30 research outputs found

    Spread of Correlations in Strongly Disordered Lattice Systems with Long-Range Coupling

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    We investigate the spread of correlations carried by an excitation in a 1-dimensional lattice system with high on-site energy disorder and long-range couplings with a power-law dependence on the distance (rμ\propto r^{-\mu}). The increase in correlation between the initially quenched node and a given node exhibits three phases: quadratic in time, linear in time, and saturation. No further evolution is observed in the long time regime. We find an approximate solution of the model valid in the limit of strong disorder and reproduce the results of numerical simulations with analytical formulas. We also find the time needed to reach a given correlation value as a measure of the propagation speed. Because of the triple phase evolution of the correlation function the propagation changes its time dependence. In the particular case of μ=1\mu=1, the propagation starts as a ballistic motion, then, at a certain crossover time, turns into standard diffusion

    Virulence factors of Moraxella catarrhalis outer membrane vesicles are major targets for cross-reactive antibodies and have adapted during evolution

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    Moraxella catarrhalis is a common human respiratory tract pathogen. Its virulence factors associated with whole bacteria or outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) aid infection, colonization and may induce specific antibodies. To investigate pathogen-host interactions, we applied integrated bioinformatic and immunoproteomic (2D-electrophoresis, immunoblotting, LC-MS/MS) approaches. We showed that OMV proteins engaged exclusively in complement evasion and colonization strategies, but not those involved in iron transport and metabolism, are major targets for cross-reacting antibodies produced against phylogenetically divergent M. catarrhalis strains. The analysis of 31 complete genomes of M. catarrhalis and other Moraxella revealed that OMV protein-coding genes belong to 64 orthologous groups, five of which are restricted to M. catarrhalis. This species showed a two-fold increase in the number of OMV protein-coding genes relative to its ancestors and animal-pathogenic Moraxella. The appearance of specific OMV factors and the increase in OMV-associated virulence proteins during M. catarrhalis evolution is an interesting example of pathogen adaptation to optimize colonization. This precisely targeted cross-reactive immunity against M. catarrhalis may be an important strategy of host defences to counteract this phenomenon. We demonstrate that cross-reactivity is closely associated with the anti-virulent antibody repertoire which we have linked with adaptation of this pathogen to the host

    Isolation and characterisation of KP34—a novel φKMV-like bacteriophage for Klebsiella pneumoniae

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    Bacteriophage KP34 is a novel virus belonging to the subfamily Autographivirinae lytic for extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae strains. Its biological features, morphology, susceptibility to chemical and physical agents, burst size, host specificity and activity spectrum were determined. As a potential antibacterial agent used in therapy, KP34 molecular features including genome sequence and protein composition were examined. Phylogenetic analyses and clustering of KP34 phage genome sequences revealed its clear relationships with “phiKMV-like viruses”. Simultaneously, whole-genome analyses permitted clustering and classification of all phages, with completely sequenced genomes, belonging to the Podoviridae

    Winter Bird Assemblages in Rural and Urban Environments: A National Survey

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    Urban development has a marked effect on the ecological and behavioural traits of many living organisms, including birds. In this paper, we analysed differences in the numbers of wintering birds between rural and urban areas in Poland. We also analysed species richness and abundance in relation to longitude, latitude, human population size, and landscape structure. All these parameters were analysed using modern statistical techniques incorporating species detectability. We counted birds in 156 squares (0.25 km2 each) in December 2012 and again in January 2013 in locations in and around 26 urban areas across Poland (in each urban area we surveyed 3 squares and 3 squares in nearby rural areas). The influence of twelve potential environmental variables on species abundance and richness was assessed with Generalized Linear Mixed Models, Principal Components and Detrended Correspondence Analyses. Totals of 72 bird species and 89,710 individual birds were recorded in this study. On average (±SE) 13.3 ± 0.3 species and 288 ± 14 individuals were recorded in each square in each survey. A formal comparison of rural and urban areas revealed that 27 species had a significant preference; 17 to rural areas and 10 to urban areas. Moreover, overall abundance in urban areas was more than double that of rural areas. There was almost a complete separation of rural and urban bird communities. Significantly more birds and more bird species were recorded in January compared to December. We conclude that differences between rural and urban areas in terms of winter conditions and the availability of resources are reflected in different bird communities in the two environments

    Urban and rural habitats differ in number and type of bird feeders and in bird species consuming supplementary food

