314 research outputs found
Comunidades de diatomeas epipélicas en las lagunas de alta montaña de Sierra Nevada (Granada, España)
Se aborda el estudio de las diatomeas epipélicas que se desarrollan en la mayoría de las lagunas de alta montaña del Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada. El catálogo florístico de las diatomeas epipélicas de Sierra Nevada contiene un total de 63 táxones de 29 géneros distintos, entre los que destacan por su mayor abundancia Encyonema minutum (Hilse)D.G.Mann, Nitzschia sublinearis Hustedt, Pinnularia microstauron (Ehrenberg) Cleve, Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth) Kutzing, y Staurosirella pinnata (Ehrenberg) Williams & Round. Si bien una serie de especies son típicamente epipélicas, tales como Navicula schoenfeldii Hustedt y Pinnularia subcapitata Greg., otras se desarrollan en este ambiente como hábitat secundario. Los análisis de agrupación y correspondencias llevados a cabo a partir de los inventarios obtenidos de las 25 lagunas estudiadas, nos permiten establecer dos comunidades de diatomeas claramente diferenciadas. La de distribución más general está formada por pequeñas especies fragilarioides, tales como Staurosirella pinnata, Pseudostaurosira pseudoconstruens y Tabellaria flocculosa. Este grupo de especies que se presenta en la mayoría de las lagunas de Sierra Nevada, más o menos someras y generalmente con borreguiles y con niveles de nitrógeno medio-altos y concentraciones de sílice variables. La otra agrupación, constituida por especies rafidiales está presente en las lagunas más profundas y sin borreguiles, las especies más características son Nitzschia sublinearis y Encyonema minutum de distribución muy general. Navicula radiosa está presente también en las lagunas más profundas. Solo una laguna (muy somera y con ricos borreguiles) presenta una comunidad epipelica constituida exclusivamente por Pinnularia microstauron.We have studied the epipelic diatoms of high mountain lakes in the Sierra Nevada National Park. The floristic list of the epipelic diatoms of Sierra Nevada has a total number of 63 taxa belonging to 29 different genera, of which most abundant are Encyonema minutum (Hilse) D.G.Mann, Nitzschia sublinearis Hustedt, Pinnularia microstauron (Ehrenberg) Cleve, Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth) Kutzing, and Staurosirella pinnata (Ehrenberg) Williams & Round. Part of the studied species are typically epipelic such as Navicula schoenfeldii Hustedt and Pinnularia subcapitata Greg., whilst others found in these lakes use this environment as a secundary habitat. The similarity cluster and correspondence analysis made on the inventory obtained from the 25 studied lakes, allow us to establish two different diatom communities. The one with the most general distribution is composed of small fragilariod species such as Staurosirella pinnata, Pseudostaurosira pseudoconstruens (Marciniak) D.G.Mann and Tabellaria flocculosa. This group of species is present in a wide range of lakes, more or less shallow, generally with meadows, with high-medium nitrogen concentration and variable silicon levels. The other assemblage, made up of raphidial species, is present in a more limited group of lakes (mainly closed lakes) which are generally deeper and mainly without meadows, the most characteristic species being Nitzschia sublinearis and Encyonema minutum. Navicula radiosa Kützing is present also in larger deeper lakes. Only one lake (very shallow and with rich meadow vegetation) presents an epipelic community made up of Pinnularia microstauron
Changes in epilithic diatom assemblages in a Mediterranean high mountain lake (Laguna de La Caldera, Sierra Nevada, Spain) after a period of drought
The epilithic diatom assemblages studied in the high mountain lake “La Caldera” (Granada, Spain) from 1996 to 1998 went through two clearly different stages. The initial one, in 1996, corresponded to the reflooding of the basin after a severe drought and was composed mainly of the colonising species Fragilaria rumpens, together with a lesser presence of Nitzschia sublinearis and Hantzschia amphioxys. The predominant presence of F. rumpens at the end of the summer of 2006 coincided with low species diversity (values of Shannon and Wiener Index: 0.3-0.6). During the following two years another assemblage established itself, dominated by Achnanthidium minutissimum, which is considered to be more stable and widespread among the lakes of the Sierra Nevada. The most notable subdominant species (less than 20% of relative abundance) in this assemblage were: Encyonema minutum, Encyonopsis microcephala and Navicula cryptocephala. The diversity values during this second period were much higher than in the first: 1.0-2.2. Nutrient concentrations were measured separately in the limnetic (epilimnetic) and benthic (epilithic) environments. These abiotic parameters show that the dynamics of ammonia and silica were much the same in both, showing a gradual decrease from the beginning to the end of the study period. Epilimnetic phosphorus followed a similar pattern to ammonia and silica. In the epilithon, nitrates and phosphates increased during the first year, only to descend notably during the second. The effect of other environmental parameters such as temperature and the preceding drought on the dynamics of the diatom assemblage are discussed. Ratio DIN:SRP let us test the different degrees of phosphorus limitation in epilithon and epilimnion environments; our results suggest that phosphorus limitation of primary production in high mountain lakes is much more severe in the limnetic environment that it is in the epilithon.Chemical analyses were funded by the European
