12 research outputs found

    Diverticulitis del ciego. Reporte de caso en un paciente joven

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    La diverticulitis del ciego es una causa rara de abdomen agudo, en esta ocasión se presenta el caso de una paciente de 20 años de edad quien ingresa con signos y síntomas de apendicitis aguda; durante el procedimiento quirúrgico se evidencia diverticulitis en ciego y se realiza hemicolectomía derecha más íleo transversoanastomosis, evolucionando adecuadamente y con egreso hospitalario satisfactorio. Este es el primer caso conocido en un paciente de esa edad. A pesar de ser una patología infrecuente es importante tenerla en cuenta como diagnóstico diferencial de apendicitis aguda y además el cirujano debe estar preparado para aplicar los diversos tratamientos que existen para la resolución de los cuadro

    An ordinal CNN approach for the assessment of neurological damage in Parkinson’s disease patients

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    3D image scans are an assessment tool for neurological damage in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients. This diagnosis process can be automatized to help medical staff through Decision Support Systems (DSSs), and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are good candidates, because they are effective when applied to spatial data. This paper proposes a 3D CNN ordinal model for assessing the level or neurological damage in PD patients. Given that CNNs need large datasets to achieve acceptable performance, a data augmentation method is adapted to work with spatial data. We consider the Ordinal Graph-based Oversampling via Shortest Paths (OGO-SP) method, which applies a gamma probability distribution for inter-class data generation. A modification of OGO-SP is proposed, the OGO-SP- algorithm, which applies the beta distribution for generating synthetic samples in the inter-class region, a better suited distribution when compared to gamma. The evaluation of the different methods is based on a novel 3D image dataset provided by the Hospital Universitario ‘Reina Sofía’ (Córdoba, Spain). We show how the ordinal methodology improves the performance with respect to the nominal one, and how OGO-SP- yields better performance than OGO-SP

    Diverticulitis del ciego. Reporte de caso en un paciente joven

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    Diverticulitis of the cecum is a rare cause of acute abdomen. We present the case of a 20-year-old female who was admitted with signs and symptoms consistent with acute appendicitis. However, cecal diverticulitis is evidenced intra-operatively and a right colectomy is performed followed by an ileocolic anastomosis. The patient recovered well and was discharged home on post-operative day five. This is the first known case in a patient of this age. Although rare, it is important to include cecal diverticulitis as a differential diagnosis in such scenarios as well as understand the many surgical techniques available for its management

    Filipinas (Islas). Mapas generales. 1852

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    Incluye los siguientes planos de ciudades y mapas: [1]. Plano de S. Sebastian. [Ca. 1:23.000].1.000 Varas castellanas [= 3,6 cm]. 16 x 12 cm. [2]. Plano de Sevilla. [Ca. 1:23.000]. 1.000 Varas castellanas [= 3,6 cm]. 16 x 12 cm. [3]. Plano de La Habana. [Ca. 1:32.000]. 1.000 Varas castellanas [= 2,6 cm]. 16 x 12 cm. [4]. Plano de Madrid. [Ca. 1:20.900]. 1.000 Varas castellanas [= 4 cm]. 19 x 19 cm. [5]. Plano de Palma. [Ca. 1:1.600]. 1.000 Varas castellanas [= 4,3 cm]. 16 x 12 cm. [6]. Plano de Zaragoza. [Ca. 1:22.000]. 1.000 Varas castellanas [= 3,7 cm]. 16 x 12 cm. [7]. Plano de Valencia. [Ca. 1:17.700]. 1.000 Varas castellanas [= 4,7 cm]. 15 x 12 cm. [8]. Plano de Barcelona. [Ca. 1:3.600]. 1.000 Varas castellanas [= 3,6 cm]. 19 x 19 cm. [9]. Islas Canarias. [Ca. 1:3.753.700]. 25 leguas marítimas de 20 al grado [= 3,7 cm]. [10]. Islas Antillas. [Ca. 1:9.000.000]. 60 leguas marítimas de 20 al grado [= 3,7 cm]. 12 x 31 cm. [11]. Islas Filipinas. [Ca. 1:6.944.000]. 40 leguas marítimas de 20 al grado[ = 3,2 cm]. 11 x 16 cmEscala gráfica también expresada en leguas de Portugal de 18 al gradoLongitud del Meridiano de Madrid. Relieve por normales. Indica los límites provinciales en aguada verde. Explicación de signos convencionales de divisiones administrativas, límites, caminos y canalesCortado en 32 piezas (21,5 x 13 cm) para ser montado sobre tela. Entre cada segmento del mapa hay un espacio de un centímetroGrabado en aceroEn toda la parte superior del mapa alegoría de España muy decorada con bello diseño y grabada por A. Roca y dibujada por J. Vallej

