53 research outputs found

    Municípios inteligentes e atividade empreendedora: o contexto português

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    The smart city is an opportunity to unleash innovation and entrepreneurship for urban development. This research contributes to the discussion on the development of entrepreneurial ecosystems associated with smart cities. The main objective of this study is to determine which smart attributes (Smart Governance, Smart Environment, Smart Living and Smart People) are particularly relevant to the entrepreneurial activity of a smart municipality and as a secondary objective to create rankings for the municipalities for these attributes. To answer to the objectives of the study, a quantitative methodology is used based on several indicators for the 278 municipalities, indicators that have been defined in the literature on smart cities. The data obtained for the variables were compiled by INE and PORDATA and refer to the year 2020. The multivariate statistical methods used are based on structural equation models. The results shows that the factors Smart People, Smart Living and Smart Environment have a significant impact on Entrepreneurial Activity and that Smart People is the dimension that has the greatest impact on entrepreneurial activity, succeeded by Smart Living and Smart Environment.A cidade inteligente é uma oportunidade para desencadear inovação e empreendedorismo para o desenvolvimento urbano. Esta pesquisa contribui para a discussão sobre o desenvolvimento de ecossistema empreendedores associados a cidades inteligentes. Este estudo tem como objetivo principal determinar quais os atributos inteligentes (Smart Governance, Smart Environment, Smart Living e Smart People) que são particularmente relevantes para a atividade empreendedora de um município inteligente e como objetivo secundário criar rankings para os municípios para esses atributos. Para responder aos objetivos do estudo é utilizada uma metodologia quantitativa baseada em diversos indicadores para os 278 municípios, indicadores que têm sido definidos na literatura sobre as cidades inteligentes. Os dados obtidos para as variáveis foram compilados pelo INE e pelo PORDATA e são referentes ao ano 2020. Os métodos estatísticos multivariados utilizados baseados em modelos de equações estruturais. Os resultados revelam que os fatores Smart People, Smart Living e Smart Environment tem um impacto significativo na Atividade Empreendedora e que as Smart People é a dimensão que tem maior impacto na atividade empreendedora, sucedida pela Smart Living e pelo Smart Environment

    Entrepreneurship as a transition to the circular economy

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    Given the challenges facing businesses and society in mitigating climate change, creating and supporting sustainable entrepreneurship is critical. However, the influence of National Systems of Entrepreneurship (NSEs) on the circular economy has not yet been studied. Our research studies the impact of NSEs on countries' circular economies while assessing the impact of the digital transition on this relationship. Using dynamic panel econometric techniques and by using various international databases, it was possible to assess the effect of NSEs on the circular economy. Furthermore, our analysis also allowed us to research how the impact of the digital transition may influence the relationship between NSEs and the circular economy. We achieve that countries with advanced NSEs achieve superior grades in their circular economy. We intend to add to the theoretical field by extending the knowledge of the relationship between NSEs and the circular economy. We also intend that the various actors in the surrounding environment who enhance entrepreneurial activities, realize that entrepreneurship is a fundamental component, within the system to which it belongs, for achieving the circular economy.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Perspetivas multinível da competitividade: uma abordagem global, nacional e regional

