4,381 research outputs found

    Oxyfertigation and Transplanting Conditions of Strawberries

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    Soilless growing systems can improve water-use efficiency, especially in closed soilless growing systems. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of different transplanting conditions, and determine how supplying H2O2 as an oxygen source to the rhizosphere of strawberry plants in a soilless growing system affects plant growth, fruit yield and fruit quality. Strawberry plants (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) cv. ‘Fortuna’ were cultivated in 12 L pots filled with peat substrate, and maintained under conditions of natural light and temperature. Treated plants were supplied with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) (H1) and control plants did not receive H2O2 (H0). In terms of the transplanting conditions, the plants were transplanted in October (T1), and either maintained in a culture chamber (T2), or refrigerated (T3), for one month, before being transplanted. A completely randomized block design with two treatment factors (transplanting conditions, and H2O2 treatment) and five replications was established. Then, we determined the fruit per plant, yield per plant (g plant−1), fruit weight (g fruit−1), fruit size (mm), SPAD values, crown number, crown diameter (mm), flower number, firmness (g cm−1), pH, total soluble solid (TSS), titratable acidity (TA) and TSS/TA. During the early crop cycle, there were not significant differences between treatment and the transplanting conditions that significantly affected the fruit weight and fruit size, although T3 produced the highest values. During the late crop cycle, the H2O2 treatment affected fruit per plant, yield per plant (g plant−1), and crown diameter, with H1 producing the highest values. Furthermore, the transplanting conditions affected yield per plant (g plant−1), old SPAD values, crown diameter, firmness, TSS, TA and TSS/TAThis work was supported by Banco Santander within the framework of economic mobility grants of excellence for teachers and researchers at the University of Oviedo We are grateful to the people who helped with field and laboratory work. We acknowledge the technical assistance provided by Laura Vidal Gam

    Evaluation of a Bayesian Algorithm to Detect Burned Areas in the Canary Islands’ Dry Woodlands and Forests Ecoregion Using MODIS Data

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    Burned Area (BA) is deemed as a primary variable to understand the Earth’s climate system. Satellite remote sensing data have allowed for the development of various burned area detection algorithms that have been globally applied to and assessed in diverse ecosystems, ranging from tropical to boreal. In this paper, we present a Bayesian algorithm (BY-MODIS) that detects burned areas in a time series of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images from 2002 to 2012 of the Canary Islands’ dry woodlands and forests ecoregion (Spain). Based on daily image products MODIS, MOD09GQ (250 m), and MOD11A1 (1 km), the surface spectral reflectance and the land surface temperature, respectively, 10 day composites were built using the maximum temperature criterion. Variables used in BY-MODIS were the Global Environment Monitoring Index (GEMI) and Burn Boreal Forest Index (BBFI), alongside the NIR spectral band, all of which refer to the previous year and the year the fire took place in. Reference polygons for the 14 fires exceeding 100 hectares and identified within the period under analysis were developed using both post-fire LANDSAT images and official information from the forest fires national database by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment of Spain (MAPAMA). The results obtained by BY-MODIS can be compared to those by official burned area products, MCD45A1 and MCD64A1. Despite that the best overall results correspond to MCD64A1, BY-MODIS proved to be an alternative for burned area mapping in the Canary Islands, a region with a great topographic complexity and diverse types of ecosystems. The total burned area detected by the BY-MODIS classifier was 64.9% of the MAPAMA reference data, and 78.6% according to data obtained from the LANDSAT images, with the lowest average commission error (11%) out of the three products and a correlation (R2) of 0.82. The Bayesian algorithm—originally developed to detect burned areas in North American boreal forests using AVHRR archival data Long-Term Data Record—can be successfully applied to a lower latitude forest ecosystem totally different from the boreal ecosystem and using daily time series of satellite images from MODIS with a 250 m spatial resolution, as long as a set of training areas adequately characterising the dynamics of the forest canopy affected by the fire is defined

    Operations Management at the service of health care management: Example of a proposal for action research to plan and schedule health resources in scenarios derived from the COVID-19 outbreak