    Ordinal classification of the affectation level of 3D-images in Parkinson diseases

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    Parkinson's disease is characterised by a decrease in the density of presynaptic dopamine transporters in the striatum. Frequently, the corresponding diagnosis is performed using a qualitative analysis of the 3D-images obtained after the administration of [Formula: see text]I-ioflupane, considering a binary classification problem (absence or existence of Parkinson's disease). In this work, we propose a new methodology for classifying this kind of images in three classes depending on the level of severity of the disease in the image. To tackle this problem, we use an ordinal classifier given the natural order of the class labels. A novel strategy to perform feature selection is developed because of the large number of voxels in the image, and a method for generating synthetic images is proposed to improve the quality of the classifier. The methodology is tested on 434 studies conducted between September 2015 and January 2019, divided into three groups: 271 without alteration of the presynaptic nigrostriatal pathway, 73 with a slight alteration and 90 with severe alteration. Results confirm that the methodology improves the state-of-the-art algorithms, and that it is able to find informative voxels outside the standard regions of interest used for this problem. The differences are assessed by statistical tests which show that the proposed image ordinal classification could be considered as a decision support system in medicine.This research has been partially supported by the “Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad” of Spain (Ref. TIN2017-85887-C2-1-P) and the “Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y de la Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad” of the “Junta de Andalucía” (Spain) (Ref. UCO-1261651).Ye

    Proyectos de Integración profesional en despachos contables

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    El proyecto desarrollado trata de resolver uno de los problemas que tienen los despachos contables, específicamente los de auditoria respecto del traspaso de información de una persona a otra, lo que genera un retraso al momento de concluir el trabajo de auditoría. El proyecto buscó convencer a los despachos de implementar una plataforma en línea para optimizar el desempeño, eficiencia y rapidez dentro de la organización mejorando tanto la comunicación entre el auditor y el cliente como la productividad de los auditores.ITESO, A.C

    Quorum sensing network in clinical strains of A. baumannii : AidA is a new quorum quenching enzyme

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    Acinetobacter baumannii is an important pathogen that causes nosocomial infections generally associated with high mortality and morbidity in Intensive Care Units (ICUs). Currently, little is known about the Quorum Sensing (QS)/Quorum Quenching (QQ) systems of this pathogen. We analyzed these mechanisms in seven clinical isolates of A. baumannii. Microarray analysis of one of these clinical isolates, Ab1 (A. baumannii ST-2-clon-2010), previously cultured in the presence of 3-oxo-C12-HSL (a QS signalling molecule) revealed a putative QQ enzyme (α/β hydrolase gene, AidA). This QQ enzyme was present in all nonmotile clinical isolates (67% of which were isolated from the respiratory tract) cultured in nutrient depleted LB medium. Interestingly, this gene was not located in the genome of the only motile clinical strain growing in this medium (A. baumannii strain Ab421-GEIH-2010 [Ab7], isolated from a blood sample). The AidA protein expressed in E. coli showed QQ activity. Finally, we observed downregulation of the AidA protein (QQ system attenuation) in the presence of HO (ROS stress). In conclusion, most of the A. baumannii clinical strains were not surface motile (84%) and were of respiratory origin (67%). Only the pilT gene was involved in surface motility and related to the QS system. Finally, a new QQ enzyme (α/β hydrolase gene, AidA protein) was detected in these strains

    Age at menopause in Latin America

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    Objective: To assess the age at menopause (AM) in Latin America urban areas. Design: A total of 17,150 healthy women, aged 40 to 59 years, accompanying patients to healthcare centers in 47 cities of 15 Latin American countries, were surveyed regarding their age, educational level, healthcare coverage, history of gynecological surgery, smoking habit, presence of menses, and the use of contraception or hormone therapy at menopause. The AM was calculated using logit analysis. Results: The mean age of the entire sample was 49.4 ± 5.5 years. Mean educational level was 9.9 ± 4.5 years, and the use of hormone therapy and oral contraception was 22.1% and 7.9%, respectively. The median AM of women in all centers was 48.6 years, ranging from 43.8 years in Asuncion (Paraguay) to 53 years in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). Logistic regression analysis determined that women aged 49 living in cities at 2,000 meters or more above sea level (OR = 2.0, 95% CI: 1.4-2.9, P < 0.001) and those with lower educational level (OR = 1.9, 95% CI: 1.3-2.8, P < 0.001) or living in countries with low gross national product (OR = 2.1, 95% CI: 1.5-2.9, P < 0.001) were more prone to an earlier onset of menopause. Conclusions: The AM varies widely in Latin America. Lower income and related poverty conditions influence the onset of menopause