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    A grande mobilidade do capital a nível internacional e o aumento do grau de abertura dos mercados nacionais são os principais motivos para que o tema da competitividade tenha sido alvo de uma extensa e intensiva discussão científica nas últimas décadas, potencialmente influenciadora das decisões empresariais e governamentais. A comunidade científica tem estabelecido diversas abordagens conceptuais e terminológicas para estudar o comportamento da competitividade, pelo que até o próprio conceito de competitividade é alvo de aceso debate. Esta Tese tem como objetivos analisar a competitividade a dois níveis, nomeadamente ao nível regional e ao nível nacional. Os objetivos gerais desta Tese são: (1) Realizar um mapeamento das publicações científicas, estrutura intelectual e tendências de investigação relacionadas com a competitividade das nações e regiões; (2) Analisar os fatores determinantes da competitividade de um país e analisar a competitividade da economia portuguesa comparativamente aos países da União Europeia, aos países com programas de ajustamento (Grécia e Irlanda) e em termos globais; (3) Analisar as relações entre os fatores da competitividade nacional para todos os países incluídos no Global Competitiveness Index e para os países da União Europeia, bem como a determinação dos fatores que têm uma maior preponderância na competitividade de um país; (4) Determinar um índice de competitividade das regiões portuguesas (NUTS III), calcular índices para os fatores que compõem essa competitividade regional e efetuar uma caraterização da taxonomia da mesma. Os resultados revelam que existem essencialmente três abordagens na literatura de competitividade: (2) Clusters e Regiões; (2) Empresas; (3) Nações e Global. Alguns dos estudos de Porter são marcantes e fulcrais nesta temática. Os fatores mais importantes para a competitividade global são a competitividade microeconómica de um país, bem como as suas infraestruturas sociais e instituições políticas, a educação, a tecnologia disponível e a inovação. Em relação aos fatores que influenciam a competitividade das nações, observou-se efeitos causais entre os mesmos que potenciarão a competitividade por efeitos diretos e indiretos. Em termos de competitividade da economia portuguesa, observaram-se bastantes limitações face aos países da Zona Euro e da União Europeia. Ao nível nacional a Área Metropolitana de Lisboa é a mais competitiva, e pelo contrário as menos competitivas são as NUTS Viseu Dão-Lafões e Serra da Estrela - Beira Interior.The high mobility of capital internationally and the increasing openness of national markets are the main reasons for the competitiveness of the issue has been the subject of an extensive and intensive scientific discussion in recent decades, potentially influential of business and government decisions. The scientific community has established a number of conceptual approaches and terms to study the behavior of competitiveness, so even the very concept of competitiveness is the subject of heated debate. This thesis aims to analyze the competitiveness at two levels, namely at regional and national level. The general objectives of this Thesis are: (1) Conduct a mapping of scientific publications, intellectual framework and research trends related to the competitiveness of nations and regions; (2) analyze the determinants of competitiveness of a country and analyze the competitiveness of the Portuguese economy compared to European Union countries, countries with adjustment programs (Greece and Ireland) and overall; (3) To assess the relationship between the factors of national competitiveness for all countries included in the Global Competitiveness Index and the countries of the European Union as well as the determination of the factors that have a greater influence on the competitiveness of a country; (4) determine a competitiveness index of the Portuguese regions (NUTS III), calculate indices for the factors that make up this regional competitiveness and make an taxonomy of characterization of it. The results reveal that there are essentially three approaches in the competitiveness literature: (2) Clusters and Regions; (2) businesses; (3) Nations and Global. Some d0s Porter studies are outstanding and this central theme. The most important factors for global competitiveness are the microeconomic competitiveness of a country and its social infrastructure and political institutions, education, available technology and innovation. Regarding the factors influencing the competitiveness of nations, there was a causal effect between them that will promote competitiveness through direct and indirect effects. In terms of competitiveness of the Portuguese economy, there were many limitations compared to Eurozone countries and the European Union. At the national level the Lisbon Metropolitan Area is the most on the contrary the least competitive are the NUTS Viseu Dão-Lafões and Serra da Estrela and Beira Interior

    The role of entrepreneurial ecosystems in the SME internationalization

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    The Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (EE) articulate concepts from various streams of literature and are formed by multiple stakeholders and relate to different levels of analysis. Although the literature shows a growing relevance on the theme of EE, most studies reveal to be conceptual, and the existence of empirical studies with quantitative methodologies is still scarce. This study attempts to contribute to filling this gap by developing a dynamic model of EE and its impact on the small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) international performance by aggregating different levels of analysis. Based on a sample of 120 SMEs, the results suggest that macro (agents) and meso (different partners) level variables positively impact international performance. We also find that technology transfer has a negative moderating effect on the meso level relationship of EE with digital performance. Our study also contributes to a greater understanding of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, its internationalization and the digital performance effect.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Global talent management during the COVID-19 pandemic? The Gods must be crazy!