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    [EN] With this work, we intend to promote research on the application of Operations Management tools in order to assist with decision-making in health crisis situations. During the first six weeks of the COVID-19 crisis in Spain, we have contacted a large number of hospital and health department managers in the Valencian Community and other regions of Spain. The result is that very few, at least when contact was made and at the time of writing this article, had consulted staff members in the Operations Management area for advice on this situation, and they are quite reluctant to do so. This is in spite of the fact that some medical sources also consider this crisis to be one of resources, not merely a medical crisis. Our opinion is that Operations Management can make a useful and valuable contribution to anticipate and improve the management of scarce resources, even in times of crisis. If those responsible for public health or heads of hospitals do not see this usefulness, then there is a huge gap between research and practice in Operations Management and what is transmitted to the healthcare sector. Our aim is to help reduce this gap.Marin-Garcia, JA.; GarcĂ­a Sabater, JP.; Ruiz, A.; Maheut, J.; GarcĂ­a Sabater, JJ. (2020). Operations Management at the service of health care management: Example of a proposal for action research to plan and schedule health resources in scenarios derived from the COVID-19 outbreak. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management. 13(2):213-227. https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3190S21322713

    AnĂĄlisis del rendimiento en salto vertical, agilidad,

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    Objetivo Analizar la influencia de la categorĂ­a de edad en la capacidad de salto, sprint, agilidad y velocidad de golpeo en futbolistas jĂłvenes. MĂ©todo Estudio transversal en el que participaron 36 jugadores de nivel subĂ©lite provenientes de las categorĂ­as inferiores (cadete y juvenil) de equipos de fĂștbol andaluces (edad: 15,87 ± 1,43 años; masa corporal: 65,38 ± 10,84 kg; altura: 1,71 ± 0,06 m). Se evaluĂł la composiciĂłn corporal, el rendimiento en salto vertical (CMJ), la agilidad mediante el test de Balsom, velocidad de sprint en 5, 10, 20 y 30 m y la velocidad de golpeo con ambas piernas. Resultados Los anĂĄlisis mostraron que los jugadores juveniles tienen mayor rendimiento en los test de CMJ, agilidad y velocidad de golpeo con ambas piernas que los cadetes. No se aprecian diferencias significativas (p ≄ 0,05) en la prueba de velocidad, aunque se evidencia una clara tendencia a favor de los juveniles. ConclusiĂłn Existe efecto de la edad durante la etapa de la adolescencia sobre la capacidad de salto, la agilidad, la velocidad de golpeo y, en menor medida, sobre la velocidad de jĂłvenes jugadores de fĂștbol, ademĂĄs de asociaciĂłn entre las capacidades condicionales mĂĄs influyentes en el rendimiento del futbolista

    AnĂ lisi del rendiment en el salt vertical, agilitat i velocitat

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    Objectiu Analitzar la influĂšncia de la categoria d’edat en la capacitat de salt, esprint, agilitat i velocitat de xut de futbolistes joves. MĂštode Estudi transversal en quĂš participaren 36 jugadors de nivell subelit provinents de les categories inferiors (cadet i juvenil) d’equips de futbol andalusos (edat: 15,87 ± 1,43 anys; massa corporal: 65,38 ± 10,84 kg; alçada: 1,71 ± 0,06 m). S’avaluĂ  la composiciĂł corporal, el rendiment en el salt vertical (CMJ), l’agilitat mitjançant el test de Balsom, la velocitat d’esprints en 5, 10, 20 i 30 m i la velocitat del xut amb ambdues cames. Resultats Les anĂ lisis mostraren que els jugadors juvenils tenien un rendiment major en els tests del CMJ, agilitat i velocitat de xut amb ambdues cames que els cadets. No s’aprecien diferĂšncies significatives (p ≄ 0,05) en la prova de velocitat, tot i que s’evidencia una tendĂšncia clara a favor dels juvenils. ConclusiĂł Existeix l’efecte de l’edat durant l’etapa de l’adolescĂšncia sobre la capacitat de salt, l’agilitat, la velocitat de xut i, en menor mesura, sobre la velocitat dels jugadors de futbol joves, a mĂ©s d’associaciĂł entre les capacitats condicionals, mĂ©s influents en el rendiment del futbolista

    The use of deep learning to improve player engagement in a video game through a dynamic difficulty adjustment based on skills classification

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    The balance between game difficulty and player skill in the evolving landscape of the video game industry is a significant factor in player engagement. This study introduces a deep learning (DL) approach to enhance gameplay by dynamically adjusting game difficulty based on a player’s skill level. Our methodology aims to prevent player disengagement, which can occur if the game difficulty significantly exceeds or falls short of the player’s skill level. Our evaluation indicates that such dynamic adjustment leads to improved gameplay and increased player involvement, with 90% of the players reporting high game enjoyment and immersion levels

    Spatial characterization of glacial and periglacial landforms in the highlands of Sierra Nevada (Spain)

