17 research outputs found

    Consumer Behaviour Analysis in the Korean Restaurant

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    Import 22/07/2015Tématem diplomové práce je analýza spotřebitelského chování korejské restaurace. Cílem práce je popsat spotřebitelské chování v korejské restaurace sídlící na Frýdeckém náměstí ve městě Frýdek-Místek. Cílem je zjistit strukturu zákazníků restaurace, frekvenci návštěv, spotřební zvyklosti zákazníků a jejich preference a zaměřit se především na rozdíly mezi českým a zahraničním zákazníkem. Pro samotný výzkum byla zvolena metoda kvantitativního výzkumu, a to pomocí osobního dotazování. Veškerá data byla zpracovaná pomocí tabulkového editoru do patřičných grafů a tabulek.The theme of the thesis is analysis of consumer behavior in the korean restaurant. The task of thesis is discription of consumer behavior in the korean restaurant which is situated on Frydek square in Frydek-Mistek city. The task is to determine the structure of customers, frequency of visits, consumer habits and their preferences and concentrate to differences between czech and foreign customers. For the methodology was chose a quantitative research-personal interviews. All date were processed by MS Excel editor into appropriate graphs and charts.116 - Katedra marketingu a obchoduvelmi dobř

    The Practical Application of Value Added Tax in the Slovak Republic in the Spa Facilities

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    AbstractAmong the services exempted from the value added tax without input tax reduction possibility belong the activities for the public good, e.g. health services and social care, education and training, cultural services and others. In the paper we describe the method of determining the tax liability of the value added tax on medical devices (bath, spa), which provides services exempted from VAT, as well as activities which are subject to value added tax. In this paper we solve the practical problems of proportional application, decreasing coefficients, backup and final to the VAT application, which on the basis of our research have the highest impact on the tax deductibility of health facilities in the Slovak Republic

    The Analysis of the Brand Awareness on the Market of Health Complements

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    Import 04/07/2011Bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou známosti značky Walmark. Hlavním cílem práce je srovnat rozdíly mezi spontánní a vyvolanou znalostí značky Walmark a rozdíly spontánní a vyvolané znalosti její produktové řady. Součástí práce je rovněž zjištění míry spojitosti produktů se značkou a pohled respondentů na logo a samotný postoj vůči společnosti. Výzkum byl prováděn pomocí metody kvantitativního výzkum, a to dotazováním.Bachelor thesis is dealing with the analysis of the brand awareness on the market of health complements. Main objective of the bachelor thesis is some comparison of spontaneous and supported knowledge of brand Walmark and some comparison of spontaneous and supported knowledge of product line. One part of the bachelor thesis is finding a rate of products connection with the brand and respondent view of logo and attitude towards Walmark join-stock company too. Marketing research was carried out using quantitative research by questionnaire.116 - Katedra marketingu a obchoduvelmi dobř

    Employees Training and Development in the Company

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    The thesis focuses on employee training and development in a selected company and its goal is to define basic terms related to the training process, assess the current standard of training at the customer centre of the selected training company and to suggest possible improvements. The theoretical part is based on the secondary literature listed at the end of the thesis. It defines theoretical terms related to the complete training process that serve as a basis for comparison with empirical data from the research. The practical part evaluates the current condition of the training process and possibilities of development for the consultants working at the customer centre of the selected training company. As for the method, the research relies on questionnaires as a source of information from people responsible for training as well as on electronic questionnaires sent to the customer centre employees. This part addresses, above all, the current state of training process, which consists of several stages: identification of training needs, scheduling training plans, selecting appropriate training methods and implementing and evaluating the actual training. This part also briefly discusses the question of training efficiency. Employee training and development in the company presents one of the most important competitive advantages available to the given company and as such, it is necessary for attaining a prominent position in the market