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    The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has brought terrifying effects for labor markets all around the world. Just as we witness rapid changes in terms of the ways of working (working from home), we are also observing an increase in unemployment. The ways in which major corporations with international operations process their global talent management (GTM) already represents a challenge in relatively stable times and clearly, in a period of such great and sustained turbulence as current experienced, this task becomes still more difficult. Hence, our research aims to study the impact of GTM on the international performance of major companies during the COVID-19 pandemic period. To this end, we surveyed a sample of 59 large companies that act in external markets. Through recourse to multiple linear regressions, we conclude that GTM practices return positive impacts on levels of international performance. Our research returns theoretical implications in terms of the application of integrated GTM models and with the results of significant relevance to corporations operating internationally, and thus enabling them to better understand which strategic human resource management policies will return the best GTM results.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effects of entrepreneurial ecosystems, knowledge management capabilities, and knowledge spillovers on international open innovation

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    While there is a large body of literature on the benefits of open innovation, little is known about the knowledge flows and the interrelationship of the purposeful and serendipitous spillover of knowledge flows that deliver value from international open innovation (IOI) collaborations. This study examines these knowledge flows occurring from IOI and the extent to which the entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) context, knowledge management (KM) capabilities of the firm, and knowledge spillovers (KS), nurture IOI engagement. A quantitative study is adopted where data on 98,809 firms from 15 European Union countries to empirically tested a proposed model through multiple linear regressions of logit models. The results highlight the positive effect of KS on IOI engagement, and the positive mediating effect of KM capability on the relationship between KS and IOI. Additionally, the results show a positive moderating effect of the EE on the relationship between the firm's KM capability and IOI engagement. Additionally, the findings emphasize the beneficial nature of the EE on nurturing KM capabilities within firms located in the ecosystem and its impact on nurturing KS within the network.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Consumer Social Media Engagement with Video Ad in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The main objective of this article is to analyze the narrative of an advertising video in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic through a utilitarian (informativeness) and hedonic (playfulness) perspective and evaluate its consequences on brand engagement. In this article, we propose a quantitative approach based on structural equation models. The questionnaire was disseminated in April 2020, and 235 valid responses were obtained and analyzed using the software AMOS v26. The results confirmed the adjustment of the data to the conceptual model established and that empathy with the content in advertising videos has a mediating effect on playfulness and informativeness effects in brand engagement in social networks during COVID-19 pandemic. Our study analyses the narrative of an advertising video in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic through a utilitarian (informativeness) and hedonic (playfulness) perspective and evaluates its consequences on brand engagement. Despite the existence of several studies on advertising, its relationship with brand engagement is still poorly studied in the literature, especially in the pandemic period. This work demonstrates the importance of empathy with video as important factor in digital brand engagement, even in times of crisis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A systematic literature review on family business: insights from an Asian context

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    Purpose – Family firms have been the subject of various scientific studies. This interest derives not only from their unique characteristics in terms of their management but more specifically in terms of their succession in a dimension that does not impact on other companies in the same way. Hence, and as a complex field of research, this study seeks to map out and analyse the intellectual knowledge on research into family firms in Asian contexts. Design/methodology/approach – As regards the statistical and analytical methods, the authors made recourse to the bibliometric, co-citation and cluster analysis techniques. In order to evaluate any potential patterns among the articles, the authors analysed the ways in which the articles are jointly cited. This furthermore applied hierarchical cluster analysis to the totality of the articles subject to co-citation analysis within the scope of grouping the interrelated articles into distinct sets. In order to graphically map the bibliographic co-citation analysis, the authors deployed the network and cluster determination theories. Findings – The results enabled the identification and the classification of various theoretical perspectives on the domain of family firms into four main approaches: (1) family business behaviour; (2) family versus non-family CEOs; (3) business family performance; and (4) business family and people. Originality/value – This study identifies, explores, analyses and summarises the main themes, contributing towards deepening the literature through the means of identifying the priority areas in relation to Asian family businesses able to guarantee international standards of excellence in comparison with their respective competitors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Formação em Liderança como diferencial na carreira: perceção de treinadores de futebol

