133 research outputs found

    Molecular mechanisms of autoimmunity triggered by microbial infection

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    Autoimmunity can be triggered by microbial infection. In this context, the discovery of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) provides new insights and research perspectives. TLRs induce innate and adaptive antimicrobial immune responses upon exposure to common pathogen-associated molecules, including lipopeptides, lipopolysaccharides, and nucleic acids. They also have the potential, however, to trigger autoimmune disease, as has been revealed by an increasing number of experimental reports. This review summarizes important facts about TLR biology, available data on their role in autoimmunity, and potential consequences for the management of patients with autoimmune disease

    Stability indicating HPLC method development and validation for the simultaneous determination of Azithromycin & Ofloxacin in bulk and its dosage forms

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    A simple, precise, sensitive and reproducible stability indicating Reverse Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatographic (RP-HPLC) method for determination of Azithromycin and Ofloxacin in tablet dosage form was developed. Chromatographic separation was achieved on Hypersil-Keystone RP C 18 (250 4.6 mm, 5m) column maintained at 30 C eluted with mobile phase at flow rate of 1.2 ml/min. The mobile phase consists of Buffer (0.02 M potassium dihydrogenphosphate): methanol: acetonitrile in the ratio 65:25:10 v/v at pH maintained at 3.2 with OPA was used and the determination was carried out at 285 nm. The retention time for Azithromycin and Ofloxacin were 9.7 min and 5.01 respectively. The linearity was found in the range of 5?50 ?g/ml for Azithromycin and 4?40 ?g/ml for Ofloxacin. In stability studies the drugs were well separated from degradation products. The degradation was studied in the individual standard drugs, their mixture and formulation which gave the idea about the orgin of the degradant products. The analytical method was validated as per ICH guideline for linearity, accuracy, precision, and specificity, limit of detection, limit of quantification, stability in analytical solution etc. and method can be extended to the analysis of Azithromycin and Ofloxacin in tablet formulations

    Hidden Markov model technique for dynamic spectrum access

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    Dynamic spectrum access is a paradigm used to access the spectrum dynamically. A hidden Markov model (HMM) is one in which you observe a sequence of emissions, but do not know the sequence of states the model went through to generate the emissions. Analysis of hidden Markov models seeks to recover the sequence of states from the observed data. In this paper, we estimate the occupancy state of channels using hidden Markov process. Using Viterbi algorithm, we generate the most likely states and compare it with the channel states. We generated two HMMs, one slowly changing and another more dynamic and compare their performance. Using the Baum-Welch algorithm and maximum likelihood algorithm we calculated the estimated transition and emission matrix, and then we compare the estimated states prediction performance of both the methods using stationary distribution of average estimated transition matrix calculated by both the methods


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    Herbal medicine has become an item of global importance both medicinal and economical. Although usage of these herbal medicines has increased, their quality, safety and efficiency are serious concerns in industrialized and developing countries. Herbal remedies are getting increasing patient compliance as they are devoid of typical side effects of allopathic medicines.          The present research has been undertaken with the aim to formulate and evaluate the herbal gel containing Lantana camara leaf extract. The gel formulation was designed by using Carbapol 940, Lantana camara leaf extract, propylene glycol, methyl paraben, propyl paraben and required amount of distilled water. The skin pH (6.8-7) was maintained by drop wise addition of Tri-ethanolamine. The physicochemical Parameters of formulations (pH, Spreadibility, Stability etc.) were determined. Stability studies have carried out as per ICH guidelines for 3 months at different temperatures and humidity. The results showed that formulation containing Lantana camara leaf extract Show better stability. Further formulations have studied for skin irritation on animal model (Rat) and result showed that there was no skin irritation to animals. Our literature survey revealed that the herbal gel of Leaves extracts from leaves of Lantana Camara was not investigated; hence these activities have been investigated in the present study.   Key words: Lantana camara, hydroalcoholic extract, Carbapol 940, Ge

