3,895 research outputs found

    Metodología de gestión de la arquitectura tradicional canaria en la villa y puerto de Garachico

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    La villa y puerto de Garachico que junto con La Laguna y La Orotava fueron las ciudades cabeceras de Tenerife, conserva un rico patrimonio arquitectónico y artístico. Su puerto activo con su aduana, el comercio de productos agrícolas y vinos, muy demandados en Europa, e ingenios azucareros, de los cuales todavía hoy quedan vestigios. Aquella actitud comercial es la causa del desarrollo de la villa a medida que se potenciaban estas fuentes de riqueza. La Arquitectura de la villa es muy rica en todos sus aspectos tantos en arquitectura civil, domestica, religiosa o militar. El esquema urbano de Garachico en la actualidad no difiere mucho del que había en el siglo XVI, incluso teniendo en cuenta las catástrofes que ha tenido que soportar a lo largo del tiempo, (erupción en 1.706, incendio de San José 1.697, diluvio de San Dámaso 1.645). Este esquema es de tres calles paralelas entre si y a la vez a la costa. Estas calles se cortaban con otras perpendiculares secundarias y más estrechas, llegando hasta la costa. Estas calles principales se denominaban Calle de Arriba, Calle del Medio y Calle de Abajo.Tópico 3: Gestión del Patrimonio. Planificación y Gestión sustentable de los paisajes. Aspectos teóricos y metodológicos

    Ca-looping for postcombustion CO2 capture: A comparative analysis on the performances of dolomite and limestone

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    The low cost and wide availability of natural limestone (CaCO3) is at the basis of the industrial competitiveness of the Ca-looping (CaL) technology for postcombustion CO2 capture as already demonstrated by ~1Mwt scale pilot projects. A major focus of studies oriented towards further improving the efficiency of the CaL technology is how to prevent the gradual loss of capture capacity of limestone derived CaO as the number of carbonation/calcination cycles is increased. Natural dolomite (MgCa(CO3)2) has been proposed as an alternative sorbent precursor to limestone. Yet, carbonation of MgO is not thermodynamically favorable at CaL conditions, which may hinder the capture performance of dolomite. In the work described in this paper we carried out a thermogravimetric analysis on the multicyclic capture performance of natural dolomite under realistic regeneration conditions necessarily implying high calcination temperature, high CO2 concentration and fast transitions between the carbonation and calcination stages. Our study demonstrates that the sorbent derived from dolomite has a greater capture capacity as compared to limestone. SEM analysis shows that MgO grains in the decomposed dolomite are resistant to sintering under severe calcination conditions and segregate from CaO acting as a thermally stable support which mitigates the multicyclic loss of CaO conversion. Moreover, full decomposition of dolomite is achieved at significantly lower calcination temperatures as compared to limestone, which would help improving further the industrial competitiveness of the technology.Junta de Andalucía FQM-5735, TEP-7858, TEP-1900Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad FIS2011-25161, CTQ2011- 2762

    Estudio patológico y propuestas de recuperación de la fachada de la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Concepcion en la Villa de la Orotava

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    El actual templo de la Iglesia de la Concepción de la Villa de la Orotava, inaugurado en 1788, se erige en el mismo solar que ocupara la primitiva ermita fundacional que data de finales del siglo XV, concretamente en el año 1498. La primera piedra del actual edificio fue colocada por el Obispo Delgado Venegas en 1767, prolongándose los trabajos hasta el 7 de diciembre de 1788, día que la bendijo el Obispo de Canarias Dr. Martínez de la Plaza. Su construcción fue llevada a cabo en tres fases, destacando entre ellas la última, de la que surgió un edificio de estilo Barroco en el que prevalece la línea curva. Actualmente la fachada principal presenta diversas patologías, y mediante el estudio concienzudo de la misma se pretende dar un diagnóstico preciso y las pautas de intervención aconsejadas para su recuperación.Tópico 5.- Patrimonios Urbano, Rural, Industrial y Religioso. Cementerios Patrimoniales. Técnicas de Evaluación, Limpieza, Reparación y Conservación. Intervenciones en construcciones con patologías estructurales y aplicación de refuerzos

    Pyrophyllita. General Properties. Part II: Deposits, applications and uses as ceramic raw material