project Mountain Lake Research (MOLAR)
Oxidación en fase líquida de hidrocarburo aril-alifáticos
Tesis - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1971.Fac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEProQuestpu
Capture-Recapture as a Potentially Useful Procedure for Assessing Prevalence of Multiple Sclerosis: Methodologic Exercise Using Portuguese Data
Background: Capture-recapture methods (CRMs) are well established in epidemiologic surveillance and considered useful for the task of correcting for case-finding limitations in multiple sclerosis (MS) prevalence surveys. To date, however, CRMs have been exclusively applied to crude prevalence figures. This study therefore sought to explore an age-specific application of this method to an urban Portuguese population of 229,342. Methods: We used a CRM to correct for the age-specific prevalence of MS obtained from two data sources, i.e. general practitioners in three primary-care districts and a neurology unit at the referral hospital. The corrected figures were adjusted for age using the European standard population as reference. Results: When applied to 95 MS patients, the CRM impact was highest at ages 50–59 years, with a 110% increase in cases where the corrected prevalence was highest, i.e. 181.8 (95% CI 75.7–287.9) per 100,000, and lowest, nil, at ages ≥70 years, with an unchanged corrected prevalence of 13.8. The crude prevalence of 41.4 per 100,000 increased by 36% to 56.20 per 100,000 when it was CRM- and age-adjusted. Source independence was poor. Conclusions: CRMs can be differentially applied to MS counts. Valid comparisons may require simultaneous adjustment for age and other variables, such as diagnostic delay and diagnostic criteria. CRM applications to crude figures and dependent sources should be approached with caution
Disability, support and long-term social care of an elderly Spanish population, 2008-2009: an epidemiologic analysis
BACKGROUND: Though poorly known, relationships between disability, need of help (dependency) and use of social services are crucial aspects of public health. The objective of this study was to describe the links between disability, officially assessed dependency, and social service use by an industrial population, and identify areas of inequity. METHODS: We took advantage of a door-to-door survey conducted in the Cinco Villas district, Spain, in 2008–2009, which provided data on disability, morbidity, and service use among 1216 residents aged ≥50 years, and officially assessed dependency under the 2006 Dependency Act (OAD). Using logistic regression, we combined data collected at homes/residences on 625 disability screened-positive participants, and administrative information on degree of OAD and benefits at date of visit. RESULTS: Based on 163 disabled persons, the prevalence of residential/community-care users was 13.4% overall, with 6.0% being market-provided, 2.5% supported by the 2006 Act, and 4.9% supported by other public funds. Of 111 OAD applicants, 30 had been assigned an OAD degree; in 29 cases this was the highest OAD degree, with 12 receiving direct support for residential care and 17 receiving home care. Compared to unassessed dependency, the highest OAD degree was linked to residential care (OR and 95% CI) 12.13 (3.86–38.16), declared non-professional care 10.99 (1.28–94.53), and publicly-funded, non-professional care 26.30 (3.36–205.88). In contrast, 43 persons, 58% of the severely/extremely disabled, community-dwelling sample population, 81% of whom were homebound, including 10 persons with OAD but no implemented service plan, made no use of any service, and of these, 40% lacked a non-professional carer. CONCLUSIONS: Formal service use in the Cinco Villas district attained ratios observed for established welfare systems but the publicly-funded proportion was lower. The 2006 Act had a modest, albeit significant, impact on support for non-professional carers and residential care, coexisting with a high prevalence of non-use of social services by severely disabled persons
Disability, support and long-term social care of an elderly Spanish population, 2008-2009: An epidemiologic analysis
Background: Though poorly known, relationships between disability, need of help (dependency) and use of social services are crucial aspects of public health. The objective of this study was to describe the links between disability, officially assessed dependency, and social service use by an industrial population, and identify areas of inequity. Methods: We took advantage of a door-to-door survey conducted in the Cinco Villas district, Spain, in 2008-2009, which provided data on disability, morbidity, and service use among 1216 residents aged =50 years, and officially assessed dependency under the 2006 Dependency Act (OAD). Using logistic regression, we combined data collected at homes/residences on 625 disability screened-positive participants, and administrative information on degree of OAD and benefits at date of visit. Results: Based on 163 disabled persons, the prevalence of residential/community-care users was 13.4% overall, with 6.0% being market-provided, 2.5% supported by the 2006 Act, and 4.9% supported by other public funds. Of 111 OAD applicants, 30 had been assigned an OAD degree; in 29 cases this was the highest OAD degree, with 12 receiving direct support for residential care and 17 receiving home care. Compared to unassessed dependency, the highest OAD degree was linked to residential care (OR and 95% CI) 12.13 (3.86-38.16), declared non-professional care 10.99 (1.28-94.53), and publicly-funded, non-professional care 26.30 (3.36-205.88). In contrast, 43 persons, 58% of the severely/extremely disabled, community-dwelling sample population, 81% of whom were homebound, including 10 persons with OAD but no implemented service plan, made no use of any service, and of these, 40% lacked a non-professional carer. Conclusions: Formal service use in the Cinco Villas district attained ratios observed for established welfare systems but the publicly-funded proportion was lower. The 2006 Act had a modest, albeit significant, impact on support for non-professional carers and residential care, coexisting with a high prevalence of non-use of social services by severely disabled persons
