75 research outputs found

    "Menneen talven Lumia" : suomalaisen identiteetin rakentuminen Nokia-kaupoista uutisoivassa verkkomediassa

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    Tutkimuksessani tarkastelin suomelaisen identiteetin rakentumista Nokia-kauppoja käsittelevissä kotimaisissa ja kansainvälisissä verkkouutisartikkeleissa. Tarkastelemani uutisartikkelit ovat kaikki vuoden 2013 syyskuun kolmannen päivän aikana julkaistuja, sillä samana päivänä Nokia julkaisi tiedotteen ja piti lehdistötilaisuuden tulevia Nokia-kauppoja koskien. Ensin määrittelin identiteettiä, jonka jälkeen määrittelin kansallista identiteettiä, nationalismia ja lopulta suomalaista identiteettiä. Näiden avulla selvitin millaisia suomalaisen identiteetin rakennuspalikoita pyrkisin verkkomedian uutisartikkeleista etsimään selvittääkseni miten verkkomediassa suomalaista identiteettiä rakennetaan. Sitten tarkastelin Nokiaa ja miten se on ollut osana määrittämässä suomalaista identiteettiä. Lopuksi tarkastelin vielä miten yleisö ja identiteetti sitoutuvat toisiinsa kun määritetään median tavoittelemaa kohdeyleisöä. Tutkimusaineistoni käsitti yhdeksän verkkomedian uutisartikkelia. Näistä neljä oli kotimaisesta verkkomediasta ja viisi kansainvälisestä verkkomediasta. Kansainvälisistä uutisartikkeleista kaksi oli yhdysvaltalaisesta verkkomediasta ja kolme brittiläisestä verkkomediasta. Valitsin tarkasteltavaksi erilaisia verkkomedialähteitä. Kategorina olivat iltapäivälehdet, isolevikkiset päivittäissanomalehdet, talousuutisiin keskittyvät sanomalehdet ja yleisradioiden verkkouutispalvelut. Aluksi tarkastelin millä tavalla kotimainen verkkomedia rakensi suomalaista identiteettiä. Tämän jälkeen tarkastelin kansainvälisen verkkomedian uutisartikkeleita ja miten niiden rakentama suomalainen identiteetti erosi kotimaisen verkkomedian tavasta rakentaa suomalaista identiteettiä. Tein myös vertailua kategorioittain kotimaisten ja kansainvälisten uutisartikkeli vastineparien välillä. Keskeinen tutkimustulos oli että suomalaista identiteettiä rakennetaan jollain asteella kaikessa Nokia-kauppoja käsittelevässä uutisoinnissa. Kotimaisessa verkkomediassa tarkastelu kohdistui enemmän Nokiaan, kun taas kansainvälisessä, varsinkin yhdysvaltalaisessa, verkkomediassa tarkastelu kohdistui enemmän Microsoftiin. Kansainvälisessä Nokia-kauppoja käsittelevässä verkkomediassa kuitenkin rakennetaan myös suomalaista identiteettiä jotta saadaan luotua asiayhteys kohdeyleisön ja uutisaiheen välille. Kohdeyleisön kansallinen identiteetti siis määrittää vahvasti miten uutisartikkelissa uutisesta kirjoitetaan

    Description of movement sensor dataset for dog behavior classification

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    The description and results of the original investigation are found in: Dog behaviour classification with movement sensors placed on the harness and the collar, Kumpulainen, P., Valldeoriola Cardó, A., Somppi, S., Törnqvist, H., Väätäjä, H., Majaranta, P., Gizatdinova, Y., Antink, C. H., Surakka, V., V. Kujala, M., Vainio, O. & Vehkaoja, A., Aug 2021, In: Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 241, 7 p., 105393.Movement sensor data from seven static and dynamic dog behaviors (sitting, standing, lying down, trotting, walking, playing, and (treat) searching i.e. sniffing) was collected from 45 middle to large sized dogs with six degree-of-freedom movement sensors attached to the collar and the harness. With 17 dogs the collection procedure was repeated. The duration of each of the seven behaviors was approximately three minutes. The order of the tasks was varied between the dogs and the two repetitions (for the 17 dogs). The behaviors were annotated post-hoc based on the video recordings made with two camcorders during the tests with one second resolution. The annotations were accurately synchronized with the raw movement sensors data.The annotated data was originally used for training behavior classification machine learning algorithms for classifying the seven behaviors. The developed signal processing and classification algorithms are provided together with the raw measurement data and reference annotations. The description and results of the original investigation that the dataset relates to are found in: P. Kumpulainen, A. Valldeoriola Cardo, S. Somppi, H. Tornqvist, H. Vaataja, P. Majaranta, Y. Gizatdinova, C. Hoog Antink, V. Surakka, M. V. Kujala, O. Vainio, A. Vehkaoja, Dog behavior classification with movement sensors placed on the harness and the collar, Applied Animal behavior Science, 241 (2021), 105,393. (c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)Peer reviewe

    Kuopio birth cohort - design of a Finnish joint research effort for identification of environmental and lifestyle risk factors for the wellbeing of the mother and the newborn child

