318 research outputs found

    A Drought Indicator based on Ecosystem Responses to Water Availability: The Normalized Ecosystem Drought Index

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    Drought is one of the most destructive natural disasters causing serious damages to human society, and studies have projected more severe and widespread droughts in the coming decades associated with the warming climate. Although several drought indices have been developed for drought monitoring, most of them were based on large scale environmental conditions rather than ecosystem transitional patterns to drought. Here, we propose using the ecosystem function oriented Normalized Ecosystem Drought Index (NEDI) to quantify drought severity, loosely related to Sprengel’s and Liebig’s Law of the Minimum for plant nutrition. Extensive eddy covariance measurements from 60 AmeriFlux sites across 8 IGBP vegetation types were used to validate the use of NEDI. The results show that NEDI can reasonably capture ecosystem transitional responses to limited water availability, suggesting that drought conditions detected by NEDI are ecosystem function oriented. The wildly used Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), on the other hand, does not have a clear relationship with ecosystem responses to drought conditions because ecosystem adaptation ability is not considered in PDSI calculation.We thank the principal investigators of the AmeriFlux network, and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science for funding the AmeriFlux data resources. We thank the U.S. Department of Energy Lawrence Berkeley Lab Ameriflux Network Management Project for core site support. This research was supported through the National Science Foundation award EF1137306/MIT subaward 5710003122 to the University of California Davis; and other government, industry and foundation sponsors of the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change. For a complete list of sponsors and U.S. government funding sources, please visit http://globalchange.mit.edu/sponsors/all

    Poly[[tri-μ-cyanido-cyanido(1,4,10,13-tetra­oxa-7,16-diaza­cyclo­octa­deca­ne)barium(II)platinum(II)] hemihydrate]

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    The title compound, {[BaPt(CN)4(C12H26N2O4)]·0.5H2O}n, is a two-dimensional coordination polymer in which the sheets are oriented approximately parallel to the (01) set of crystal planes. In the crystal structure, disordered water mol­ecules (half occupancy) connect the sheets into a three-dimensional network via inter­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. An N—H⋯N inter­action is also present. The shortest Pt⋯Pt contacts are 7.5969 (4) Å by an inversion relationship and 7.6781 (4) Å by translation along the a axis

    Increased CO<sub>2</sub> loss from vegetated drained lake tundra ecosystems due to flooding

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    Tundra ecosystems are especially sensitive to climate change, which is particularly rapid in high northern latitudes resulting in significant alterations in temperature and soil moisture. Numerous studies have demonstrated that soil drying increases the respiration loss from wet Arctic tundra. And, warming and drying of tundra soils are assumed to increase CO2 emissions from the Arctic. However, in this water table manipulation experiment (i.e., flooding experiment), we show that flooding of wet tundra can also lead to increased CO2 loss. Standing water increased heat conduction into the soil, leading to higher soil temperature, deeper thaw and, surprisingly, to higher CO2 loss in the most anaerobic of the experimental areas. The study site is located in a drained lake basin, and the soils are characterized by wetter conditions than upland tundra. In experimentally flooded areas, high wind speeds (greater than ~4 m s−1) increased CO2 emission rates, sometimes overwhelming the photosynthetic uptake, even during daytime. This suggests that CO2 efflux from C rich soils and surface waters can be limited by surface exchange processes. The comparison of the CO2 and CH4 emission in an anaerobic soil incubation experiment showed that in this ecosystem, CO2 production is an order of magnitude higher than CH4 production. Future increases in surface water ponding, linked to surface subsidence and thermokarst erosion, and concomitant increases in soil warming, can increase net C efflux from these arctic ecosystems

    Combining the bulk transfer formulation and surface renewal analysis for estimating the sensible heat flux without involving the parameter KB-1

