265 research outputs found

    La actividad física como factor protector en la convivencia escolar

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    Violence is present in the educational environment, and the school life and partly the relations that are given between different actors that intervene in the educative act The following presentation raises the importance of generating ways of controlling the problemtic situations that appears in the educational institutions, from the physical activity it proposes to take a look in the multiple benefits that the physical practice generates. There is also a boarding of the different concepts of physical activity, benefit, physical exercise, protective factor, school life, prevention, intervention and innovation, that entail to identify parameters to generate intervention proposals, that reduce the conflict and the violence, that is generated in the educational environment by means of diagnoses that lead to the construction of educational programs from the recommendations of the World Health Organization. According to some studies the practice of physical activity and the exercise acts as a protective factor that manages to reduce the levels of aggressiveness, generates benefits during the childhood and the adolescence, in the growth, the maintenance of the caloric balance, the prevention of the factors of risk of cardiovascular diseases, the opportunity to develop social interactions, feelings of personal satisfaction and mental well-being.La violencia está presente en el entorno educativo, la cual logra afectar la convivencia escolar y en parte las relaciones que se dan entre diferentes actores que participan en el acto educativo. El siguiente trabajo plantea la importancia de generar formas de intervenir las problemáticas que se presentan en las instituciones educativas. Desde la actividad física se propone realizar una mirada en los múltiples beneficios que genera la práctica física, se realiza un abordaje de los diferentes conceptos de actividad física, beneficio, ejercicio físico, factor protector, convivencia escolar, prevención, intervención e innovación, que conlleven a reflexionar e identificar parámetros para generar propuestas de intervención que reduzcan el conflicto y la violencia que nace en el entorno educativo, mediante diagnósticos que conlleven a la construcción de propuestas educativas desde las recomendaciones de la organización Mundial de la Salud. Según algunos estudios la práctica de actividad física y el ejercicio actúa como un factor protector que logra reducir los niveles de agresividad, genera beneficios durante la niñez y la adolescencia, en el crecimiento, el mantenimiento del equilibrio calórico, la prevención de los factores de riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares, la oportunidad para desarrollar interacciones sociales, sentimientos de satisfacción personal y bienestar mental

    The Movement of the Portuguese Modern School

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    In this article we describe the historical evolution of the Movement of the Portuguese Modern School (MEM) with more than 30 years of work in Portugal. Also we will develop some concepts and pedagogical principles, to illustrate the character of the contribution to pedagogy and the profession of professor in the end of this millennium by this movement of renovation. The content of this article is based, fundamentally, in the results of an investigation made for a thesis of doctorate on the Salamanca University. This study was carried out using an ethnographic perspective of investigation, supported in the oral declarations, obtained through interviews, of members of this Movement. At a first moment, we are going to make a description of the historical evolution of this pedagogical movement, through its key moments. A second moment will be dedicated to the analysis of some singular dimensions of MEM, so that it allows an approach to his pedagogical characteristics. We emphasised the proposals of co-operated formation and the bet in a socio-centric model of education. We emphasised the construction of an own pedagogical culture that impregnates this movement of renovation. A last aspect of outstanding importance is the reflection tradition on the practices that this group cultivates. A third moment, as a synthesis, will be dedicated to the analysis of the contributions to pedagogy and the profession of professor by the MEM in this millennium end.En este artículo se describe la evolución histórica del Movimiento de la Escuela Moderna Portuguesa (MEM) con más de 30 años de trabajo en Portugal. También van a ser desarrollados algunos conceptos y principios pedagógicos, con la intención de ilustrar el carácter de la contribución a la pedagogía y a la profesión de profesor en los finales de este milenio por parte de este movimiento de renovación. El contenido de este artículo se basa, fundamentalmente, en los resultados de una investigación realizada en el ámbito de una tesis de doctorado presentada en la Universidad de Salamanca. Dicho estudio se llevó a cabo utilizando una perspectiva etnográfica de investigación, apoyada en las declaraciones orales, conseguidas a través de entrevistas, de miembros del Movimiento que estamos analizando. En un primer momento se va a realizar una descripción de la evolución histórica de este movimiento pedagógico, a través de sus momentos claves. Un segundo momento será dedicado al análisis de algunas dimensiones singulares del MEM, de manera que permita una aproximación a sus características pedagógicas. Destacamos las propuestas de auto-formación cooperada y la apuesta en un modelo sociocéntrico de educación. Subrayamos la construcción de una cultura pedagógica propia que impregna este movimiento de renovación. Un último aspecto de importancia destacada tiene que ver con la tradición de reflexión sobre las prácticas que cultiva este colectivo. Un tercer momento, a modo de síntesis, será dedicado a la presentación y al análisis de las aportaciones a la pedagogía y a la profesión de profesor por parte del MEM en este fin de milenio

