202 research outputs found

    Avian trait-mediated vulnerability to road traffic collisions

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    Collision with vehicles is an important source of bird mortality, but it is uncertain why some species are killed more often than others. Focusing on passerines,we testedwhether mortality is associated with bird abundances, and with traits reflecting flight manoeuvrability, habitat, diet, and foraging and social behaviours. We also tested whether the species most vulnerable to road-killing were scarcer near (b500 m) or far (N500–5000 m) from roads. During the breeding seasons of 2009–2011,we surveyed roadkills daily along 50 km of roads, and estimated bird abundances from 74 point counts. After correcting for phylogenetic relatedness, there was strong correlation between roadkill numbers and the abundances of 28 species counted near roads. However, selectivity indices indicated that Blue tit (Parus caeruleus), Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) and European goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) were significantly more road-killed than expected from their abundances, while the inverse was found for seven species. Using phylogenetic generalised estimating equations, we found that selectivity indexes were strongly related to foraging behaviour and habitat type, and weakly so to body size, wing load, diet and social behaviour. The most vulnerable passerines were foliage/bark and swoop foragers, inhabiting woodlands, with small body size and low wing load. The species most vulnerable to road collisions were not scarcer close to roads. Overall, our study suggests that traits provide a basis to identify the passerine species most vulnerable to road collisions, which may be priority targets for future research on the population-level effects of roadkills

    Generalities of vertebrate responses to landscape composition and configuration gradients in a highly heterogeneous Mediterranean region

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    Aim To examine the distributional patterns of vertebrates (including birds, bats, carnivores and lagomorphs) along landscape composition and configuration gradients to better understand the effects of landscape modification on occurrence patterns at both species and community level. Location The region of Alentejo, a forest-dominated area of southern Portugal. Methods The study area was framed using 1647 hexagonal plots, each of 259 ha in size. Composition and configuration gradients were obtained for each plot by integrating the proportions of the main land cover types and their configuration patterns using multivariate analyses. Species-specific vertebrate responses were investigated using data from 75 plots in which carnivores, bats and lagomorphs were sampled, and from 135 plots in the case of birds. Community- level responses were investigated through changes in species richness and beta-diversity in 57 plots where all vertebrate groups were simultaneously sampled. At the species-level, an information-theoretic approach was used to determine the effects of landscape gradients on species’ responses. At the community level, Mantel tests were used to determine between-plot differences in species composition using the Sørensen dissimilarity index. Results We found that the occurrence patterns of most vertebrate species were best predicted by composition-related gradients, although configuration gradients were also frequently included in species-specific occurrence models. We also found a weak correlation between species richness and most landscape gradients suggesting a turnover in the identity of species, something that was corroborated by the stronger correlation between environmental gradients and beta-diversity measures. The amount of forest cover and landscape complexity (estimated as the heterogeneity in the size and number of land cover types) were the main composition and configuration gradients determining vertebrate responses at both species and community level. Main conclusions Our work contributes to a more refined understanding of the mechanisms underlying species distributional patterns in real-world human-modified landscapes. By uncovering generalities of species with multiple ecological requirements and by describing the entire landscape mosaic through landscape gradients, we also suggest that our work greatly helps to fill the gap between existing conceptual landscape models aimed to understand species distributional patterns in human-modified landscapes

    Multispecies lanscape functional connectivity enhances local bird species' diversity in a highly fragmented landscape

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    Local species assemblages are likely the result of habitat and landscape filtering. However, there is still limited knowledge on how landscape functional connectivity complements habitat attributes in mediating local species assemblages in real-world fragmented landscapes. In this study, we set up a non-manipulative experimental design in a standard production forest to demonstrate how functional connectivity determines the spatial distribution of a bird community. We test single- and multispecies spatially explicit, landscape functional connectivity models framed within the circuit theory, considering also patch attributes describing habitat size and quality, to weight their effects on species occurrence and community assemblage. We found that single-species functional connectivity effects contributed positively for occurrence of each species. However, they rarely provided competing alternatives in predicting community parameters when compared to multispecies connectivity models. Incorporating multispecies connectivity showed more consistent effects for all community parameters, than single-species models, since the overlap between species’ dispersal abilities in the landscape shows poor agreement. Habitat size and quality, though less important, were also determinant in explaining community parameters while possibly relating to the provision of suitable nesting and foraging conditions. Both habitat and landscape filters concur to govern community assembly, though likely influencing different processes: while landscape connectivity determines which species can reach a patch, habitat quality determines which species settle in the patch. Our results also suggest that surrogating multispecies connectivity from single species has potential to source bias by assuming species perceive landscape and its barriers similarly. Inference on this issue must be gathered from as much species as possible

    Brief report on double-chamber syringes patents and implications for infusion therapy safety and efficiency

