1,313 research outputs found

    New Chromogenic Spray Reagent for TLC Detection and Identification of Organophosphrous Insecticide Monocrotophos in Biological Material.

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    Monocrotophos is a member of Organophosphate insecticide. It is an important insecticide and has a diversified role in agriculture in INDIA. The increasing numbers of human poisoning cases were found to be occurred by the consumption of organophosphate insecticide monocrotophos. So in this paper, we represent a novel Thin Layer Chromatographic spray reagent for the detection and identification of Monocrotophos

    A study of clinico-demographic profile and ventilatory pulmonary function tests in type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a non-communicable disease. DM produces damage in small blood vessels characterized by morphologic and biochemical alterations of the capillary basal lamina. These abnormalities have been observed in several organs including the lung. As the prevalence of diabetes is rapidly increasing, it would be important to study pulmonary functions in this sub group.Methods: The present observational study carried out at medicine department. It includes previously diagnosed type 2 DM patients between 31 to 50 years of age, non-smoker, non-pregnant with no major respiratory illness. Ventilatory Pulmonary Function Test (VPFT) which includes FVC, FEV1 and FEV1% were studied in all selected participants. VPFT categorized as per American Thoracic Society (ATS). All collected data analysed using Microsoft Excel 2010.  Results: The total of 55 previously diagnosed Type 2 DM cases was recruited. 26 (47.2 %) & 29 (52.7 %) were male & female respectively. 21 (38.2 %) has duration of DM more than 5. 11 (20 %) & 5 (9 %) had neuropathy and retinopathy respectively. 29 (52.7 %) had abnormal pulmonary function test.  The Mean FVC (84.11 ± 14.94), Mean FEV1 (84 ± 13.72) & Mean FEV1% was (100.05 ± 7.32) among the study participants.  29 (100.0 %) were restrictive type of abnormality. Conclusion: The reduced lung function is likely being a complication of diabetes mellitus. Lung functions needs to be checked periodically.


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    In Ayurvedic Samhita Niruddha Prakash (phimosis) vyadhi (disease) is described to be formed because of vitiated Vata Dosha where constricted Shishnacharma (prepuce) covers Mani (glans penis). This creates obstructed, slow urine flow and the prepuce could not be retracted. Treatment described in Ayurvedic epics is dilatation of preputial meatus by Niruddhaprakash Nadiyantra and Vatadosh Shamak medicated tail (oil) Parishek (fomentation). Surgery is advised if this measure fails. Niruddha prakash has similar features to that of phimosis described in modern medical science. Recent researches shows that glans penis and prepuce has common epithelium and its complete separation essential for complete prepitual retraction exposing whole of glans may normally occur up to the age of 17 years. This may lead to wrong diagnosis of phimosis. Circumcision is considered as treatment of choice for phimosis. In this review article efforts have made to analyze description of Niruddha prakash in Ayurved Epics, and recent researches regarding development and separation of prepuce, non surgical treatment of phimosis for bypass of surgical and anaesthetic complications, and surgical procedure with less complications compared to circumcision that will preserve prepuce as it is important structure protecting glans and urethral meatus and also for coital pleasure.

    A convenient method for lactonization of α-allyl esters using iodine in dimethyl- sulphoxide

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    A simple method for the synthesis of α-γ-disubstituted-γ-butyrolactones by cyclization of α-allyl esters using iodine in dimethylsulphoxide is reported. This method is efficient and operationally simple in comparison to methods using transition metal complexes. KEY WORDS: γ-Butyrolactones, α-Allyl esters, Iodine, Dimethyl sulphoxide Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2014, 28(3), 469-473.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v28i3.1

    Connections between normalized Wright functions with families of analytic functions with negative coefficients

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    In this article we present sufficient conditions that ensures that normalized Wright functions belong to certain subclasses of analytic univalent functions with negative coefficients in the unit disc U. We also provide some geometric properties of integral transforms involving normalized Wright functions

