446 research outputs found

    Analysis and Quality Control from ARIMA Modeling

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    In this paper, we use ARIMA modelling to estimate a set of characteristics of a short-term indicator (for example, the index of industrial production), as trends, seasonal variations, cyclical oscillations, unpredictability, deterministic effects (as a strike), etc. Thus for each sector and product (more than 1000), we construct a vector of values corresponding to the above-mentioned characteristics, that can be used for data editing

    Characterization of production in different branches of production in different branches spanish industrial activity, by means of time series analysis.

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    This work presents a quantitative study of the evolution of spanish industrial activity, measured by the indices of industrial production, by means of Time Series analysis. Univariate ARIMA models with intervention analysis for all the series of these indices have been constructed. The use of Univariate Time Series models to characterise economic phenomena is justified and the type of characterisation made for each industrial branch is described. The procedures for automatic modelling of series are presented. Then the characteristics of the Spanish industrial branches are shown. These results are collected in a diskette for use of researchers.ARIMA model; Intervention analysis; Univariate model; Industrial production; automatic modelling;

    El impuesto de Sociedades en España e Irlanda

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    El trabajo se ha estructurado en dos partes. Una primera parte donde se encuentra el marco conceptual y que está compuesta por un capítulo. En la segunda parte se realiza un análisis comparativo compuesto por tres capítulos. En el primer capítulo se analizará con exactitud el concepto de competencia fiscal. Para ello, se explican brevemente las distintas acepciones de competencia fiscal y varios motivos de por qué los tipos impositivos societarios varían según la literatura económica. A continuación, destacaremos la importancia que tiene el impuesto de sociedades con el crecimiento económico. Y finalizaremos el capítulo hablando de las formas de competencia fiscales actuales. En el segundo capítulo, se realizará un breve análisis del impuesto de sociedades internacional observando las diferentes tasas de unos países a otros y la evolución de los tipos marginales, entre otros aspectos, para posteriormente centrarnos en una comparativa más a fondo del mismo en el entorno europeo - debido al interés que nos concierne - apreciando diferencias en cuanto a las deducciones, bonificaciones, rentas exentas y otras peculiaridades entre los países miembros. En el tercer y cuarto capítulo, se desarrollan los sistemas fiscales de España e Irlanda desde una perspectiva tributaria. Veremos cómo ha cambiado la Ley de Sociedades en ambos países, la evolución de los tipos marginales y efectivos y otras peculiaridades. También observaremos como las semejanzas y diferencias de ambos sistemas afectan al sistema recaudatorio de ambos países y a su crecimiento económico. Para finalizar este trabajo, concluiremos en el capítulo quinto con las conclusiones e impresiones extraídas tras su realizacióGrado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    Métodos estadísticos de depuración e imputación de datos

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    En esta tesis se llevan a cabo un conjunto de investigaciones relacionadas con la depuración e imputación de datos. Las principales líneas de trabajo son el uso de modelos estadísticos y de técnicas de optimización. Las investigaciones se agrupan en tres bloques. En el primer bloque, "Depuración e imputación basada en modelos de series temporales", se abordan preocupaciones que están presentes a lo largo de la tesis, restringidas al ámbito de las encuestas continuas. A partir de modelos RegARIMA, se especifican edits, se desarrollan herramientas de depuración selectiva, y se logran imputaciones insesgadas que minimizan el error cuadrático medio. Asimismo, en línea del análisis exploratorio de datos, se obtiene información del comportamiento dinámico de los agregados, como tendencia, estacionalidad, efectos de calendario y otros efectos determinísticos, valores atípicos, y volatilidad. Los métodos propuestos se han contrastado empíricamente utilizando los Índices de Producción Industrial. Para captar los efectos de calendario, en vez de las siete variables de trading day habitualmente utilizadas, se ha construido una única variable basándose en los días laborables ponderados, consiguiéndose un modelo más parsimonioso y de mejor ajuste. En el segundo bloque de investigaciones, "La depuración selectiva como un problema de optimización estocástica", se introduce un marco teórico que permite dar una solución formal al problema de la depuración selectiva, que hasta ahora había sido tratada de forma heurística. Para ello se define el concepto de estrategia de selección, como un vector aleatorio medible respecto a la sigma-álgebra generada por toda la información disponible. La búsqueda de una adecuada estrategia de selección se presenta como un problema de optimización lineal con restricciones cuadráticas, cuya solución es la selección de unidades a depurar. El objetivo es minimizar la carga de trabajo esperada, con la restricción de que el error esperado se sitúe por debajo de una cierta constante. Utilizando datos reales, se ha podido constatar que el método propuesto mejora el de uso común desarrollado en la literatura. Finalmente, en el tercer bloque, "Desarrollo de un marco teórico de depuración e imputación basado en modelos y optimización", se intenta generalizar las dos líneas de investigación descritas anteriormente. Los sistemas automáticos basados en la metodología de Fellegi-Holt han supuesto un gran avance. Sin embargo, no resuelven la especificación de los edits, que se establecen habitualmente de acuerdo a la experiencia práctica, sin que exista un marco teórico adecuado. En este trabajo se ha abordado la obtención de edits a partir de modelos estadísticos construidos con la información disponible. Respecto a la optimización estocástica descrita anteriormente, se ha dado un paso más hacia la generalización, al establecer un problema general de optimización, del que se derivan los enfoques de optimización estocástica y combinatoria, pudiéndose utilizar uno u otro dependiendo de la información de la que se dispone. Se ha evaluado empíricamente la propuesta que aquí se hace comparándola con la técnica de referencia en la depuración selectiva, la de las funciones score, obteniéndose, por lo general, mejores resultados