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    This review aimed to map the existing patents of double-chamber syringes that can be used for intravenous drug administration and catheter flush. A search was conducted in the Google patents database for records published prior to 28 October 2020, using several search terms related to double-chamber syringes (DCS). Study eligibility and data extraction were performed by two independent reviewers. Of the initial 26,110 patents found, 24 were included in this review. The 24 DCS that were found display two or more independent chambers that allow for the administration of multiple solutions. While some of the DCS have designated one of the chambers as the flushing chamber, most patents only allow for the sequential use of the flushing chamber after intravenous drug administration. Most DCS were developed for drug reconstitution, usually with a freeze-dried drug in one chamber. Some patents were designed for safety purposes, with a parallel post-injection safety sheath chamber for enclosing a sharpened needle tip. None of the DCS found allow for a preand post-intravenous drug administration flush. Given the current standards of care in infusion therapy, future devices must allow for the sequential use of the flushing chamber to promote a pre-administration patency assessment and a post-administration device flush.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ocean kinetic energy and photosynthetic biomass are important drivers of planktonic foraminifera diversity in the Atlantic Ocean

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    To assess the anthropogenic effect on biodiversity, it is essential to understand the global diversity distribution of the major groups at the base of the food chain, ideally before global warming initiation (1850 Common Era CE). Since organisms in the plankton are highly interconnected and carbonate synthesizing species have a good preservation state in the Atlantic Ocean, the diversity distribution pattern of planktonic foraminifera from 1741 core-top surface sediment samples (expanded ForCenS database) provides a case study to comprehend centennial to decadal time-averaged diversity patterns at pre-1970 CE times, the tempo of the substantial increase in tropospheric warming. In this work, it is hypothesized and tested for the first time, that the large-scale diversity patterns of foraminifera communities are determined by sea surface temperature (SST, representing energy), Chl-a (a surrogate for photosynthetic biomass), and ocean kinetic energy (as EKE). Alpha diversity was estimated using species richness (S), Shannon Wiener index (H), and Simpson evenness (E), and mapped using geostatistical approaches. The three indices are significantly related to SST, Chl-a, and EKE (71-88% of the deviance in the generalized additive mixed model, including a spatial component). Beta diversity was studied through species turnover using gradient forest analysis (59% of the variation). The primary community thresholds of foraminifera species turnover were associated with 5-10 degrees C and 22-28 degrees C SST, 0.05-0.15 mg m-(3) Chl-a, and 1.2-2.0 cm(2) s-(2) log10 EKE energy, respectively. Six of the most important foraminifera species identified for the environmental thresholds of beta diversity are also fundamental in transfer functions, further reinforcing the approaches used. The geographic location of the transition between the four main biogeographic zones was redefined based on the results of beta diversity analysis and incorporating the new datasets, identifying the major marine latitudinal gradients, the most important upwelling areas (Benguela Current, Canary Current), the Equatorial divergence, and the subtropical fronts (Gulf Stream-North Atlantic Drift path in the north, and the South Atlantic current in the south). In conclusion, we provide statistical proof that energy (SST), food supply (Chl-a), and currents (EKE) are the main environmental drivers shaping planktonic foraminifera diversity in the Atlantic ocean and define the associated thresholds for species change on those variables.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evidence-informed development of a bundle for peripheral intravenous catheterization in Portugal: a delphi consensus study

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    Contrary to many international settings, there are no clinical guidelines for peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC) insertion and maintenance in Portugal. We sought to derive an international consensus on a PIVC bundle that could guide Portuguese nurses’ clinical decision-making in this scope. Methods: Two international vascular access specialist groups participated in an online Delphi panel. During the first round, specialists (n = 7) were sent a summary report from a previous observational study conducted in a surgical ward in Portugal. Based on the report findings, specialists were asked to provide five to eight PIVC insertion and maintenance interventions. Then, another set of specialists (n = 7) scored and revised the recommendations until a consensus was reached (≥70% agreement). The PIVC bundle was made available and discussed with the surgical ward’s nurses. Results: After three rounds, a consensus was achieved for five evidence-informed interventions: (i) involve the person and assess the peripheral venous network; (ii) maintain an aseptic no-touch technique; (iii) ensure proper catheter dressing and fixation; (iv) perform catheter flush & lock; (v) test the peripheral venous catheter’s functionality and performance at each shift. Conclusion: The final version of the PIVC bundle achieved consensus among international experts. Despite the positive feedback provided by the ward nurses, future studies are warranted to assess its effectiveness in standardizing PIVC care delivery and its potential implications for care outcomes in Portuguese clinical settings.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nurses’ practices in the peripheral intravenous catheterization of adult oncology patients: a mix-method study

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    A significant number of adult oncology patients require at least one peripheral intravenous catheter to fulfill their therapeutic plan. Recent evidence indicates that catheter failure rates are high in this cohort, impacting care outcomes and patient experience during cancer treatment. This reality represents a challenge to nurses worldwide since in most international settings they are responsible for delivering quality care during the insertion and maintenance of such devices. This study aims to explore current nursing practices regarding the insertion, maintenance, and surveillance of peripheral intravenous catheters in oncology patients. A two-phase mix-method study was conducted with the nursing team from the surgical ward of a large oncology hospital in Portugal. In phase one (observational prospective study), nurses’ practices during catheter insertion and maintenance were observed by the research team and recorded using standardized instruments and validated scales. In phase two, three online focus groups were conducted with the nursing team to present the results observed in phase one and explore their perceptions of current practices. All ethical principles were assured throughout the study. Significant divergent practices were observed and identified by the nurses, especially concerning patient involvement, nurses’ adherence to the aseptic, non-touch technique, catheter stabilization and dressing, and catheter flushing and locking. Such practices may partially explain the high complication rate found (26%) and substantiate the need for future intervention in this field.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nurses' involvement in the development and usability assessment of an innovative peripheral intravenous catheterisation pack: a mix-method study