    Avoid duplicate key overheads for same data in storage

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    De-duplication is a technique used to weaken the amount of storage needed by service providers. Now a day the most originating challenge is to perform secure de-duplication in cloud storage. Although convergent encryption has been extensively adopted for secure de-duplication, a demanding issue of making convergent encryption practical is to efficiently and reliably managea massive number of convergent keys. We first introduce a baseline approach in which each user holds an autonomous master key forencrypting the convergent keys and outsourcing them to the server. As a proof of concept, encompass the implementation framework of proposed authorized duplicate check scheme and conduct experiments using these prototype. In proposed system involve authorized duplicate checkscheme sustain minimal overhead compared to normal operations.De-duplication is one of important data compression techniques for eliminating duplicate copies of repeating data. For that purpose Authorized duplication check system is used. This paper addresses problem of privacy preserving de-duplication in cloud computing and introduce a new de-duplication system supporting for Differential Authorization, Authorized Duplicate Check, Unfeasiblity of file token/duplicate-check token, In distinguishability of file token/duplicate-check token, Data affinity.In this project we are presenting the certified data de-duplication toprotect the data security by counting differential privileges of users in the duplicate check.Different new de-duplication constructions presented for supporting authorized duplicate check

    Nutraceutical Composition of Ber (Zizyphus mauritiana Lamk.) Juice: Effect of Enzyme-Assisted Processing

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    An investigation was undertaken to study the effect of pre-press maceration treatment with cell-wall degrading enzyme, pectinase, on antioxidant composition of ber juice, during 2011-2012. Enzyme-assisted processing significantly (p<0.05) improved antioxidant composition of ber juice. Ber juice extracted using pectinase had richer nutraceutical composition than in the Control. There was an overall increase of 43% in juice yield, 30% in total phenolics and 37% in total flavonoids with use of pectinase. In vitro total antioxidant activity (AOX) in ber juice was 19.58μmol Trolox/ml in Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) and 13.44μmol Trolox/ml in Cupric Reducing Antioxidant Capacity (CUPRAC) assay. There was 41-65% increase in total AOX of ber juice extracted with the enzyme overstraight pressed juice. Results indicated that tailoring of the enzyme can yield antioxidant-rich juice products

    To study the efficacy of Makarasana as an Agnivardhana Karma

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    Generally in young age, keeps on doing Mithya Aahara and Vihara which leads to Agnidusthi and which become cause of various diseases. As they work restless, their sedentary habits and stress full lifestyle. They are ought to do Vishamashan, Krodha etc., due to their lifestyle. This type of lifestyle leads to Agnidushti and which becomes cause of various diseases. 80 volunteers of age group 20-40 years were selected for the study. They underwent for clinical study on the basis of number of Lakshanas present. These were taken as subjective parameter and which were Samanya and Vishesh Lakshanas. Those were Arochaka, Vidagdha Udgara, Vishtambha, Aadhmana, Anga-Marda, Atijrumbha, Shirshula, Guru Gatrata, Utklesh. Jarana Kala and Abhyavaharan Shakti were objective parameters, as these two are important to assess Agni of a person. For Jarana Kala gradation was done on the basis of hours of time taken to show Laghuta and Kshuda Bodha, because these are Jeerna Aahara Lakshanas. For Abhyavaran Shakti gradation was done on the basis of quantity of food. To assess Agnivardhana, specific diet chart was prepared by considering their daily requirement of calorie. Volunteers were advised to do three Avartana of Makarasana in the morning; Significant changes were seen in Abhyavaharana Shakti in both groups. 56.7% relief in group A and 72% relief were seen. There were significant changes seen in Jaran Kala in both groups. 54.9% relief in Group A and 74% relief in Group B

    Study of Aushadh Sevan Kala in Kaphaja Kasa Vyadhi using Nagaradi Yoga w.s.r. to Grasantar Kala

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    The present study entitled ‘Study of Aushadha Sevana Kala in Kaphaj Kasa Vyadhi using Nagaradi Yoga with special reference to ‘Grasantar Kala’. Here Clinical study regarding “Kaphaj Kasa” Vyadhi was carried with the help of “Nagaradi Yoga” administered in Grasantar Kala in Group A and at Adhobhakta Kala in Group B 32 patients in each group have been studied with treatment and follow up after each 3 days upto 15 days. Clinical assessment of the patients was done by using criteria regarding Kasa included parameter like no. of Kasa Vega, Kapha Nishtivana, Aruchi, Agnimandya, Chhardi, Utklesha, Gaurava and Peenas. Assessment was done on the basis of scoring pattern designed for them. Asyamadhurya, Kaphapurna Deha, Praliptata, Sashakta Vaishamya and Lomharsha was not observed in any of the patients in this study in any of the group. As data was not available on the above said symptoms, statistical analysis of the symptoms is not needful. When drug was administered at Grasantara Kala more percentage of improvement is observed regarding almost all parameters showed in observation and results. So, it can be statistically concluded that drug administered in Grasantara Bheshaj Kala i.e. 95.84% shows maximum result in Kaphaja Kasa Vyadhi than Adhobhakta Kala i.e. 82.51%