. Customer loyalty can have a significant impact on business growth. To assess and identify the factors influencing customer satisfaction, they are identified and offered a conceptual reflection of the current situation and offer a conceptual model of Identification Causes and Effects of Customer Satisfaction Framework (IceCSF) in e-commerce retail

    Poboljšana Beckerova vakuumska mjerka

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    The possibility to optimize the Becker\u27s design of the friction vacuum gauge "REVA\u27\u27 has been investigated. The basic part of the gauge "REVA\u27\u27 is a metal ribbon stretched across magnetic field as a string (ß" gauge). The vibration of the ribbon is excited by an alternating current. The amplitude of the vibration is determined from the induced voltage and stabilized by varying the supply current according to the damping produced by gas molecules. This principle is analogical to that of the usual Pirani gauge control. The magnetic induction in the area of the string is for the sensitivity of the string gauge as important as the temperature of the heated filament is important for the sensitivity of the Pirani gauge. The shape of the magnetic field has been optimized according to the computation, using a finite element method. In order to achieve sufficient mechanical accuracy necessary for the optimal properties, a bifilar arrangement was chosen.Vibracije trake razapete u magnetskom polju uzbude se izmjeničnom strujom. Amplituda vibracija se određuje i stabilizira pomoću induciranog napona. Veće gušenje uzrokovano trenjem molekula pri višem tlaku zahtijeva jaču uzbudu i to služi za određivanje tlaka. Radi poboljšanja mehaničke izvedbe i smanjenja osjetljivosti na vanjsko magnetsko polje, odabran je bifilarni sustav

    Medieval settlement of the middle River Ohře region

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    Diplomová práce se v nuje st edov kým až asn novov kým d jinám osídlení st edního Pooh í, se zvláštním z etelem k problematice vývoje a postupu osídlení na p elomu raného a vrcholného st edov ku. Studované území, jehož osu tvo í eka Oh e, zabírá prostor zhruba od Kadan po Louny, a odpovídá tak ástem okres Chomutov a Louny. Vymezení zám rn zahrnuje geomorfologicky rozdílné regionální ásti, poskytující r znorodé podmínky pro vývoj osídlení. Zárove p ihlíží ke kulturn -historické a archeologické hodnot dnes známých archeologických lokalit. Východiskem diplomové práce je výb r n kolika krajinných sond o rozloze n kolika km2 , do nichž se soust edí podrobné archeologické studium. Tyto sondy jsou definovány ve vztahu k regionálnímu celku tak, aby se mohly stát reprezentativními vzorky dovolujícími ešení závažných sídeln historických otázek. Podkladem k vymezení sond je charakteristika p írodních pom r , seznam sídelních jednotek a katalog archeologických lokalit. Katalog obsahuje stru nou evidenci zahrnující všechny kategorie st edov kých archeologických lokalit (venkovská sídlišt , šlechtická sídla, sakrální stavby, poh ebišt ). Samostatnou kapitolou je nástin regionální archeologické chronologie keramiky, rozlišující chronologii relativní a absolutní. Diplomová práce tedy nejprve shrnuje a hodnotí...The present work is focused on the medieval settlement in the river Oh e region (Czech Republic), with emphasis on the problem of development and the settlement process at the turn of the early and the high Middle Ages. The studied region, with the axis of the river Oh e, is occupied the area roughly from town Kada to Louny and it is corresponded to the parts of Chomutov and Louny districts. The definition includes geomorphologically different regional parts, providing diverse conditions for the development of settlement. At the same time, it is considered the cultural- historical and archaeological value of today's known archaeological sites. The basis of this thesis is the selection of several landscape probes with an area of several square kilometres, to which the detailed archaeological study is concentrated. These probes are defined in relation to the regional unit so that they can become representative samples that allow for the solution of major settlements of historical issues. The basis for defining probes is the characteristics of natural conditions, the list of settlement units and the catalogue of archaeological sites. The catalogue includes a brief record of all categories of medieval archaeological sites (rural settlements, noble settlements, sacral buildings, burial grounds). A...Ústav pro archeologiiInstitute of ArchaeologyFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    The complexity of symbiotic interactions influences the ecological amplitude of the host: a case study in Stereocaulon (lichenized Ascomycota).

