146 research outputs found

    Využití GPR pro průzkum příčin porušení vozovky a podloží silnice v prostředí granitoidního masivu u Simtan

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    The survey of damaged engineering buildings is in many cases very demanding in terms of the selection of a right exploration method in relation to the results obtained for subsequent engineering works, time for survey implementation, and violations arising from survey activities. Heterogeneity of materials of a natural and anthropogenic origin is a fundamental axiom which can subsequently lead to either a distortion or a failure threatening statically the existence of a building structure. On the test object of a pavement, after some time of its use, severe deformations became evident whose causes and future evolution were not known. Within the design of survey techniques being able to quickly and efficiently uncover the causes of failures, the GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) investigation was included which as an indirect, non-destructive survey method very quickly helped to clarify he causes of failures of the building structure.Průzkum porušených inženýrských staveb je v mnoha případech velmi náročný z hlediska volby správné průzkumné metody ve vztahu k získaným výsledkům pro navazující inženýrské práce, času na realizaci průzkumu a další porušení vznikající při průzkumné činnosti. Heterogenita materiálů přirozeného i antropogenního původu je základním axiomem, který může vést následně buď k deformacím, nebo až k porušení staticky ohrožujícímu existenci stavební konstrukce. Na zkoumaném objektu vozovky se po čase jeho užívání projevily závažné deformace, o kterých nebylo známo, co je způsobilo a jaký bude jejich vývoj v čase. V rámci návrhu průzkumných technik, schopných rychle a efektivně odhalit příčiny porušení byl zařazen průzkum georadarem-GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar), který jako nepřímá, nedestruktivní metoda průzkumu velmi rychle přispěl k objasnění příčin porušování stavební konstrukce

    Binocular vision and anaglyph production

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    Tato práce se zabývá fyziologii binokulárního vidění a s ní spojené stereoskopie, kdy hlavní prezentovanou metodou je výroba anaglyfů. V první části práce je čtenář seznámen s anatomií a fyziologií oka s úzkým zaměřením především na geometricko-optické vlastnosti oka a podstaty binokulárního vidění, které je základem výroby stereoskopických obrázků. V druhé části jsou představeny jednotlivé metody používané k zobrazování trojrozměrných vizuálních vjemů, jejich princip a technické provedení. Dále práce podrobně popisuje vznik anaglyfu a s ním spojené problematiky. Souběžně s prací vznikl program ANAGLYPH, jež umožňuje připojení dvojice kamer, jejich programové řízení a získávání kvalitních stereoskopických obrázků, které se stávají dobrým základem anaglyfů. Prezentované anaglyfy byly pořízeny pomocí dvojice kamer Logitec C120 a pro srovnání fotoaparáty Canon 450D. Tyto výsledky byly prezentovány skupině pozorovatelů a statisticky vyhodnoceny s jejich následnou analýzou. Elektronická verze práce, všechna získaná data a program jsou na přiloženém DVD.This work concerns physiology of binocular vision and stereovision. The main topic of this work is the production of anaglyphs. The first part introduces anatomy of the eyes and principle of binocular vision, which is the stereoscopic production based on. The second part introduces the individual methods, it's processes and technical implementation for three-dimensional presentation with focusing on answering questions connected with production of anaglyphs. At the same time the M-script ANAGLYPH was developed, which provides connection with two external cameras and becomes high-quality element of anaglyphs production. All anaglyphs were photographed with couple of Logitec C120 or couple of Canon 450D cameras. Final anaglyphs were presented to a group of observers and they were given question forms. Subjective opinions of observers were statistically analyzed. The electronic version of this work and all the files and data are included on attached DVD.

