703 research outputs found

    Inflammation and changes in cytokine levels in neurological feline infectious peritonitis.

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    Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a progressive, fatal, predominantly Arthus-type immune-mediated disease that is triggered when cats are infected with a mutant enteric coronavirus. The disease presents variably with multiple organ failure, seizures, generalized effusion, or shock. Neurological FIP is clinically and pathologically more homogeneous than systemic 'wet' or 'dry' FIP; thus, comparison of cytokine profiles from cats with neurological FIP, wet FIP, and non-FIP neurological disease may provide insight into some baseline characteristics relating to the immunopathogenesis of neurological FIP. This study characterizes inflammation and changes in cytokines in the brain tissue of FIP-affected cats. Cellular infiltrates in cats with FIP included lymphocytes, plasma cells, neutrophils, macrophages, and eosinophils. IL-1 beta, IL-6, IL-12, IL-18, TNF-alpha, macrophage inhibitory protein (MIP)-1 alpha, and RANTES showed no upregulation in the brains of control cats, moderate upregulation in neurological FIP cats, and very high upregulation in generalized FIP cats. Transcription of IFN-gamma appeared upregulated in cats with systemic FIP and slightly downregulated in neurological FIP. In most cytokines tested, variance was extremely high in generalized FIP and much less in neurological FIP. Principal components analysis was performed in order to find the least number of 'components' that would summarize the cytokine profiles in cats with neurological FIP. A large component of the variance (91.7%) was accounted for by levels of IL-6, MIP-1 alpha, and RANTES. These findings provide new insight into the immunopathogenesis of FIP and suggest targets for immune therapy of this disease

    Towards a Better Understanding of the Local Attractor in Particle Swarm Optimization: Speed and Solution Quality

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    Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a popular nature-inspired meta-heuristic for solving continuous optimization problems. Although this technique is widely used, the understanding of the mechanisms that make swarms so successful is still limited. We present the first substantial experimental investigation of the influence of the local attractor on the quality of exploration and exploitation. We compare in detail classical PSO with the social-only variant where local attractors are ignored. To measure the exploration capabilities, we determine how frequently both variants return results in the neighborhood of the global optimum. We measure the quality of exploitation by considering only function values from runs that reached a search point sufficiently close to the global optimum and then comparing in how many digits such values still deviate from the global minimum value. It turns out that the local attractor significantly improves the exploration, but sometimes reduces the quality of the exploitation. As a compromise, we propose and evaluate a hybrid PSO which switches off its local attractors at a certain point in time. The effects mentioned can also be observed by measuring the potential of the swarm

    D'atri spaces of type k and related classes of geometries concerning jacobi operators

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    In this article we continue the study of the geometry of kk-D'Atri spaces, % 1\leq k n1\leq n-1 (nn denotes the dimension of the manifold),, began by the second author. It is known that kk-D'Atri spaces, k1,k\geq 1, are related to properties of Jacobi operators RvR_{v} along geodesics, since she has shown that trRv{\operatorname{tr}}R_{v}, trRv2{\operatorname{tr}}R_{v}^{2} are invariant under the geodesic flow for any unit tangent vector vv. Here, assuming that the Riemannian manifold is a D'Atri space, we prove in our main result that trRv3{\operatorname{tr}}R_{v}^{3} is also invariant under the geodesic flow if k3 k\geq 3. In addition, other properties of Jacobi operators related to the Ledger conditions are obtained and they are used to give applications to Iwasawa type spaces. In the class of D'Atri spaces of Iwasawa type, we show two different characterizations of the symmetric spaces of noncompact type: they are exactly the C\frak{C}-spaces and on the other hand they are kk -D'Atri spaces for some k3.k\geq 3. In the last case, they are kk-D'Atri for all k=1,...,n1k=1,...,n-1 as well. In particular, Damek-Ricci spaces that are kk-D'Atri for some k3k\geq 3 are symmetric. Finally, we characterize kk-D'Atri spaces for all k=1,...,n1k=1,...,n-1 as the SC% \frak{SC}-spaces (geodesic symmetries preserve the principal curvatures of small geodesic spheres). Moreover, applying this result in the case of 4% -dimensional homogeneous spaces we prove that the properties of being a D'Atri (1-D'Atri) space, or a 3-D'Atri space, are equivalent to the property of being a kk-D'Atri space for all k=1,2,3k=1,2,3.Comment: 19 pages. This paper substitute the previous one where one Theorem has been deleted and one section has been adde