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    Sierra Nevada constitutes the southernmost and highest massif in the Iberian Peninsula, with elevations exceeding 3000m. Two large glacial advances were recorded during the Last Glaciation and several minor advances occurred until the Early Holocene. Since then, periglacial activity has prevailed above 2500m. Here, we present a new and more accurate geomorphological map of the highlands of Sierra Nevada, integrating in a GIS environment i) high resolution satellite imagery, ii) topographic data, and iii) field observations. This approach has allowed a better characterization of the spatial extent of cold-climate morphogenic processes and associated landforms formed during the Last Glaciation and subsequent deglaciation. Despite its extension and high altitude, the steep relief of Sierra Nevada and its southern location conditioned a significantly lower glaciated surface (104.6km2) with respect to other Iberian massifs. We have also inferred the paleoclimatic conditions of the study area through the calculation of Equilibrium Line Altitudes (ELAs). The distribution of the lowest moraines suggests an ELA for the maximum glacial extent at 2525m in the northern slope and 2650m in the southern side, increasing towards the east. Local ELA differences are related to: (i) the influence of the warmer Mediterranean Sea in contrast to the cooler Atlantic Ocean, (ii) the climate with more continental characteristics on the northern slope, and (iii) the microscale control of the local topography. Mean annual air temperatures in the ice-free summit plateaus were between -4/-6°C during the maximum local glacial extent, determining permafrost conditions with intense periglacial dynamics. Rock glaciers and protalus lobes developed until 2500m, the lowest boundary for permafrost regime. The distribution of other glacial and periglacial landforms within the limits of the maximum ice extent provides evidence to better understand the extent of subsequent glacial stages and post-glacial landscape evolution in Sierra Nevada.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A clustering-based method for single-channel fetal heart rate monitoring

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    Non-invasive fetal electrocardiography (ECG) is based on the acquisition of signals from abdominal surface electrodes. The composite abdominal signal consists of the maternal electrocardiogram along with the fetal electrocardiogram and other electrical interferences. These recordings allow for the acquisition of valuable and reliable information that helps ensure fetal well-being during pregnancy. This paper introduces a procedure for fetal heart rate extraction from a single-channel abdominal ECG signal. The procedure is composed of three main stages: a method based on wavelet for signal denoising, a new clustering-based methodology for detecting fetal QRS complexes, and a final stage to correct false positives and false negatives. The novelty of the procedure thus relies on using clustering techniques to classify singularities from the abdominal ECG into three types: maternal QRS complexes, fetal QRS complexes, and noise. The amplitude and time distance of all the local maxima followed by a local minimum were selected as features for the clustering classification. A wide set of real abdominal ECG recordings from two different databases, providing a large range of different characteristics, was used to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed method. The accuracy achieved shows that the proposed technique exhibits a competitve performance when compared to other recent works in the literature and a better performance over threshold-based techniques.This work has been partially funded by Banco Santander and Centro Mixto UGR-MADOC through project SIMMA (code 2/16). The contribution of Antonio GarcĂ­a has been partially funded by Spain's Ministerio de EducaciĂłn, Cultura y Deporte (Programa Estatal de PromociĂłn del Talento y su Empleabilidad en I+D+i, Subprograma Estatal de Movilidad, within Plan Estatal de InvestigaciĂłn CientĂ­fica y TĂ©cnica y de InnovaciĂłn 2013-2016) under a "Salvador de Madariaga" grant (PRX17/00287)

    Considerations about the Continuous Assay Methods, Spectro-Photometric and Spectrofluorometric, of the Monophenolase Activity of Tyrosinase

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    With the purpose to obtain the more useful tyrosinase assay for the monophenolase activity of tyrosinase between the spectrofluorometric and spectrophotometric continuous assays, simulated assays were made by means of numerical integration of the equations that characterize the mechanism of monophenolase activity. These assays showed that the rate of disappearance of monophenol () is equal to the rate of accumulation of dopachrome () or to the rate of accumulation of its oxidized adduct, originated by the nucleophilic attack on o-quinone by a nucleophile such as 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone (MBTH), (), despite the existence of coupled reactions. It is shown that the spectrophotometric methods that use MBTH are more useful, as they do not have the restrictions of the L-tyrosine disappearance measurement method, of working at pH = 8 and not having a linear response from 100 ÎŒM of L-tyrosine. It is possible to obtain low LODM (limit of detection of the monophenolase activity) values with spectrophotometric methods. The spectrofluorimetric methods had a lower LODM than spectrophotometric methods. In the case of 4-hydroxyphenil-propionic acid, the LODM obtained by us was 0.25 U/mL. Considering the relative sensitivities of 4-hydroxyanisole, compared with 4-hydroxyphenil-propionic acid, LODM values like those obtained by fluorescent methods would be expected
