454 research outputs found

    Women´s judo in Spain. Past and present

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    [EN] Women interested in sports have faced up some barriers and prohibitions, in order to participate and become competitors, especially in martial arts and combat sports. Despite this, Spanish female judo has achieved great international success and the female participation in judo is high at all levels. However, their presence in sports media is not equal, taking into consideration the main results and medals obtained by female judokas from Spain. This study aims to show the history of women in judo, particularly in Spain, as well as to highlight their achievements. In addition to offering a description of the female judo coverage in the media and analyzing if there is an unequal treatment depending on the gender in judo. We started with a deep review of the literature about history of female judo, then the incursion and evolution of female judokas were examined and the main results of Spanish judokas since the beginning of women’s competitions were highlighted. Also, we performed a descriptive and an exploratory study to analyze the online press related to sport in Spain

    Crafting lesson studies in initial teacher training: challenges for academic tutoring

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    This paper presents the results of research on Lesson Study's potential to reconstruct student teachers' practical knowledge. It specifically focuses on a Lesson Study implemented as part of the subjects Practicum III and Degree Essay which are imparted in year four of the Degree in Infant Education at Málaga University. The work involves qualitative research that is developed through two case studies. The Lesson Study comprises practice over the course of four months, carried out in schools as part of the Practicum III. Here the first six phases are developed: (1) Define the problem; (2) Design the Experimental Lesson; (3) Develop the first Experimental Lesson; (4) Analyse; (5) Redesign; (6) Develop the second Experimental Lesson. The experience will finish with drafting and defending the Final Dissertation, which makes up phase seven (analysis and presentation in an expanded context). The information collection strategies we used to investigate the chosen case were observation, interview, documentary review and the researchers' diary. All the information collected was analysed and categorised. The results of the research have shown that academic tutoring by university teachers must overcome several key challenges. Specifically, the biggest challenges identified were students' difficulties in cooperative work, and the contrast between their enthusiasm for developing the proposal and their difficulty in bringing it together in a group document. We have identified good practice in academic tutoring: e.g. following up with the group, supporting individual reflection through feedback on the portfolio, creating an atmosphere of trust in which the group can express itself emotionally, offering up questions that guide reflection rather than answers, etc.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Plan Nacional de I+D EDU2017-86082-

    ¿Qué impacto ambiental tiene el tratamiento del agua residual de una localidad?

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    Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horasLa competencia específica de la asignatura Ingeniería Ambiental que cursan los y las estudiantes de Ingeniería Civil es la Capacidad para aplicar metodologías de estudios y evaluaciones de impacto ambiental. Por ello este proyecto se ha orientado hacia la realización del Estudio de Impacto Ambiental de un proyecto de obra civil. El escenario que se plantea es el Estudio de Impacto Ambiental de una estación depuradora de aguas residuales urbanas y se desarrolla a lo largo de las 15 semanas del curso. El proyecto se ha desarrollado utilizando metodologías activas, con actividades orientadas a potenciar el trabajo en grupo y el aprendizaje activo. El desarrollo del proyecto incluye 7 tareas, y cada una de ellas cuenta con actividades que van guiando al estudiante hacia los objetivos formativos esperados. Dichas actividades incluyen la búsqueda de información, la lectura de textos utilizando la metodología puzle, juego de rol para profundizar en la legislación relativa al procedimiento administrativo-jurídico de Evaluación de impacto ambiental y la presencia de expertos en el aula y visitas, que refuerzan la visión del tema que los estudiantes han adquirido en el aula. Se ha trabajado tanto en las aulas habituales, aula de informática y en las visitas realizadas. Los conocimientos adquiridos se evalúan tanto a través de las actividades realizadas, como de los entregables de cada una de las tareas, para lo que se han diseñado rúbricas de evaluación. Además se ha diseñado un sistema de retroalimentación que permite a los estudiantes mejorar la calidad de los trabajos desarrollados. Asimismo, se incluyen exámenes de conocimientos mínimos para asegurar que todos y todas las alumnas conocen y entienden claramente los conceptos clave de la asignatura

    On the friability of mussel shells as abrasive

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    The spread of raft-farming of mussels in river estuaries around the world produces about 1.4 million tons of shell waste which mainly ends up in landfills. In addition, the United Nations and the European Union promote the sustainable development goals (SDG) for sustainable food production, which requires adequate waste management to analyse the life cycle and reuse of goods and materials. This work proposes to use mussels shells by-products created by the canning industry as abrasive in the sandblasting process. One of the main characteristic of abrasive grains is the friability, which determines the behaviour of the abrasive in the sandblasting process. Shells need to be prepared before using in sandblasting, a conditioning that involves cleaning, grinding and sieving of shells. The purpose of this work is to examine the friability of mussel shells from two points of view, the effect of the cleaning process and a comparison with a common abrasive material, the garnet. The characterisation of the friability of mussel shells allows to foresee the behaviour as abrasive and to define the most suitable applications. The obtained results reveal that garnet is four times more friable than shells thanks to shells biocomposite nature. This interesting feature enlarges the life of sand in close cycles and foresees a promising future to the new abrasive.This work has been performed within the MIT-Spain INDITEX Sustainability Seed Fund'' student exchange program (Grant n. 208749). The project has been carried out with the collaboration of La Mejillonera'' (San Sebastian), Evlox'' (Bergara, formerly Tavex Europe''),Koopera'' (Mungia), and Washedcolors'' (Famalicao, Portugal). Open Access funding provided by University of Basque CountryUPV/EHU

    Water Uptake Behavior and Young Modulus Prediction of Composites Based on Treated Sisal Fibers and Poly(Lactic Acid)

