4,665 research outputs found

    El test de Rorschach en la medida de las aptitudes

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    Este trabajo trata de establecer paralelismos entre determinados parámetros obtenidos a través del test de Rorschach y diversos tests de aptitud de uso muy extendido. A un grupo de 46 individuos varones, con edades comprendidas entre los 23 y los 40 años, se les aplicó el test de Rorschach y las baterías aptitudinales seleccionadas. La explotación estadística se hizo mediante una estrategia de análisis factorial y constató la ausencia de estructura covariamente común entre ambos de medida. Tal resultado es interpretado como coherente con las divergencias conceptuales sobre la inteligencia existentes entre los teóricos del Rorschach y las teorías en que se basan las baterías psicométricas de aptitud.This work deals withi the establishment ofparallelism among parameters obtained with the Rorschach and different ability tests. We used these tests wiht 46 men between 23 and 40 years old. A factor analysis was applied and we didn't find any common covariant structure. This result agrees with the conceptual divergentes about the intelligence that de theorists of Rorschach and the theories based on the ability psychometric battery support

    Higher order hypergeometric Lauricella function and zero asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials

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    The asymptotic contracted measure of zeros of a large class of orthogonal polynomials is explicitly given in the form of a Lauricella function. The polynomials are defined by means of a three-term recurrence relation whose coefficients may be unbounded but vary regularly and have a different behaviour for even and odd indices. Subclasses of systems of orthogonal polynomials having their contracted measure of zeros of regular, uniform, Wigner, Weyl, Karamata and hypergeometric types are explicitly identified. Some illustrative examples are given

    Behavior of propagating and evanescent components in azimuthally polarized non-paraxial fields

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    The contribution of the propagating and the evanescent waves associated with freely propagating non-paraxial light fields whose transverse component is azimuthally polarized at some plane is investigated. Analytic expressions are derived for describing both the spatial shape and the relative weight of the propagating and the evanescent components integrated over the transverse plane. The analysis is carried out within the framework of the plane-wave angular spectrum approach. These results are used to illustrate the behavior of a kind of donut-like beams with transverse azimuthal polarization at some plane

    La justificación de las condiciones de trabajo y demandas laborales en España: órdenes de valor

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    In this article, the dominant legitimating discursive strategies around the ever-increasing labour demands and ever-declining standards of safety and well-being at work in Spain are analysed through the lens of Boltanski and Thévenot’s (2006) view of the transfor-mation of capitalism. A qualitative methodology based on semi-structured interviews is used. Results show that the justificatory arguments most commonly put forward by managers and experts are the logic of supply and demand, and values related to flexibility, resilience and adaptability to change. In contrast, the stability and protection established in the twentieth century are widely cherished values, particularly among union representatives and some human resources specialists. We found that discourse practices map two specific legitimating categories (market values and a projects orientation), and one critical category (Civic World), but the critical category has no practical impact, as the predominant feeling is resig-nation. Our research describes the common attitudes to legitimacy in the job market and points to a deep discontent in some of its key agents.En este artículo se analizan, bajo la lente de la crítica de Boltanskiy Thevenot (2006) sobre la transformación del capitalismo, las estrategias de legitimación que dominan los discursos sobre las siempre crecientes demandas laborales y las cada vez más precarias condiciones de trabajo en España. Para la investigación se usó una metodología cualitativa a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas. Como resultado, se puede afirmar que los argumentos justificadores más utilizados son los relacionados con la lógica de oferta y demanda, así como con los valores de flexibilidad, resiliencia y adaptabilidad al cambio, sobre todo por parte de directivos y expertos. Entretanto, los valores de estabilidad y protección característicos del siglo XX son los más preciados por sindicalistas y técnicos en RR. HH. Encontramos que las prácticas discursivas se corresponden con dos categorías legitimadoras —los valores del mercado y la orientación a proyectos— y una categoría crítica —el mundo cívico— que, sin embargo, carece de eficacia práctica, siendo el sentimiento más generalizado el de resignación. Con esta investigación se describen empíricamente las actitudes comunes sobre la legitimidad en el mercado de trabajo y queda patente un profundo descontento en algunos de sus agentes principales.Grant BES-2015-073179 and Grants FFI2014-56391-P and FFI2017-87953-R from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, National Plan of Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation

