39 research outputs found

    In memory of Assoc. prof. Dr. Vladimír Podhradský, CSc. (18.5.1923*Hlohovec-26.6.2008 Bratislava)

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    Nepôvodná burina Xanthium spinosum na Slovensku I: rozšírenie a biotopy

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    Xanthium spinosum is a naturalized neophyte of agricultural land, its distribution and habitats have not yet been studied in detail in Slovakia. The aim of the work was to collect all floristic data of this weed species, to present its current and historical distribution, and to characterize its typical habitats in Slovakia. As shown in analysis, Xanthium spinosum occurs mainly in the Pannonian region; in the Carpathians it was more frequent only in the 19th century and in connection with the transport of diaspores by sheep wool. The number of localities increased gradually until the 1970s, but then fell sharply due to the intensification of agriculture. Consequently, it is currently not considered to be a significant weed in Slovakia. X. spinosum mostly occupies open and sunny ruderal habitats (road edges, manure pits, field roads, abandoned fields and places) and especially pastures, rarely river banks. Both in the past and today, the species rarely occurs in fields.Xanthium spinosum je naturalizovaný neofyt vyskytujúci sa prevažne v oblastiach s intenzívnou poľnohospodárskou činnosťou, avšak jeho rozšírenie a biotopy na Slovensku ešte neboli podrobne študované. Cieľom práce bolo zhromaždiť všetky floristické údaje o tomto burinnom druhu, predstaviť súčasné a historické rozšírenie a charakterizovať jeho typické biotopy. Analýza údajov o výskyte Xanthium spinosum na Slovensku ukázala, že sa vyskytoval a vyskytuje hlavne v panónskej oblasti; v Karpatoch bol častejší len v 19. storočí v súvislosti s transportom diaspór ovčou vlnou. Počet lokalít sa postupne zvyšoval až do 70-tych rokov minulého storočia, potom však prudko poklesol v dôsledku intenzifikácie poľnohospodárstva. Z týchto dôvodov druh Xanthium spinosum v súčasnosti nepovažujeme na Slovensku za významnú burinu. X. spinosum osídľuje otvorené a výslnné ruderálne biotopy (okraje ciest, hnojiská, poľné cesty, opusteniská) a predovšetkým pasienky, zriedkavejšie i brehy riek. V poľných kultúrach sa vždy vyskytoval skôr ojedinele

    Nepôvodná burina Xanthium spinosum na Slovensku II: ekologické nároky a cenotická afinita

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    Xanthium spinosum is a noxious weed spreading from South America to almost all the whole world. In this study, we focused on ecological demands and coenotic affinity of X. spinosum in Slovakia. Analyses were performed on the basis of 20 own, unpublished as well as published phytosociological relevés and Borhidi’s ecological indication values. The results show that X. spinosum prefers sunny to semi-shadow areas on mesotrophic and moderately nutrient rich soils in semidry, sub-montane as well as thermophilous habitats in a wide range of climatic conditions from oceanic and sub-oceanic to subcontinental. It was mainly recorded in ruderal vegetation units of class Stellarietea mediae, however, the species has occurred in the stands of classes Bidentetea and Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. It is expected to occur in other plant ruderal communities as well.Xanthium spinosum je škodlivá burina šíriaca sa z Južnej Ameriky takmer do celého sveta. V predloženej štúdii sme sa zamerali na ekologické požiadavky a cenotickú afinitu tohoto druhu na Slovensku. Analýzy boli vykonané na základe dvadsiatich vlastných, nepublikovaných a publikovaných fytocenologických snímok a ekologických indikačných čísiel podľa Borhidiho. Výsledky ukazujú, že X. spinosum uprednostňuje výslnné až mierne zatienené miesta na mezotrofných až na živiny mierne bohatých pôdach v mezofilných podhorských i nížinných biotopoch v širokej škále klimatických podmienok od oceánických a sub-oceánických až po subkontinentálne. Druh bol najčastejšie zaznamenaný hlavne v ruderálnych spoločenstvách triedy Stellarietea mediae, avšak vyskytoval sa i v porastoch tried Bidentetea a MolinioArrhenatheretea. Očakáva sa, že sa vyskytne aj v iných ruderálnych rastlinných spoločenstvách

    New floristic records from Central Europe 6 (reports 81-98)

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    The presented sixth part of the series includes 18 new chorological records of vascular plants, five from Poland and thirteen from Slovakia. In Poland, the first spontaneous occurrence of Clinopodium nepeta subsp. nepeta outside cultivation is reported from Kraków. Also new localities of Euphorbia maculata, Panicum capillare, Plantago coronopus and Symphyotrichum ciliatum from southern Poland were found. In Slovakia, new records of alien Cardamine occulta, Lindernia dubia, Nigella damascena, Pistia stratiotes (with map of known records), Sagittaria latifolia, Senecio inaequidens, Silybum marianum and Vinca major were done as well as autochthonous Cotoneaster melanocarpus, Herniaria hirsuta, Verbascum speciosum and Xeranthemum annuum. URL: https://www.bz.upjs/thaiszi