    Assembly and disassembly of the Golgi Complex: two prodesses arranged in a cis to trans direction

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    We have studied the disassembly and assembly of two morphologically and functionally distinct parts of the Golgi complex, the cis/middle and trans cisterna/trans network compartments. For this purpose we have followed the redistribution of three cis/middle- (GMPc-1, GMPc-2, MG 160) and two trans- (GMPt-1 and GMPt-2) Golgi membrane proteins during and after treatment of normal rat kidney (NRK) cells with brefeldin A (BFA). BFA induced complete disassembly of the cis/middle- and trans-Golgi complex and translocation of GMPc and GMPt to the ER. Cells treated for short times (3 min) with BFA showed extensive disorganization of both cis/middle- and trans-Golgi complexes. However, complete disorganization of the trans part required much longer incubations with the drug. Upon removal of BFA the Golgi complex was reassembled by a process consisting of three steps: (a) exist of cis/middle proteins from the ER and their accumulation into vesicular structures scattered throughout the cytoplasm; (b) gradual relocation and accumulation of the trans proteins in the vesicles containing the cis/middle proteins; and (c) assembly of the cisternae, and reconstruction of the Golgi complex within an area located in the vicinity of the centrosome from which the ER was excluded. Reconstruction of the cis/middle-Golgi complex occurred under temperature conditions inhibitory of the reorganization of the trans-Golgi complex, and was dependent on microtubules. Reconstruction of the trans-Golgi complex, disrupted with nocodazole after selective fusion of the cis/middle-Golgi complex with the ER, occurred after the release of cis/middle-Golgi proteins from the ER and the assembly of the cis/middle cisternae

    Sarconesin: Sarconesiopsis magellanica Blowfly Larval Excretions and Secretions With Antibacterial Properties

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    Larval therapy (LT) is an alternative treatment for healing chronic wounds; its action is based on debridement, the removal of bacteria, and stimulating granulation tissue. The most important mechanism when using LT for combating infection depends on larval excretions and secretions (ES). Larvae are protected against infection by a spectrum of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs); special interest in AMPs has also risen regarding understanding their role in wound healing since they degrade necrotic tissue and kill different bacteria during LT. Sarconesiopsis magellanica (Diptera: Calliphoridae) is a promising medically-important necrophagous fly. This article reports a small AMP being isolated from S. magellanica ES products for the first time; these products were obtained from third-instar larvae taken from a previously-established colony. ES were fractionated by RP-HPLC using C18 columns for the first analysis; the products were then lyophilised and their antimicrobial activity was characterized by incubation with different bacterial strains. These fractions' primary sequences were determined by mass spectrometry and de novo sequencing; five AMPs were obtained, the Sarconesin fraction was characterized and antibacterial activity was tested in different concentrations with minimum inhibitory concentrations starting at 1.2 mu M. Potent inhibitory activity was shown against Gram-negative (Escherichia coli D31, E. coli DH5 alpha, Salmonella enterica ATCC 13314, Pseudomonas aeruginosa 27853) and Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213, S. epidermidis ATCC 12228, Micrococcus luteus A270) bacteria. Sarconesin has a significant similarity with Rho-family GTPases which are important in organelle development, cytoskeletal dynamics, cell movement, and wound repair. The data reported here indicated that Sarconesin could be an alternative candidate for use in therapeutics against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterial infections. Our study describes one peptide responsible for antibacterial activity when LT is being used. The results shown here support carrying out further experiments aimed at validating S. magellanica AMPs as novel resources for combating antibacterial resistance

