47 research outputs found

    Distribution, sedimentation and fate of pigment biomarkers following thermal stratification in the western Alboran Sea

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    A spring investigation of the phytoplankton in the western Alboran Sea (Mediterranean) was undertaken using chlorophyll and carotenoid biomarkers to characterize the community in the water column and in drifting sediment traps set at 100 and 200 m. During 2 drifter experiments, calm and sunny conditions induced a progressive thermal stratification that reduced pigment sedimentation into deeper water and confined the phytoplankton to the surface layer, resulting in an increase in chlorophyll biomass. 19'-Hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin (prymnesiophytes) and chlorophyll b (chlorophytes, prasinophytes, prochlorophytes) were the major accessory pigments, while fucoxanthin, alloxanthin and peridinin indicated the presence of diatoms, cryptophytes and dinoflagellates, respectively. The proportional contribution of each algal group to the chlorophyll a (chl a) biomass, as derived from multiple regression analysis, revealed that prymnesiophytes, cryptophytes and the green algal group collectively accounted for at least 75% in the upper 100 m, emphasizing the importance of the nanophytoplankton. Phaeopigments, dominated by phaeophorbide a2, were the main pigments observed in sediment traps, although chl a, fucoxanthin and 19'-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin were detected in smaller concentrations as well as traces of chlorophyll b (chl b). In deep water, fucoxanthin and 19'-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin were the only accessory pigments present while total phaeopigment/chl a molar ratios >1 reflected the active transformation of fine phytogenic material at depth. High particulate organic carbon (POC)/chl a ratios (>100 in surface water; >1000 in deep water) suggested that phytoplankton was a relatively small component of the total carbon biomass down the water column. Using simple budget calculations, we determined that 58 to 65% of the chl a produced in the upper 100 m accumulated in the water column over both experiments. During Expt 1, 29% of the chl a sedimented out, mostly as phaeopigment, at 100 m (24%), and 6% was degraded to colourless residues in the water column. In contrast, only 12% of the chl a sedimented in Expt 2, while 20% was degraded to colourless residues

    Benthic response to sedimentation events during autumn to spring at a shallow-water station in the Western Kiel Bight

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    The response of the benthos to the break up of anoxia in the Kiel Bight (Western Baltic Sea), and to three succeeding events of “external” food supply, consisting of a settled autumn plankton bloom, resuspended matter and macrophyte input during winter, and of a sedimented spring phytoplankton bloom, is described on a community level. The first input of oxygen broke up anoxic conditions and made stored food resources available to decomposition. This “internal” food supply, mainly consisting of protein (folin positive matter), was followed by a drastic increase in heat production and ATP-biomass and caused a period of low redox potential, which lasted for several weeks. During this phase, a plankton bloom (dinoflagellates and diatoms) settled to the sea floor. Although there was an immediate response of benthic activity, this food input was not completely consumed by the strongly disturbed benthic community. During winter resuspended matter and the input of macrophyte debris caused another maximum in benthic activity and biomass despite the low temperature. The response to sedimentation of cells from a diatom bloom during mid March was also without any time lag and was consumed within 5–6 wk. A comparison of the amount of particles collected in a sediment trap with the increase of organic matter in the sediment demonstrated that the sediment collected four times (autumn) and seven to eight times (spring) more than measured by the sediment trap. Strong indications of food limitation of benthic activity were found. During autumn and winter these indications were caused more by physical than by biological processes. The three events of “external” food supply caused a temporary shift in the type of metabolism towards fermentation processes and reduced the redox potential. In spring the development of the benthic community was still being strongly influenced by the events of the preceding summer and autumn

    Patterns of production and sedimentation in the boreal and polar Northeast Atlantic

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    Pelagic systems are potentially capable of retaining and recycling all autochthonous organic material, although some losses due to sinking particles inevitably occur. Relating processes in the surface layers quantitatively to vertical particle flux is difficult because only a small percentage of the total production is lost annually via sinking in the open ocean. Further, only a few types of particles contribute to this flux and only a smalt proportion of these may actually reach greater depths. Measurements of vertical flux with sediment traps revealed seasonal and regional patterns also within the northwestern Atlantic and indicate imbalances between particle formation and degradation. The classical pattern of spring bloom sedimentation followed by reduced loss rates has been found in shelf and shallow water regions such as the Norwegian Coastal Current and fjords and is also encountered in the Barents Sea. In the Norwegian Sea. however, the seasonal pattern appears different as the seasonal maximum has been observed during late summer/autumn. The physical environment determines nutrient availability and hence the particles potentially available for sedimentation. The relationship between phyto- and zooplankton governs vertical flux seasonality, and zooplankters with different life cycles and feeding strategies further modify the principle patterns. Herbivores with life-cycle strategies involving overwintering of large biomass and predictable seasonal appearance (copepods, cuphausiids) will have a different impact than opportunistic organisms with very low overwintering biomass, for example salps and ptcropods. The latter exhibit much greater interannual biomass variation and may thus contribute to interannual variability of the vertical flux. Shelf systems of similar latitude arc generally comparable with respect to their flux patterns and also share similarities with marginal ice zones. Open ocean systems as the Norwegian Sea, however, exhibit different patterns which are similar to the subarctic Pacific

    Resuspension and particle transport in the Benthic Nepheloid Layer in and near Fram Strait in relation to faunal abundances and 234Th depletion

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    The West Spitsbergen Current, flowing northward through Fram Strait, causes a benthic nepheloid layer (BNL) on the western slope of the Yermak Plateau. This BNL is weaker on the eastern side of the Plateau and absent on the Greenland side of the Fram Strait where the East Greenland Current flows south. In this BNL we find throughout a depletion of 234Th relative to its parent 238U, and we use this to study the particle dynamics in the BNL. The export flux from the ice-covered surface ocean and from a young bloom found in the ice-free waters off NE Greenland is shown to be negligible, allowing us to explain the 234Th depletion by interaction with the sediment alone. The depletion, balanced by a similar excess in the surface layer of the sediment, implies the existence of a settling-resuspension loop with an average particle residence time of 1-2 months.The asymmetry with a stronger resuspension loop on the western (80-120 mg m-2 d-1) than on the eastern side of the Yermak Plateau (1-15 mg m-2 d-1) is reflected in the numbers of species and individuals of suspension feeders in box core samples, and in epifauna abundance as has been estimated from video observations. The suspension feeders thus contribute to deposit the particles that are advected from more productive ice-free regions. This explanation is in agreement with the east-west asymmetry in the input of organic material to the sediments of the Yermak Plateau, which has been concluded by Soltwedel et al. (2000) from the distribution of pigments, bacterial activity and meiofauna abundances, observed in a concurrent study at the same stations.On the West Spitsbergen shelf, a very intensive BNL was monitored over one month with a moored filtration system. A part of the sustained high suspended load may be advected over long distances.This study gives an example how the tracer 234Th can help to determine to what extent suspended particles are in continuous exchange with the seafloor, and where biological mediation and chemical modification can be expected