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    The main aim of this work was to study the effect of sisal fiber surface treatments on water uptake behavior of composites based on untreated and treated fibers. For this purpose, sisal fibers were treated with different chemical treatments. All surface treatments delayed the water absorption of fibers only for a short time of period. No significant differences were observed in water uptake profiles of composites based on fibers with different surface treatments. After water uptake period, tensile strength and Young modulus values of sisal fiber/poly(lactic acid) (PLA) composites were decreased. On the other hand, composites based on NaOH + silane treated fibers showed the lowest diffusion coefficient values, suggesting that this treatment seemed to be the most effective treatment to reduce water diffusion rate into the composites. Finally, Young modulus values of composites, before water uptake period, were predicted using different micromechanical models and were compared with experimental data.The authors are grateful for the financial support from the Basque Country Government in the frame of Consolidated Groups (IT-776-13) and Elkartek 2015 FORPLA3D project. Technical and human support provided by SGIker (Universidad del Pais Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO), Gobierno Vasco-Eusko Jaurlaritza (GV/EJ), European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and European Science Foundation (ESF)) is also gratefully acknowledged

    Small hydropower plants in Spain: a case study

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    A small hydropower plant in Spain is studied from an energetic and economic perspective. The viability of the facility is examined using the freeware software RETScreen. Calculated and standard operational data are compared, thereby demonstrating the feasibility of the project from all points of view. The study highlights the growing interest in renewable energies.research project BU019A08 supported by the Department of Culture and Education of the Regional Government of Castilla y León, Spai

    Nem inclusão, nem equidade. Outros olhares para a formação de políticas educacionais com justiça social

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    This paper, which is the result of a previous investigation, exposes some of the discussions and tensions that lay the foundation for policies of equity and inclusion in the context of the fulfillment of the right to education. A critical analysis is made of, in particular, the focalization, compensation, massification and efficiency strategies, among other policies, which do not modify the inequitable social structures and, conversely, perpetuate and increase the social gaps, while also being unaware of the struggles to recognize human differences in their cultural, political and economic dimensions. As such, it could be said that the links between education with and for social justice are about to be built. The text is divided into two sections: The first one places current problematizations in social policy and in the cultural spheres related to educational processes; the second one presents some initiatives that seek to build close relations between education and social justice, from the school, to envision elements that contribute to shaping other social policy paths aimed at eliminating social injustices expressed in exclusions, inequalities and discrimination by sex, race, color, gender, and social and economic status, among others.El presente artículo, resultado de investigación, expone algunas de las discusiones y tensiones que fundamentan el fracaso de las políticas de equidad y de inclusión enmarcadas en el cumplimiento del derecho a la educación. La mirada crítica se realiza especialmente a las estrategias de focalización, compensación, masificación, eficiencia, entre otras políticas, que no modifican las estructuras sociales desigualadoras y, por el contrario, perpetúan e incrementan las brechas sociales; a la vez que desconocen las luchas por el reconocimiento de las diferencias humanas en sus dimensiones culturales, políticas y económicas. En este orden, podría decirse que los vínculos entre educación con y para la justicia social están por construirse. El texto se estructura en dos apartados, el primero sitúa las problematizaciones vigentes en la política social y en las esferas culturales en relación con los procesos educativos; el segundo, presenta algunas iniciativas que buscan construir relaciones de proximidad entre educación y justicia social, desde la escuela, para avizorar elementos que contribuyan a configurar otros trazados de políticas sociales orientados a eliminar las injusticias sociales expresadas en exclusiones, desigualdades y discriminaciones por sexo, raza, color, género, condición social y económica, entre otras.O presente artigo, resultado de pesquisa, apresenta algumas das discussões e tensões que fundamentam o fracasso das políticas de equidade e inclusão em conformidade com o direito à educação. A crítica centra-se nas estratégias de focalização, compensação, massificação, eficiência, entre outras políticas, que não modificam as estruturas sociais desiguais e, pelo contrário, perpetuam e incrementam os fossos sociais, assim como desconhecem as lutas pelo reconhecimento das diferenças humanas em suas dimensões culturais, políticas e econômicas. Nesse sentido, é possível afirmar que os vínculos entre educação com e para a justiça social ainda estão por ser construídos. O texto está estruturado em duas partes: a primeira coloca as problematizações atuais na política social e nas esferas culturais em relação com os processos educacionais; a segunda, apresenta algumas iniciativas que procuram estabelecer relações de proximidade entre educação e justiça social, desde a escola, para esclarecer elementos que possam contribuir para a configuração de outras políticas sociais orientadas a eliminar as injustiças sociais representadas em exclusões, desigualdades e discriminações por sexo, raça, cor, gênero, condição social e econômica, entre outras

    Solvent-Based Elimination of Organic Matter from Marine-Collected Plastics

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    The physical-chemical characterization of plastic litter from the marine environment requires the prior removal of the biofouling attached to their surface without causing any degradation in the polymer. The absence of a standardized protocol for digesting biofouling and organic matter of both macro and microplastic samples extracted from seawater has been the main motivation for this research work, which aims to evaluate the effectiveness of different solvents (hydrogen peroxide, ethanol, a commercial enzymatic detergent, and potassium hydroxide) for the digestion of organic matter and biofouling in different samples recovered from the Spanish Atlantic and Mediterranean coast. Moreover, the potential effect of those solvents on the physical-chemical structure of polymers, four virgin plastic reference materials (low-density polyethylene, polyamide, poly(ethylene terephthalate) and polystyrene) without any type of prior degradation has been characterized in terms of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and optical microscopy. Results indicate that the hydrogen peroxide at 15% concentration applied for one week at 40 °C is the most effective solvent for organic matter and biofouling removal, without causing any apparent damage on the structure of plastic samples analyzed
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