34 research outputs found

    Evaluación adaptativa informatizada del clima organizacional

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    Computerized Adaptive Tests (CAT) constitutes a major advance in the field of the assessment of social sciences and health. It is interesting to incorporate this methodological development to organizational field. The objective of this research is to develop a CAT for evaluating the organizational climate. In order to do this, a bank of 160 items was constructed, which was administered to a sample of 3,163 workers (M age= 51.90 years; SD= 6.28 years). The results show that the CAT works efficiently for the three item banks used (150, 130 and 50 items). The information function shows that the latent trait in the whole range of values is measured with similar accuracy. The correlation between the scores obtained with the CAT, the three item banks and the CLIOR scale of organizational climate was higher than 0.90 in all cases (SE<0.32). With a SE< 0.32, the 150 item CAT uses a mean of 22.5 items (SD = 22.5 items). The CAT developed allows an accuracy and useful assessment of the organizational climate on organizational settings and research.Los Tests Adaptativos Informatizados (CAT) constituyen un gran avance en el campo de la evaluación de las ciencias sociales y de la salud. Es interesante incorporar este desarrollo metodológico al campo de la psicología organizacional. El objetivo de esta investigación es desarrollar un CAT para evaluar el clima organizacional. Para ello, se construyó un banco de 160 ítems, que se administró a una muestra de 3163 trabajadores (M = 51,90 años; SD = 6,28 años). Los resultados muestran que el CAT funciona de manera eficiente para los tres bancos de ítems utilizados (150, 130 y 50 artículos). La función de la información muestra que el rasgo latente se mide con una precisión similar en todo el rango de valores. La correlación entre las puntuaciones obtenidas con el CAT, los tres bancos de ítems y la escala CLIOR de clima organizacional fue superior a 0,90 en todos los casos (SE <0,32). Con una precisión fiajada en SE <0,32, el  CAT de 150 ítems utiliza una media de 22,5 ítems (SD = 22,5). El CAT desarrollado permite una evaluación útil y precisa del clima organizacional en contextos organizacionales

    Organizational climate in Spanish Public Health Services: Administration and Services Staff

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    The main goal of this research is to explore the organizational climate perceived by administrative and healthcare personnel working in Spanish healthcare services, analyzing the differences according to their health specialization, sex, age and professional status. The sample was made up of 3,787 individuals working in the administrative and healthcare services of the Public Health System of the Principality of Asturias, 88.7 % were working in specialist care and 11.3 % in primary care. Mean age was 51.88 (standard deviation of 6.28); 79.9 % were women and 20.1 % men. The organizational climate was assessed with the CLIOR scale. The organizational climate perceived is moderately positive, with a global mean of 3.03 on a scale of 1 to 5 points. The differences are statistically significant (p < .01) according to specialty, age and profession. A better working climate is perceived in primary care than in specialist care, and among older as compared to younger workers. The results indicate that the working climate perceived by administration and services staff employees in the Spanish healthcare context is moderately positive, with a better perceived climate in primary care than in specialist care

    Percepción del profesorado de orientación educativa de la atención a la diversidad en centros de primaria y secundaria en Asturias (España)

