1,673 research outputs found

    Online Homework Distraction Scale: un estudio de validación

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    Background: Increasingly, postsecondary students enroll in distance learning courses and complete homework online, which extends their learning opportunities regardless of where they are. Online homework requires self-control from students to cope with conventional and tech-related distractors, however research on this topic is scarce. There is a need to develop an instrument to assess online homework distractions in higher education. Method: This study examined the psychometric properties of the Online Homework Distraction Scale (OHDS) based on 612 undergraduates in China. After randomly dividing the sample into two groups, we carried out a principal component analysis (PCA) with one group and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with another group. Results: Both PCA and CFA findings indicated that tech-related distraction and conventional distraction were empirically indistinguishable for college students. Given acceptable measurement invariance, the latent factor mean was examined over gender for all participants and found that men were more distracted while doing online homework. Concerning validity evidence, in line with theoretical predictions, the OHDS was negatively related to online homework expectancy, value, effort, and time management. Conclusions: Our study provides strong evidence that the OHDS is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring online homework distraction.Antecedentes: el aprendizaje online requiere del autocontrol para hacer frente a los distractores convencionales y los relacionados con las nuevas tecnologías. En la Educación Superior, existe la necesidad de desarrollar un instrumento para evaluar los distractores a la hora de realizar las tareas para casa en modo online. Método: el estudio examinó las propiedades psicométricas de la Online Homework Distraction Scale (OHDS). Participaron 612 estudiantes universitarios de China. La muestra fue dividida aleatoriamente en dos grupos. Se realizó Análisis de Componentes Principales (ACP) con un grupo y Análisis Factorial Confi rmatorio (AFC) con el otro grupo. Resultados: los resultados del ACP y del AFC indicaron que la distracción relacionada con la tecnología y la distracción convencional eran empíricamente indistinguibles. Constatada una invariancia de medida aceptable, se examinó la media del factor latente sobre el género para todos los participantes. Los hombres se distraen más que las mujeres mientras realizan las tareas online. Con respecto a la evidencia de validez, el OHDS se relacionó negativamente con la expectativa, el valor, el esfuerzo y la gestión del tiempo. Conclusiones: hay evidencia sólida de que el OHDS es un instrumento válido y fi able para medir el nivel de distracción en tareas online.- (undefined

    Homework motivation and engagement throughout compulsory education

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    The present investigation examines changes in students' homework engagement and motivation as they advance to higher grade levels in Spanish compulsory education. The study takes into account the possible effect of prior academic achievement on students' homework engagement and motivation. Participants included 1257 students (ranging in age from 9 to 16 years) from four regions in northern Spain. Results show that: (a) There are statistically significant differences in students' homework engagement and motivation as they advance to higher grade levels; and (b) Students' prior academic achievement is related to their homework engagement and motivation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    SocNav1: A Dataset to Benchmark and Learn Social Navigation Conventions

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    Datasets are essential to the development and evaluation of machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms. As new tasks are addressed, new datasets are required. Training algorithms for human-aware navigation is an example of this need. Different factors make designing and gathering data for human-aware navigation datasets challenging. Firstly, the problem itself is subjective, different dataset contributors will very frequently disagree to some extent on their labels. Secondly, the number of variables to consider is undetermined culture-dependent. This paper presents SocNav1, a dataset for social navigation conventions. SocNav1 aims at evaluating the robots’ ability to assess the level of discomfort that their presence might generate among humans. The 9280 samples in SocNav1 seem to be enough for machine learning purposes given the relatively small size of the data structures describing the scenarios. Furthermore, SocNav1 is particularly well-suited to be used to benchmark non-Euclidean machine learning algorithms such as graph neural networks. This paper describes the proposed dataset and the method employed to gather the data. To provide a further understanding of the nature of the dataset, an analysis and validation of the collected data are also presented

    Multimodal Bayesian Network for Artificial Perception

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    In order to make machines perceive their external environment coherently, multiple sources of sensory information derived from several different modalities can be used (e.g. cameras, LIDAR, stereo, RGB-D, and radars). All these different sources of information can be efficiently merged to form a robust perception of the environment. Some of the mechanisms that underlie this merging of the sensor information are highlighted in this chapter, showing that depending on the type of information, different combination and integration strategies can be used and that prior knowledge are often required for interpreting the sensory signals efficiently. The notion that perception involves Bayesian inference is an increasingly popular position taken by a considerable number of researchers. Bayesian models have provided insights into many perceptual phenomena, showing that they are a valid approach to deal with real-world uncertainties and for robust classification, including classification in time-dependent problems. This chapter addresses the use of Bayesian networks applied to sensory perception in the following areas: mobile robotics, autonomous driving systems, advanced driver assistance systems, sensor fusion for object detection, and EEG-based mental states classification

