103 research outputs found

    Kulturni turizam kao strategija turističkog razvoja grada Splita : diplomski rad

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    Methods of detection and typing of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolated from animals

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    In this work there was evaluated the method of detection of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) by using two molecular and three phenotypic tests in investigation procedure of 70 strains of S.aureus isolated from animals. Recent findings of the new mecA homologue, mecALGA251, minimise the significance of mecA gene presence detection as a confirmation method of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus identification. For this reason, along with multiplex PCR set of primers(165rDNK, nuc, mecA) for detection mecA gene, there was also used multiplex PCR set of primers (spa, mecA, pvl, mecALGA251) for differentiation mecALGA251 from mecA, with simultaneous detection of luk-PV and spa gene fragments. In all 70 investigated isolates there was detected the presence of specific 16 SrDNK fragment and nuc gene which encodes a thermostable S. aureus nuclease, while in 5 out of 70 S. aureus isolates, there was proven mecA gene presence using two multiplex PCR tests. In the investigated strains there was determined neither mecC (mecALGA251)gene presence, nor Panton Valentine Leukocidin encoding gene. By application cefoxitin disk-diffusion, latex-agglutination and two multiplex PCR tests, the identical results in identification 5 methicillin resistant out of 70 investigated S. aureus strains were obtained. In our investigation there was determined a complete correlation between the results of phenotypic and genotypic identification of methicillin resistant S. aureus. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31079

    Analysis of transcripts from alternative PRKAR1B gene promoters in colorectal cancer

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    Background/Objectives: The transcriptional regulation of PRKAR1B is controlled by alternative promoters, and previous in silico analysis has indicated their differential activity in colon and rectal cancer tissue in comparison to normal gut mucosa. The aim of this study was to investigate PRKAR1B promoters and transcripts potentially involved in cancer. Methods: The sequences of PRKAR1B alternative promoters were retrieved from Ensembl database: promoter A 752209 and promoter B 767287 bases upstream from the translation start site. Bioinformatic tools Alggen, AliBaba, CiiiDER, and TFBIND were used to predict binding of transcriptional regulators. Primer extension assay was performed on RNA isolated from malignant colon cell lines using an oligonucleotide probe binding to the sequence at the exon2/exon3 junction common for all PRKAR1B transcripts. Results: Based on analyzed elements, both PRKAR1B promoters were found to have atypical structure. According to the prediction, promoter A that encodes transcript PRKAR1B-201 binds several factors involved in cell proliferation, while promoter B that encodes transcript PRKAR1B-203 binds mostly pro-apoptotic factors. In primer extension experiments, a single signal corresponding to the transcript PRKAR1B-212 was observed in malignant cells. Conclusion: The differential activity of alternative PRKAR1B promoters in colorectal cancer can be explained by in silico results, predicting that promoter sequences bind sets of transcriptional regulators with opposing roles. However, experiments point to the transcript unrelated to either of the investigated promoters as potential cancer biomarker and it should be further characterized.Abstracts from the 55th European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) Conference: e-Posters; Vienna, Austria. June 11–14, 202

    The case of hip dysplasia of an adult from the Roman Period site of Velebit (Serbia)

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    Objective: This study is designed to reveal the diagnosis of a rare hip condition with an estimation of the possible cause of death. Materials: Archaeological site of Velebit dated between the 3rd and 4th century AD is located in northern Serbia. Grave No 24 differs from others in the unusual position of the skeletal remains in situ. Methods: The bioanthropological analyses included an estimation of skeletal preservation, cranial and postcranial skeletal measurements, estimation of sex and age at the moment of death, dental analysis and a paleopathological examination. This skeleton was analysed for signs of bone disease, using diagnostic paleopathological procedures comprising gross examination and CT scanning. Results: The results revealed that the analysed male individual was 40 to 55 years of age. The bioanthropological analyses showed two deformities of the pelvic bones, each on the outer surface, located posteriorly and superiorly of the acetabular area. The observed lesions were characterised as type 4 of developmental dysplasia of the hip. In addition, a sharp lesion was observed in the right posterior region of squama of the occipital bone. Conclusions: Our results clearly suggest that this individual had been suffering from hip dysplasia. The possible cause of death could be the observed head lesion. In addition, there is no skeletal conformation of unfavourable living conditions related to physiological stress and diet