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    ABSTRACT  The aim of this paper is to analyze the school counselors' perspective on how the schools respond to diversity in Primary Education (PE) and Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE) in order to identify differences and analyze strengths and weaknesses according to educational stages. A descriptive study has been conducted through a survey. Different instruments have been applied for data collection: an "ad hoc" questionnaire, which includes aspects related to sociodemographic variables, issues related to the context of the schools, a Likert scale composed of 43 items that aims to evaluate diversity (measures of attention to diversity) in the schools and a set of open questions to know which aspects favor and hinder the real application of the measures of attention to the diversity and the proposals of improvement. The research involved 143 school counselors from the Autonomous Community of the Principality of Asturias. The results show a slight positive average valuation of diversity, although with a wide margin of improvement. The comparison between the stages shows that there are significant differences in the overall assessment and elements related to attitudes, teacher training, organization and contextualization of the schools’ documents to address diversity. These assessments reach higher average scores in the CSE stage and teachers perceive more strenghts at this stage than in Primary Education stage.RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio es conocer la perspectiva del profesorado de Orientación Educativa respecto a cómo se responde a la diversidad en los centros educativos que imparten las enseñanzas correspondientes a la enseñanza básica, Educación Primaria (EP) y Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO), identificar las diferencias que existen y analizar  fortalezas y debilidades en función de la etapa. Se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo mediante encuesta, aplicando un cuestionario de elaboración propia que incluye aspectos referidos a variables sociodemográficas y al contexto de centro, una escala Likert, compuesta por 43 ítems, que tiene por objeto la evaluación de la atención a la diversidad en los centros y una serie de preguntas abiertas para conocer los aspectos que favorecen y dificultan la atención a la diversidad y propuestas de mejora. En la investigación han participado un total de 143 orientadores de la Comunidad Autónoma del Principado de Asturias. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto una valoración media de la atención a la diversidad ligeramente positiva, aunque con un amplio margen de mejora. La comparación entre las etapas evidencia que existen diferencias significativas en la valoración global y en los elementos referidos a las actitudes, la formación del profesorado, la organización y la contextualización de los documentos del centro para atender a la diversidad. Estas valoraciones alcanzan puntuaciones medias superiores en la ESO y los informantes perciben más fortalezas en esta etapa que en la EP.ABSTRACT  The aim of this paper is to analyze the school counselors' perspective on how the schools respond to diversity in Primary Education (PE) and Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE) in order to identify differences and analyze strengths and weaknesses according to educational stages. A descriptive study has been conducted through a survey. Different instruments have been applied for data collection: an "ad hoc" questionnaire, which includes aspects related to sociodemographic variables, issues related to the context of the schools, a Likert scale composed of 43 items that aims to evaluate diversity (measures of attention to diversity) in the schools and a set of open questions to know which aspects favor and hinder the real application of the measures of attention to the diversity and the proposals of improvement. The research involved 143 school counselors from the Autonomous Community of the Principality of Asturias. The results show a slight positive average valuation of diversity, although with a wide margin of improvement. The comparison between the stages shows that there are significant differences in the overall assessment and elements related to attitudes, teacher training, organization and contextualization of the schools’ documents to address diversity. These assessments reach higher average scores in the CSE stage and teachers perceive more strenghts at this stage than in Primary Education stage

    Inclusión, diversidad y equidad: diseño y validación de un cuestionario de opinión dirigido al profesorado de orientación educativa (IDEC-O)

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    The aim of this paper focuses on the results of a Delphi study carried out to design and to validate the content of an “ad hoc” opinion questionnaire. The questionnaire has been developed to know the counselors’ opinion on how the Asturian centers attend to diversity in primary and secondary stages. It was based on an instrument previously carried out, which was submitted to a pilot test in which 51 secondary school counselors participated (N = 51). In order to adapt the validity of the content to the two stages (primary and secondary), a quantitative and qualitative Delphi study was carried out in which 9 experts participated. The study was developed in two rounds and through different tasks in order to submit the blocks in which the questionnaire is structured to expert judgment. These blocks collect information on personal and professional variables and center data, on a Likert scale of 48 items and open questions. A content analysis of the qualitative information was carried out and a descriptive analysis of the mean, standard deviation and percentage of agreement in relation to the criteria adopted to consider an item as valid. The result is a questionnaire composed of five blocks: three of them collect information on identification and classification variables (sociodemographic, professional and center data). The fourth block is a Likert scale of 45 items and five response alternatives (1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree).El propósito de este trabajo es presentar el estudio Delphi realizado para diseñar y validar el contenido de un cuestionario de opinión elaborado ad hoc para recoger la opinión de orientadores y orientadoras sobre cómo los centros asturianos responden a la diversidad en educación primaria y secundaria. Se partió de un instrumento elaborado ad hoc del que se realizó una aplicación piloto en la que participaron 51 orientadores y orientadoras de secundaria (N=51). Con objeto de adecuar la validez de contenido a ambas etapas se realizó un estudio Delphi de carácter cuantitativo y cualitativo en la que participaron 9 expertos. El estudio constó de dos rondas y distintas tareas con objeto de someter al criterio de expertos los bloques que componen el cuestionario y que recogen información sobre variables personales, profesionales, datos del centro, en una escala Likert de 48 ítems y preguntas abiertas. Se realizó un análisis de contenido de la información cualitativa y un análisis descriptivo, cálculo de la media, desviación típica y el porcentaje de acuerdo respecto a los criterios adoptados para considerar un ítem como válido. El resultado es un cuestionario de cinco bloques: tres recogen información sobre variables de identificación y clasificación (datos sociodemográficos; datos profesionales; datos referidos al centro). El cuarto es una escala Likert de 45 ítems y cinco alternativas de respuesta (1= muy en desacuerdo hasta 5= muy de acuerdo). El último consta de tres preguntas abiertas sobre barreras, facilitadores y propuestas de mejora

