197 research outputs found


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    Neste trabalho, foram analisadas as propriedades físico-mecânicas de chapas aglomeradas produzidas com dois tipos de papel reciclável (papel jornal e offset) e partículas de madeira de Pinus elliottii Engelm. As aparas de papel foram usadas no colchão em dois diferentes formatos (tiras ou moídas) e em diferentes proporções: 0, 20, 40, 60 e 100% do peso seco das partículas. Utilizoaram-se 10% de adesivo à base de tanino-formaldeído na proporção 100:10. O experimento foi estabelecido segundo modelo fatorial, com três repetições. Os testes físico-mecânicos das chapas foram realizados segundo a norma ASTM D1037 (1995). Chapas aglomeradas produzidas tanto pela inclusão de papel jornal quanto offset no formato de tiras apresentaram tendência ao estouro durante a abertura dos pratos da prensa, causado pelo alto teor de umidade do colchão. A inclusão de aparas de papel prejudicaram a maioria das propriedades analisadas, fazendo com que não atendessem aos valores estabelecidos pelas normas DIN 68761 (1)-1961, (3)-1971 e ANSI A 208.1 (1987). A absorção d’água após 24 horas de imersão, a ligação interna e a resistência ao arrancamento de parafusos foram as propriedades mais prejudicadas. De modo geral, o uso de papel jornal se mostrou mais promissor do que o papel offset

    Synchronous and metachronous colorectal liver metastases: Impact of primary tumor location on patterns of recurrence and survival after hepatic resection

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    Background: Considerable differences in terms of prognosis exist between the right-sided (RCC) and the left-sided colon cancer (LCC). Aim of the work: In this study, we evaluated prognostic implications of primary tumor location (PTL) among patients who underwent curative-intent hepatectomy for synchronous (SM) and metachronous (MM) colorectal liver metastases (CRLM). Methods: The study population included all consecutive patients affected by CRLM scheduled for first liver resection at three Italian oncological centers. Results: A total of 204 patients who underwent CRLM resection were included, 50% with RCC. Synchronous lesions were prevalent (n=133, 65%). Median OS was respectively 40.3 months for SM-RCC, 53.5 months for SM-LCC, 64.5 months for MM-RCC and 81.6 months for MM-LCC. Patients with MM-LCC showed an OS better than patients with SM-RCC (p=0.008) and SM-LCC (p=0.002). PTL had no influence on RFS. RCC group had less recurrences (75% vs 86.5%), though further surgery with curative-intent was possible more in LCC group (29.3% vs 32.5%). Cox proportional hazards model analysis showed that age and the presence of SM vs MM was associated with a significantly higher hazard ratio (HR) for death (HR=1.024; 95%CI=1.005-1.043; p=0.011 and HR=2.010; 95%CI=1.328-3.043; p=0.001, respectively). Conclusions: We confirmed that patients with CRLM and right-sided primary colon cancer experience worse survival after hepatic resection. The timing of metastasis has been revealed as important prognostic factor

    High levels of Notch intracellular cleaved domain are associated with stemness and reduced bevacizumab efficacy in patients with advanced colon cancer

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    δ-like ligand 4 (DLL4)-Notch signaling is associated with tumor resistance to anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) therapy. Furthermore, Notch signaling is critical for the maintenance of colon cancer stem cells (CSCs), which are relevant in drug resistance and tumor angiogenesis. CD44 is a transmembrane glycoprotein and is considered a putative marker of CSCs. To assess the association of Notch intracellular cleaved domain (NICD), DLL4 and CD44 expression with the efficacy of anti‑angiogenic drugs, a series of samples derived from patients with advanced colon cancer enrolled in prospective clinical trials were analyzed. Histological samples from 51 primary tumors that originated from patients treated with bevacizumab‑based first‑line chemotherapy were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for NICD, DLL4 and CD44 expression, and CD31 for microvessel count. The expression levels of genes relevant for angiogenesis [angiopoietin (ANGPT)1, ANGPT2, fibroblast growth factor (FGF)1, FGF2, epidermal growth factor, placental growth factor, VEGFA and DLL4] were detected by reverse transcription-quantitative PCR using RNA extracte

