427 research outputs found

    The productivity and financial impacts of eight types of environmental enrichment for broiler chickens

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    Reduced mobility in broilers can contribute to leg health problems. Environmental enrichment has been suggested as one approach to combat this through stimulating increased physical activity. Past studies have tested the effect of environmental enrichments on bird behaviour, health and welfare, but few have estimated their financial impacts. This study tested the impact of eight types of environmental enrichment on enterprise net margin, accounting for direct intervention costs plus indirect effects via changes to bird mortality, weight, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, and foot pad dermatitis. The trial used 58 pens each containing approximately 500 broilers (Ross 308) at a stocking density of 40 kg/m2. The environmental enrichments were: roughage, vertical panels, straw bales, elevated platforms (5 and 30 cm), increased distances between feed and water (7 and 3.5 m) and stocking density reduced to 34 kg/m2, plus a control group. Mortality was recorded daily and feed intake and weight weekly. Footpad dermatitis was assessed on day 35. Only one intervention improved financial performance (3.5 m between feed and water) above the control, suggesting that most environmental enrichment would have a negative financial impact due to the additional intervention costs, unless consumers were willing to pay a price premium

    Träningsupplägg i fem hoppstall

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    I detta arbete presenteras en träningsstudie omfattande fem tävlingsstall för hoppning som befinner sig på elitnivå i Sverige. Syftet med studien är att belysa skillnader i träningsupplägg samt skadefrekvens mellan tävlingsstallen. Studien är menad som en pilotstudie inför en större träningsstudie, ingående i ett större projekt där klassificering av ridunderlag samt relation mellan träning och träningsrelaterade skador är målet. Vetenskapliga föregångare till träningsstudier på hästar finns framför allt inom galoppsporten. På galopphästar har flertalet studier gjorts och relation mellan träningsupplägg och specifika typer av skador har konstaterats. Träningsstudien visar att träningsupplägget i alla stallen består av liknande komponenter men omfattningen och relationen mellan dessa skiljer sig åt mellan stallen. Trots att studien endast omfattande fem stall så visade den på skillnader som är intressanta ur ett skadefrekvens perspektiv såsom utevistelse, aktivitetsformer samt aktivitetsgrad. Även frekvensen träningsfria dagar p.g.a. träningsrelaterad skada skiljer sig åt mellan stallen. Inför den större studien bör förändringar i upplägg beaktas såsom att införa en kontrollgrupp, utöka urvalskriterierna, utökad beskrivning av tävlingsform samt skapa riktlinjer för klassificering av skador

    Effect of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation on Gait Parameters in Dogs with Osteoarthritis

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    Simple Summary Although scientific evidence for treatment efficacy is lacking, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation is used in dogs as a pain-relieving treatment. This randomised single-blinded cross-over study aims to investigate whether treatment with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation will affect gait parameters in dogs with osteoarthritis. Fifteen dogs were included in the study, and all dogs were over one year of age, lame, and had chronic pain for more than three months. The dogs were treated with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for seven or ten days, and their gait pattern in trot was evaluated with a pressure-sensitive mat. In the present study, no significant differences were seen between transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and placebo treatments for any of the gait parameters evaluated by the pressure-sensitive mat. Further studies are needed to confirm the observations.Abstract Osteoarthritis is a common degenerative disease in dogs, often manifested as pain, joint swelling, and lameness. Despite the lack of scientific evidence for its treatment efficacy, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is used in dogs as a pain-relieving treatment. This randomised single-blinded cross-over study investigated the effect of TENS on gait parameters in fifteen dogs with osteoarthritis. Stance time, swing time, stride time, stride length, peak vertical force (%BW), vertical impulse (%BW*sec), and symmetry indices were obtained using a pressure-sensitive mat. TENS treatment of 80 Hz and 100 mu s with an individually selected amplitude was conducted for 45 min once daily for a treatment period of seven or ten days. No significant differences were seen between TENS and placebo for any of the gait parameters. Hence, in this study, TENS did not affect gait parameters, compared to placebo. Further studies are needed to confirm the observations

    Erindring og fortrængning

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    Gerhard Richters billeder udgør udgangspunktet for Anja Møller Pedersens essay om kunst og historisk fortrængning

    Planlegging av levende byrom i komplekse bymiljø. Planområde: Stavanger sentrumskjerne, Kannik