    Is the basal area of maize internodes involved in borer resistance?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To elucidate the role of the length of the internode basal ring (LIBR) in resistance to the Mediterranean corn borer (MCB), we carried out a divergent selection program to modify the LIBR using two maize synthetic varieties (EPS20 and EPS21), each with a different genetic background. We investigated the biochemical mechanisms underlying the relationship between the LIBR and borer resistance. Selection to lengthen or shorten the LIBR was achieved for each synthetic variety. The resulting plants were analyzed to determine their LIBR response, growth, yield, and borer resistance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the synthetic variety EPS20 (Reid germplasm), reduction of the LIBR improved resistance against the MCB. The LIBR selection was also effective in the synthetic variety EPS21 (non-Reid germplasm), although there was no relationship detected between the LIBR and MCB resistance. The LIBR did not show correlations with agronomic traits such as plant height and yield. Compared with upper sections, the internode basal ring area contained lower concentrations of cell wall components such as acid detergent fiber (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), and diferulates. In addition, some residual 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-(2H)-1,4-benzoxazin-3-(4H)-one (DIMBOA), a natural antibiotic compound, was detected in the basal area at 30 days after silking.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We analyzed maize selections to determine whether the basal area of maize internodes is involved in borer resistance. The structural reinforcement of the cell walls was the most significant trait in the relationship between the LIBR and borer resistance. Lower contents of ADF and ADL in the rind of the basal section facilitated the entry of larvae in this area in both synthetic varieties, while lower concentrations of diferulates in the pith basal section of EPS20 facilitated larval feeding inside the stem. The higher concentrations of DIMBOA may have contributed to the lack of correlation between the LIBR and borer resistance in EPS21. This novel trait could be useful in maize breeding programs to improve borer resistance.</p

    Allelopathy for weed control in acid solis with high organic matter

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    6 páginas.- 5 figuras.[EN] Weeds are one of the major limiting factors in agriculture under temperate humid conditions. Weed control faces a challenge nowadays because developed societies reject synthetic herbicides based on risks for health and environmental conservation. Chemical weed control is dangerous for humans and the environment, and mechanical weeding is too expensive and labor consuming. Some of the new alternatives for weed control are based on allelopathy, which meets some of the new requirements in modern societies. Allelopathy opens interesting solutions that can be used for a sustainable agriculture and even for organic agriculture. The allelopathy approach does not intend the elimination of weeds but the reasonable control of weed population at low levels that allow a sustainable agricultural production. Allelopathy can be made with alternative crops or with forest or agricultural residues. Some of the plants with allelopathy potential are leguminous such as faba been, but also forest residues as the green leaf of eucalyptus can be capitalized. These are partial solutions that can help in minimizing herbicide applications but further research is required.[ES] La flora arvense es uno de los factores limitantes de la agricultura en climas templados húmedos. El control de la flora arvense es un reto actualmente porque las sociedades más avanzadas rechazan el uso de herbicidas sintéticos ya que suponen un riesgo para la salud humana y el medio ambiente. El control químico es peligroso para las personas y el mecánico es costoso y laborioso. Algunas de las nuevas alternativas para el control de la flora se basan en la alelopatía, que responde a los requisitos actuales de la sociedad. La alelopatía abre soluciones interesantes que pueden ser usadas en agricultura sostenible y ecológica. La solución alelopática no intenta la eliminación de las hierbas sino un control razonable que permita el cultivo con bajas poblaciones de hierbas para una agricultura sostenible. La alelopatía se puede hacer con cultivos alternativos o con residuos agroforestales. Algunas plantas con valor potencial para la alelopatía son las habas, pero también residuos forestales como las hojas verdes de eucalipto pueden ser aprovechadas. Estas soluciones son parciales y pueden ayudar a minimizar la aplicación de herbicidas, pero se requieren más investigaciones.Peer reviewe