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    Guaranteeing peripheral venous access is one of the cornerstones of modern healthcare. Recent evidence shows that the lack of adequate clinical devices can result in the provision of substandard care to patients who require peripheral intravenous catheterization (PIVC). To address this challenge, we aimed to develop a PIVC pack for adult patients and assess the usability of this new device. Methods: Following a mix-method design, the PIVC pack development and usability assessment were performed in two phases with the involvement of its potential end-users (nurses). In phase one (concept and semi-functional prototype assessment), focus group rounds were conducted, and a usability assessment questionnaire was applied at each stage. In phase two (pre-clinical usability assessment), a two-arm crossover randomised controlled trial (PIVC pack versus traditional material) was conducted with nurses in a simulated setting. Final interviews were conducted to further explore the PIVC pack applicability in a real-life clinical setting. Results: High average usability scores were identified in each study phase. During the pre-clinical usability assessment, the PIVC pack significantly reduced procedural time (Z = −2.482, p = 0.013) and avoided omissions while preparing the required material (Z = −1.977, p = 0.048). The participating nurses emphasised the pack’s potential to standardise practices among professionals, improve adherence to infection control recommendations, and enhance stock management. Conclusions: The developed pack appears to be a promising device that can assist healthcare professionals in providing efficient and safe care to patients requiring a PIVC. Future studies in real clinical settings are warranted to test its cost-effectiveness.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Produtividade do setor agrícola brasileiro (1991-2003): uma análise espacial

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    Agricultural productivity is characterized by location patterns, represented by the so-called spatial effects, namely, spatial heterogeneity and spatial dependence. This paper analyzes the spatial effects which exert influence on agricultural land productivity at three points in time – 1991, 1997 and 2003 – at the microregional level, using exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA). The main finding shows that agricultural productivity is increasingly self-correlated in space, over time. Two high-high (HH) clusters are identified consistently: one of them is located in the State of São Paulo and parts of the Center-West region, while the other cluster (HH) lies in the Northeastern Coast.A produtividade agrícola é marcada por padrões de localização representados pelos chamados efeitos espaciais, a saber: a heterogeneidade espacial e a dependência espacial. Assim, este trabalho analisa os efeitos espaciais que exercem influência sobre a produtividade agrícola da terra para três momentos do tempo – 1991, 1997 e 2003 – em nível microrregional. Para isso, implementa-se a análise exploratória de dados espaciais. O principal resultado mostra que a produtividade agrícola está crescentemente autocorrelacionada no espaço ao longo do tempo. Dois clusters alto-alto (AA) são identificados consistentemente: um deles localiza-se no Estado de São Paulo e partes do Centro-Oeste, enquanto o outro cluster AA situa-se no litoral nordestino

    End-user assessment of an innovative clothing-based sensor developed for pressure injury prevention: a mixed-method study

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    This study aimed to evaluate a clothing prototype that incorporates sensors for the evaluation of pressure, temperature, and humidity for the prevention of pressure injuries, namely regarding physical and comfort requirements. A mixed-method approach was used with concurrent quantitative and qualitative data triangulation. A structured questionnaire was applied before a focus group of experts to evaluate the sensor prototypes. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and the discourse of the collective subject, followed by method integration and meta-inferences. Nine nurses, experts in this topic, aged 32.66 ± 6.28 years and with a time of profession of 10.88 ± 6.19 years, participated in the study. Prototype A presented low evaluation in stiffness (1.56 ± 1.01) and roughness (2.11 ± 1.17). Prototype B showed smaller values in dimension (2.77 ± 0.83) and stiffness (3.00 ± 1.22). Embroidery was assessed as inadequate in terms of stiffness (1.88 ± 1.05) and roughness (2.44 ± 1.01). The results from the questionnaires and focus groups’ show low adequacy as to stiffness, roughness, and comfort. The participants highlighted the need for improvements regarding stiffness and comfort, suggesting new proposals for the development of sensors for clothing. The main conclusions are that Prototype A presented the lowest average scores relative to rigidity (1.56 ± 1.01), considered inadequate. This dimension of Prototype B was evaluated as slightly adequate (2.77 ± 0.83). The rigidity (1.88 ± 1.05) of Prototype A + B + embroidery was evaluated as inadequate. The prototype revealed clothing sensors with low adequacy regarding the physical requirements, such as stiffness or roughness. Improvements are needed regarding the stiffness and roughness for the safety and comfort characteristics of the device evaluated.The 4NoPressure project was co-financed by the Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (COMPETE 2020) under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, with support from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), reference number POCI-01-0247- FEDER-039869
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