50 research outputs found

    Modelado y resolución de un sistema de planificación de turnos para la asistencia de pacientes dependientes

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    Este proyecto presenta una alternativa piloto al actual sistema de planificación de visitas en una empresa de Servicios de Atención Domiciliaria. Se diseña e implementa un modelo de programación entera adaptado a las diversas características de de este problema, con un resultado que cumple tres funciones: la asignación de pacientes a cada auxiliar médico, la programación de visitas para un periodo establecido, y la gestión de ausencias por parte de asistentes y demandantes.This project presents a pilot alternative to the current tour scheduling system in a Home Care Services company. An integer programming model adapted to the various characteristics of this problem is designed and implemented, with a result that fulfills three functions: the assignment of patients to each medical assistant, the scheduling of visits for a set period, and the management of patients and attendees’ absences.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster en Organización Industrial y Gestión de Empresa

    The role of behaviour‐change theory in sleep interventions with emerging adults (aged 18–29 years): a systematic review and meta‐analysis

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    CICPSI Investigation and Development Unit of Faculdade de Psicologia, Universidade de Lisboa, Grant/Award Number: FPUL/BI/2020/12Previous systematic reviews and meta-analysis of sleep interventions with young adults have not reached consensus on what contributes to their efficacy. Behaviourchange theories may influence the efficacy of interventions; hence, the aim of this research was to investigate the role of such theories in sleep interventions with this population. Six electronic databases and reference lists were searched (April–May 2021) for published sleep behaviour-change interventions with emerging adults (aged 18–29 years) that used control groups. A selection of 20 studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria, but only six were based on behaviour-change theories. Meta-analysis was run with eight studies, as the others had a high risk of bias or did not present the necessary data to calculate Hedges’ g. The estimation of a random effects model for the studies showed a small effect in the sleep quality of the participants in the experimental group (g = 0.26; 95% confidence interval 0.42 to 0.09), with low levels of heterogeneity (I 2 = 21%), and a small 95% prediction interval ( 0.59 to 0.08). Although we could not examine theory or any other moderators of the effect, a qualitative analysis of the behaviour-change techniques present in the interventions leads us to hypothesise that there is not a direct link between behaviour-change techniques and the success of the intervention. Other characteristics of the interventions may be linked to their variable levels of efficacy and should be investigated in the future, as for now there are no answers as to what the key is for successful sleep interventions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Still Striving After All These Years: Between Normality of Conduct and Normativity of Evaluation in Casual Relationships among College Students

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    This work was supported by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT), under Grant (number PTDC/PSI-GER/28530/2017). This work received national funding from FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P, through the Research Center for Psychological Science of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Lisbon (UIDB/04527/2020; UIDP/04527/2020).Gender similarities have been detected in various sexual behaviors and attitudes in young adults, but persistent diferences remain regarding casual sexual relationships (CSRs), with women feeling diferent external pressures than men. We set out to study the spontaneous references made to gender similarities and diferences towards CSRs in eight focus group interviews (N=35 college-students, aged 18–28) about the characteristics of CSRs within a social-role framework. The thematic analysis led us to the interpretation that there is an ongoing change in the acceptability of these relationships, leading to the emergence of a single sexual standard – mostly liberal, but at times also conservative. However, diferent expectations remain, derived from a deep-rooted traditional sexual double standard still perceived in society. Challenges to the unequal standards and social constraints in CSRs is desired by many women, defended by men, and admired in those women whose striving contributes to the normalization of this conduct and of how it is evaluated.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Therapeutic consumption for improved performance. Is there a risk?

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    Poster presented at the 9th PCNE (Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe) Working Conference. Mechelen (Belgium), 2015. Work financially supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PTDC/CS-SOC/118073/2010): "Consumos Terapêuticos de Performance na População Jovem: Trajectórias e Redes de Informação.Work financially supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PTDC/CS-SOC/118073/2010

    Integrated Scheduling of Vessels, Cranes and Trains to Minimize Delays in a Seaport Container Terminal

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    The multiple processes taking place on a daily basis at an intermodal container terminal are often considered individually, given the complexity of their joint consideration. Nevertheless, the integrated planning and scheduling of operations in an intermodal terminal, including the arrivals and departures of trains and vessels, is a very relevant topic for terminal managers, which can benefit from the application of Operations Research (OR) techniques to obtain near-optimal solutions without excessive computational cost. Applying the functional integration technique, we present here a mathematical model for this terminal planning process, and solve it using heuristic procedures, given its complexity and size. Details on the benchmark comparison of a genetic algorithm, a simulated annealing routine and a tabu search are provided for different problem instances