    Adiabatic quantum pump in the presence of external ac voltages

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    We investigate a quantum pump which in addition to its dynamic pump parameters is subject to oscillating external potentials applied to the contacts of the sample. Of interest is the rectification of the ac currents flowing through the mesoscopic scatterer and their interplay with the quantum pump effect. We calculate the adiabatic dc current arising under the simultaneous action of both the quantum pump effect and classical rectification. In addition to two known terms we find a third novel contribution which arises from the interference of the ac currents generated by the external potentials and the ac currents generated by the pump. The interference contribution renormalizes both the quantum pump effect and the ac rectification effect. Analysis of this interference effect requires a calculation of the Floquet scattering matrix beyond the adiabatic approximation based on the frozen scattering matrix alone. The results permit us to find the instantaneous current. In addition to the current generated by the oscillating potentials, and the ac current due to the variation of the charge of the frozen scatterer, there is a third contribution which represents the ac currents generated by an oscillating scatterer. We argue that the resulting pump effect can be viewed as a quantum rectification of the instantaneous ac currents generated by the oscillating scatterer. These instantaneous currents are an intrinsic property of a nonstationary scattering process.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Dissipation and noise in adiabatic quantum pumps

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    We investigate the distribution function, the heat flow and the noise properties of an adiabatic quantum pump for an arbitrary relation of pump frequency ω\omega and temperature. To achieve this we start with the scattering matrix approach for ac-transport. This approach leads to expressions for the quantities of interest in terms of the side bands of particles exiting the pump. The side bands correspond to particles which have gained or lost a modulation quantum ω\hbar \omega. We find that our results for the pump current, the heat flow and the noise can all be expressed in terms of a parametric emissivity matrix. In particular we find that the current cross-correlations of a multiterminal pump are directly related a to a non-diagonal element of the parametric emissivity matrix. The approach allows a description of the quantum statistical correlation properties (noise) of an adiabatic quantum pump

    A Comparison of Personality, Life Events, Comorbidity, and Health in Monozygotic Twins Discordant for Anorexia Nervosa

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    Genetic and environmental factors contribute to the etiology of anorexia nervosa (AN). The co-twin control design is one of the most powerful methods available to evaluate environmental factors that could contribute to differences between monozygotic (MZ) twins who are discordant for AN. Using available data from a unique and rare sample of 22 Swedish female MZ pairs discordant for AN, we compared personality, life events, comorbidity, and health factors. Twins with AN had significantly higher perfectionism scores than unaffected co-twins and reported younger ages at first diet than unaffected co-twins who had dieted. Consistent with previous literature, more twins with AN reported gastrointestinal problems than unaffected co-twins. Although not significant due to low statistical power, more unaffected co-twins reported experiencing emotional neglect than twins with AN. Early dieting may be a harbinger of the development of AN or an early symptom. Higher perfectionism may represent a risk factor, sequela, or both. Sibling perception of neglect is noteworthy given the impact of an ill child with AN on family function and wellbeing. The health and wellbeing of siblings should be addressed clinically when one child in the family suffers from AN

    Grain Surface Models and Data for Astrochemistry

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    AbstractThe cross-disciplinary field of astrochemistry exists to understand the formation, destruction, and survival of molecules in astrophysical environments. Molecules in space are synthesized via a large variety of gas-phase reactions, and reactions on dust-grain surfaces, where the surface acts as a catalyst. A broad consensus has been reached in the astrochemistry community on how to suitably treat gas-phase processes in models, and also on how to present the necessary reaction data in databases; however, no such consensus has yet been reached for grain-surface processes. A team of ∼25 experts covering observational, laboratory and theoretical (astro)chemistry met in summer of 2014 at the Lorentz Center in Leiden with the aim to provide solutions for this problem and to review the current state-of-the-art of grain surface models, both in terms of technical implementation into models as well as the most up-to-date information available from experiments and chemical computations. This review builds on the results of this workshop and gives an outlook for future directions