    Análisis de las concepciones del alumnado de Educación Infantil sobre la familia

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    En este trabajo exploratorio hemos investigado el concepto de familia en 118 niños y niñas de cuatro y cinco años, con el objetivo de conocer las ideas del alumnado de Educación Infantil sobre este tema. Así se ha recogido información mediante una entrevista a cada alumno, un dibujo sobre su familia y los datos disponibles en el colegio sobre su situación familiar. El tratamiento de los datos se ha hecho con el paquete estadístico SPSS, considerando dos variables independientes: la edad del alumno y el sexo. Los resultados nos indican que el niño representa mejor su familia con el dibujo que oralmente en la entrevista. No se dan diferencias significativas en función del sexo del niño, pero sí de la edad, los alumnos de cinco años precisan mejor la realidad familiar, de acuerdo con su mayor madurez. La mayoría de alumnos no responde correctamente a la pregunta sobre qué es la familia, y tampoco lo refleja en el dibujo ni conoce otras familias o modelos familiares. Su experiencia se reduce a su propio entorno inmediato. El concepto de familia en los niños se basa sobre todo en la idea de la casa y de estar juntos. El alumnado tiene grandes lagunas sobre este tema

    Las inscripciones latinas de Totana (Murcia) en la correspondencia y en los Apuntes del presbítero José María Bellón (1816-1894)

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    En este trabajo estudiamos la figura desconocida de un erudito local del siglo XIX, José María Bellón Molino, sacerdote murciano, natural de Totana, quien, a través de su relación epistolar con Aureliano Fernández-Guerra y Orbe (entre marzo de 1864 y marzo de 1865), hizo llegar a Emil Hübner información (con fotografías) sobre unas inscripciones que se conservaban en Totana y que serían publicadas en el corpus epigráfico berlinés cinco años después (CIL II 3531, 3533 y 3534).In this work, we deal with the unknown figure of a local scholar of the nineteenth century, Jose Maria Bellón Molino, a priest, native of Totana (Murcia), who through his epistolary relationship with Aureli-ano Fernandez-Guerra y Orbe (from March 1864 and March 1865) sent to Emil Hübner information (with photos) on inscriptions that were kept in Totana and would be published five years later in the epigraphic corpus edited in Berlin (CIL II 3531, 3533 and 3534)

    Perfectionism and affect as determinants of self-perceived motor competence in primary school children

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the primary school students’ perception of their motor competence in the area of Physical Education, with respect to the affective domain and improvement. The sample consisted of 428 primary school students aged between 8 and 12 years (M=10.43; SD=0.837) (Castilla La Mancha, Spain). Perceived motor competence (PMC) was measured by the Perception of Competence Questionnaire (POC); perfectionism was measured by the three subscales of the Child Perfectionism Questionnaire, and, finally, affectivity was assessed by the PANAS (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule) questionnaire. Positive correlations were obtained between all the dimensions of the PMC and self-improvement (p<.05). Significant gender differences were found in the PMC dimension Peers and Self-Experience, with higher scores in males (p<.05). Differences were also found in the PMC dimension Peers as a function of weight status, being lower in the overweight group (p<.05). Age was related to self-experience being higher the older one was (p<.05). A model was generated that explained 23.7% of PMC with the total dimension of self-improvement and weight status. Three distinct profiles, called high, medium and low self-improvement, were detected. These groups in turn showed an analogy in perceived motor competence, high, medium and low, the result also obtained in the regression analysis (p<.05). These results extend the relationship between perceived motor competence and self-improvement in primary school children and are potentially of interest to the fields of education and psychology

    A Reflection on the Class Teaching Sequence with Particular Reference to History Classes in Spain

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    This contribution reflects empirical data arising from a study based on the testimony of 1523 students referring to the time when they studied history in secondary school. It forms part of an on-going inter-disciplinary research project. By means of open activities, information was compiled on the History classes received by students studying Bachillerato (two-year pre-university course) in Spanish secondary schools. The data, therefore, reflect students’ views of the subject and the way in which it was imparted. The article will analyse the sequence of actions followed by teachers in the classroom (initial phase, development or application phase, and final phase). For each stage we shall analyse the information received and study the aspects into which the teacher, seemed to put most effort. The results show that the most frequently used teaching model in the classroom was the traditional rote learning approach, with little student participation
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