    The impact of three types of writing intervention on students' writing quality

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    Students' writing constitutes a topic of major concern due to its importance in school and in daily life. To mitigate students' writing problems, school-based interventions have been implemented in the past, but there is still a need to examine the effectiveness of different types of writing interventions that use robust design methodologies. Hence, the present study followed a longitudinal cluster-randomized controlled design using a multilevel modeling analysis with 370 fourth-grade students (nested in 20 classes). The classes were randomly assigned to four conditions: one comparison group and three writing types of writing interventions (i.e., week-journals, Self-Regulation Strategy Development (SRSD) instruction and SRSD plus Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) program using a story-tool), with five classes participating in each condition. Data supports our hypothesis by showing differences between the treatment groups in students' writing quality over time. Globally, the improvement of students' writing quality throughout time is related to the level of specialization of the writing interventions implemented. This is an important finding with strong implications for educational practice. Week-journals and writing activities can be easily implemented in classrooms and provides an opportunity to promote students' writing quality. Still, students who participated in the instructional programs (i.e., SRSD and SRSD plus story-tool) exhibited higher writing quality than the students who wrote week-journals. Current data did not find statistical significant differences between results from the two instructional writing tools.This study was conducted at the Psychology Research Centre, University of Minho. PR, JH and JC were supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, UID/PSI/01662/2013. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Estudio de susceptibilidad a antibioticos de cepas de Acinetobacter baumannii aisladas de pacientes de los hospitales de Curico, Talca y Linares

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    51 p.Muchos patógenos que se encuentran en el ambiente hospitalario y ambulatorio son resistentes a varias clases de antimicrobianos y es, cada vez más común, que sean resistentes a prácticamente todos los antibacterianos disponibles, dejando muy pocas alternativas para el tratamiento de las infecciones causadas por ellos, en especial en bacilos gramnegativos no fermentadores como es el caso de Acinetobacter baumannii. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la susceptibilidad antibiótica en cepas de Acinetobacter baumannii que fueron recolectadas periódicamente durante cinco meses en los hospitales de Curicó, Talca y Linares. Para esto fue necesario conocer la susceptibilidad de la bacteria, el tipo de muestra de la cual se aisló y los antibióticos que se utilizaron en los distintos centros hospitalarios consultados. Una vez aislada e identificada, la bacteria, se determinó la susceptibilidad antibiótica frente a ocho antimicrobianos usando el método de difusión en agar (antibiograma), además se hizo un estudio de concentración mínima inhibitoria empleando el método de dilución en agar para el cual se utilizaron cinco antibióticos distintos, los que fueron analizados mediante el programa estadístico SPSS 15.0, por el Método Chi- cuadrado. La mayoría de las muestras de los pacientes provenían de los servicios de Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI), del Servicio Atención Intermedia Quirúrgica (SAIQ) y de la Atención Pública en los centros hospitalarios estudiados. Las localizaciones más frecuentes de la infección fue la vía respiratoria en muestras de expectoración y aspirado traqueal

    "My Child has Cerebral Palsy": Parental Involvement and Children's School Engagement

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    Engaged students tend to show school-committed behaviors (e.g., attend classes, get involved with the learning process), high achievement, and sense of belonging. However, students with disabilities are prone to show a lack of engagement with school due to the specific difficulties they have to handle. In fact, children with disabilities are likely to show poor participation in school when compared with children without disabilities. This poor involvement is related to their low autonomy to participate in the school activities, which, in turn, results in low school engagement. Parents play a crucial role in their childrens education. Parental involvement in school activities promotes autonomous behaviors and, consequently, school engagement. In fact, extant literature has shown close relationships between parental involvement, school engagement, and academic performance. Yet, parental involvement in school activities of children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) has received little direct attention from researchers. These children tend to display lower participation due to the motor, or cognitive, impairments that compromise their autonomy, and have a high likelihood to develop learning disabilities, with special incidences in reading and arithmetic. Therefore, our aim is twofold, to understand the parental styles; and how the perceived parental involvement in school activities is related to their children school engagement. Hence, 19 interviews were conducted with one of the parents of 19 children with CP. These interviews explored the school routines of children and the perceived involvement of parents in those routines. Additionally, children filled out a questionnaire on school engagement. Results show that the majority of the parents were clustered in the Autonomy Allowance and Acceptance and Support parental style, and the majority of their children were perceived as autonomous. Moreover, about a half of the children reported a high level of school engagement. Finally, neither childrens autonomous behaviors reportedThis study was conducted at Psychology Research Centre (UID/PSI/01662/2013), University of Minho, and supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and higher Education through national funds and co-financed by FEDER through COMPETE2020 under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (FOCI-01-0145-FEDER-007653). AP was supported by a PhD fellowship from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT - SFRH/BD/95104/2013). PM was supported by a Post-Doctoral fellowship from the Research Center on Psychology (CIPsi), School of Psychology, University of Minho.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Age-Dependent Vulnerability to Oxidative Stress of Postnatal Rat Pyramidal Motor Cortex Neurons