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    [ES] En este trabajo se indican los principales yacimientos mundiales de pirofilita según la bibliografía, los datos de producción disponibles, además de revisar las investigaciones más destacadas sobre prospección y caracterización de materias primas que contenienen pirofilita y que presentan un marcado interés aplicado. Se realiza una amplia revisión de las principales aplicaciones a las que se destinan dichas materias primas, en especial para la preparación de materiales cerámicos y refractarios, su uso como carga, en la construcción, obtención de catalizadores y síntesis de materiales a alta presión debido a sus propiedades. Por último, se describen y revisan sus aplicaciones en la preparación de nuevos materiales y materiales avanzados, como son los sialones, destacando su potencial de utilización en nuestro país como resultado de diversas investigaciones de interés, realizadas por distintos Institutos y Departamentos universitarios. Se deduce que la pirofilita adquiere una importancia relativa cada vez mayor en relación a otros silicatos laminares, como son talco y caolinita.[EN] In this work, the main world deposits of pyrophyllite are indicated according to the literature, showing the available production data. It is emphasized the research focusing on mining and characterization of raw materials containing pyrophyllite, which shows a marked applied interest. It is described and reviewed the most relevant applications of pyrophyllite and pyrophyllite raw materials, in especial refractories and ceramics, fillers, building materials, catalysts and as a high-pressure medium for synthesis of materials. Finally, it is also described and reviewed its use as raw material for the preparation of advanced materials, such as sialon, emphasizing the possibilities of application of pyrophyllite raw materials in our country as a result of distinct investigations of relevant interest performed by several Research Institutes and University Departments. It is deduced that pyrophyllite and pyrophyllite raw materials are increasing in relative importance in many applied fields, as compared with other layer silicates, such as talc and kaolinite.La presente revisiçon se ha basado sobre la Tesis Doctoral del primer autor, dirigida por el coautor de este trabajo, dentro de los Proyectos de Investigación financiados por la Junta de Andalucía y C.S.I.C. durante 1985-87 al Grupo de Investigación 6044 "Nuevos materiales a partir de silicatos naturales" de la Junta de Andalucía 1989-1995 y la CICYT (Referencia GE090-0060) durante 1990-93, con el disfrute de una Beca de PFPI del MEC (1986-1989), agradeciéndose a todas estas entidades el apoyo económico que ha hecho posible el desarrollo de las investigaciones realizadas descritas en esta revisión. Asimismo, se agradece también la ayuda económica recibida dentro del Proyecto MAT96-0507.Peer reviewe

    Constant rate thermal analysis for thermal stability studies of polymers

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    This paper explores the relationship between the shapes of temperature-time curves obtained from experimental data recorded by means of constant rate thermal analysis (CRTA) and the kinetic model followed by the thermal degradation reaction. A detailed shape analysis of CRTA curves has been performed as a function of the most common kinetic models. The analysis has been validated with simulated data, and with experimental data recorded from the thermal degradation of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), poly(1,4-butylene terephthalate) (PBT), polyethylene (PE) and poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC). The resulting temperature-time profiles indicate that the studied polymers decompose through phase boundary, random scission, diffusion and nucleation mechanisms respectively. The results here presented demonstrate that the strong dependence of the temperature-time profile on the reaction mechanism would allow the real kinetic model obeyed by a reaction to be discerned from a single CRTA curve.Junta de Andalucía TEP-03002Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MAT 2008-06619/MA

    CO2 multicyclic capture of pretreated/doped CaO in the Ca-looping process. Theory and experiments

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    We study in this paper the conversion of CaO-based CO2 sorbents when subjected to repeated carbonation/calcination cycles with a focus on thermally pretreated/doped sorbents. Analytical equations are derived to describe the evolution of conversion with the cycle number from a unifying model based on the balance between surface area loss due to sintering in the loopingcalcination stage and surface area regeneration as a consequence of solid-state diffusion during the looping-carbonation stage. Multicyclic CaO conversion is governed by the evolution of surface area loss/regeneration that strongly depends on the initial state of the pore skeleton. In the case of thermally pretreated sorbents, the initial pore skeleton is highly sintered and regeneration is relevant whereas, for nonpretreated sorbents, the initial pore skeleton is soft and regeneration is negligible. Experimental results are obtained for sorbents subjected to a preheating controlled rate thermal analysis (CRTA) program. By applying this preheating program in a CO2 enriched atmosphere, CaO can be subjected to a rapid carbonation followed by a slow rate controlled decarbonation, which yields a highly sintered skeleton displaying a small conversion in the first cycle and self-reactivation in the next ones. Conversely, carbonation of the sorbent at a slow controlled rate enhances CO2 solid-state diffusion, which gives rise, after a quick decarbonation, to a highly porous skeleton. In this case, CaO conversion in the first cycle is very large but it decays abruptly in subsequent cycles. Data on CaO conversion retrieved from the literature and from further experimental measurements performed in our work are analyzed as influenced by a variety of experimental variables such as preheating temperature program, preheating exposition time, atmosphere composition, presence of additives, and carbonation/calcination conditions. Conversion data are well fitted by the proposed model equations, which are of help for a quantitative interpretation on the effect of experimental conditions on the multicyclic sorbent performance as a function of sintering/ regeneration parameters inferred from the fittings and allow foreseeing the critical conditions to promote reactivation. The peculiar behavior of some pretreated sorbents, showing a maximum of conversion at a small number of cycles, is explained in the light of the mode

    Social skills and moral values in engineering education

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    All technical degrees in the Spanish Higher Educational System include a mandatory Final or Honours project. This is a technical activity which should lead the student to put into practice most of the skills acquired throughout the whole degree. Only technical skills are usually put into practice, although recent studies have proved that further capabilities, such as those included in the category of “social skills”, will also be demanded by employers. Moreover, the introduction of the European Higher Educational System, strongly emphasizes the importance of this sort of capabilities. What we present in this work is a way to include both social skills and moral values in the Honours Project without any loss of its technical character. To do so we have launched a line of projects devoted to the development of technical aids to improve the welfare of disabled people. Collaboration agreements with nonprofit institutions and charities give us access to the needs of these communities and the opportunity to apply the results of the projects. A procedure to manage projects of this kind is also presented.Peer Reviewe