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    A number of seven plant taxa are presented in this paper, some of them being now for the first time reported in Romania (e. g. Cenchrus longispinus, Panicum miliaceum subsp. ruderale; Panicum miliaceum subsp. agricolum; Robinia neomexicana), while other taxa are mentioned for the first time in the flora of some historical provinces (e. g. Oenothera parviflora L. in Oltenia, or. Setaria faberi R. A. W. Herrm. in Moldavia); other taxa are newly identified in the flora of various counties (e. g. Reynoutria × bohemica in Bihor, Sălaj, Cluj, Caraş-Severin, Vâlcea, Prahova, and Bacău counties; Reynoutria sachalinensis in Caraş-Severin County)

    Rare plant species of salt marshes of the Croatian coast

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    Between 2011 and 2016 we surveyed 42 sites of coastal salt marshes of Croatia. We confirmed the occurrence of several rare and endangered plant species. Ten of them are included in the Red List of Croatia; critically endangered (CR) Eleocharis uniglumis, Triglochin barrelieri and T. maritima, endangered (EN) Carex divisa and C. extensa, vulnerable (VU) Parapholis incurva, Salsola soda and Suaeda maritima and category data deficient (DD) Limonium virgatum and Puccinellia festuciformis. We also report localities of other rare taxa of salt marshes like Allium telmatum, Tripolium pannonicum subsp. tripolium, Juncus gerardii, Parapholis filiformis, Plantago cornuti, Samolus valerandi and Scorzonera parviflora. Several plant species are endangered. Their habitats, salt marshes were converted into fields or destructed by construction for developing tourist infrastructure. Today only a part of the remained areas are under protection

    Cyperus glomeratus L. – rediscovered in Slovakia

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    Two new and one historical site of Cyperus glomeratus were discovered in SW Slovakia along the left bank of the river Danube. After 60 years, this is the second record of the species in the country. We provide details about the historical and current distribution of C. glomeratus in Slovakia based on herbarium revision and field survey on the Slovak section of the river Danube. According to the phytosociological data collected from the new locality (Čenkov) and from the onfirmed historic locality (Štúrovo), the stands with C. glomeratus were identified with less developed, ruderalized form of the association Cyperetum micheliani

    Reproductive biology of two edible honeysuckles [Lonicera edulis Turcz. ex Freyn., Lonicera kamtchatica (Sevast.) Pojark.] in the conditions of southwestern Slovakia

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    The formation and development of reproductive organs and fruits was examined for two edible honeysuckle species Lonicera edulis Turcz. ex. Freyn. and Lonicera kamtchatica (Sevast.) Pojark. 'Gerda' using cytological and embryological methods. We found out that the flower initiation has began during June in the conditions of southwestern Slovakia. Male and female arche spores were differentiated before entering winter dormancy. In most cases we have observed normally developed tetrads, normal appearance of microspores, two-celled polen grains and mature pollen grain. In both species a sufficient amount of normally developed pollen grains was observed. Disturbances during female gametophyte development occurred occasionally, most mature ovules contained 7 cells female gametophyte. Our research pointed to fact that the species are protogynous. Flowering usually takes place in the first half of April. The fruits were mature in the second half of May. We have found that 10 to 11 fully developed seeds have evolved in the fruits of both representatives of Lonicera on average. The above results show the suitability of L. edulis and L. kamtchatica cultivation in SW Slovakia with a relatively low risk of fruit loss due to climatic conditions.European CommunityEuropean Community (EC) [26220220180, VEGA 1/0047/19

    Evaluation of fruit anatomy, accumulation and detection of polyphenols in black crowberry (empetrum nigrum) from NW Slovakia

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    The aim of our research was to connect the detailed study of fruit anatomy of black crowberry (Empetrum nigrum) with identification and detection of the main non-anthocyanin polyphenolic compounds. Our experimental results showed that the highest accumulation of anthocyanin bodies occurred in mature fruits in outer layers during fruit development. The shape of the anthocyanin bodies was most often globular, spherical, hemispherical and intermediate types were present only occasionally. Mature cells of the gynoecium and pericarp generally contain anthocyanin bodies incorporated inside vacuoles. The observed compounds accumulated in cells were rutin, quercetin and catechins, resveratrol, coumaric, p-coumaric, caffeic, ferulic acids, gale, vanilic, syringe, cinnamic and caffeic acids. These compounds were selected because of their proposed positive effects on health. The analyses of the polyphenolic spectrum showed predominance of ferrulic acid together with gallic acid and catechins with quercetin.[VEGA 1/0047/19]; [KEGA 012UKF-4/2019