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    Byer er i konstant utvikling, med nye praksiser og behov. Over tid skapes byområder gjennom strukturelle lag, systemer og sosiomaterielle forhold. Denne kompleksiteten gjør transformasjon av urbane sentrumsområder til en omfattende oppgave, hvor ulike hensyn må balanseres. Dette gjelder i særlig grad klima- og miljøhensyn, men også sosial bærekraft, som i de siste årene har fått økt oppmerksomhet. Offentlige rom i urbane miljøer har alltid spilt en avgjørende rolle i menneskers sosiale liv. I dag er byens rom under press. En stadig mer globalisert økonomi, fremveksten av virtuelle rom, fortetting og klimaendringer skaper konsekvenser for bruken, relevansen og utformingen av offentlige rom. Planleggere har i dag en fornyet oppmerksomhet til det sosiale aspektet ved det offentlige rom, en vending fra det modernistiske objektorienterte planleggingsparadimet til en mer helhetlig og menneskesentrert tilnærming. Urban vitalitet og byliv er nøkkelord i denne sammenhengen, og brukes ofte som en indeks på vellykkede offentlige rom. Men hva er egentlig byliv, og hvordan kan man planlegge for levende byrom? I oppgaven undersøkes det hvordan det kan planlegges for levende byrom i et aktuelt sentrumsområde i Stavanger. Området preges av å være regionens største kollektivknutepunkt, men er også en arena for kunst- og kulturproduksjon. Oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i den pågående byutviklingsprosessen og de tilknyttede prosjektene: Akropolis-visjonen, Bussveien, og Stavanger stasjon Stavanger Sentralstasjon danner størstedelen av området, et travelt knutepunkt med 7.7 millioner årlige reisende. På et lokk over toglinjene ligger en stor parkeringsplass og et eldre trehus i en liten parklomme. Ved siden av, deler en trafikkert veistrekning området i to. På områdets resterende halvdel ligger en gruppe historiske murbygg, inkludert Rogaland teater og Stavanger museum. De er strategisk plassert som et ensemble på en høyde i landskapet – et kulturelt akropolis. Disse institusjonene skaper interessante synergier. Mye av det som foregår på det utvalgte planområdet i Stavanger, selv om det et spesielt komplekst område, er ikke et enkeltstående tilfelle. De samme tendensene finnes over hele landet, med knutepunktutvikling og utbygging av kollektiv mobilitet. Det eksisterer også en diskurs rundt bruk, vern og utvikling av eldre historiske bygninger som teater, bibliotek og muséer. For å svare på problemstillingen, undersøkes området og de pågående prosjektene gjennom dokumentanalyse, aktørintervjuer og en gjennomgang av overordnede føringer. Deretter analyseres sosiokulturelle og fysiske kvaliteter i området gjennom en spørreundersøkelse og analyser. Dette resulterer i en mulighetsstudie, hvor målet med oppgaven er forene ulike behov og hensyn i ett planforslag, som transformerer området til et helhetlig sentrumsområde med levende byrom. Mulighetsstudien viser at det er vanskelig å forene aktørenes behov med overordnede føringer og stedets forutsetninger. Gjennom kompromisser, helhetlig planlegging og inkluderende medvirkningsprosesser kan det likevel skapes et attraktivt sentrumsområde som tilrettelegger for levende byrom. Cities develop continuously with changing practices and needs. Over time, central urban areas accumulate of layers of structures, systems, and social practices. Transforming urban areas becomes a challenging task, especially when it comes to the urgent need for cities that facilitate sustainable urban lifestyles, while reversing the consequences of the ongoing climate crisis. Public spaces in urban environments have always played a crucial role in people's social lives. Today, public spaces are under pressure. An increasingly globalized economy, the rise of virtual spaces, increased urbanization and climate change create consequences for the use, relevance, and construction of public space.  Planners today have renewed attention to the social aspect of public space, with a turn from the modernist object-oriented planning ideologies to a more holistic and human-centered approach. Urban vitality is a key word in this regard and is often used as an index of successful public spaces. But what exactly is urban vitality, and how can one plan for vital, urban spaces? We examine through the thesis how a relevant area in the city centre of Stavanger can be planned for vital, urban areas. The area is characterized by being the region’s largest public transport hub but is also an arena for art and cultural productions. The thesis is based on the ongoing urban development process and the associated projects: Akropolis-visjonen, Bussveien and Stavanger Station. Stavanger station forms the largest part of the area, a hub with 7.7 million annual travelers. On a roof above the train tracks, is a large car park and an older wooden house in a small park. Bergelandbrua, a highly trafficked road south of the station, divides this area in two. On the area’s remaining half is a group of historic buildings, including Rogaland Theatre and Stavanger Museum. They are strategically placed as an ensemble on a plateau in the landscape – a cultural acropolis. The station, the theatre and the museum create interesting synergies. What takes place in the selected planning area in Stavanger is not an isolated case, even though it is a particularly complex area. The same tendencies are found all over the country, with the development of hubs and public transportation. There is also a discourse around the use, protection, and development of older historic buildings such as theatres, libraries, and museums. To be able to answer the research question, the area and the ongoing projects are examined through document analysis, stakeholder interviews and a review of municipal guidelines. Next, socio-cultural, and physical qualities in the area are analysed through a survey and analyses. This results in a feasibility study, where the aim is to unite different needs and considerations in a planning proposal. The planning proposal transforms the area into a holistic area in Stavanger’s city centre with vital urban spaces

    Bacterial Contamination of Equine Dentistry Equipment—Effect of Cleaning and Disinfection

