87 research outputs found

    Dynamic modelling of lettuce transpiration for water status monitoring

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    Real-time information on the plant water status is an important prerequisite for the precision irrigation management of crops. The plant transpiration has been shown to provide a good indication of its water status. In this paper, a novel plant water status monitoring framework based on the transpiration dynamics of greenhouse grown lettuce plants is presented. Experimental results indicated that lettuce plants experiencing adequate water supply transpired at a higher rate compared to plants experiencing a shortage in water supply. A data-driven model for predicting the transpiration dynamics of the plants was developed using a system identification approach. Results indicated that a second order discrete-time transfer function model with incoming radiation, vapour pressure deficit, and leaf area index as inputs sufficiently explained the dynamics with an average coefficient of determination of . The parameters of the model were updated online and then applied in predicting the transpiration dynamics of the plants in real-time. The model predicted dynamics closely matched the measured values when the plants were in a predefined water status state. The reverse was the case when there was a significant change in the water status state. The information contained in the model residuals (measured transpiration – model predicted transpiration) was then exploited as a means of inferring the plant water status. This framework provides a simple and intuitive means of monitoring the plant water status in real-time while achieving a sensitivity similar to that of stomatal conductance measurements. It can be applied in regulating the water deficit of greenhouse grown crops, with specific advantages over other available techniques

    Dispersive Waves in Microstructured Solids

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    The wave motion in micromorphic microstructured solids is studied. The mathematical model is based on ideas of Mindlin and governing equations are derived by making use of the Euler–Lagrange formalism. The same result is obtained by means of the internal variables approach. Actually such a model describes internal fields in microstructured solids under external loading and the interaction of these fields results in various physical effects. The emphasis of the paper is on dispersion analysis and wave profiles generated by initial or boundary conditions in a one-dimensional case

    Mechatronics teaching in preparing agricultural engineers for precision farming technology development

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    Smart Farming объединяет использование машин, компьютеров, спутниковых и сенсорных технологий для повышения эффективности сельскохозяйственных операций. В статье рассмотрены проблемы подготовки инженеров-механиков для агропромышленного комплекса и обоснована необходимость преподавания мехатроники, рассмотрен опыт Университета Харпер Адамс в преподавании мехатроники в соответствии с существующим учебным планом. В заключении определены возможности для будущего сотрудничества между Белорусской государственной сельскохозяйственной академией и Университетом Харпер Адамс через европейские программы

    Advanced monitoring and management systems for improving sustainability in precision irrigation

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    Globally, the irrigation of crops is the largest consumptive user of fresh water. Water scarcity is increasing worldwide, resulting in tighter regulation of its use for agriculture. This necessitates the development of irrigation practices that are more efficient in the use of water but do not compromise crop quality and yield. Precision irrigation already achieves this goal, in part. The goal of precision irrigation is to accurately supply the crop water need in a timely manner and as spatially uniformly as possible. However, to maximize the benefits of precision irrigation, additional technologies need to be enabled and incorporated into agriculture. This paper discusses how incorporating adaptive decision support systems into precision irrigation management will enable significant advances in increasing the efficiency of current irrigation approaches. From the literature review, it is found that precision irrigation can be applied in achieving the environmental goals related to sustainability. The demonstrated economic benefits of precision irrigation in field-scale crop production is however minimal. It is argued that a proper combination of soil, plant and weather sensors providing real-time data to an adaptive decision support system provides an innovative platform for improving sustainability in irrigated agriculture. The review also shows that adaptive decision support systems based on model predictive control are able to adequately account for the time-varying nature of the soil–plant–atmosphere system while considering operational limitations and agronomic objectives in arriving at optimal irrigation decisions. It is concluded that significant improvements in crop yield and water savings can be achieved by incorporating model predictive control into precision irrigation decision support tools. Further improvements in water savings can also be realized by including deficit irrigation as part of the overall irrigation management strategy. Nevertheless, future research is needed for identifying crop response to regulated water deficits, developing improved soil moisture and plant sensors, and developing self-learning crop simulation frameworks that can be applied to evaluate adaptive decision support strategies related to irrigation

    Predicting base editing outcomes using position-specific sequence determinants.

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    CRISPR/Cas base editors promise nucleotide-level control over DNA sequences, but the determinants of their activity remain incompletely understood. We measured base editing frequencies in two human cell lines for two cytosine and two adenine base editors at ∼14 000 target sequences and find that base editing activity is sequence-biased, with largest effects from nucleotides flanking the target base. Whether a base is edited depends strongly on the combination of its position in the target and the preceding base, acting to widen or narrow the effective editing window. The impact of features on editing rate depends on the position, with sequence bias efficacy mainly influencing bases away from the center of the window. We use these observations to train a machine learning model to predict editing activity per position, with accuracy ranging from 0.49 to 0.72 between editors, and with better generalization across datasets than existing tools. We demonstrate the usefulness of our model by predicting the efficacy of disease mutation correcting guides, and find that most of them suffer from more unwanted editing than pure outcomes. This work unravels the position-specificity of base editing biases and allows more efficient planning of editing campaigns in experimental and therapeutic contexts

    Two Gaps Make a High Temperature Superconductor?