    Employees Training and Development in the Company

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    The thesis focuses on employee training and development in a selected company and its goal is to define basic terms related to the training process, assess the current standard of training at the customer centre of the selected training company and to suggest possible improvements. The theoretical part is based on the secondary literature listed at the end of the thesis. It defines theoretical terms related to the complete training process that serve as a basis for comparison with empirical data from the research. The practical part evaluates the current condition of the training process and possibilities of development for the consultants working at the customer centre of the selected training company. As for the method, the research relies on questionnaires as a source of information from people responsible for training as well as on electronic questionnaires sent to the customer centre employees. This part addresses, above all, the current state of training process, which consists of several stages: identification of training needs, scheduling training plans, selecting appropriate training methods and implementing and evaluating the actual training. This part also briefly discusses the question of training efficiency. Employee training and development in the company presents one of the most important competitive advantages available to the given company and as such, it is necessary for attaining a prominent position in the market

    The impact of social expenditure on public dept in the Czech republic and Slovakia

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    Europe is facing the problem of growing consumption and increasing volume of public expenditure too for years. Financing of public expenditure (as a sum of short-term, medium or long term projects) is a complicated issue. Regarding the fi nancial perspective, the primary result is the creation of budget de fi cits. Countries are currently not able to deal with them, and thus this problem leads to the creation of new de fi cits. Therefore, an economy creates public debt – through the accumulation of de fi cits. The aim of our paper is to examine the effect of social expenditure on public debt. We have focused on the examination of only two countries – the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Our fi ndings con fi rm that social expenditure represents a signi fi cant proportion of public expenditure. Moreover, public expenditure and social expenditure as well have increased in volume in the previous years. Governments use them to ful fi l their social role in the economy. From this perspective, fi nancing of social expenditure also contributes to the de fi cit, and in the long term to the creation of public debt. For that reason, another objective of our paper is to verify the effect of social expenditure on public debt. We examine the primary hypothesis on the signi fi cant correlation between public expenditure and public debt. As a result, we created an econometric model to test our hypothesis that the variable of public expenditure is more signi fi cantly correlated with public debt than other selected economic variables. Moreover, we modi fi ed the model, and we tested the hypothesis that social expenditure is more signi fi cantly correlated with public debt than other selected economic variables. We found that hypothesis concerning public expenditure had been con fi rmed for both countries. Hypothesis about social expenditure was con fi rmed for the Czech Republic. However, in the case of Slovakia, this hypothesis could not be veri fi ed

    The impact of social expenditure on public dept in the Czech republic and Slovakia

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    Europe is facing the problem of growing consumption and increasing volume of public expenditure too for years. Financing of public expenditure (as a sum of short-term, medium or long term projects) is a complicated issue. Regarding the fi nancial perspective, the primary result is the creation of budget de fi cits. Countries are currently not able to deal with them, and thus this problem leads to the creation of new de fi cits. Therefore, an economy creates public debt – through the accumulation of de fi cits. The aim of our paper is to examine the effect of social expenditure on public debt. We have focused on the examination of only two countries – the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Our fi ndings con fi rm that social expenditure represents a signi fi cant proportion of public expenditure. Moreover, public expenditure and social expenditure as well have increased in volume in the previous years. Governments use them to ful fi l their social role in the economy. From this perspective, fi nancing of social expenditure also contributes to the de fi cit, and in the long term to the creation of public debt. For that reason, another objective of our paper is to verify the effect of social expenditure on public debt. We examine the primary hypothesis on the signi fi cant correlation between public expenditure and public debt. As a result, we created an econometric model to test our hypothesis that the variable of public expenditure is more signi fi cantly correlated with public debt than other selected economic variables. Moreover, we modi fi ed the model, and we tested the hypothesis that social expenditure is more signi fi cantly correlated with public debt than other selected economic variables. We found that hypothesis concerning public expenditure had been con fi rmed for both countries. Hypothesis about social expenditure was con fi rmed for the Czech Republic. However, in the case of Slovakia, this hypothesis could not be veri fi ed

    Perkutana toksičnost i dekontaminacija somana, VX-A i paraoksonaza u štakora deterdžentima

