1,297 research outputs found

    Preschooler’s Cognitive Development in Correlation with Their Parents’ Implicit Theories of Intelligence and Personality

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    This paper is devoted to cognitive development of preschoolers in correlation with implicit theories of their parents. There are four positive mindsets of intelligence and learning motivation: (1) growth intelligence mindset, (2) growth personality mindset, (3) acceptance of learning goals, (4) positive learning self-esteem. We hypothesized that cognitive and intellectual parameters and self-esteem of preschoolers correlatewith parents’ growth mindsets. The study involved 120 subjects-40 preschoolers in age of 6 ± 0.5 years old (20 boys and 20 girls) and their 80 fathers and mothers. The parents ’ sample consisted of subjects aged from 27 to 54 years average age was 37.9 ± 6.7 years old). To investigate the cognitive differences of preschoolers we used: (1) two subtests of WISC (for examining attention and short-term memory); (2) Method of Verbal Thinking of Kern-Yirasek; (3) Method of Express Diagnostics of Intellectual Abilities (MEDIA) I. S. Averina, E. I. Shabanova and E. N. Zadorina. To explore parents’ mindsets Questionnaire of Implicit Theories of Intelligence and Personality (by C. Dweck, in the adaptation of T.V. Kornilova et al, 2008) was used. It was determined that the indicators of cognitive development and intelligence of girls are more related to parental attitudes than boys. In this case, the closest relationship is observed in the dyad ”father – daughter”. Indicators of attention, short-term memory, understanding of quantitative and qualitative relations, logical thinking are associated with mindsets of growth intelligence and adoption of their fathers’ high learning value. Girls ’mathematical abilities are positively related to fathers’ and negative mothers ’ growth mindsets. Keywords: parents’ influence, growth intelligence mindset, growth personality mindset, learning goals, learning self-esteem, cognitive and intellectual development

    Using temporary water to resupply fresh water (on example Kanaka SCC)

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    In boarding houses, located at the mouth of the Kanaka beam (SCC), the problem of provision with fresh drinking water worsened. So far, the provision with drinking water was carried out with water wells from the aquifer at a depth of up to 15 m from the earth surface

    Визуальные практики войны имени Бертольда Шварца

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    Стаття присвячена вивченню соціокультурній динаміки візуальних практик. Досліджується спеціалізація режиму бачення в полі війни та їх історична динаміка в контексті ґенези чуттєвої культури людини. Адже з часів появи «проклятої частини» (Ж. Батай) війна стає першою історичною формою раціоналізації стосунків людини і накопичення її потенціалу в об’єктних формах. Відповідно bellatores (ті, що воюють) були елітарною стратою соціальної структури Премодерну. Форми організації війни цього періоду історії культури відповідають режиму «розширення руки» (П. Вірільо) від рукопашного бою до озброєння луком. Візуальні настанови воєнних дій в такій ситуації мають лише несамостійний, додатковий зміст, спрямований на інтенсифікацію інформаційного повідомлення. Лише виникнення вогнепальної зброї, що ґрунтується на технологічних розробках пороху та камери-обскури (обидві були відпрацьовані в алхімічних лабораторіях) дозволяє практикам війни отримати домінанту візуальної орієнтації. Виникнення вогнепальної зброї є критерієм закінчення військових практик премодерного типу: «великих переселень» кочівників та домінанти важко озброєної кінноти лицарів. Доводиться, що становленню домінанти лінійної перспективи сприяло формування режиму бачення вогнепальної зброї, що передбачає опозицію гомогенного, математично вивіреного простору та чітко визначеної цілі. Режим бачення вогнепальної зброї майже на два століття випередив домінанту візуальної орієнтації «галактики Гутенбергу», обґрунтованої М. Маклюеном. Динаміка інноваційних технологій Модерну відпрацьовує оптику війни від камери-обскури до об’єктиву кінокамери.The article is devoted to the study of social and cultural dynamics of visual practices. The specialization of visual regime in the field of war and its historical dynamics in the context of sensual human culture genesis have been researched. Indeed, since the appearance of «cursed part» (J. Bataille) war becomes the first historical form of rationalization of human relations, and its potential accumulation in object forms. Accordingly, bellatores (those who fight) were elitist stratum of Premodern social structure. Forms of war organisation in this period of cultural history correspond to «hand extension» regime (P. Virilio) from dogfight to bow armament. Visual instructions of military activities in such a situation have only dependent, additional meaning aimed at intensifying informational message. Only the invention of firearm based on technological developments of gunpowder and camera obscura (both produced in the alchemical laboratories) allows military practices to receive the dominance of visual orientation. The appearance of firearms is the criterion of ending Premodern military practices: «big migrations» of nomads and heavily armed knights cavalry dominance. It has been proven that the formation of linear perspective dominance contributed to the firearm vision mode formation, which provides for opposition to homogeneous mathematically calibrated space and clearly defined purpose. Regime of the firearms vision was nearly two centuries ahead of «Gutenberg galaxy» visual orientation dominance substantiated by M. McLuhan. Innovative technologies dynamics preconditions the Modern war optics from the camera obscura to camera object glass.Статья посвящена изучению социокультурной динамики визуальных практик. Исследуется специализация режима видения в поле войны и их историческая динамика в контексте генезиса чувственной культуры человека. Ведь со времен появления «проклятой части» (Ж. Батай) война становится первой исторической формой рационализации отношений человека и накопления ее потенциала в объектных формах. Соответственно, bellatores (те, что воюют) были элитарной кастой социальной структуры Предмодерна. Формы организации войны этого периода истории культуры соответствуют режиму «расширение руки» (П. Вирильо) от рукопашного боя к вооружению луком. Визуальные установки военных действий в такой ситуации имеют лишь несамостоятельный, дополнительный смысл, направленный на интенсификацию информационного сообщения. Только возникновение огнестрельного оружия, основанного на технологических разработках пороха и камеры-обскуры (обе были отработаны в алхимических лабораториях) позволяет практикам войны получить доминанту визуальной ориентации. Возникновение огнестрельного оружия является критерием окончания военных практик Предмодерна типа: «великих переселений» кочевников и доминанты трудно вооруженной конницы рыцарей. Доказывается, что становлению доминанты линейной перспективы способствовало формированию режима видения огнестрельного оружия, что предполагает оппозицию гомогенного, математически выверенного пространства и четко определенной цели. Режим видения огнестрельного оружия почти на два века опередил доминанту визуальной ориентации «галактики Гутенберга», обоснованной М. Маклюэном. Динамика инновационных технологий Модерна обусловливает оптику войны от камеры-обскуры до объектива кинокамеры