    Microstructure development and electrical properties of NiO doped alpha-Fe2O3

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    Poster presented at the 4th Serbian Congress for Microscopy, Belgrade, Serbia, 2010, October 11-12, 201

    Seasonal variations of trace element contents in leaves and bark of horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) in urban and industrial regions in Serbia

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    In this study, we examined the ability of horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) to capture heavy metals, and whether its capacity to absorb metals from soil is associated with surrounding ecological characteristics and sources of pollution. We studied the seasonal accumulation of B, Cu, Sr and Zn in leaves and bark, and the chlorophyll content in the common deciduous tree Aesculus hippocastanum L. in four urban parks in Pančevo, Smederevo, Obrenovac and Belgrade (Serbia) affected by different anthropogenic activities. The research included plants from a control site located within the zone of a former oak forest. Our findings suggest that there are potential ecological risks around Smederevo, Belgrade and Obrenovac due to elevated concentrations of B and Zn relative to the average concentrations described for worldwide soils, as well as national regulations. Substantial and toxic foliar accumulation of B was observed in Smederevo and Belgrade, and of Sr in both plant tissues at all sites. However, the Cu and Zn contents in leaves were not enough to meet the physiological needs of plants. Chlorophyll a and the total carotenoid content peaked in August under the most unfavorable conditions of the year, which may be considered as an adaptive mechanism. The obtained results showed the remarkable complexity of environmental conditions and the difficulties A. hippocastanum, as a species, has to overcome. Under conditions of different types of urban and industrial pollution, A. hippocastanum showed great element accumulation potential and could be regarded as both an accumulator and a response indicator, since its leaves are quite susceptible to damage.Archives of Biological Sciences (2017), 69(2): 201-21

    Utjecaj sustava držanja na bolesti papaka i postotak izlučenja u krava holštajnske pasmine

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    The objectives of this research were to investigate the effect of the housing system (tie-stall and free-stall barns) on the prevalence of hoof diseases/disorders, as well as on the percentage of culling in 6,348 Holstein dairy cows from 5 farms. During the three months of research the hoof care service on all farms collected records of causes of lameness, diagnoses and treatments. Functional and corrective hoof trimming was conducted by a professional farm trimmer. When all the registered diseases/disorders were observed as a percentage (all diseases = 100%), it was noticed that both housing systems were similarly affected by the same diseases/disorders. In this regard, White Line Disease occurred in both systems in prevalence of 0.5% - 1%, Toe Ulcer and Necrosis in 3% - 6%, Rusterholz Ulcer / Sole Ulcer in 20% - 23%, Digital Dermatitis in 18% - 20%, Interdigital Hyperplasia / Tyloma in 10% - 12%, Panaritium / Interdigital Phlegmon in 0.7% - 0.77%, while the prevalence of Mechanical Injury was negligible and in similar amounts - 0.2% - 0.5%. Cows in the free-stall barns were much more burdened with Dermatitis Interdigitalis / Heel Erosion Disease (39.11%) compared to cows in the bound housing system (20.40%). In contrast, diagnosed acute, chronic and haemorrhagic Laminitis was significantly more pronounced in the tie-stall barns (18.61%) than in the free-stall barns (0.88%). In the statistical analysis conducted, statistically significantly more diseases/disorders were registered in the tie-stall system than in the free housing system (P0.05).Cilj je istraživanja bio utvrditi utjecaj držanja (vezani ili slobodni sustav) na pojavnost bolesti i promjena na papcima, kao i na postotak izlučenja u krava holštajnske pasmine. Uključeno je 6348 krava s pet farmi, za koje su tijekom tri mjeseca prikupljeni podaci o obradi i njezi papaka, uzrocima šepavosti, dijagnozama te redovitim liječenjima. Funkcionalno i korektivno obrezivanje papaka provele su osobe educirane za to. Promotre li se svi registrirani poremećaji i bolesti postotno (sve bolesti = 100 %), zapaža se da su oba sustava držanja bila u sličnoj mjeri opterećena istim bolestima. U skladu s tim, bolest bijele linije opažena je u oba sustava, s pojavnošću od 0,5 do 1%, čir i nekroza papka od 3 do 6 %, Rusterholzov čir / Ulcus soleae od 20 do 23 %, digitalni dermatitis od 18 do 20 %, interdigitalna hiperplazija / tilom od 10 do 12 %, panaricij / interdigitalna flegmona od 0,7 do 0,77 %, dok je postotak mehaničkih ozljeda bio vrlo sličan i zanemariv (0,2 – 0,5 %). Krave u slobodnom sustavu držanja bile su mnogo više opterećene bolešću interdigitalni dermatitis / erozija pete (39,11 %) u odnosu na krave u vezanom sustavu držanja (20,40 %). Suprotno tomu, pojavnost akutnog, kroničnog i hemoragijskog laminitisa bila je znakovito veća u vezanom sustavu držanja (18,61 %) nego u slobodnom (0,88 %). Na osnovi provedenih statističkih proporcija i Z-testa tijekom istraživanog razdoblja, registrirano je statistički znakovito više bolesti i poremećaja u vezanom sustavu držanja nego u slobodnom (P0,05)