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    Highly toxic organophosphorus compounds (OPs) were originally developed for warfare or as agricultural pesticides. Today, OPs represent a serious threat to military personnel and civilians. This study investigates the in vivo decontamination of male Wistar rats percutaneously exposed to paraoxon and two potent nerve agents - soman (GD) and VX. Four commercial detergents were tested as decontaminants – NeodekontTM, ArgosTM, DermogelTM, and FloraFreeTM. Decontamination performed 2 min after exposure resulted in a higher survival rate in comparison with non-decontaminated controls. The decontamination effectiveness was expressed as protective ratio (PR, median lethal dose of agent in decontaminated animals divided by the median lethal dose of agent in untreated animals). The highest decontamination effectiveness was consistently achieved with ArgosTM (PR=2.3 to 64.8), followed by DermogelTM (PR=2.4 to 46.1). NeodekontTM and FloraFreeTM provided the lowest decontamination effectiveness, equivalent to distilled water (PR=1.0 to 43.2).Visokotoksični organofosforni spojevi (krat. OP) prvotno su se proizvodili za ratovanje i uporabi u poljoprivredi kao pesticidi. Danas su nepobitno iznimna prijetnja vojnom osoblju i civilima. Ova studija istražuje in vivo dekontaminaciju muških štakora Wistar perkutano izloženih paraoksonu i dvama snažnim nervnim agensima – somanu (GD) i VX-u. Četiri komercijalna deterdženta ispitana su kao sredstva dekontaminacije - Neodekont, Argos, Dermogel i FloraFree. Dekontaminacija dvije minute nakon izlaganja rezultirala je višom stopom preživljavanja u usporedbi s nedekontaminiranom kontrolnom skupinom. Učinkovitost dekontaminacije izražena je kao zaštitni omjer (PR, medijan smrtonosne doze agenta u dekontaminiranih životinja podijeljen s medijanom smrtonosne doze agenta u nedekontaminiranih životinja). Najveća konzistentna učinkovitost postignuta je Argosom (PR=2.3 do 64.8) i Dermogelom (PR=2.4 do 46.1). Deterdženti Neodekont i FloraFree bili su najmanje učinkoviti i imali jednak učinak kao destilirana voda (PR=1.0 do 43.2)

    The Impact of Modern Technologies on Life in a Pandemic Situation

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    Aim: The Covid-19 pandemic situation has affected all sectors of our society that have been in direct or indirect contact with humans. The virtual world, which did not concern many people until the onset of the pandemic, began to be a major part of the solutions to everyday situations in life. Modern technologies thus began to play a major role in solving problem situations, but also in the ordinary contact of people with the school, with medical facilities, with work, in communication with other close relatives. Concept: The use of modern technological equipment and their connection to the pandemic situation began to be of interest in the professional and research investigation of scientists working in various areas of life. In addition to the use of modern technological equipment, other more abstract ideas have begun to be explored, reflecting and commenting on, comparing the advantages and disadvantages of using equipment on the basis of age, ability and industry. Scientific studies are thus carried out from the point of view of sociology, gender studies, psychology, psychiatry, medicine, social work, but also other inhumane scientific branches. Method: This study addresses the advantages and disadvantages of using modern technology and points to a number of studies that positively or negatively affect a person's personality through the virtual world. The authors of this study worked with specific texts, using textual analysis, analytical and synthetic methods, and pointed out important studies that draw attention to the connection between the social situation and the use of modern technologies. Results: The study confirms that the pandemic situation requires constant access to virtual reality through modern technological devices that allow all people in society to contact each other, regardless of age, gender, job classification, or position, role. At the same time, it is very important how we will incorporate modern technologies into our lives and what impact modern devices will have on survival and on the real world. Conclusion: The scientific articles and contributions offered in this study point to the use of technological devices, their advantages and disadvantages for the development of human personality. It is understandable that the virtual world can interfere with our personal and family life, while it is necessary to realize its basic functions, which it offers us for our benefit