    Gestão de bloco operatório : modelos de gestão e monitorização

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    RESUMO - A consciência de uma necessidade clara em rentabilizar a capacidade instalada e os meios tecnológicos e humanos disponíveis no Bloco Operatório e face ao imperativo de um cabal desempenho e de uma adequada efectividade nestes serviços levou-nos à realização deste estudo. Objectivos: O trabalho de projecto centrou-se em quatro objectivos concretos: Elaboração de uma grelha de observação de Modelos de Gestão de Bloco Operatório; Observação de seis Modelos de Gestão de Blocos Operatórios em experiências nacionais e in-loco, de acordo com a grelha de observação; Avaliação da qualidade gestionária na amostra seleccionada à luz dos modelos existentes; Criação de uma grelha de indicadores para a monitorização e avaliação do Bloco Operatório. Metodologia: Na elaboração da grelha de observação dos Blocos Operatórios recorremos a um grupo de peritos, à bibliografia disponível e à informação recolhida em entrevistas. Aplicámos a grelha de observação aos seis Blocos Operatórios e analisámos as informações referentes a cada modelo com a finalidade de encontrar os pontos-chave que mais se destacavam em cada um deles. Para a elaboração da grelha de indicadores de monitorização do Bloco Operatório realizámos uma reunião recorrendo à técnica de grupo nominal para encontrar o nível de consenso entre os peritos. Resultados: Criámos uma grelha de observação de Modelos de Gestão de Bloco Operatório que permite comparar as características de gestão. Esta grelha foi aplicada a seis Blocos Operatórios o que permitiu destacar como elementos principais e de diferenciação: o sistema de incentivos implementado; o sistema informático, de comunicação entre os serviços e de débito directo dos gastos; a existência de uma equipa de gestão de Bloco Operatório e de Gestão de Risco; a importância de um planeamento cirúrgico semanal e da existência de um regulamento do Bloco Operatório. Desenhámos um painel de indicadores para uma monitorização do Bloco Operatório, de onde destacamos: tempo médio de paragem por razões técnicas, tempo médio de paragem por razões operacionais, tempo médio por equipa e tempo médio por procedimento. Considerações finais: Os Blocos Operatórios devem ponderar a existência das componentes mais importantes dos Modelos, bem como recolher exaustivamente indicadores de monitorização. A investigação futura deverá debruçar-se sobre a relação entre os indicadores de monitorização e os Modelos de Gestão, recorrendo à técnicas de benchmarking. -------------------ABSTRACT - This study was driven by the need to optimise available capacity, technology and human resources in the Operating Room and to address the corresponding goals of adequate performance and effectiveness. Objectives: This project focuses on four specific objectives: development of an observation grid of operating room management models; in-loco observation and documentation of six national operating room, according to the grid; assess the quality of management in the selected sample relative to existing management models; create a set of indicators for monitoring and evaluating operating rooms. Methodology: The design of the observation grid was based on experts’ consultation, a literature survey and information gathered in various interviews. The observation grid was applied to six operating rooms and the information for each management model was analysed in order to find its key characteristics. We used the Nominal Group Technique in order to develop a set of indicators for monitoring and evaluating operating rooms. Results: An observation grid was created for operating rooms management models, which allowed comparing management characteristics. This grid was applied to six operating rooms allowing disentangle its main features and differentiating characteristics: implementation of incentive systems; IT systems including information flow between services; inventory and expense management; existence of a management team and effective risk management; importance of weekly planning and regulations. We designed a set control indicators, whose major characteristics are the following: the average down time due to technical reasons, the average down time due to operational reasons, the average time per team and the average time per procedure. Final Conclusions: Operating rooms should consider the most relevant characteristics of management models and collect exhaustive information on control indicators. Future research should be devoted to assessing the operating room performance according to management models, using control indicators and benchmarking techniques

    Multiple Casual Sex Scripts: Shared Beliefs about Behavior among Portuguese Emerging Adults

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    Objective: Empirical research to differentiate casual sex scripts is still limited. We aimed to ascertain the sexual scripts for three main types of casual sexual relationships: hookup, friends with benefits and one-night stands. Methods: Through a mixed-method approach, we performed a study consisting in two sequential tasks to (1) complete three lists of script actions, and (2) identify the most agreed-upon actions for each casual sexual relationship. Results: An important number of actions and events were identified for the three casual sexual scripts, reflecting a high level of elaboration and structure. Following a cognitive-script methodology, the actions retained for the content of the script for each casual sexual relationship were those obtaining at least 60% in respect to the mean of their centrality to the encounter. Only 16.5% of actions were shared among the three scripts, demonstrating their distinctiveness. Conclusion: Knowledge about the different casual sex scripts can be used to develop relational and personal skills within CSRs and decrease unwanted experiences such as condomless sex.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Euclides de Medeiros Guimarães Roxo: o que tratam as teses e dissertações em história da educação matemática