    Assessment of Algerian Maize Populations for Saccharification and Nutritive Value

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    © 2020 by the authors.Maize (Zea mays L.) from the Algerian Sahara was adapted to arid conditions and has been used for food and feed. The objective of this work was to assess the potential value of Saharan maize for saccharification and nutritive value under drought conditions. Eighteen maize populations from the Algerian Sahara were evaluated under drought and control conditions and representative samples of those populations were taken for nutrients and saccharification analyses. The evaluation of saccharification was made in one Spanish trial under drought and control conditions. Differences among Algerian populations for nutritive value were significant for starch and ash, but not for lipids and proteins. Drought-reduced saccharification yield and differences among populations were significant for saccharification potential under drought conditions, and for saccharification yield under both drought and control conditions. The Algerian populations PI527465 and PI542689 had high grain starch and low ash, PI527469 and PI527474 had a balanced nutritional value, and PI527475 and PI542683 had low grain starch and moderately high ash. Besides high nutritional value, the drought-tolerant population PI542683 had high saccharification under drought conditions. Most agronomic traits had no significant effects on saccharification, and some grain nutrients affected saccharification and agronomic performance. Therefore, improving the nutritive value of grain and saccharification of stover, while maintaining agronomic performance, could be feasible, attending to the weak interactions between them.This work was financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Innovación y Universidades (MCIU), the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and the European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER), UE (project code AGL2016-77628-R and RTI2018–096776-B-C22), and the École Nationale Supérieure Agronomique (Algeria).Peer reviewe

    Quantification of critical factors affecting fitness of the sugary1 mutant in maize

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    Fitness of sugary1 (su1) is affected by some critical traits that depend on the genotypes and environments, while their effects have not been quantified with convincing statistical methods. The objective of this work was to identify and quantify the critical factors of su1 fitness with different genotypes and environments. We used two pairs of field corn inbreds that differentially affected su1 viability to develop F1, F2, BC1 and BC2. After selfing, Su1 and su1 kernels were evaluated under controlled environmental conditions and in field trials. Multiple regressions showed that dry weight of juvenile plant was affected by early vigour (plant size, colour and health) and emergence in cold conditions; ear weight by plant appearance, number of plants and chlorophyll content; number of ears by plant appearance, number of plants, chlorophyll content and female flowering; and kernel weight by ear weight, number of plants, row number and ear length. The main critical factors for su1 fitness were early vigour and emergence under cold conditions at initial stages, while several adult traits were related with final fitness.Research was supported by the Spanish Plan for Research and Development (project code AGL2007-64218/AGR and AGL2010-22254) and the Diputación Provincial de Pontevedra. A Djemel acknowledges his fellowship from the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC).MICINNDiputación Provincial de PontevedraCSICPeer reviewe

    Plant-KBBE: Cornfed: lntegration of advanced mapping and phenotyping methods to identify key alleles for building European maize ideotypes

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    1 página, 3 figuras.-- Trabajo presentado al "Gabi Status Seminar" celebrado en Paris (Francia) en Marzo de 2010.-- et al.The project is funded in the framework of the Transnational (France, Germany, Spain) Cooperation within the PLANT-KBBE initiative, with funding from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). and the Ministry os Science and Innovation (MICINN).Peer reviewe

    Defense mechanisms of maize against pink stem borer

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    The pink stem borer (Sesamia nonagrioides Lef.) is the most important pest of maize (Zea mays L.) in northwestern Spain. The objective of this work was to evaluate defense mechanisms against Sesamia in 10 inbred lines and the 10-parent diallel among these inbreds. Hybrids and inbred lines were tested over 2 yr in northwesternSpain under natural and artificial infestations. Yield of infested and non infested plants per plot were computed to calculate yield loss caused by the pink stem borer attack. Principal component analyses for stem damage traits and for ear damage traits were made for each infestation condition. From the principal component analysis, an index was computed to measure stem damage and ear damage. Damage index under artificial infestation was used to evaluate antibiosis while antixenosis was detected when damage index of each genotype was compared under artificial and natural infestation. The regressions of yield loss on the damage index were used to separate the genotypes into four groups according to the possession of antibiosis and/or tolerance mechanisms. A509, A661, EP31, F7, PB60, and Z77016 showed stem antibiosis. A637, A661, EP31, F7, and PB60 exhibited stem tolerance. A509, A661, and EP31 stood out by their ear antibiosis. A637, A661, F7, and PB60 were tolerant to ear damage. We conclude that the three mechanisms of defense to the pink stem borer attack (antixenosis, antibiosis, and tolerance) were found among inbred lines and hybrids. A multitrait selection scheme using damage traits and yield could improve the defense level against pink stem borer.Research supported by Dep. of Education of the Autonomous Government of Galicia (project XUGA40301B95Xunta de GaliciaN