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    The single‐source bulk transfer formulation (based on the Monin‐Obukhov Similarity Theory, MOST) has been used to estimate the sensible heat flux, H, in the framework of remote sensing over homogeneous surfaces (HMOST). The latter involves the canopy parameter, , which is difficult to parameterize. Over short and dense grass at a site influenced by regional advection of sensible heat flux, HMOST with  = 2 (i.e., the value recommended) correlated strongly with the H measured using the Eddy Covariance, EC, method, HEC. However, it overestimated HEC by 50% under stable conditions for samples showing a local air temperature gradient larger than the measurement error, 0.4 km−1. Combining MOST and Surface Renewal analysis, three methods of estimating H that avoid dependency have been derived. These new expressions explain the variability of H versus , where is the friction velocity, is the radiometric surface temperature, and is the air temperature at height, z. At two measurement heights, the three methods performed excellently. One of the methods developed required the same readily/commonly available inputs as HMOST due to the fact that the ratio between and the ramp amplitude was found fairly constant under stable and unstable cases. Over homogeneous canopies, at a site influenced by regional advection of sensible heat flux, the methods proposed are an alternative to the traditional bulk transfer method because they are reliable, exempt of calibration against the EC method, and are comparable or identical in cost of application. It is suggested that the methodology may be useful over bare soil and sparse vegetation.This research was funded by CERESS project AGL2011–30498 (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain, cofunded FEDER), CGL2012–37416‐C04‐01 (Ministerio de Ciencia y Innovación of Spain), and CEI Iberus, 2014 (Proyecto financiado por el Ministerio de Educación en el marco del Programa Campus de Excelencia Internacional of Spain)

    Observations of oxidation products above a forest imply biogenic emissions of very reactive compounds

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    International audienceVertical gradients of mixing ratios of volatile organic compounds have been measured in a Ponderosa pine forest in Central California (38.90° N, 120.63° W, 1315m). These measurements reveal large quantities of previously unreported oxidation products of short lived biogenic precursors. The emission of biogenic precursors must be in the range of 13-66µmol m-2h-1 to produce the observed oxidation products. That is 6-30 times the emissions of total monoterpenes observed above the forest canopy on a molar basis. These reactive precursors constitute a large fraction of biogenic emissions at this site, and are not included in current emission inventories. When oxidized by ozone they should efficiently produce secondary aerosol and hydroxyl radicals

    Observations of oxidation products above a forest imply biogenic emissions of very reactive compounds

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    International audienceMeasurements of volatile organic compounds in a pine forest (Central California, 38.90° N, 120.63° W, 1315 m) reveal large quantities of previously unreported oxidation products of short lived biogenic precursors. The emission of biogenic precursors must be in the range of 13?66 µmol m?2 h?1 to produce the observed oxidation products. That is 6?30 times the emissions of total monoterpenes observed above the forest canopy on a molar basis. These reactive precursors constitute the largest fraction of biogenic emissions at this site, and are not included in current emission inventories. When oxidized by ozone they should efficiently produce secondary aerosol and hydroxyl radicals

    On Measuring Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange over Tall Vegetation on Complex Terrain

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    To assess annual budgets of CO2 exchange between the biosphere and atmosphere over representative ecosystems, long-term measurements must be made over ecosystems that do not exist on ideal terrain. How to interpret eddy covariance measurements correctly remains a major task. At present, net ecosystem CO2 exchange is assessed, by members of the micrometeorological community, as the sum of eddy covariance measurements and the storage of CO2 in the underlying air. This approach, however, seems unsatisfactory as numerous investigators are reporting that it may be causing nocturnal respiration flux densities to be underestimated. A new theory was recently published by Lee (1998, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 91: 39– 50) for assessing net ecosystem-atmosphere CO2 exchange (Ne) over non-ideal terrain. It includes a vertical advection term. We apply this equation over a temperate broadleaved forest growing in undulating terrain. Inclusion of the vertical advection term yields hourly, daily and annual sums of net ecosystem CO2 exchange that are more ecologically correct during the growing season. During the winter dormant period, on the other hand, corrected CO2 flux density measurements of an actively respiring forest were near zero. This observation is unrealistic compared to chamber measurements and model calculations. Only during midday, when the atmosphere is well-mixed, do measurements of Ne match estimates based on model calculations and chamber measurements. On an annual basis, sums of Ne without the advection correction were 40% too large, as compared with computations derived from a validated and process-based model. With the inclusion of the advection correction term, we observe convergence between measured and calculated values of Ne on hourly, daily and yearly time scales. We cannot, however, conclude that inclusion of a one-dimensional, vertical advection term into the continuity equation is sufficient for evaluating CO2 exchange over tall forests in complex terrain. There is an indication that the neglected term, u(c/x), is non-zero and that CO2 may be leaking from the sides of the control volume during the winter. In this circumstance, forest floor CO2 efflux densities exceed effluxes measured above the canopy