72 research outputs found

    Island Commons Sustainability Center

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    When planning for a trail system on site, the group was asked to design an aesthetically pleasing, universally accessible trails system on the pre-existing property for the center which would act as “sanctity” and peaceful spaces with minimal manipulation of the grounds. The team was asked to incorporate native plants, which would create new sustainable ecosystems, and to develop information stations that would inform visitors about the ecosystem and environment at St. Mary’s. The team was also tasked with finding ways in which local artists could contribute sustainable related artwork to the site

    Directed Energy Deflection Laboratory Measurements

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    We report on laboratory studies of the effectiveness of directed energy planetary defense as a part of the DE-STAR (Directed Energy System for Targeting of Asteroids and exploRation) program. DE-STAR and DE-STARLITE are directed energy stand-off and stand-on programs, respectively. These systems consist of a modular array of kilowatt-class lasers powered by photovoltaics, and are capable of heating a spot on the surface of an asteroid to the point of vaporization. Mass ejection, as a plume of evaporated material, creates a reactionary thrust capable of diverting the asteroid’s orbit. In a series of papers, we have developed a theoretical basis and described numerical simulations for determining the thrust produced by material evaporating from the surface of an asteroid. In the DE-STAR concept, the asteroid itself is used as the deflection propellant . This study presents results of experiments designed to measure the thrust created by evaporation from a laser directed energy spot. We constructed a vacuum chamber to simulate space conditions, and installed a torsion balance that holds an asteroid sample. The sample is illuminated with a fiber array laser with flux levels up to 60 MW/m2 which allows us to simulate a mission level flux but on a small scale. We use a separate laser as well as a position sensitive centroid detector to readout the angular motion of the torsion balance and can thus determine the thrust. We compare the measured thrust to the models. Our theoretical models indicate a coupling coefficient well in excess of 100 μN/W optical, though we assume a more conservative value of 80 μN/W optical and then degrade this with an optical encircled energy efficiency of 0.75 to 60 μN/W optical in our deflection modeling. Our measurements discussed here yield about 45 μN/W absorbed as a reasonable lower limit to the thrust per optical watt absorbed

    A non-contacting resistivity imaging method for characterizing whole round core while in its liner

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    Recent laboratory experimentation has shown that non-contacting whole-core resistivity imaging, with azimuthal discrimination, is feasible. It has shown the need for very sensitive coil pairs in order to provide resistivity measurements at the desired resolution. Independent high-resolution 'galvanic' resistivity estimations show the 'non-contacting' measurements to be directly proportional to the resistivity of core samples. The response of the technique to a variety of synthetic 'structures' is presented. A whole-core image of a dipping layer is used to demonstrate the three dimensional response of the technique and to show that the resolution of the measurements is of the order of 10mm. Experiments are described which show that the technique is capable of investigating to different depths within the whole round core. The results agree with theoretical predictions and indicate that the technique has the potential to assess invasion near the surface of the core. The technique is intrinsically safe and has the potential to be packaged in a form that would be suitable for whole-core imaging at the well site, or laboratory, without taking core from their liners. Thus it is possible to acquire information crucial for core selection, in addition to acquiring resistivity data at a resolution not too far removed from that of the downhole imaging tools

    Brief for Respondents, Grutter v. Bollinger, 539 US 306 (2003) (No. 02-241).

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    QUESTIONS PRESENTED 1. Whether this Court should reaffirm its decision in Regents of University of California v. Bakke, 438 U.S. 265 (1978) and hold that the educational benefits that flow from a diverse student body to an institution of higher education, its students, and the public it serves, are sufficiently compelling to permit the school to consider race and/or ethnicity as one of many factors in making admissions decisions through a properly devised admissions program. 2. Whether the Court of Appeals correctly held that the University of Michigan Law School\u27s admissions program is properly devised

