4,920 research outputs found


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    Changes in the economic base of old industrial cities have been characterised byurban regeneration processes, transforming their industrial districts into newinnovative, technological and creative territories. While maintaining the industrialvocation, this shift promotes the reinterpretation of industrial production and of theterritory’s historical past into new symbolic meanings and values, constituting assetsin the global city competition scenario. From these new forms of industrialproduction territorial changes result, with culture and innovation being a leadingengine in such transformations. This article discusses the results of these economicbased policies in Palo Alto’s urban regeneration process. This complex is one ofBarcelona’s leading examples of industrial reconversion into a creative hub, throughthe uses of entrepreneurial initiative, cultural production, heritage valorisation, andthe creation of new public spaces.Los cambios en la base económica de las antiguas ciudades industriales se han caracterizado por procesos de regeneración urbana, que transforman sus distritos industriales en nuevos territorios innovadores, tecnológicos y creativos. Mientras se mantiene la vocación industrial, este cambio promueve la reinterpretación de la producción industrial y del pasado histórico del territorio en nuevos significados y valores simbólicos, constituyendo activos en el escenario de la competitividad global entre ciudades. A partir de estas nuevas formas de producción industrial resultan cambios territoriales, con la cultura y la innovación como motores de estas transformaciones. Este artículo discute los resultados de estas políticas económicas basadas en los procesos de regeneración urbana, en Palo Alto. Este complejo es uno de los principales ejemplos en Barcelona de reconversión industrial en un hub creativo, a través de la iniciativa empresarial, la producción cultural, la valorización del patrimonio, y la creación de nuevos espacios públicos


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    As mudanças na base económica das antigas cidades industriais têm sido caracterizadas por processos de regeneração urbana, que transformam os seus distritos industriais em novos territórios inovadores, tecnológicos e criativos. Embora mantendo a vocação industrial, essa mudança promove a reinterpretação da produção industrial e do passado histórico do território em novos significados e valores simbólicos, constituindo ativos no cenário da competição global entre cidades. Destas novas formas de produção industrial resultam mudanças no território, com a cultura e inovação a serem um motor de tais transformações. Este artigo discute os resultados dessas políticas económicas baseadas nos processos de regeneração urbana, em Palo Alto. Este complexo é um dos principais exemplos de reconversão industrial num hub criativo de Barcelona, através da iniciativa empresarial, produção cultural, valorização patrimonial, e da criação de novos espaços públicos.Changes in the economic base of old industrial cities have been characterised by urban regeneration processes, transforming their industrial districts into new innovative, technological and creative territories. While maintaining the industrial vocation, this shift promotes the reinterpretation of industrial production and of the territory’s historical past into new symbolic meanings and values, constituting assets in the global city competition scenario. From these new forms of industrial production territorial changes result, with culture and innovation being a leading engine in such transformations. This article discusses the results of these economic based policies in Palo Alto’s urban regeneration process. This complex is one of Barcelona’s leading examples of industrial reconversion into a creative hub, through the uses of entrepreneurial initiative, cultural production, heritage valorisation, and the creation of new public spaces.Los cambios en la base económica de las antiguas ciudades industriales se han caracterizado por procesos de regeneración urbana, que transforman sus distritos industriales en nuevos territorios innovadores, tecnológicos y creativos. Mientras se mantiene la vocación industrial, este cambio promueve la reinterpretación de la producción industrial y del pasado histórico del territorio en nuevos significados y valores simbólicos, constituyendo activos en el escenario de la competitividad global entre ciudades. A partir de estas nuevas formas de producción industrial resultan cambios territoriales, con la cultura y la innovación como motores de estas transformaciones. Este artículo discute los resultados de estas políticas económicas basadas en los procesos de regeneración urbana, en Palo Alto. Este complejo es uno de los principales ejemplos en Barcelona de reconversión industrial en un hub creativo, a través de la iniciativa empresarial, la producción cultural, la valorización del patrimonio, y la creación de nuevos espacios públicos

    Risk factors for infection with Giardia duodenalis in pre-school children in the city of Salvador, Brazil.

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    A cross-sectional study of 694 children aged 2 to 45 months selected from 30 clusters throughout the city of Salvador, Bahia (pop. 2.3 million) was carried out as part of a longitudinal study of diarrhoea in order to identify risk factors for infection with Giardia duodenalis. Variables studied included three social and demographic factors (such as mother's education and marital status), five relating to the peri-domestic environment (rubbish disposal, open sewers, paving of the street), seven relating to the home itself (house construction, susceptibility to flooding, water supply and sanitation) as well as a score for hygiene behaviour based on structured observation. After multivariate analysis using a hierarchical model, only four significant risk factors were found: (a) number of children in the household under five years (b) rubbish not collected from the house (c) presence of visible sewage nearby, and (d) absence of a toilet. All four were significant at the 1% level