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    One of the keys to the high-temperature superconductivity puzzle is the identification of the energy scales associated with the emergence of a coherent condensate of superconducting electron pairs. These might provide a measure of the pairing strength and of the coherence of the superfluid, and ultimately reveal the nature of the elusive pairing mechanism in the superconducting cuprates. To this end, a great deal of effort has been devoted to investigating the connection between the superconducting transition temperature Tc and the normal-state pseudogap crossover temperature T*. Here we present a review of a large body of experimental data that suggests a coexisting two-gap scenario, i.e. superconducting gap and pseudogap, over the whole superconducting dome.Comment: Related material can be found at http://www.physics.ubc.ca/~quantmat/ARPES/PUBLICATIONS/articles.htm

    Long-range incommensurate charge fluctuations in (Y,Nd)Ba2Cu3O(6+x)

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    There are increasing indications that superconductivity competes with other orders in cuprate superconductors, but obtaining direct evidence with bulk-sensitive probes is challenging. We have used resonant soft x-ray scattering to identify two-dimensional charge fluctuations with an incommensurate periodicity of 3.2\bf \sim 3.2 lattice units in the copper-oxide planes of the superconductors (Y,Nd)Ba2_2Cu3_3O6+x_{6+x} with hole concentrations 0.09p0.130.09 \leq p \leq 0.13 per planar Cu ion. The intensity and correlation length of the fluctuation signal increase strongly upon cooling down to the superconducting transition temperature, TcT_c; further cooling below TcT_c abruptly reverses the divergence of the charge correlations. In combination with prior observations of a large gap in the spin excitation spectrum, these data indicate an incipient charge-density-wave instability that competes with superconductivity.Comment: to appear in Scienc

    Dispersive spin excitations in highly overdoped cuprates revealed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering

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    Using resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) at the Cu LL-absorption edge, we have observed intense, dispersive spin excitations in highly overdoped Tl2_2Ba2_2CuO6+δ_{6+\delta} (superconducting Tc=6T_c =6 K), a compound whose normal-state charge transport and thermodynamic properties have been studied extensively and shown to exhibit canonical Fermi-liquid behavior. Complementary RIXS experiments on slightly overdoped Tl2_2Ba2_2CuO6+δ_{6+\delta} (Tc=89T_c =89 K) and on Y1x_{1-x}Cax_{x}Ba2_2Cu3_3O6+δ_{6+\delta} compounds spanning a wide range of doping levels indicate that these excitations exhibit energies and energy-integrated spectral weights closely similar to those of antiferromagnetic magnons in undoped cuprates. The surprising coexistence of Fermi-liquid-like charge excitations and high-energy spin excitations reminiscent of antiferromagnetic insulators in highly overdoped compounds poses a challenge to current theoretical models of the cuprates

    Neutron scattering search for static magnetism in oxygen ordered YBa2Cu3O6.5

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    We present elastic and inelastic neutron scattering results on highly oxygen ordered YBa2Cu3O6.5 ortho-II. We find no evidence for the presence of ordered magnetic moments to a sensitivity of 0.003 Bohr magnetons, an order of magnitude smaller than has been suggested in theories of orbital or d-density-wave (DDW) currents. The absence of sharp elastic peaks, shows that the d-density-wave phase is not present, at least for the superconductor with the doping of 6.5 and the ordered ortho-II structure. We cannot exclude the possibility that a broad peak may exist with extremely short-range DDW correlations. For less ordered or more doped crystals it is possible that disorder may lead to static magnetism. We have also searched for the large normal state spin gap that is predicted to exist in an ordered DDW phase. Instead of a gap we find that the Q-correlated spin susceptibility persists to the lowest energies studied, 6 meV. Our results are compatible with the coexistence of superconductivity with orbital currents, but only if they are dynamic, and exclude a sharp phase transition to an ordered d-density-wave phase.Comment: 6 pages 4 figures RevTex Submitted to Phys Rev B January 23, 200

    Two-Particle-Self-Consistent Approach for the Hubbard Model

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    Even at weak to intermediate coupling, the Hubbard model poses a formidable challenge. In two dimensions in particular, standard methods such as the Random Phase Approximation are no longer valid since they predict a finite temperature antiferromagnetic phase transition prohibited by the Mermin-Wagner theorem. The Two-Particle-Self-Consistent (TPSC) approach satisfies that theorem as well as particle conservation, the Pauli principle, the local moment and local charge sum rules. The self-energy formula does not assume a Migdal theorem. There is consistency between one- and two-particle quantities. Internal accuracy checks allow one to test the limits of validity of TPSC. Here I present a pedagogical review of TPSC along with a short summary of existing results and two case studies: a) the opening of a pseudogap in two dimensions when the correlation length is larger than the thermal de Broglie wavelength, and b) the conditions for the appearance of d-wave superconductivity in the two-dimensional Hubbard model.Comment: Chapter in "Theoretical methods for Strongly Correlated Systems", Edited by A. Avella and F. Mancini, Springer Verlag, (2011) 55 pages. Misprint in Eq.(23) corrected (thanks D. Bergeron