    Transferrin Isoforms, Old but New Biomarkers in Hereditary Fructose Intolerance

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    Hereditary Fructose Intolerance (HFI) is an autosomal recessive inborn error of metabolism characterised by the deficiency of the hepatic enzyme aldolase B. Its treatment consists in adopting a fructose-, sucrose-, and sorbitol (FSS)-restrictive diet for life. Untreated HFI patients present an abnormal transferrin (Tf) glycosylation pattern due to the inhibition of mannose-6-phosphate isomerase by fructose-1-phosphate. Hence, elevated serum carbohydrate-deficient Tf (CDT) may allow the prompt detection of HFI. The CDT values improve when an FSS-restrictive diet is followed; however, previous data on CDT and fructose intake correlation are inconsistent. Therefore, we examined the complete serum sialoTf profile and correlated it with FSS dietary intake and with hepatic parameters in a cohort of paediatric and adult fructosemic patients. To do so, the profiles of serum sialoTf from genetically diagnosed HFI patients on an FSS-restricted diet (n = 37) and their age-, sex- and body mass index-paired controls (n = 32) were analysed by capillary zone electrophoresis. We found that in HFI patients, asialoTf correlated with dietary intake of sucrose (R = 0.575, p < 0.001) and FSS (R = 0.475, p = 0.008), and that pentasialoTf+hexasialoTf negatively correlated with dietary intake of fructose (R = −0.386, p = 0.024) and FSS (R = −0.400, p = 0.019). In addition, the tetrasialoTf/disialoTf ratio truthfully differentiated treated HFI patients from healthy controls, with an area under the ROC curve (AUROC) of 0.97, 92% sensitivity, 94% specificity and 93% accuracy.This work was supported by Exp. No. 2018111095, Basque Government, Health Department to J.D.H., and by FEDER; Federación Española de Enfermedades Raras (FI18053)

    Vitamin C and folate status in hereditary fructose intolerance

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    Background Hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI) is a rare inborn error of fructose metabolism caused by the deficiency of aldolase B. Since treatment consists of a fructose-, sucrose- and sorbitol-restrictive diet for life, patients are at risk of presenting vitamin deficiencies. Although there is no published data on the status of these vitamins in HFI patients, supplementation with vitamin C and folic acid is common. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess vitamin C and folate status and supplementation practices in a nationwide cohort of HFI patients. Methods Vitamin C and folic acid dietary intake, supplementation and circulating levels were assessed in 32 HFI patients and 32 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. Results Most of the HFI participants presented vitamin C (96.7%) and folate (90%) dietary intake below the recommended population reference intake. Up to 69% received vitamin C and 50% folic acid supplementation. Among HFI patients, 15.6% presented vitamin C and 3.1% folate deficiency. The amount of vitamin C supplementation and plasma levels correlated positively (R = 0.443; p = 0.011). Interestingly, a higher percentage of non-supplemented HFI patients were vitamin C deficient when compared to supplemented HFI patients (30% vs. 9.1%; p = 0.01) and to healthy controls (30% vs. 3.1%; p < 0.001). Conclusions Our results provide evidence for the first time supporting vitamin C supplementation in HFI. There is great heterogeneity in vitamin supplementation practices and, despite follow-up at specialised centres, vitamin C deficiency is common. Further research is warranted to establish optimal doses of vitamin C and the need for folic acid supplementation in HFI.This work was supported by Exp. No. 2018111095, Basque Government, Health Department; FEDER, the Spanish Federation for Rare Diseases (FI18053); and Danone-Nutricia-Metabolics, which was not involved in the study hypothesis/design, execution, analysis, or interpretation