    Exotic looped trajectories via quantum marking

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    We provide an analytical and theoretical study of exotic looped trajectories (ELTs) in a double-slit interferometer with quantum marking. We use an excited Rydberg-like atom and which-way detectors such as superconducting cavities, just as in the Scully-Englert-Walther interferometer. We indicate appropriate conditions on the atomic beam or superconducting cavities so that we determine an interference pattern and fringe visibility exclusive from the ELTs. We quantitatively describe our results for Rubidium atoms and propose this framework as an alternative scheme to the double-slit experiment modified to interfere only these exotic trajectories.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Novedades en Grindelia (Asteraceae: Astereae) para la América del Sur

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    Three new species of Grindelia Willd. are described and illustrated: G. argentina, G. gaucha and G. atlantica. The first two are related with G. buphthalmoides DC.,andthe last is allied with G. orientalis Bartoli, Tortosa & G. Rua. A key to segregate the species of Grindelia buphthalmoides group is given and comments about this species, includes a new synonym are also furnished.Se describen y ilustran tres nuevas especies de GrindeliaWilld.: G. argentina, G. gaucha and G. atlantica. Las primeras son relacionadas con G. buphthalmoidesDC., mientras laultima es afín a G. orientalis Bartoli, Tortosa & G. Rua. Una clave para separar las especies del grupo Grindelia buphthalmoides es proporcionada, así como también comentarios sobre estas especies, incluyendo una nueva sinonimia

    Nuevas especies de Baccharis (Asteraceae, Astereae) para Brasil

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    In a recent review of the genus Baccharis L. we recognized five new species: Bacchariscrassipappa Deble & Oliveira-Deble, B. inexspectata Deble & Oliveira-Deble, B.multipaniculata Oliveira-Deble & Deble, B. nassauvioides Oliveira-Deble & Deble and B.suberectifolia Oliveira-Deble & Deble. All species are described and illustrated and delimitationwith allied taxa is discussedEn una revisión reciente del género Baccharis L. para Brasil, fueron reconocidas cincoespecies nuevas: Baccharis crassipappa Deble & Oliveira-Deble, B. inexspectata Deble &Oliveira-Deble, B. multipaniculata Oliveira-Deble & Deble, B. nassauvioides Oliveira-Deble &Deble y B. suberectifolia Oliveira-Deble & Deble. Todas las especies son descriptas, ilustradasy diferenciadas de los taxones relacionado


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    En la revisión del género Baccharis para Brasil, fueron reconocidas dos especies nuevas:Baccharis alleluia y Baccharis orbiculata. Estas especies son descriptas, ilustradas y diferenciadasde los taxones afine

    Two validations in Baccharis (Asteraceae: Astereae)

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    In this paper are made the validations of Baccharis lymanii and B. nebulae. Comments, geographic distribution and allied taxa of these species are given

    Livro-Reportagem: Posso Te Ajudar? As Vidas E As Vozes Do Camelódromo Da 104 Sul, Em Palmas

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    This project, entitled Can I Help You? The lives and voices of the Camelódromo da 104 sul (ACSE 11), in Palmas, tells facts of this place that cooperates with the economy, culture, tourism and reflects a city of Palmas - TO segregationist, homogenizing and hegemonic. Thus, it aims to give visibility to communication techniques and the popular work of shopkeepers present in the space, inside and outside the academy, either by instigating more studies on this bias or just informing the population about socially relevant topics, which is an objective of the report, main writing mechanism used in the book-report. The project is justified by the need to overcome the shallow and limited coverage of the delimited space. From the elaboration of the book-report, the human being was highlighted in journalistic practice, and not only to prove the news, but to bring the reader closer to the information with detailed descriptions, typical of the style. The project proves that the reporting genre is enriched by the narrative close to people promoted by humanized journalism, as it highlights personalities, details and the experience of those involved. The book is a chance to show that the camelódromo is not just a lack of parking and informality. The camelódromo are people who take shape daily and use their own language and aesthetics to put bread on the table.Este projeto, intitulado Posso Te Ajudar? As vidas e as vozes do Camelódromo da 104 sul (ACSE 11), em Palmas, registra histórias desse lugar que coopera com a economia, cultura, turismo e reflete uma cidade de Palmas - TO segregacionista, homogeneizadora e hegemônica. Assim, objetiva dar visibilidade às técnicas comunicacionais e ao trabalho popular dos lojistas presente no espaço, dentro e fora da academia, seja ao instigar mais estudos sobre esse viés ou apenas informar a população sobre temas de relevância social, sendo este um objetivo da reportagem, principal mecanismo de escrita utilizado no livro-reportagem. O projeto tem como justificativa a necessidade de superar as coberturas rasas e limitadas acerca do espaço delimitado. A partir da elaboração do livro-reportagem, colocou-se o ser humano em evidência na prática jornalística, não só para comprovar a notícia, mas, também, para aproximar o leitor da informação com descrições detalhadas, próprias do estilo. O projeto comprova que o gênero reportagem é enriquecido pela narrativa próxima às pessoas promovida pelo jornalismo humanizado, visto que ressalta personalidades, detalhes e a vivência dos envolvidos. O livro é uma chance de mostrar que o camelódromo não é só falta de estacionamentos e informalidade. O camelódromo é formado por pessoas que diariamente usam da sua linguagem, lei e estética própria para colocar o pão na mesa