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    Disponível em: https://ojs.ufgd.edu.br/index.php/tangram/article/view/13497Este artigo é resultante de um estudo que teve como fonte de pesquisa as produções de teses e dissertações, defendidas no Brasil no período de 1990 a 2018, que tiveram a Trajetória de professores de matemática brasileiros como objetos de suas investigações. Fazendo um recorte desse estudo, escolhemos um professor dos três que foram analisados para compor o corpus desse texto. Nesse sentido, estabelecemos como objetivo analisar os aspectos tratados nas pesquisas de Mestrado e Doutorado que focalizam a Trajetória do professor Euclides de Medeiros Guimarães Roxo, considerando suas ações docentes e produções acadêmicas. Para tanto foi realizado um levantamento e uma leitura interpretativa dessas produções a fim de operacionalizar uma catalogação desses trabalhos em categorias que possibilitaram uma análise dos conteúdos produzidos e a identificação de abordagens estabelecida para tratar do tema. A análise foi realizada com base nos estudos de Hofstetter, Schneuwly e Freymond (2017). Os resultados apontaram que ao tratar da Trajetória de Euclides Roxo, os autores das produções apesar de ter o mesmo objeto em suas investigações abordaram de diferentes aspectos a Trajetória do professor Euclides Roxo

    Júlio César de Mello e Souza: uma análise de suas ações docentes e produções acadêmicas a partir de Teses e Dissertações em História da Educação Matemática

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    Este artigo encontra-se disponível no seguinte link: https://ojs.ghemat-brasil.com.br/index.php/ACERVO/article/view/34Este artigo é resultante de um estudo que teve como fonte de pesquisa as produções de teses e dissertações, defendidas no Brasil no período de 1990 a 2018, que tiveram a Trajetória de professores de Matemática brasileiros como objetos de suas investigações. Fazendo um recorte desse estudo, escolhemos um professor dos três que foram analisados para compor o corpus desse texto. Nesse sentido, estabelecemos como objetivo analisar os aspectos tratados nas pesquisas de Mestrado e Doutorado que focalizam a Trajetória do professor Júlio César de Mello e Souza, considerando suas ações docentes e produções acadêmicas. Para tanto foi realizado um levantamento e uma leitura interpretativa dessas produções a fim de operacionalizar uma catalogação desses trabalhos em categorias que possibilitaram uma análise dos conteúdos produzidos e a identificação de abordagens estabelecidas para tratar do tema. A análise foi realizada com base nos estudos de Hofstetter, Schneuwly e Freymond (2017). Os resultados apontaram que ao tratar da Trajetória de Júlio César de Mello e Souza, os autores das produções, apesar de ter o mesmo objeto em suas investigações, abordaram de diferentes aspectos a Trajetória deste professor

    Effects of motor imagery training of Parkinson's disease: a protocol for a randomized clinical trial

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    Background Gait disorders in individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) may be associated with alterations in the motor control system and aggravated by psychoemotional and cognitive issues. Therapeutic strategies aimed at self-perception and motor regulation seem to be promising. Motor imagery (MI) has been shown to be one of these strategies, but there is still no clear evidence of its applicability in this population. The aim of this trial is to determine the effects of motor-imagery training on the gait and electroencephalographic activity of individuals with PD. Methods/design The sample will consist of 40 individuals, aged between 45 and 75 years, in the mild and moderate phase of the disease, with the ability to generate voluntary mental images. They will be assessed for cognitive level, degree of physical disability, mental-image clarity, kinematic gait variables, electroencephalographic activity and mobility. Next, subjects will be randomly assigned to an experimental group (EG) and a control group (CG). The EG will perform motor imagery and gait, while the CG will only engage in gait exercises. Twelve training sessions will be conducted lasting up to 90 min each, three times a week, for 4 weeks. The subjects will be reassessed on the kinematic variables of gait, electroencephalographic activity and mobility at 1, 7 and 30 days after the final training session. Discussion The results may provide an important advance in neurological rehabilitation where an easy-access and low-cost intervention may help to improve gait, electroencephalographic activity and mobility in individuals with PD