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    Background: A Finnish joint research effort Kuopio Birth Cohort (KuBiCo) seeks to evaluate the effects of genetics, epigenetics and different risk factors (medication, nutrition, lifestyle factors and environmental aspects) during pregnancy on the somatic and psychological health status of the mother and the child. Methods: KuBiCo will ultimately include information on 10,000 mother-child pairs who have given their informed consent to participate in this cohort. Identification of foetal health risk factors that can potentially later manifest as disease requires a repository of relevant biological samples and a flexible open up-to-date data handling system to register, store and analyse biological, clinical and questionnaire-based data. KuBiCo includes coded questionnaire-based maternal background data gathered before, during and after the pregnancy and bio-banking of maternal and foetal samples that will be stored in deep freezers. Data from the questionnaires and biological samples will be collected into one electronic database. KuBiCo consists of several work packages which are complementary to each other: Maternal, foetal and placental metabolism and omits; Paediatrics; Mental wellbeing; Prenatal period and delivery; Analgesics and anaesthetics during peripartum period; Environmental effects; Nutrition; and Research ethics. Discussion: This report describes the set-up of the KuBiCo and descriptive analysis from 3532 parturients on response frequencies and feedback to KuBiCo questionnaires gathered from June 2012 to April 2016. Additionally, we describe basic demographic data of the participants (n = 1172). Based on the comparison of demographic data between official national statistics and our descriptive analysis, KuBiCo represents a cross-section of Finnish pregnant women.Peer reviewe

    Dog behaviour classification with movement sensors placed on the harness and the collar

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    Dog owners' understanding of the daily behaviour of their dogs may be enhanced by movement measurements that can detect repeatable dog behaviour, such as levels of daily activity and rest as well as their changes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of supervised machine learning methods utilising accelerometer and gyroscope data provided by wearable movement sensors in classification of seven typical dog activities in a semi-controlled test situation. Forty-five middle to large sized dogs participated in the study. Two sensor devices were attached to each dog, one on the back of the dog in a harness and one on the neck collar. Altogether 54 features were extracted from the acceleration and gyroscope signals divided in two-second segments. The performance of four classifiers were compared using features derived from both sensor modalities. and from the acceleration data only. The results were promising; the movement sensor at the back yielded up to 91 % accuracy in classifying the dog activities and the sensor placed at the collar yielded 75 % accuracy at best. Including the gyroscope features improved the classification accuracy by 0.7-2.6 %, depending on the classifier and the sensor location. The most distinct activity was sniffing, whereas the static postures (lying on chest, sitting and standing) were the most challenging behaviours to classify, especially from the data of the neck collar sensor. The data used in this article as well as the signal processing scripts are openly available in Mendeley Data, https://doi.org/10.17632/vxhx934tbn.1.Peer reviewe

    The dynamic course of peripartum depression across pregnancy and childbirth

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    Objective Peripartum depression (PPD) pertaining to depression in pregnancy and postpartum is one of the most common complications around childbirth with enduring adverse effects on mother and child health. Although psychiatric symptoms may improve or worsen over time, relatively little is known about the course of PPD symptoms and possible fluctuations Methods We applied a person-centered approach to examine PPD symptom patterns across pregnancy and childbirth. 824 women were assessed at three time points: first trimester (T1), third trimester (T2), and again at eight weeks (T3) postpartum. We assessed PPD symptoms, maternal mental health history, and childbirth variables Results Growth mixture modeling (GMM) analysis revealed four discrete PPD symptom trajectory classes including chronic PPD (1.1%), delayed (10.2%), recovered (7.2%), and resilient (81.5%). Delivery complications were associated with chronic PPD but also with the recovered PPD trajectory class. History of mental health disorders was associated with chronic PPD and the delayed PPD class Conclusion The findings underscore that significant changes in a woman’s depression level can occur across pregnancy and childbirth. While a minority of women experience chronic PDD, for others depression symptoms appear to significantly alleviate over time, suggesting a form of recovery. Our findings support a personalized medicine approach based on the woman’s symptom trajectory. Future research is warranted to identify the mechanisms underlying modifications in PPD symptoms severity and those implicated in recovery.Peer reviewe

    Bile-volatile organic compounds in the diagnostics of pancreatic cancer and biliary obstruction : A prospective proof-of-concept study

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    Objectives: Detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from bodily fluids with field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS) and related methods has been studied in various settings. Preliminary results suggest that it is possible to detect prostate, colorectal, ovarian and pancreatic cancer from urine samples. In this study, our primary aim was to differentiate pancreatic cancer from pancreatitis and benign tumours of the pancreas by using bile samples obtained during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Secondarily, we aimed to differentiate all pancreatic region malignancies from all other kinds of benign causes of biliary obstruction. Methods: A bile sample was successfully aspirated from 94 patients during ERCP in Tampere University Hospital. Hospital and patient records were prospectively followed up for at least two years after ERCP. Bile samples were analysed using a Lonestar chemical analyser (Owlstone, UK) using an ATLAS sampling system and a split-flow box. Diagnoses and corresponding data from the analyses were matched and divided into two subcategories for comparison. Statistical analysis was performed using linear discriminant analysis, support vector machines, and 5-fold cross-validation. Results: Pancreatic cancers (n=8) were differentiated from benign pancreatic lesions (n=9) with a sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 77.8%, and correct rate of 88%. All pancreatic region cancers (n=19) were differentiated from all other kinds of benign causes of biliary obstruction (n=75) with corresponding values of 21.1%, 94.7%, and 80.7%. The sample size was too small to try to differentiate pancreatic cancers from adjacent cancers. Conclusion: Analysing bile VOCs using FAIMS shows promising capability in detecting pancreatic cancer and other cancers in the pancreatic area.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Audit of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) by an International panel

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    The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health invited a panel of international experts to evaluate the operations of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare and to provide futureoriented development proposals. The panel proposes clarifying the steering and funding of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, strengthening its role in supporting decisionmaking, and investing in data analytics