    Maternal and fetal outcome in antepartum haemorrhage: a study at tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Antepartum hemorrhage (APH) complicates about 2-5% of pregnancies. Maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality associated with APH can be reduced significantly by aggressive expectant management. The objective was to study the maternal and fetal outcome in APH and to assess the importance of early diagnosis and treatmentMethods: This prospective study was conducted in the department of OBGY in IGGMC Nagpur from Dec 2013 to Nov.15. 131 cases of APH with gestational age >28 weeks were included. They were distributed according to type of APH into Abruptio Placentae (AP), Placenta Previa (PP) and Unclassified Haemorrhage (UH). Causes of APH were noted and maternal as well as perinatal outcome observed.Results: Out of 131, 51.91% was AP followed by PP (45.80%) and 2.29% of UH. Maximum patients belonged to 25 to 29 years age group (40.46%), which was statistically significant (p value 0.023). Maximum no. of patients who presented with APH was of more than 36 weeks of gestational age which was statistically significant (p value 0.0001). 52.94% had PIH as a causative factor of abruption while 41.67% had history of previous LSCS for PP. Anaemia was most common complication in APH followed by PPH. One patient died of renal failure in AP. Neonatal jaundice was the most common complication amongst the neonate followed by prematurity.Conclusions: Prevalence of APH was 2% with AP being most common cause followed by PP. Though maternal morbidity is reduced with modern management of APH, but timely diagnosis and intervention is necessary

    Acetylation of polysaccharides in plant cell wall

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    Plant cell wall in woody tissues is a complex matrix, which consists of cellulose, matrix polysaccharides and lignin. The matrix polysaccharides are substituted with acetyl group that are hypothesised to play important roles in determining properties of these polysaccharides. The aim of this thesis was to understand the role of O-acetylation in plants and investigate possibilities for improvement of woody lignocellulose for biorefinery applications by reducing wood O-acetylation. To alter acetylation specifically in woody tissues, a promoter from Glycosyl Transferase 43 family (GT43) in Populus was isolated that had a very specific expression in secondary cell wall forming cells. This xylem specific promoter (pGT43B) was more effective in modification of wood acetylation by overexpression and suppression strategies as compared to 35S promoter (Paper I). To reduce xylan acetylation using transgenic approach, acetyl xylan esterase from Aspergillus niger, AnAXE1, was targetted specifically to the cell wall in Arabidopsis (Paper II) and in Populus (Paper III). Plants expressing AnAXE1 grew as well as wild type and had increased acetyl esterase activity. This has led to reduction in cell wall acetyl content and in xylan O-acetylation. Moreover, transgenic Arabidopsis exhibited increased resistance against a biotrophic pathogen Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis. Both transgenic plants had improved sugar yields in saccharification with different pretreatments and without pretreatment. To reduce acetylation using cisgenic approach, Populus Reduced Wall Acetylation (RWA) gene family was characterised by suppression of the two clades RWA-AB, and RWA-CD (Paper IV). Both clades were shown to be involved in xylan acetylation in the wood. Both clades were therefore suppressed under control of xylem specific promoter pGT43B to improve wood saccharification potential. Transgenic plants had reduced wood acetyl content, normal growth, and increased sugar yield and glucose conversion % in saccharification without pretreatment. Glucose yield was also slightly increased in saccharification after acid pretreatment. These results show that reduction of cell wall acetylation by 10-30% does not alter plant growth and development, but improves yields in lignocellulose saccharification (with and without pretreatment) (Papers II, III and IV). To identify Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) related to cell wall acetyl content and other chemical traits in Salix, the mapping population of 463 progenies of S. viminalis and S. schwerinii was analysed by FT-IR and acetyl content assay (Paper V). 28 QTLs were identified for different cell wall chemical traits, which were co-located with several cell wall related genes and gene clusters. These QTLs and genes can be used in the future to improve wood chemical traits in Salix and Populus for biofuel production by breeding

    Fea Based Study of Effect of Radial Variation of Outer Link in A Typical Roller Chain Link Assembly

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    Chain Link assembly is extensively used in the industry, the scope of this paper is to review the applications in the industry and explore the design considerations that go into the design of the assembly. The paper delves into various application aspects and manufacturing aspects to formulate an idea of the system. Finally Finite Element Analysis (FEA) has been used to conduct shape optimization. Since lot of work has already been done in other components, in this paper the focus has been narrowed down to specific component of outer link. Within the outer link, most dimensions in the industry are parametrically defined, however one dimension, the radius that is in between the inter connecting holes is left to manufacturer convenience. In this paper we assess the impact of this radius on the stress in the system, and see if material saving and consequently efficiency increment is possible


