81 research outputs found

    Near-Ultraviolet Mutagenesis in Superoxide Dismutase-deficient Strains of Escherichia coli.

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    We compared mutagenic spectra induced by polychromatic near-ultraviolet radiation (near-UV; 300-400 nm) with superoxide anion (O2-) -dependent mutagenesis using a set of Escherichia coli tester strains. Near-UV radiation produced increased frequencies of G:C to A:T transitions, G:C to T:A and A:T to T:A transversions, and small increases in frameshift mutations in wild-type cells. Tester strains lacking superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity (sodAsodB double mutants) demonstrated high spontaneous mutation frequencies and increased near-UV sensitivity. The double mutants also showed increased mutations induced by near-UV compared to either isogenic wild type, sodA or sodB single mutants. Futhermore, these mutants had an unusual spontaneous mutation spectrum, with a predominance of A:T to T:A transversions, followed by G:C to T:A transversions and frameshifts generated in runs of adenines in both the +1 and -1 direction. Other frameshifts were detected to a lesser degree. The oxygen dependency and the type of mutations spontaneously induced in SOD-deficient cells indicated that this mutagenic spectrum was caused by oxidative DNA damage. However, no apparent synergistic action between near-UV radiation and an increased flux of O2- could be detected. From the frequency and types of mutations induced by the two agents, we speculate that near-UV-induced mutagenesis and O2--dependent mutagenesis involve, in part, different lesion(s) and/or mechanism(s). The nature and possible mutagenic pathways of each are discussed

    Thioredoxin Glutathione Reductase as a Novel Drug Target: Evidence from Schistosoma japonicum

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    Background: Schistosomiasis remains a major public health concern affecting billions of people around the world. Currently, praziquantel is the only drug of choice for treatment of human schistosomiasis. The emergence of drug resistance to praziquantel in schistosomes makes the development of novel drugs an urgent task. Thioredoxin glutathione reductase (TGR) enzymes in Schistosoma mansoni and some other platyhelminths have been identified as alternative targets. The present study was designed to confirm the existense and the potential value of TGR as a target for development of novel antischistosomal agents in Schistosoma japonicum, a platyhelminth endemic in Asia. Methods and Findings: After cloning the S. japonicum TGR (SjTGR) gene, the recombinant SjTGR selenoprotein was purified and characterized in enzymatic assays as a multifunctional enzyme with thioredoxin reductase (TrxR), glutathione reductase (GR) and glutaredoxin (Grx) activities. Immunological and bioinformatic analyses confirmed that instead of having separate TrxR and GR proteins in mammalian, S. japonicum only encodes TGR, which performs the functions of both enzymes and plays a critical role in maintaining the redox balance in this parasite. These results were in good agreement with previous findings in Schistosoma mansoni and some other platyhelminths. Auranofin, a known inhibitor against TGR, caused fatal toxicity in S. japonicum adult worms in vitro and reduced worm and egg burdens in S. japonicum infected mice. Conclusions: Collectively, our study confirms that a multifunctional enzyme SjTGR selenoprotein, instead of separate Trx

    Cohesin Proteins Promote Ribosomal RNA Production and Protein Translation in Yeast and Human Cells

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    Cohesin is a protein complex known for its essential role in chromosome segregation. However, cohesin and associated factors have additional functions in transcription, DNA damage repair, and chromosome condensation. The human cohesinopathy diseases are thought to stem not from defects in chromosome segregation but from gene expression. The role of cohesin in gene expression is not well understood. We used budding yeast strains bearing mutations analogous to the human cohesinopathy disease alleles under control of their native promoter to study gene expression. These mutations do not significantly affect chromosome segregation. Transcriptional profiling reveals that many targets of the transcriptional activator Gcn4 are induced in the eco1-W216G mutant background. The upregulation of Gcn4 was observed in many cohesin mutants, and this observation suggested protein translation was reduced. We demonstrate that the cohesinopathy mutations eco1-W216G and smc1-Q843Δ are associated with defects in ribosome biogenesis and a reduction in the actively translating fraction of ribosomes, eiF2α-phosphorylation, and 35S-methionine incorporation, all of which indicate a deficit in protein translation. Metabolic labeling shows that the eco1-W216G and smc1-Q843Δ mutants produce less ribosomal RNA, which is expected to constrain ribosome biogenesis. Further analysis shows that the production of rRNA from an individual repeat is reduced while copy number remains unchanged. Similar defects in rRNA production and protein translation are observed in a human Roberts syndrome cell line. In addition, cohesion is defective specifically at the rDNA locus in the eco1-W216G mutant, as has been previously reported for Roberts syndrome. Collectively, our data suggest that cohesin proteins normally facilitate production of ribosomal RNA and protein translation, and this is one way they can influence gene expression. Reduced translational capacity could contribute to the human cohesinopathies

    Panel 4 : Report of the Microbiology Panel

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    Objective. To perform a comprehensive review of the literature from July 2011 until June 2015 on the virology and bacteriology of otitis media in children. Data Sources. PubMed database of the National Library of Medicine. Review Methods. Two subpanels comprising experts in the virology and bacteriology of otitis media were created. Each panel reviewed the relevant literature in the fields of virology and bacteriology and generated draft reviews. These initial reviews were distributed to all panel members prior to meeting together at the Post-symposium Research Conference of the 18th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media, National Harbor, Maryland, in June 2015. A final draft was created, circulated, and approved by all panel members. Conclusions. Excellent progress has been made in the past 4 years in advancing our understanding of the microbiology of otitis media. Numerous advances were made in basic laboratory studies, in animal models of otitis media, in better understanding the epidemiology of disease, and in clinical practice. Implications for Practice. (1) Many viruses cause acute otitis media without bacterial coinfection, and such cases do not require antibiotic treatment. (2) When respiratory syncytial virus, metapneumovirus, and influenza virus peak in the community, practitioners can expect to see an increase in clinical otitis media cases. (3) Biomarkers that predict which children with upper respiratory tract infections will develop otitis media may be available in the future. (4) Compounds that target newly identified bacterial virulence determinants may be available as future treatment options for children with otitis media.Peer reviewe

    Evaluation of technical quality and periapical health of root-filled teeth by using cone-beam CT

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    Objective This study aimed to assess the quality of root fillings, coronal restorations, complications of all root-filled teeth and their association with apical periodontitis (AP) detected by cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images from an adult Turkish subpopulation. Material and Methods The sample for this study consisted of 242 patients (aging from 15 to 72 years) with 522 endodontically treated teeth that were assessed for technical quality of the root canal filling and periapical status of the teeth. Additionally, the apical status of each root-filled tooth was assessed according to the gender, dental arch, tooth type and age classification, undetected canals, instrument fracture, root fracture, apical resorption, apical lesion, furcation lesion and type and quality of the coronal structure. Statistical analysis was performed using percentages and chi-square test. Results The success rate of the root canal treatment was of 54.4%. The success rates of adequate and inadequate root canal treatment were not significantly different (p>0.05). Apical periodontitis was found in 228 (45.6%) teeth treated for root canals. Higher prevalence of AP was found in patients aging from 20 to 29 years [64 (27%) teeth] and in anterior (canines and incisors) teeth [97 (41%) teeth]. Conclusions The technical quality of root canal filling performed by dental practitioners in a Turkish subpopulation was consistent with a high prevalence of AP. The probable reasons for this failure are multifactorial, and there may be a need for improved undergraduate education and postgraduate courses to improve the clinical skills of dental practitioners in endodontics