    Improvement of the Coupling of Renewable Sources through Z-Source Converters Based on the Study of Their Dynamic Model

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    The classical coupling of renewable energy sources greatly limits the coupling power and the output voltage of the coupled sources. Moreover, it does not eliminate the randomness of the sources. In this work a renewable sources coupling with high randomness is obtained by series connection of the output terminals of Z-source converters. To achieve the coupling, the stationary and dynamic models of a Z-source-based converter have been studied. With the results of the stationary model, the converter behavior has been evaluated as a function of its parameters and a method for calculating the Z-network parameters has been implemented. Moreover, with the dynamic model a controller has been designed for all the converters. The main contributions of this work are the coupling of the sources, the stationary and dynamic models obtained and their analysis. The coupling achieves a stable supply avoiding the sources' randomness reaching the load. A system composed of a wind turbine, a set of photovoltaic panels and two groups of batteries has been modeled. To study the system behavior and the supply quality, several aggressive tests have been forced and experimental evidence has also been provide

    An ecological and fishing approach to support management decisions

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    Leitão, F., Monteiro, J. N., Cabral, P., Teodósio, M. A., & Roa-Ureta, R. H. (2023). Revealing the role of crab as bait in octopus fishery: An ecological and fishing approach to support management decisions. Marine Policy, 158, 1-11. [105878]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2023.105878 --- This study received Portuguese National Funding from MAR2020 project CRUSTAPANHA (MAR-01.04.02-FEAMP-0005 CRUSTAPANHA). FL has received Portuguese national funds from FCT within the contract program DL57/2016/CP1361/CT0008 and FCT 2022.04803. CEECIND. JNM received an FCT PhD fellowship SFRH/BD/06336/2021. This study received Portuguese national funds from FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology through projects UIDB/04326/2020, UIDP/04326/2020 and LA/P/0101/2020. Authors would like to acknowledge all fishers’ associations that participated in CRUSTAPANHA project and helped the completion of the study: AAPF- Associação de Armadores e Pescadores da Fuseta (Fuseta); Associação Armalgarve Polvo Organização De Produtores (Quarteira); OLHAOPESCA Organização de Produtores de Pesca do Algarve, C.R.L. (Olhão). We acknowledge DGRM for fisheries data provided and for granting licenses for researchers onboard fishing vessel; To the coast guards forces of the following ports: Capitania do Porto de Albufeira; Capitania do Porto de Faro; Capitania do Porto de Olhão; Capitania do Porto de Lagos; Capitania do Porto de Tavira; We would like to acknowledge specific captains due to their role in the study, namely: Ricardo Santana; Francisco Molina; Arlindo da Silva Correia; Paulo Guerreiro. We would like to acknowledge all the members of ECOREACH group that help in the measurement of the octopus specimens, namely Andreia Ovelheiro, Daniela Nobre, Juan Bueno-Pardo and Miguel PintoIn southern Portugal, artisanal octopus fisheries play an important socioeconomic role. Live crab bait in traps was used up to 2010 and banned in 2012. Such regulation, based on co-management advice, was not established under a scientific fundament. As a result, a long-standing controversy ensued with some fishing associations claiming that live crab bait increased fishing effort and exploitation rates and therefore risked the octopus stock status, while other fishers denied all these alleged impacts. The issue has not been resolved so far due to lack of scientific studies. In this study, we resolve the controversy conducting experimental fishing to determine by-catch and octopus catch rates using live crab bait versus other types of baits based on fish and assess the stock status of octopus over-time with constant parameters (hypothesis of no effect of the use of live crab bait) versus time-varying parameters (hypothesis of raised exploitation rates and riskier stock status). Bycatch was very low regardless of bait type. Our experimental fishing trials showed that fish-based baits increase bycatch and octopus catch rates. Stock assessment models showed that exploitation rates and stock status do not worsen in years of use of crab bait. We conclude that the use of crab bait in octopus fishery does not lead to increased exploitation rate or risks for stock sustainability status. Other considerations involving fishing costs and fishing operations further highlight the advantages of lifting the ban on the use of live crab bait in the Algarve octopus fishery.publishersversionpublishe