    Directed Energy Interstellar Propulsion of WaferSats

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    In the nearly 60 years of spaceflight we have accomplished wonderful feats of exploration and shown the incredible spirit of the human drive to explore and understand our universe. Yet in those 60 years we have barely left our solar system with the Voyager 1 spacecraft launched in 1977 finally leaving the solar system after 37 years of flight at a speed of 17 km/s or less than 0.006% the speed of light. As remarkable as this is, we will never reach even the nearest stars with our current propulsion technology in even 10 millennium. We have to radically rethink our strategy or give up our dreams of reaching the stars, or wait for technology that does not exist. While we all dream of human spaceflight to the stars in a way romanticized in books and movies, it is not within our power to do so, nor it is clear that this is the path we should choose. We posit a technological path forward, that while not simple; it is within our technological reach. We propose a roadmap to a program that will lead to sending relativistic probes to the nearest stars and will open up a vast array of possibilities of flight both within our solar system and far beyond. Spacecraft from gram level complete spacecraft on a wafer (“wafer sats”) that reach more than ¼ c and reach the nearest star in 15 years to spacecraft with masses more than 105 kg (100 tons) that can reach speeds of near 1000 km/s such systems can be propelled to speeds currently unimaginable with our existing propulsion technologies. To do so requires a fundamental change in our thinking of both propulsion and in many cases what a spacecraft is. In addition to larger spacecraft, some capable of transporting humans, we consider functional spacecraft on a wafer, including integrated optical communications, optical systems and sensors combined with directed energy propulsion. Since “at home” the costs can be amortized over a very large number of missions. The human factor of exploring the nearest stars and exo-planets would be a profound voyage for humanity, one whose non-scientific implications would be enormous. It is time to begin this inevitable journey beyond our home

    Barriers and Facilitators To Cervical Cancer Screening Among Iraqi Refugees Resettled in Philadelphia: A Qualitative Analysis of Patient and Provider Perceptions

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    Oral presentation at the 6th Annual North American Refugee Health Conference, Niagara Falls, New York. Research Questions: 1. What is the prevalence of cervical cancer and cervical cancer screening among recently resettled refugees seen at Jefferson\u27s Center for Refugee Health? 2. Are patient-and provider-identified barriers to cervical cancer screening at CRH consistent with those identified in previous research efforts? 3. What are patient-and provider identified facilitators to cervical cancer screening for Iraqi refugee women

    No evidence for the association of DRD4 with ADHD in a Taiwanese population within-family study

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    BACKGROUND: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent and highly heritable childhood disorder. The dopamine D4 receptor (DRD4) gene has shown a genetic association with ADHD in Caucasian populations with meta-analysis indicating a small but significant effect across datasets. It remains uncertain whether this association can be generalised to non-Caucasian ethnic groups. Here we investigate two markers within the DRD4 gene in a Taiwanese population, the exon 3 variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) and a 5' 120 base-pair duplication. METHODS: Within-family transmission disequilibrium tests of association of the 5' 120 base-pair duplication, and exon 3 VNTR in a Taiwanese population. RESULTS: No evidence of association of ADHD with either polymorphism in this population was observed. CONCLUSION: The DRD4 gene markers investigated were not found to be associated with ADHD in this Taiwanese sample. Further work in Taiwanese and other Asian populations will therefore be required to establish whether the reports of association of DRD4 genetic variants in Caucasian samples can be generalised to Asian populations

    Genome-wide association meta-analysis in 269,867 individuals identifies new genetic and functional links to intelligence

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    Intelligence is highly heritable(1) and a major determinant of human health and well-being(2). Recent genome-wide meta-analyses have identified 24 genomic loci linked to variation in intelligence3-7, but much about its genetic underpinnings remains to be discovered. Here, we present a large-scale genetic association study of intelligence (n = 269,867), identifying 205 associated genomic loci (190 new) and 1,016 genes (939 new) via positional mapping, expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) mapping, chromatin interaction mapping, and gene-based association analysis. We find enrichment of genetic effects in conserved and coding regions and associations with 146 nonsynonymous exonic variants. Associated genes are strongly expressed in the brain, specifically in striatal medium spiny neurons and hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Gene set analyses implicate pathways related to nervous system development and synaptic structure. We confirm previous strong genetic correlations with multiple health-related outcomes, and Mendelian randomization analysis results suggest protective effects of intelligence for Alzheimer's disease and ADHD and bidirectional causation with pleiotropic effects for schizophrenia. These results are a major step forward in understanding the neurobiology of cognitive function as well as genetically related neurological and psychiatric disorders.Peer reviewe