    El grupu neandertal de la Cueva d'El Sidrón (Borines, Piloña)

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    Na monografía clásica de Puig y Larraz (1896: 250-252) amiéntense delles cavidaes del Conceyu de Piloña, pero non la Cueva d’El Sidrón (Fig. 1). Esta conocíase, ensin dulda, dende la Guerra Civil y el maquis al servir d’abellugu a persiguíos políticos, y guarda una alcordanza imborrable nuna de les sos múltiples entraes, yá qu’ellí ta enterrada Olvido Otero González (1908-1938). Per El Sidrón pasaron munches persones a lo llargo de los años, pero en 1994 prodúxose’l descubrimientu per parte d’unos espeleólogos xixoneses d’unos güesos humanos que dieron un importante xiru a la conocencia de los nuesos antepasaos neandertales.Peer Reviewe

    Caminando en la ruta sentipensante: configuración de experiencias pedagógicas nivel inicial

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    494 páginasEste texto es realizado en el contexto del Plan de Desarrollo 2016 – 2020, “Bogotá mejor para todos”, en el que se señala: Bogotá es entendida como una ciudad educadora, en la que todos los ciudadanos son agentes educadores y todos los espacios pueden ser escenarios pedagógicos para el aprendizaje. Una ciudad educadora tiene como centro el conocimiento e inspira aprendizaje, formas y lenguajes para reconocernos, para reencontrarnos; los espacios para el aprendizaje son entendidos como espacios para la vida, en los que se posibilita la investigación y la innovación para vivir mejor, para reinventarnos como ciudad, una ciudad mejor para todos. Los dieciocho textos aquí presentados, fruto del acompañamiento pedagógico realizado por el IDEP en 2019, son base y referente para seguir aportando en la configuración y consolidación de comunidades de saber y práctica pedagógica de la ciudad, así como en la conformación de colectivos y redes de maestros. Son la evidencia de un potente trabajo de acompañamiento a experiencias de nivel inicial, caracterizadas por contar con ideas o avances para problematizar, estructurar, fundamentar, elaborar estrategias y un plan de acción

    Gestión del conocimiento: perspectiva multidisciplinaria. Volumen 12

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    El libro “Gestión del Conocimiento. Perspectiva Multidisciplinaria”, Volumen 12, de la Colección Unión Global, es resultado de investigaciones. Los capítulos del libro, son resultados de investigaciones desarrolladas por sus autores. El libro cuenta con el apoyo de los grupos de investigación: Universidad Sur del Lago “Jesús María Semprúm” (UNESUR), Zulia – Venezuela; Universidad Politécnica Territorial de Falcón Alonso Gamero (UPTAG), Falcón – Venezuela; Universidad Politécnica Territorial de Mérida Kleber Ramírez (UPTM), Mérida – Venezuela; Universidad Guanajuato (UG) - Campus Celaya - Salvatierra - Cuerpo Académico de Biodesarrollo y Bioeconomía en las Organizaciones y Políticas Públicas (C.A.B.B.O.P.P), Guanajuato – México; Centro de Altos Estudios de Venezuela (CEALEVE), Zulia – Venezuela, Centro Integral de Formación Educativa Especializada del Sur (CIFE - SUR) - Zulia - Venezuela, Centro de Investigaciones Internacionales SAS (CIN), Antioquia - Colombia.y diferentes grupos de investigación del ámbito nacional e internacional que hoy se unen para estrechar vínculos investigativos, para que sus aportes científicos formen parte de los libros que se publiquen en formatos digital e impreso