    Development of a portable system for detection of leaf area in plants

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    Recently, the determination of leaf area and growth rates in plants through portable devices has become popular due to the advantages offered by artificial vision systems to identify and classify objects using images. The purpose of the research was to develop a portable system for measuring leaf area through image recognition. The methodology includes 3D designs, acrylic device building, determining the area in pixels by the technique of radial basis neural networks (RBFN) directly in the RGB color space and pixel conversion to cm2. The results obtained by analysis of variance for each species showed that the p-value was greater than 0.86 for each class of plants. Moreover, the system obtained coefficients of determination higher to 0.90 for Orange leaves, coefficients of determination higher to 0.95 for Patevaca leaves and coefficients of determination higher to 0.99 for Chirimoya leaves from a set of 30 leaves belonging to 3 species of plants with different sizes and areas compared to manual analysis. This system is a useful tool for the objective determination of leaf area in plants and becomes a nationwide alternative compared to existing expensive systems. Furthermore, the system is reprogrammable, flexible, not destructive and low cost

    Propuesta pedagógica a través de la actividad física, para mejorar las habilidades sociales en los estudiantes adolescentes del curso 1001 del Colegio Kiny Pernía Domicó.

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue mejorar las habilidades sociales a través de la actividad física en los estudiantes del grado décimo (1001) del colegio Kimy Pernía Domicó. Primero, se utilizó la observación para determinar el problema y la población, segundo, se aplicó el test Listado de Habilidades Sociales de Camacho & Camacho (2004) para reconocer el déficit de las mismas; luego, se desarrolló la propuesta pedagógica a través de la actividad física en función de los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación. Para ello, se realizó una revisión teórica través de estudios y autores que han trabajado en este campo para después implementar la intervención propuesta. La intervención pedagógica consta de ocho sesiones no cerradas, flexibles a las necesidades impuestas por el curso y las particularidades de cada uno de los estudiantes. 8 Para ello, y debido a su importancia, se toma como sustento la teoría del aprendizaje social de Albert Bandura debido a que se manifiestan dos factores, el conductual y el cognitivo, lo cual permite entender las relaciones sociales en este mismo aprendizaje

    Propuesta pedagógica a través de la actividad física, para mejorar las habilidades sociales en los estudiantes adolescentes del curso 1001 del Colegio Kiny Pernía Domicó.

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue mejorar las habilidades sociales a través de la actividad física en los estudiantes del grado décimo (1001) del colegio Kimy Pernía Domicó. Primero, se utilizó la observación para determinar el problema y la población, segundo, se aplicó el test Listado de Habilidades Sociales de Camacho & Camacho (2004) para reconocer el déficit de las mismas; luego, se desarrolló la propuesta pedagógica a través de la actividad física en función de los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación. Para ello, se realizó una revisión teórica través de estudios y autores que han trabajado en este campo para después implementar la intervención propuesta. La intervención pedagógica consta de ocho sesiones no cerradas, flexibles a las necesidades impuestas por el curso y las particularidades de cada uno de los estudiantes. 8 Para ello, y debido a su importancia, se toma como sustento la teoría del aprendizaje social de Albert Bandura debido a que se manifiestan dos factores, el conductual y el cognitivo, lo cual permite entender las relaciones sociales en este mismo aprendizaje