19 research outputs found

    The specific expression of isoperoxidases in grapevine cells cultured in suspension in relation to vacuolar development

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    Die spezifischen Veränderungen der Isoperoxidasen in suspensionskultivierten Rebenzellen in Beziehung zur Entwicklung der ZellvakuoleAus wachsenden Beeren der Rotweinsorte Gamay (Vitis vinifera) wurden Zellsuspensionskulturen hergestellt. Diese dienten als Modellsystem, um die spezifischen Veränderungen der Enzymaktivität von Guajakol-Peroxidase und Indolyl-3-Essigsäure(IAA-)Oxidase während des Zellwachstums in Beziehung zur Entwicklung der Zellvakuole zu verfolgen. Der Entwicklungszustand der Vakuole wurde anhand des Verhältnisses monomere Anthocyane : Protein festgestellt. Die Untersuchungen zeigten, daß sich die Aktivität von Guajakol-Peroxidase während der exponentiellen Phase des Zellwachstums in Beziehung zum Entwicklungszustand der Vakuole veränderte. Andererseits wurde im Verlauf des Zellwachstums nie IAA-Oxidaseaktivität nachgewiesen, wahrscheinlich weil in den kultivierten Zellen höhere Konzentrationen von "Auxinprotektoren" vorhanden waren.Dieser Befund steht im Widerspruch zu der Beobachtung, daß die Zunahme der Gesamtperoxidasenaktivität in den Zellen in erster Linie auf den Anstieg der basischen Isoperoxidasen zurückzuführen ist. Aufgrund der Tatsache, daß der IAA-Abbau hauptsächlich durch basische Isoperoxidasen bewirkt wird, wird ferner die anerkannte physiologische Rolle der basischen Isoperoxidasen in suspensionskultivierten Zellen in Frage gestellt. Eine alternative Rolle, welche die basischen Isoperoxidasen im intensiven oxidativen Stoffwechsel der Phenole bei roten Rebsorten spielen könnten, wird diskutiert

    Serotonergic Polymorphisms and Psychotic Disorders in Populations From North Spain

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    There is strong biological evidence relating alterations in the serotonergic system with mental disorders. These alterations may be originated at the DNA level by sequence mutations that alter the functioning of serotonin receptors and transporter. To test this hypothesis we investigated three genetic variants of the 5-HT2A receptor (-1438G/A, 102T/C and His452Tyr) and two variants of the serotonin transporter (a VNTR in the second intron and a 44 bp insertion/delition in the promoter region of the gene) in a clinical sample recruited in a human isolate and in surrounding areas in Northern Spain (N = 257) and in ethnically matched controls (N = 334). No clear association was found between 5-HT2A variants and psychosis. However, marginal associations were observed between the 5-HTT LPR and VNTR variants and psychosis (P < or = 0.05) indicating a minor contribution to psychosis of genetic alterations in this gene

    Actualización de la batería estándar y batería ampliada de pruebas alérgicas de contacto por el Grupo Español de Investigación en Dermatitis de Contacto y Alergia Cutánea (GEIDAC)

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    After the meeting held by the Spanish Contact Dermatitis and Skin Allergy Research Group (GEIDAC) back in October 2021, changes were suggested to the Spanish Standard Series patch testing. Hydroxyethyl methacrylate (2% pet.), textile dye mixt (6.6% pet.), linalool hydroperoxide (1% pet.), and limonene hydroperoxide (0.3% pet.) were, then, added to the series that agreed upon in 2016. Ethyldiamine and phenoxyethanol were excluded. Methyldibromoglutaronitrile, the mixture of sesquiterpene lactones, and hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene (Lyral) were also added to the extended Spanish series of 2022. (c) 2024 AEDV. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC BY -NC -ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    A sustainable approach by using microalgae to minimize the eutrophication process of Mar Menor lagoon

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    The present study evaluates the removal capacity of microalgae photobioreactors of environmental pollutants present in wastewater from the dry riverbed El Albujón, as a way to minimize the eutrophication process of the Mar Menor. Particularly, the capacity of four autochthonous microalgae consortia collected from different locations of the salty lagoon to remove emerging contaminants (simazine, atrazine, terbuthylazine, adenosine and ibuprofen), nitrates, and phosphates, was evaluated. Among the four microalgae consortia, consortium 1 was the best in terms of biomass productivity (0.11 g L−1 d−1) and specific growth rate (0.14 d−1), providing 100% removal of emerging contaminants (simazine, atrazine, terbuthylazine, adenosine and ibuprofen), and a maximal reduction and consumption of macronutrients, especially nitrates and phosphates, reaching levels below 28 mg L−1, that is, a decrease of 89.90 and 99.70% of nitrates and phosphates, respectively. Therefore, this consortium (Monoraphidium sp., Desmodesmus subspicatus, Nannochloris sp.) could be selected as a green filter for successful large-scale applications. This study is the first one that combines the successful removal of herbicides, ibuprofen and adenosine as emerging contaminants, and nitrate removal.This work was funded by the Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia, Spain (RAMBLA Project 2015.08.ID+I.0003), under research and innovation program.Peer reviewe