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    Bird feeding is one of the most widespread direct interactions between man and nature, and this has important social and environmental consequences. However, this activity can differ between rural and urban habitats, due to inter alia habitat structure, human behaviour and the composition of wintering bird communities. We counted birds in 156 squares (0.25 km(2) each) in December 2012 and again in January 2013 in locations in and around 26 towns and cities across Poland (in each urban area, we surveyed 3 squares and also 3 squares in nearby rural areas). At each count, we noted the number of bird feeders, the number of bird feeders with food, the type of feeders, additional food supplies potentially available for birds (bread offered by people, bins) and finally the birds themselves. In winter, urban and rural areas differ in the availability of food offered intentionally and unintentionally to birds by humans. Both types of food availability are higher in urban areas. Our findings suggest that different types of bird feeder support only those species specialized for that particular food type and this relationship is similar in urban and rural areas. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11356-015-4723-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    The role of derivative instruments in the initiation of the financial crisis and its progress

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    Celem artykułu jest określenie roli instrumentów pochodnych w wywołaniu i przebiegu kryzysu finansowego. Realizacja celu badawczego przebiega przez przedstawienie mechanizmu finansowania występującego na rynku nieruchomości (w czym upatruje się bezpośredniej przyczyny wystąpienia kryzysu finansowego), przesłanek wykorzystania instrumentów pochodnych i sekurytyzacji oraz sposobu w jaki innowacyjne instrumenty finansowe doprowadziły do pogłębienie zaburzeń na rynkach finansowych wywołując w efekcie ogólnoświatowy kryzys gospodarczy.The aim of the article is to determine the role of derivatives in the initiation and development of the financial crisis. The research consisted in the presentation of the financing mechanism on the property market (which is supposed to be the direct cause of the financial crisis), the reasons for the application of derivatives and securitization, and the way in which the innovative financial instruments led to the increase of the turndown on financial markets that finally resulted in the global economic crisis

    Rozwój finansowy a wzrost gospodarczy - ujęcie teoretyczne i wyniki badań empirycznych implikacje dla polityki ekonomicznej /

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    Tyt. z nagł.Bibliogr. s. 139-140.Dostępny także w wersji drukowanej.Zadaniem opracowania jest próba rozpoznania zależności między rozwojem systemu finansowego a wzrostem gospodarczym na gruncie teorii wzrostu, oraz określanie na tej podstawie rekomendacji dla polityki ekonomicznej

    The perception of body, sense of control and motives for physical activity

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    W dzisiejszych czasach wiele uwagi poświęca się wyglądowi zewnętrznemu i środkom, dzięki którym można uzyskać satysfakcjonujące ciało. Jednym z takich środków jest niewątpliwie aktywność fizyczna i ogólnie pojęty fitness. Jednak przez ekspozycję na treści kultury masowej ukazujące ideały sylwetki, poczucie zadowolenia z ciała z biegiem lat spada mimo wzrastającej liczby osób regularnie ćwiczących. Niniejsza praca ma za zadanie zbadać różnice grupami osób regularnie ćwiczących, jaki i tymi którzy obecnie nie ćwiczą. Czynnikami są motywy aktywności fizycznej, obraz ciała, BMI oraz poziom kontroli. W badaniu wzięło udział 127 dorosłych osób obojga płci. Wykorzystano następujące testy: MBSRQ Cash’a oraz PK-4 Bryant’a. Głównym celem było sprawdzenie hipotezy o zależności między regularnym treningiem a obrazem ciała oraz różnicach w motywacji do sportu kobiet i mężczyzn. Dodatkowo zbadano wpływ postrzeganej kontroli na motywację treningową oraz wagę ciała.Rezultaty pokazały istotne różnice w niektórych wymiarach obrazu ciała, motywacji treningowej jak i postrzeganej kontroli.Nowadays, a lot of attention is paid to the external appearance and the means by which a satisfactory body can be obtained. One of the means is undoubtedly physical activity and fitness in general. However, due to exposure to the mass culture content, showing the ideals of silhouette, the feeling of body satisfaction has been decreasing over the years, despite of the increasing numer of people exercising regulary. This dissertation has a task of to exploring the differences between groups of people who regulary exercise and those who do not. The factors are: motives for physical activity, body image, BMI, and the level of perceived control.The study involved 127 adults of both sexes. The following tests were used: MBSRQ by Cash and PK-4 by Bryant. The main aim was to check the hypothesis about the relationship between regular training and body image and differences between men’s and women’s motivation for sport. Additionally, the influence of perceived control on training motivation and body weight was examined. The results showed the significant differences in some dimentions of body image, training motivation and perceived control