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    Simple Summary Some of the equipment used in equine dentistry is difficult to clean and disinfect. Since it is vital to avoid the spread of infections in equine healthcare it is important to develop practical and easy-to-follow methods for cleaning and disinfecting dental equipment. The aim of this study was to investigate hygiene in equine dentistry. Dental equipment and the head support, where horses rest their head during dental care, were sampled for the amount of bacteria between each patient before and after dental care as well as after cleaning and/or disinfecting. The amount of bacteria was, in general, high on dental equipment and the head support after dental procedures. Bacteria were found in different amounts on most of the dental equipment after cleaning or disinfecting, which indicates a risk for spreading infections when using the equipment. For the head support, cleaning and/or disinfecting generally resulted in a reduced amount of bacteria, indicating a lowered risk for spreading infections. There is a great need for evidence-based guidelines on hygiene in equine dentistry to decrease the risk of transmitting infections between patients, facilities, and stables. Equine dentistry has developed immensely and human dental equipment, such as handpieces, are often used. Measures to avoid the spread of infectious microorganisms are important, but this is challenging since handpieces are difficult to decontaminate. Thus, it is necessary to develop effective IPC measures in equine dentistry. The aim of this study was to contribute to the evidence needed for future evidence-based guidelines on IPC by investigating hygiene in equine dentistry. Used handpieces and dummies (i.e., handpieces not used during dental procedure, reflecting environmental bacterial contamination) and the head support were sampled each day before the first patient, for each patient after treatment, and after decontamination. All equipment was sampled with 3M (TM) Swab Samplers and the head support additionally sampled with dip slides. After dental procedures, the detected bacterial load was often high on used handpieces, dummies, and the head support. After decontamination, handpieces did not meet the criteria for high-level disinfected equipment. In all but one case decontamination of the head support resulted in a lowered bacterial load. There is a great need for evidence-based guidelines on hygiene in equine dentistry, including IPC measures, to decrease the risk of spreading infectious microorganisms between patients, facilities, and stables

    The impact of melt ponds on summertime microwave brightness temperatures and sea-ice concentrations

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    Sea-ice concentrations derived from satellite microwave brightness temperatures are less accurate during summer. In the Arctic Ocean the lack of accuracy is primarily caused by melt ponds, but also by changes in the properties of snow and the sea-ice surface itself. We investigate the sensitivity of eight sea-ice concentration retrieval algorithms to melt ponds by comparing sea-ice concentration with the melt-pond fraction. We derive gridded daily sea-ice concentrations from microwave brightness temperatures of summer 2009. We derive the daily fraction of melt ponds, open water between ice floes, and the ice-surface fraction from contemporary Moderate Resolution Spectroradiometer (MODIS) reflectance data. We only use grid cells where the MODIS sea ice concentration, which is the melt-pond fraction plus the ice-surface fraction, exceeds 90 %. For one group of algorithms, e.g., Bristol and Comiso bootstrap frequency mode (Bootstrap_f), sea-ice concentrations are linearly related to the MODIS melt-pond fraction quite clearly after June. For other algorithms, e.g., Near9OGHz and Comiso bootstrap polarization mode (Bootstrap_p), this relationship is weaker and develops later in summer. We attribute the variation of the sensitivity to the melt-pond fraction across the algorithms to a different sensitivity of the brightness temperatures to snow-property variations. We find an underestimation of the sea-ice concentration by between 14 % (Bootstrap_f) and 26 % (Bootstrap_p) for 100 % sea ice with a melt-pond fraction of 40 %. The underestimation reduces to 0 % for a melt pond fraction of 20 %. In presence of real open water between ice floes, the sea-ice concentration is overestimated by between 26 % (Bootstrap_f) and 14 % (Bootstrap_p) at 60 % sea-ice concentration and by 20 % across all algorithms at 80 % sea-ice concentration. None of the algorithms investigated performs best based on our investigation of data from summer 2009. We suggest that those algorithms which are more sensitive to melt ponds could be optimized more easily because the influence of unknown snow and sea-ice surface property variations is less pronounced

    Circulating microRNAs for Early Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer:A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    In this study, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to summarize and evaluate the global research potential of different circulating miRNAs as an early diagnostic biomarker for OC. A systematic literature search for relevant studies was conducted in June 2020 and followed up in November 2021. The search was conducted in English databases (PubMed, ScienceDirect). The primary search resulted in a total of 1887 articles, which were screened according to the prior established inclusion and exclusion criteria. We identified 44 relevant studies, of which 22 were eligible for the quantitative meta-analysis. Statistical analysis was performed using the Meta-package in Rstudio. Standardized mean differences (SMD) of relative levels between control subjects and OC patients were used to evaluate the differential expression. All studies were quality evaluated using a Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Based on the meta-analysis, nine miRNAs were identified as dysregulated in OC patients compared to controls. Nine were upregulated in OC patients compared to controls (miR-21, -125, -141, -145, -205, -328, -200a, -200b, -200c). Furthermore, miR-26, -93, -106 and -200a were analyzed, but did not present an overall significant difference between OC patients and controls. These observations should be considered when performing future studies of circulating miRNAs in relation to OC: sufficient size of clinical cohorts, development of consensus guidelines for circulating miRNA measurements, and coverage of previously reported miRNAs.</p