El Trabajo de Fin de Grado en la Facultad de Derecho: experiencias y vivencias
El trabajo desarrollado en la Red analiza y evalúa el desarrollo e implementación de la asignatura de Trabajo Fin de Grado en las titulaciones de la Facultad de Derecho. Éste ha sido el primer año de su implantación y la gestión y evaluación del mismo han generado algunas incidencias que han puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de mejorar su gestión y aplicación. Distintos factores han influido a la hora de realizar una valoración del desarrollo del TFG en la Facultad de Derecho. En este sentido la existencia de una aplicación informática UA Project que facilita la gestión del mismo se valora como positiva. Sin embargo la misma presenta algunos inconvenientes que requieren de su revisión en el sentido que se plantea en el trabajo. Plantear estratégicamente una mínima formación del alumnado en el desarrollo del TFG se nos presenta como ineludible para conseguir unos resultados satisfactorios. A tal fin este trabajo realiza algunas propuestas de mejora que abundan en la necesidad de prestigiar el TFG
Human Genomic Diversity Where the Mediterranean Joins the Atlantic
Throughout the past few years, a lively debate emerged about the timing and magnitude of the human migrations between the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb. Several pieces of evidence, including archaeological, anthropological, historical, and genetic data, have pointed to a complex and intermingled evolutionary history in the western Mediterranean area. To study to what extent connections across the Strait of Gibraltar and surrounding areas have shaped the present-day genomic diversity of its populations, we have performed a screening of 2.5 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms in 142 samples from southern Spain, southern Portugal, and Morocco. We built comprehensive data sets of the studied area and we implemented multistep bioinformatic approaches to assess population structure, demographic histories, and admixture dynamics. Both local and global ancestry inference showed an internal substructure in the Iberian Peninsula, mainly linked to a differential African ancestry. Western Iberia, from southern Portugal to Galicia, constituted an independent cluster within Iberia characterized by an enriched African genomic input. Migration time modeling showed recent historic dates for the admixture events occurring both in Iberia and in the North of Africa. However, an integrative vision of both paleogenomic and modern DNA data allowed us to detect chronological transitions and population turnovers that could be the result of transcontinental migrations dating back from Neolithic times. The present contribution aimed to fill the gaps in the modern human genomic record of a key geographic area, where the Mediterranean and the Atlantic come together
AppDIXITOU: xogo educativo para móbil co que se conciencia a xente adolescente no bo uso das redes sociais
Hoxe en día, a maioría da xente adolescente posúe un móbil e boa parte dela usa as redes sociais para socializar. Pero, ata que punto saben como usalas correctamente? Este traballo describe a necesidade e o desenvolvemento dunha ferramenta informática educativa para o móbil (AppDIXITOU), na que se aplica a gamificación coa pretensión de concienciar e de educar nun uso máis racional e saudable das redes sociais o estudantado de educación secundaria obrigatoria da provincia de Ourense. Unha das recomendacións que realizan diversos estudos para reducir os perigos, que afrontan os e as menores cando empregan as redes sociais, consiste en realizar campañas formativas destinadas a eles e elas onde, ademais de informalos deses riscos,se intente modificar o seu comportamento ante o uso destas. AppDIXITOU pretende formar parte desa «misión». Este soporte lóxico (software) desenvolveuse para que se use nun móbil, dispositivo tan cotián hoxe en día entre a xente adolescente. Despois dun estudo sobre o sistema operativo para móbil máis empregado entre os móbiles que dispoñen a maioría da mocidade, decidiuse que a aplicación funcione sobre Android. A gamificación é o uso do pensamento e a mecánica de xogabilidade en contextos alleos aos xogos, co fin de que as persoas adopten certo comportamento. Se se aplica ao ámbito educativo, a finalidade desta técnica de aprendizaxe é aumentar a motivación e favorecer o coñecemento. O obxectivo de aplicar esta metodoloxía no software desenvolvido foi dobre: por unha banda, mellorar o coñecemento que ten a poboación adolescente dos riscos que supón un uso incorrecto das redes sociais e, por outra, non menos importante, provocar cambios no comportamento destes ante situacións perigosas orixinadas polo uso das citadas redes
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