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    Oxidative stress is one of the main proposed mechanisms involved in neuronal degeneration. To evaluate the consequences of oxidative stress on motor cortex pyramidal neurons during postnatal development, rats were classified into three groups: Newborn (P2-P7); infantile (P11-P15); and young adult (P20-P40). Oxidative stress was induced by 10 mu M of cumene hydroperoxide (CH) application. In newborn rats, using the whole cell patch-clamp technique in brain slices, no significant modifications in membrane excitability were found. In infantile rats, the input resistance increased and rheobase decreased due to the blockage of GABAergic tonic conductance. Lipid peroxidation induced by CH resulted in a noticeable increase in protein-bound 4-hidroxynonenal in homogenates in only infantile and young adult rat slices. Interestingly, homogenates of newborn rat brain slices showed the highest capacity to respond to oxidative stress by dramatically increasing their glutathione and free thiol content. This increase correlated with a time-dependent increase in the glutathione reductase activity, suggesting a greater buffering capacity of newborn rats to resist oxidative stress. Furthermore, pre-treatment of the slices with glutathione monoethyl ester acted as a neuroprotector in pyramidal neurons of infantile rats. We conclude that during maturation, the vulnerability to oxidative stress in rat motor neurons increases with age

    Influencia de los modelos cuantitativos de la logistica inversa en la gestion tradicional de inventario de empresa embotelladora a traves de simulacion dinamica con Vensim Ple y Excel

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    185 p.En los últimos decenios hemos visto un interés creciente, acompañada de una legítima inquietud, por el impacto de las actividades económicas en los recursos naturales. Las legislaciones, cada vez más exigentes, también han obligado a las empresas a preocuparse de sus productos al final de su vida útil (automóviles, teléfonos móviles, fotocopiadores, envases, etc.). Además de estas restricciones, las empresas deben también gestionar los flujos de retorno de productos con garantía, defectuosos, no conformes con los requerimientos del cliente, en exceso en los puntos de venta, etc. Todos estos flujos de retorno representan un impacto importante en el funcionamiento de las empresas, y es la logística inversa, la que se hace cargo de una adecuada gestión de estos flujos. Sin embargo, estos flujos de retorno son muy aleatorios, en cantidad y calidad, incertidumbres que vuelven mucho más compleja su gestión. Es por esta razón que en esta investigación se analiza el impacto de la logística inversa en los modelos de gestión de inventarios en una empresa embotelladora a través del análisis de las implicancias y extensiones de los modelos estudiados en la literatura que consideren flujos de retorno, con el fin de demostrar que un buen tratamiento de los productos que vuelven del mercado no sólo tienen un efecto medio ambiental sino que son una fuente para re-crear valor a la empresa. El trabajo se inicia realizando una implementación de un programa de logística inversa en la empresa, el cual permitió adecuar a ésta para un óptimo proceso de toma de datos y conseguir un mejoramiento en los controles de calidad de los retornos, para luego, y través de la simulación dinámica de modelos de inventario determinísticos y estocásticos, encontrar beneficios de, al menos un 14%, sobre los costos totales en caso de considerar los flujos de retorno, pudiendo este ahorro llegar a un 16% cuando la empresa incorpora eficientemente el concepto de logística inversa en sus procesos logísticos. Finalmente se demuestra que este ahorro se produce tanto en el corto como en el largo plazo, y que la empresa tiene que prestar especial atención en los procesos de inspección de los retornos y en los planes de incentivo que se tengan con el cliente en concepto de recuperación de productos. Palabras Clave: Logística inversa, Flujos de retorno, Gestión de stock, Simulación dinámica./ ABSTRACT: In the last decades, there has been a growing interest and a legitimate worry as far as the impact of economy activities on natural resources is concerned. Laws, getting stricter and stricter, have forced companies to worry about their products at the end of their useful life (cars, mobile phones, printers, bottles, etc.). Besides these restrictions, companies also have to manage the return flow of the products which are guaranteed, that are defective or do not agree with the requirements of the customer, etc. All these flows of return have an important impact on the performance of these companies, and it is the inverse logistics which allows a suitable management of these flows. Nevertheless, these flows of return are very random, in quantity and quality, uncertainties that make their management difficult. Therefore, in this investigation, we will study the impact of reverse logistics on the models of inventory in a bottling company through the analysis of the implications and extensions of models studied in the literature which consider flows of return. This is in order to demonstrate that a good treatment of the products that return from the market not only have an effect on the environment, but also are a way to recreate value to the company. In this paper, we will first implement a program of inverse logistics in the company. This will allow the company to adopt an ideal process of capture of information, and get an improvement in quality control of the returns. Then, through dynamic simulation of stochastic and deterministic models of inventory,we will find benefits of at least 14 % on total costs -if we consider return flows-, this saving being able to increase to 16 % when the company incorporates efficiently the concept of inverse logistics in its logistic processes. Finally, we will show that this saving is not only produced for a short period, but also in the long term, and that the company ought to give special attention to the processes of inspection of the returns and to the plans of incentive they have with the customers in view of recovery of products. Keywords: Reverse logistics, Return flows, Inventory management, Dynamic simulatio