    PTEN status in advanced colorectal cancer treated with cetuximab

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    BACKGROUND: Loss of phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted in chromosome 10 (PTEN) function in advanced colorectal cancer (CRC) may represent one of the resistance mechanisms to cetuximab by interfering with the epidermal growth factor receptor signal transduction pathway. METHODS: PTEN expression tested by indirect immunofluorescence was evaluated both on primary (n¼43) and on metastatic (n¼24) sites in CRC patients treated with cetuximab. RESULTS: The loss of PTEN expression tested on metastatic sites was negatively associated with response (100% progressive disease (PD) in PTEN-negative cases vs 30% PD in PTEN-positive cases; Po0.05), PFS (0.8 vs 8.2 months; Po0.001) and OS (2.9 vs 14.2 months; Po0.001). CONCLUSION: A potential role of PTEN in the anti-tumour activity of cetuximab could be hypothesised

    Clinical characteristics of a large cohort of patients with narcolepsy candidate for pitolisant: a cross-sectional study from the Italian PASS Wakix® Cohort

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    Introduction: Narcolepsy is a chronic and rare hypersomnia of central origin characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness and a complex array of symptoms as well as by several medical comorbidities. With growing pharmacological options, polytherapy may increase the possibility of a patient-centered management of narcolepsy symptoms. The aims of our study are to describe a large cohort of Italian patients with narcolepsy who were candidates for pitolisant treatment and to compare patients’ subgroups based on current drug prescription (drug-naïve patients in whom pitolisant was the first-choice treatment, switching to pitolisant from other monotherapy treatments, and adding on in polytherapy). Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional survey based on Italian data from the inclusion visits of the Post Authorization Safety Study of pitolisant, a 5-year observational, multicenter, international study. Results: One hundred ninety-one patients were enrolled (76.4% with narcolepsy type 1 and 23.6% with narcolepsy type 2). Most patients (63.4%) presented at least one comorbidity, mainly cardiovascular and psychiatric. Pitolisant was prescribed as an add-on treatment in 120/191 patients (62.8%), as switch from other therapies in 42/191 (22.0%), and as a first-line treatment in 29/191 (15.2%). Drug-naive patients presented more severe sleepiness, lower functional status, and a higher incidence of depressive symptoms. Conclusion: Our study presents the picture of a large cohort of Italian patients with narcolepsy who were prescribed with pitolisant, suggesting that polytherapy is highly frequent to tailor a patient-centered approach

    Ceratoplastia com enxerto pediculado de conjuntiva fixado com adesivo de cianoacrilato em cães

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    Data Sharing and Research on Peer Review: A Call to Action

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    While recent surveys show that most stakeholders recognise the importance of peer review to the publication process, there is a lack of systematic research on the topic. In a period of hyper-competition for resources, with perverse incentives that lead to academic capitalism and a \u201cpublish or perish\u201d mentality, the lack of robust and cumulative research on approaches, models and practices of peer review can slow down efforts towards fostering research integrity and the credibility of scholarly communication. A major challenge in studying peer review systematically is the lack of available data. While data sharing in scientific research has made relevant progress in certain fields, the lack of infrastructures to promote the sharing of peer review data among publishers, journals and academic scholars, the challenges posed by privacy and data protection legislation, and the perceived lack of incentives for publishers, learned societies and journals to share data, have all hampered efforts in this important domain. While public authorities, learned societies and publishers may face different priorities, incentives and obstacles regarding data sharing, the time has come to call to action all stakeholders who play a part in this field. In this paper, we argue that an infrastructure for data sharing is needed to stimulate independent, collaborative, public research on peer review and we suggest measures and initiatives to set up a collaborative effort towards this goal

    Unlock ways to share data on peer review

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    Peer review is the defining feature of scholarly communication. In a 2018 survey of more than 11,000 researchers, 98% said that they considered peer review important or extremely important for ensuring the quality and integrity of scholarly communication. Indeed, now that the Internet and social media have assumed journals\u2019 original role of dissemination, a journal\u2019s main function is curation. Both the public and the scientific community trust peer review to uphold shared values of rigour, ethics, originality and analysis by improving publications and filtering out weak or errant ones. Scholarly communities rely on peer review to establish common knowledge and credit