    Effect of parameters of heat treatment on magnetic properties and magnetization distribution in ribbons of amorphous soft magnetic iron-based alloys

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    The effect of the isothermal-holding temperature and cooling rate upon in-air heat treatment on the magnetic properties and magnetization distribution in ribbons of amorphous soft magnetic iron-based alloys with positive saturation magnetostriction has been investigated. The results of the investigation showed that the dependence of the maximum magnetic permeability on the isothermal-holding temperature correlates with the corresponding changes in the magnetization distribution in the ribbon and is determined by diffusion processes that occur upon in-air heat treatment at a specific isothermal-holding temperature. An increase in the cooling rate leads to an ambiguous effect on the level of magnetic properties. The increase favors an improvement in magnetic properties when, after in-air heat treatment, either a predominantly amorphous state of the surface or a state with the formed amorphous-crystalline surface layer with a nearly optimal thickness is obtained. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Activities of Ufa Branch of Russian Society for Care of Refugees in 1915-1917

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    The article is devoted to the main activities of the Ufa branch of the Russian society for the care of refugees in 1915-1917. The author points out that military actions in the First World War had caused a mass evacuation of the population of the frontline areas affected by the military actions in the rear of the governorate of the Russian Empire, also in Ufa governorate. Based on regional materials the experience of the organization of assistance to victims of war by the diocesan clergy is considered, which consisted in the collection of funds, provision of housing, organization of educational process for refugee children, etc. Initiative of the Ufa division of the Russian Society for the care of refugees was the opening of three warehouses in Ufa, Belebey and Menzelinsk to supply the refugees with clothes, and on their basis houses for the homeless was open, providing employment and income for women refugees. Special attention the clergy paid to the problem of meeting the spiritual needs of the refugees by organizing the preaching work of local diocesan clergy, and by priests of the diocese of Chelm evacuated to Ufa governorate invited for this purpose by Society. The study of the experience of the Ufa branch of the Russian Society for the care of refugees has led to the conclusion that the diocesan clergy along with public institutions and local organizations made a contribution to the solution of problems of resettlement of the refugee population in the governorate

    Bishop Andrew (Ukhtomsky)’s Activity on Organization of Missionary Work in Sukhumi Eparchy in 1912-1913 (Based on “Employee of the Transcaucasian Mission” Journal Materials)

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    The work of Bishop Andrew (Ukhtomsky) in the Sukhumi eparchy in 1912-1913 is analyzed, aimed at organizing parish life and missionary and educational work in general. It is shown that an important step in this direction was the creation of the first in the eparchy printed Church missionary journal “Employee of the Transcaucasian mission.” Studying the journal materials allowed to draw conclusions that the wide experience of missionary work, accumulated by Bishop Andrew in the Kazan eparchy, has found application in the new appointment. It is proved that the purpose of the journal “Employee of the Transcaucasian mission” was the implementation of the key tasks of missionary work; it also became a periodical of the Brotherhood of St. Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky. The article presents the results of the analysis of the materials published in this journal, which contain information on specific activities, as well as reflections on the revival of parish Orthodox life, the organization of pastoral ministry, parish schools, churches, the local Church Archaeological Commission, etc. It is reported that the journal was published till 1916. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the Ministry of Bishop Andrew in Sukhumi eparchy was reflected and wide developed in the future

    Effect of chemically active medium on frequency dependence of magnetic losses in soft magnetic Fe-based amorphous alloys

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    The effects of the electrolytic hydrogenation and oxidation and of the interaction of the surface ribbon with water and vapor on the frequency dependence of magnetic losses per magnetization-reversal cycle are studied based on the example of soft magnetic Fe81B13Si 4C2 amorphous alloy, which exhibits a positive saturation magnetostriction. It was shown that, after the hydrogenation and oxidation of soft magnetic amorphous alloys, their frequency dependences of magnetic losses per magnetization-reversal cycle, which are reduced to unit induction, exhibit groups of hydrogen- and oxygen-related peaks in the frequency ranges of 35-55 and 55-80 Hz, which can be explained by the formation of O-A and H-A atomic pairs (where A are atoms of alloy components) and their reorientation in a magnetic field in the course of magnetization reversal at certain frequencies. The formation of analogous groups of peaks for samples of soft magnetic Fe-based amorphous alloys was observed after the interaction of the ribbon surface with water and vapor and after heat treatment in air. This fact confirms the possibility of the hydrogenation and oxidation of the alloys during the aforementioned processes. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd