7,084 research outputs found

    Invasive Crayfish moving Northwards: management challenges and policy implications at the local scale

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    Freshwater ecosystems in Italy, as most European countries, have been severely impacted by the invasion of alien crayfish. The two most widespread species in Trentino (NE Italy) are Procambarus clarkii and Faxionus limosus; for both species, the high elevation and cold climate of most of the Trentino territory represent a climatic barrier to their northwards spread. Procambarus clarkii is present in one small lake at 950 m asl, and Faxionus limosus in a group of 5 lakes at 450 m asl, over an area of about 80km2. the introduction of both species is associated with fish restocking, and lead to the extinction of existing populations of the native stone crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes. The Management Plan of Austropotamobius pallipes in Trentino listed the eradication/containment of these IAS populations among the conservation priorities for the native populations. The eradication campaigns of P. clarkii started in 2018 with a release/recapture campaign aimed at assessing the abundance of the populations, and continued in 2020, 2021, 2022. As a result, the capture efficiency decreased, suggesting a population reduction trend. The containment of Faxionus limosus is more difficult, given its presence in a higher number of lakes, three of which are hydrologically connected. A first containment campaign to prevent its spread in the river network is planned for summer 2023. The financial support to these activities has been granted by the local Nature 2000 networks and by the local administrations, which have also promoted the communication with citizens and stakeholders to raise consensus and collaboratio

    Remotely sensed variables explain microhabitat selection and reveal buffering behaviours against warming in a climate-sensitive bird species

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    Fine-scale habitat selection modelling can allow a mechanistic understanding of habitat selection processes, enabling better assessments of the effects of climate and habitat changes on biodiversity. Remotely sensed data provide an ever-increasing amount of environmental and climatic variables at high spatio-temporal resolutions, and a unique opportunity to produce fine-scale habitat models particularly useful in challenging environments, such as high-elevation areas. Working at a 10-m spatial resolution, we assessed the value of remotely sensed data for investigating foraging habitat selection (in relation to topography, microclimate, land cover) in nestling-rearing white-winged snowfinch (Montifringilla nivalis), a high-elevation species highly sensitive to climate change. Adult snowfinches foraged at locations with intermediate vegetation cover and higher habitat heterogeneity, also avoiding extremely warm or extremely cold microclimates. Temperature interacted with other environmental drivers in defining habitat selection, highlighting trade-offs between habitat profitability and thermoregulation: snowfinches likely adopted mechanisms of behavioural buffering against physiologically stressful conditions by selecting for cooler, shaded and more snowy foraging grounds at higher temperatures. Our results matched those from previous studies based on accurate field measurements, confirming the species' reliance on climate-sensitive microhabitats (snow patches and low-sward grassland, in heterogeneous patches) and the usefulness of satellite-derived fine-scale modelling. Habitat suitability models built on remotely sensed predictors can provide a cost-effective method for periodic monitoring of species' habitats both at fine grain and over large extents. Fine-scale models also enhance our understanding of the actual drivers of (micro)habitat selection and of possible buffering behaviours against warming, allowing more accurate and robust distribution models, finer predictions of potential future changes and carefully targeted conservation strategies and habitat management

    HOMENS Trans(bordados): Experiências Juntas e Misturadas na Produção de Outras Masculinidades

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    O termo ―homem trans‖ refere-se a uma categoria política e social de pessoas que se recusam a ser definidas como mulheres, buscando por diversos motivos e processos identificarem-se com as masculinidades, transbordando normas de sexo e gênero. Pensando na pouca representatividade desses sujeitos nas pesquisas a respeito das transexualidades, o objetivo dessa dissertação é produzir experiências coletivas com homens trans, criando relações potencializantes com a vida e com os modos de viver; produzir encontros em que circulem histórias de vida que também dizem respeito aos coletivos que os atravessam; criar redes de solidariedade e amizades com eles, discutindo os modos e os métodos utilizados por esses sujeitos para a sua criação; conhecer as boas histórias, os movimentos de resistências e as transformações nas vidas dos homens trans, para além de sofrimentos ou mortificações em vida. O método deste trabalho é norteado pelos estudos cartográficos e dos cotidianos e foram feitas um total de cinco entrevistas com homens trans. O texto está dividido em quatro momentos que dialogam com temas que foram surgindo ao longo da pesquisa: Transviante pesquisar, em que abordo as propostas metodológicas para esse trabalho e como elas foram mudando ao longo dos dois anos de pesquisa; em Corpo trago alguns apontamentos sobre a produção do corpo trazido por homens trans da pesquisa; no capítulo Políticas apresento as políticas produzidas pelos homens trans para a implementação do Instituto Brasileiro de Transmasculinidades do Espírito Santo (IBRAT-ES), das produções autobiográficas e das pesquisas; e em Recortes apresento e problematizo alguns momentos importantes para produção de conhecimentos a respeito das transmasculinidades. Nos encontros e experiências com os homens trans, podemos ver um fiar de realidades que colocam esses mesmos sujeitos em movimentos desejantes na intenção de esculpir um novo corpo, um novo pensar e um novo existir. Muito mais do que conhecer a produção de sujeitos meramente sexualizados, observamos a produção da vida. Palavras-chave: homens trans; transmasculinidade; sexualidade; gênero; psicologia

    ENGENHARIA Simultânea: Planejamento e Controle Integrado do Processo de Produção/projeto na Construção Civil

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    A expressão Engenharia Simultânea (Concurrent Engineering CE) abriga diversos conceitos que defendem, principalmente, ações que levem à otimização do tempo de produção de bens pela indústria. Na Construção Civil, a expressão não foi incorporada, mas as ideias nela contidas passaram a estar, de certa forma, presentes nos estudos sobre o melhor gerenciamento dos empreendimentos de construção. Um dos desafios da Engenharia Civil é a aplicação da abordagem da Engenharia Simultânea no que se refere ao desenvolvimento de produto no setor, que, no contexto desta pesquisa, se refere ao processo de projeto. Nesse sentido, reconhecendo a importância do assunto, nas condições do cenário da construção civil no Brasil, que têm levado as empresas do setor a uma busca por mudanças e inovações no processo de desenvolvimento dos produtos, o objetivo deste trabalho é discutir o conceito de Engenharia Simultânea, analisando a sua pertinência na construção de edifícios, assim como propor diretrizes para aplicação destas abordagens no processo de projeto. Na metodologia adotada, entre outros aspectos, foram selecionados dois estudos de caso com o intuito de verificar e apresentar a realidade de como o processo de projeto e construção da edificação está sendo realizado. Os empreendimentos foram analisados através de instrumentos específicos questionários e fichamentos técnicos , com o objetivo de obter informações dos profissionais envolvidos nos projetos, para identificar como a Engenharia Simultânea pode contribuir para melhoria no processo, assim como os empecilhos para aplicação dos seus conceitos. Dentre os principais resultados obtidos, observa-se que o processo de desenvolvimento de produto precisa de mudanças e melhorias, e que, de acordo com o que foi apontado na avaliação dos profissionais, a adoção dos conceitos da ES pode auxiliar

    Localized versus itinerant magnetic moments in Na0.72CoO2

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    Based on experimental 59Co-NMR data in the temperature range between 0.1 and 300 K, we address the problem of the character of the Co 3d-electron based magnetism in Na0.7CoO2. Temperature dependent 59Co-NMR spectra reveal different Co environments below 300 K and their differentiation increases with decreasing temperature. We show that the 23Na- and 59Co-NMR data may consistently be interpreted by assuming that below room temperature the Co 3d-electrons are itinerant. Their magnetic interaction appears to favor an antiferromagnetic coupling, and we identify a substantial orbital contribution corb to the d-electron susceptibility. At low temperatures corb seems to acquire some temperature dependence, suggesting an increasing influence of spin-orbit coupling. The temperature dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation rate T1-1(T) confirms significant variations in the dynamics of this electronic subsystem between 200 and 300K, as previously suggested. Below 200 K, Na0.7CoO2 may be viewed as a weak antiferromagnet with TN below 1 K but this scenario still leaves a number of open questions.Comment: 8.7 pages, 6 Figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Location of the Energy Levels of the Rare-Earth Ion in BaF2 and CdF2

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    The location of the energy levels of rare-earth (RE) elements in the energy band diagram of BaF2 and CdF2 crystals is determined. The role of RE3+ and RE2+ ions in the capture of charge carriers, luminescence, and the formation of radiation defects is evaluated. It is shown that the substantial difference in the luminescence properties of BaF2:RE and CdF2:RE is associated with the location of the excited energy levels in the band diagram of the crystals

    NMR and dc-susceptibility studies of NaVGe2O6

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    We report the results of measurements of the dc magnetic susceptibility chi(T) and of the 23Na nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) response of NaVGe2O6, a material in which the V ions form a network of interacting one-dimensional spin S=1 chains. The experiments were made at temperatures between 2.5 and 300 K. The chi(T) data suggest that the formation of the expected low-temperature Haldane phase is intercepted by an antiferromagnetic phase transition at 18 K. The transition is also reflected in the 23Na NMR spectra and the corresponding spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T1(T). In the ordered phase, 1/T1(T) decreases by orders of magnitude with decreasing temperature, indicating the formation of a gap of the order of 12 K in the magnetic excitation spectrum.Comment: 10 pages, 15 figures; v2 with minor revisions of the tex

    Practical indications for the prevention and management of SARS-CoV-2 in ambulatory dialysis patients : lessons from the first phase of the epidemics in Lombardy

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    Confronting the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak has allowed us to appreciate how efficiently highly-resourced settings can respond to crises. However even such settings are not prepared to deal with the situation, and lessons are only slowly being learnt. There is still an urgent need to accelerate protocols that lead to the implementation of rapid point-of-care diagnostic testing and effective antiviral therapies. In some high-risk populations, such as dialysis patients, where several individuals are treated at the same time in a limited space and overcrowded areas, our objective must be to ensure protection to patients, the healthcare team and the dialysis ward. The difficult Italian experience may help other countries to face the challenges. The experience of the Lombardy underlines the need for gathering and sharing our data to increase our knowledge and support common, initially experience-based, and as soon as possible evidence-based position to face this overwhelming crisis