    Methodology for the Reduction of Impervious Urban Surfaces by Soil Infiltration Potential Analysis

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    Dinamičan razvoj urbanih sadržaja značajno smanjuje raspoložive prirodne infiltracione površine. Da se ovaj trend smanji, a po mogućnosti i usmjeri u obrnutom pravcu, tendencija je primjene obrasca održivog, integralnog upravljanja gradskim vodama. Ključni cilj je održati ili obnoviti lokalni vodni bilans što je moguće bliži prirodnom. Pri tome, lokalna infiltracija i isparavanje dobijaju primarnu ulogu u redukciji oticaja. Uz umanjenje oticaja treba osigurati uslove za poboljšanje njegovog kvaliteta poštujući principe revitalizacije životne sredine i zaštite ekosistema. Prirodi bliska rješena (Nature Based Solutions - NBS), čiji su ciljevi zaštita, održivo upravljanje i obnavljanje prirodnih ili modifikovanih ekosistema, jedan su od uspješnih modela za ostvarenje prethodno navedenih zadataka. U ovom radu prikazane su teoretske osnove i primjena metodologije izrade mape infiltracionog potencijala područja i potencijala redukcije vještačkih nepropusnih površina. Analizirana su NBS rješenja usmjerena lokalnom infiltracionom potencijalu na primjeru izgrađenog naselja u Hamburgu. Korišćene su odgovarajuće GIS podloge i urađena njihova dodatna analiza i sistematizacija. Ove analize mogu da budu korisne za veća naselja sa značajnom urbanizacijom, za planiranje dodatnih mjera zaštite od poplava usljed obilnih padavina. Sprovedene analize sa korišćenjem infiltracije u decentralizaciji odvodnje atmosferskih voda mogu biti upotrijebljene za prostorno planiranje novih naselja. Time se u početnoj fazi prostorna organizacija u određenoj mjeri prilagođava zaštiti od poplava usljed obilnih padavina. Moguća je primjena metodologije i na područja sa slabijim fondom podataka, ali uz dorade i poboljšanja raspoloživih podloga.Dynamic development of urban facilities significantly reduces the available natural infiltration surfaces. Sustainable integrated water management in cities aims to reduce this trend, and, if possible, reverse it. The key goal is to maintain or restore local water balance as close as possible to the natural balance. At the same time, local infiltration and evaporation play a primary role in reducing runoff. In addition to reducing runoff, the conditions for improving its quality should be ensured, respecting the principles of environmental revitalization and ecosystem protection. Nature-based solutions (NBS), whose goals are the protection, sustainable management and restoration of natural or modified ecosystems, are one of the successful models for achieving the these tasks. This paper presents theoretical foundations and application of the methodology for creating a map of the infiltration potential of an area and the reduction potential of artificial impervious surfaces. We analysed NBSs focused on the local infiltration potential using the example of a settlement in Hamburg. Appropriate GIS data were used and their additional analyses and consolidation was carried out. These analyses can be useful when planning additional flood protection measures during heavy rainfall for larger settlements with significant urbanization. The conducted analyses, which included infiltration in decentralized storm water system, can be used for spatial planning of new settlements. In this way, spatial organization is adapted to a certain extent to protection against floods caused by heavy rainfall in the initial phase. It is possible to apply the methodology to areas with a weaker data base but with refinements and improvements to the available data.M51, Originalni naučni rad, UDK: 532.570.