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    The Manas (Psyche), soul and Sharira (Soma) are the tripods for existence of life. In other words, life is sum of soma, senses (Indriya), psyche and soul (Atma). Ayurveda considers mind and body as two pathways or substrata for manifestation of disease. Mind has in it three constituents or tendencies in Satvam (Balance), Rajas (Arrogance) and Tamas (Indolence). Later two are reactive tendencies which vitiate the mind leading to an emotional imbalance, culminating in a physiological disturbance. Rajas and Tamas hence are termed as two Dosha of mind, Likewise the three biohumors Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which are termed as Doshas of the body. Vitiate the body leading to metabolic disturbance which ultimately culminates in a somatic disturbance. Psyche and soma are always interrelated. Soma is combination of three Doshas, seven Dhatus and three Malas as well as Manas, and they all have their own way of functioning. They interact and influence each other jointly venture in the manifestation of a very large group of disorder aptly known as psychosomatic disorder, The so-called “pure†disorder arising out of singular involvement of either psyche or soma infact very few. Since ancient time Ayurveda has already focused on basics of interrelationship between Psyche and Soma, while mentioning Sattvavajaya Chikitsa (Psychotherapeutic Procedure). To reach an appropriate Ayurvedic management of psychosomatic disorder an individual should approach by understanding the concept of interrelationship of Psyche and Soma. Hence Ayurveda adopts a comprehensive psychosomatic approach by and large for the management of disease


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    Diabetes is a metabolic disorder which is affecting million people all over the world. Maharishi Charak described Prameharoga (20 types) ; and its one type is “Madhumeha ” having almost identical clinical feature of diabetes type II. Author taken detail review of available data for more than 2000 herbs and has collected various references/research work done by various scientist for pharmacological screening of anti-diabetic herbs through latest available In-vivo studies. And concluded 53 herbs have significant anti diabetic activity in different pharmacological in vivo model. Further for validation of modern research outcome authors had done extensive survey of most applicable herbal text book of Auyrveda“ Bhavprakash Nighantu” and Ayurvedic pharmacopeia of India part I volume I to VIII that has widely used by various stake holders of Ayurvedic industry, academia and students. Authors sorted about 25 Ayurvedic single drugs from reference mentioned above for their “Pramehaghna activity”. There is ample scope to trace out other single and compound drugs for cure of diabetes mellitus type II. Author’s also mentioned here some selected famous Ayurvedic compound and single drug that has been successfully used by Ayurvedic physicians in last 5 decades. Research community need to explore possibility to invent new drugs for management DM Type II like currently AYUSH 82(Developed by CCRAS & it has marketed in various trade name like right sugar, Diavit 82, DB6, IME 9) and BGR 34 (Developed by CSIR/NBRI) proven as very effective drug in the treatment of DM type II; hence research community of AYUSH system of medicines may explore the new era for NPD (new drug Development)

    Formulation Development and Evaluation of Aqueous Injection of Poorly Soluble Drug Made by Novel Application of Mixed Solvency Concept

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    It is commonly recognized in the pharmaceutical industry that on average more than 40% of newly discovered drug candidates are poorly water-soluble. The objective of present research is to explore the application of mixed solvency technique in the injection formulation of poorly soluble drugs and to reduce concentration of individual solubilizers (used for solubility enhancement) to minimize the toxic effects of solubilizers. In the present work poorly soluble drugs Ofloxacin are selected as model drugs. Ofloxacin is an antibiotic drug tried to formulate the aqueous injection by the use of various physiologically compatible solubilizing agent like Lignocaine Hydrochloride, Niacinamide, Sodium benzoate, Sodium citrate, PEG 400, PEG 4000, PVP 40000, Ethanol, and Propylene Glycol. For expected synergistic enhancement effect on solubility of these poorly soluble drugs various blends of solubilizers shall be tried to decrease the amounts of Solubilizer employed for a desired solubility enhancement ratio. The study further opens the chances of preparing dry powders for injection of drug which are not stable in aqueous solution, ready to use injection. Key word- Mixed solvency solubilization, Ofloxacin, solubility enhancement, synergistic enhancement effect