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    Symbiosis plays a fundamental role in nature. Lichens are among the best known, globally distributed symbiotic systems whose ecology is shaped by the requirements of all symbionts forming the holobiont. The widespread lichen-forming fungal genus Stereocaulon provides a suitable model to study the ecology of microscopic green algal symbionts (i.e., phycobionts) within the lichen symbiosis. We analyzed 282 Stereocaulon specimens, collected in diverse habitats worldwide, using the algal ITS rDNA and actin gene sequences and fungal ITS rDNA sequences. Phylogenetic analyses revealed a great diversity among the predominant phycobionts. The algal genus Asterochloris (Trebouxiophyceae) was recovered in most sampled thalli, but two additional genera, Vulcanochloris and Chloroidium, were also found. We used variation-partitioning analyses to investigate the effects of climatic conditions, substrate/habitat characteristic, spatial distribution, and mycobionts on phycobiont distribution. Analogically, we examined the effects of climate, substrate/habitat, spatial distribution, and phycobionts on mycobiont distribution. According to our analyses, the distribution of phycobionts is primarily driven by mycobionts and vice versa. Specificity and selectivity of both partners, as well as their ecological requirements and the width of their niches vary significantly among the species-level lineages. We demonstrated that species-level lineages, which accept more symbiotic partners, have wider climatic niches, overlapping with the niches of their partners. Furthermore, the survival of lichens on substrates with high concentrations of heavy metals appears to be supported by their association with toxicity-tolerant phycobionts. In general, low specificity towards phycobionts allows the host to associate with ecologically diversified algae, thereby, broadening its ecological amplitude

    Effects of Liming and Nutrient Management on Yield and Other Parameters of Potato Productivity on Acid Soils in Montenegro

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of liming (CaCO3 1000 kg ha−1 ) and application of organic fertilizers (rotted farmyard manure 40 t ha−1 ) and six different combination of mineral fertilizers: NPK 15:15:15 800 kg ha−1 + KAN (calcium ammonium nitrate) 240 kg ha−1; NPK 15:15:15 400 kg ha−1 + MCB (water-soluble mineral fertilizer NPK 13:11:20 + 2MgO + microelements + humic acid) 300 kg ha−1 + KAN 125 kg ha−1; MCB 400 kg ha−1; MCB 400 kg ha−1 + KMg (water-soluble mineral fertilizer Multi KMg 13:0:43 + 2MgO) 100 kg ha−1; MCB 600 kg ha−1 + KMg 100 kg ha−1 and MCB 800 kg ha−1 + KMg 100 kg ha−1 on yield and other productivity parameters of potato (Kennebec variety). The aim of the research was to optimize the system of potato plant nutrition for maximum profitability in the future potato production on acid soils of mountainous region of Montenegro. The experiments were carried out during 2015 and 2016, on Dystric Cambisols. The results obtained suggested that in both years, the highest values for all studied parameters were measured on plots with combined application of liming, organic and mineral fertilizers. In addition, a significant influence on the increase in the number of tubers per plant, the average tuber weight and the total yield was also demonstrated in all individual trials of potato nutrition, and the interaction of organic manure and mineral fertilizer. Fertilizing with rotted farmyard manure had significantly increased potato productivity, with the effect more pronounced in treatments with liming. The highest number of tubers (6.2 and 7.2), average tuber weight (93.5 g and 101.0 g) and yield (27.6 t ha−1 in 2015 and 34.8 t ha−1 in 2016, respectively) were obtained using combinations of MCB 800 kg ha−1 + KMg 100 kg ha−1 on variants fertilized with rotted farmyard manure and liming. This research is a valuable source of information for potato growers and scientists from this region as the results have shown how fertilization is raising productivity in this environment and its importance in the future potato growing on acid soils in mountainous regions of Montenegro and Western Balkans