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    El liderazgo ha sido estudiado como una de las principales variables para el buen rendimiento deportivo de los equipos de fútbol. Así, el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el impacto de la formación obtenida a través de la capacitación oficial de entrenadores de fútbol, en los conocimientos y habilidades de liderazgo de los respectivos entrenadores. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 211 entrenadores portugueses, titulados como entrenadores de fútbol, independientemente de su nivel formativo. Se utilizó un cuestionario con 32 ítems divididos en cuatro dimensiones: i) habilidades de gestión/supervisión, ii) liderazgo organizacional, iii) dominio personal y iv) gestión de recursos. Se utilizó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM-PLS) para validar las hipótesis. Los resultados indican que la formación tiene un impacto positivo y estadísticamente significativo en las competencias de liderazgo. También se pudo comprobar un efecto significativo de la formación sobre las competencias de liderazgo. En cuanto al impacto de la formación sobre las competencias de liderazgo mediadas por el conocimiento, se comprobó que no existe un impacto estadísticamente significativo. Los resultados también muestran una autopercepción positiva de los formadores respecto a sus competencias de liderazgo. Los entrenadores reconocen que es necesario seguir formándose en el ámbito del liderazgo, muestran ser conscientes de la importancia del desarrollo profesional y continuo en este tema. Como implicaciones prácticas, el estudio sugiere una reflexión sobre el contenido y la estructura pedagógica del proceso de formación, formal e informal, de los cursos oficiales para entrenadores de fútbol sobre este contenido.Leadership has been studied as one of the main variables for football clubs’ good sporting performance. Therefore, this study aims to analyse the impact of football coaches’ official trainingon these coaches’ knowledge of leadership and competences. The sample includes 211 qualified Portuguese football coaches, irrespective of their level. A questionnaire was used, with 32 items divided in 4 dimensions: management/supervisory skills, organisational leadership, personal domain, and resource management. To validate the hypotheses, structural equation modelling (SEM-PLS) was used. The results indicate that training has a positive and statistically significant impact on leadership skills. A statistically significant effect of training on leadership knowledge was also found. Concerning the impact of training on leadership skills mediated by knowledge, there was no statistically significant impact. The results also show coaches’ positive self-perception of their leadership skills. However, recognising the need for more thorough training in the field of leadership, they are aware of the importance of continued professional development in the topic. As practical implications, the study suggests reflection on the pedagogical content and structure of the training process, whether formal or informal, of official football coach courses.A liderança tem vindo a ser estudada com uma das principais variáveis para o bom desempenho desportivo dos clubes de futebol. Deste modo, o objetivo do presente estudo é o de analisar o impacto da formação obtida por via da formação oficial de treinadores de futebol, no conhecimento ecompetências de liderança dos respetivos treinadores. A amostra incluiu 211 treinadores portugueses, habilitados para a atividade de treinador de futebol, independente do grau. Foi utilizado um questionário com 32 itens divididos em 4 dimensões: competências de gestão/supervisão, liderança organizacional, domínio pessoal, e gestão de recursos. Para a validação das hipóteses foi utilizadoum modelo de equações estruturais (SEM-PLS). Os resultados indicam que a formação tem um impacto positivo e estatisticamente significativo nas competências de liderança. Foi ainda possível verificar um efeito com significância estatística da formação nos conhecimentos de liderança. Já no que diz respeito ao impacto da formação nas competências de liderança mediada pelo conhecimento, constatou-se que não existe um impacto com significância estatística. Os resultados evidenciam ainda uma autoperceção positiva dos treinadores referente às suas competências de liderança. Ainda que reconheçam que exista a necessidade de formação mais aprofundada no âmbito da liderança, mostram a sua consciência sobre a importância para o desenvolvimento profissional e contínuo sobre este tema. Como implicações práticas, o estudo sugere uma reflexão sobre o conteúdo e estrutura pedagógica do processo formativo seja ele formal ou informal dos cursos oficiais de treinadores de fute

    Editorial: Healthcare management: challenges for improving performance and quality of patient services

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    In healthcare, institutions face constant challenges due to technological advances and increasing societal expectations, particularly in times of pandemic. Personnel management becomes essential in these critical circumstances. Within this context, human capital management challenges are diverse. The lack of qualified staff, the coordination of specialized multidisciplinary teams, and the management of factors such as stress, burnout, job dissatisfaction, and high turnover present themselves as key obstacles to meeting the high standards of performance and quality of patient care that society demands. This Research Topic of Frontiers in Psychology includes seven articles. These publications were carried out using qualitative and quantitative techniques and systematic reviews. As units of analysis, the published articles have used nursing staff (4 doc.), first-line managers (1 doc.), general practitioners (1 doc.), and emergency staff (1 doc.)