    Využití GPR při zjišťování příčin porušení nástupiště nádraží v Jilešovicích

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    Civil engineering works carried out as the renovation of existing buildings can be difficult to predict in terms of their behaviour over time. The heterogeneity of materials of a natural and anthropogenic origin can subsequently lead to either deformations, or breach threatening the existence of building structure in terms of statics. The platform of the station in Jilešovice underwent structural modifications within the reconstruction of the railway track from Ostrava to Opava. The largest building intervention was the reconstruction of an old bridge and adjacent embankment bodies now in addition secured due to stability by gabion baskets instead of the original natural grading. After a short time of its use, significant deformations appeared on the renovated object, whose causes and further evolution over time was not known. Within the design of investigation techniques, allowing uncovering the causes of violation quickly and efficiently, the survey with a georadar -GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) was included, which as an indirect, non-destructive method of survey very quickly helped to clarify the causes of violations of the building structures.Inženýrské stavby realizované jako rekonstrukce stávajících stavebních objektů mohou být z hlediska jejich chování v čase obtížně predikovatelné. Heterogenita materiálů přirozeného i antropogenního původu může vést následně buď k deformacím, nebo až k porušení staticky ohrožujícímu existenci stavební konstrukce. Nástupiště nádraží v Jilešovicích prošlo stavebními úpravami v rámci rekonstrukce trati ČD z Ostravy do Opavy. Největším stavebním zásahem byla rekonstrukce starého mostu a přilehlých násypových těles navíc v současnosti zajištěných stabilitně gabionovými koši místo původního přirozeného svahování. Na rekonstruovaném objektu se po krátkém čase jeho užívání projevily závažné deformace, o kterých nebylo známo, co je způsobilo a jaký bude jejich vývoj v čase. V rámci návrhu průzkumných technik, schopných rychle a efektivně odhalit příčiny porušení byl zařazen průzkum georadarem-GPR (Ground penetrating radar), který jako nepřímá, nedestruktivní metoda průzkumu velmi rychle přispěl k objasnění příčin porušování stavebních konstrukcí

    Project Proposal for Selected Company‘s Reallocation

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    Diplomová práce se věnuje problematice projektového řízení, konkrétně návrhu plánu projektu realokace výrobních, skladových a kancelářských prostor vybrané společnosti. Teoretická část práce se zabývá výkladem základních poznatků a nástrojů projektového managementu prakticky užitých v kapitolách následujících. V praktické části práce je v jedné z kapitol provedena analýza současného stavu formou studie příležitosti a v kapitole následující sestrojen návrh projektu obsahující časovou, zdrojovou a nákladovou analýzu a analýzu rizik projektu. V závěru práce je pak popsán přínos projektu a práce jako takové.The diploma thesis deals with the project management issues, specifically the proposal plan for the project of selected company's reallocation. The theoretical part describes elementary knowledge and tools of a project management which are used in following chapters. Analysis of current state is completed via study of opportunities in one of the chapters of practical part of the thesis. And time analysis, resource analysis, cost analysis and also risk analysis is described in chapter that follows. Benefits of the project and thesis as such are mentioned at the end of the thesis.

    Proposal of Information System Implementation

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    Bakalářská práce se věnuje problematice projektového řízení, konkrétně využití metod síťové analýzy při řízení projektů. V praktické části je popsán návrh alternativního řešení řízení předprojektové fáze projektu, konkrétně plánování, pro IT poradenskou firmu RANKENEN a.s..The bachelor thesis deals with the project management issues, specifically the application of flow network analysis in project management. The proposition of alternate solution of initial project direction phase for IT consultant company RANKENEN a.s., specifically its planning, is described in the practical part of the thesis.

    Impact of uranium mines closure and abandonment on groundwater quality

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    The aim of the study is to assess the evolving mine water quality of closed uranium mines (abandoned between 1958 and 1992) in the Czech Republic. This paper focuses on the changes in mine water quality over time and spatial variability. In 2010, systematic monitoring of mine water quality was performed at all available locations of previous uranium exploitation. Gravity flow discharges (mine adits, uncontrolled discharges) or shafts (in dynamic state or stagnating) were sampled. Since the quality of mine water results from multiple conditions—geology, type of sample, sampling depth, time since mine flooding, an assessment of mine water quality evolution was done taking into account all these conditions. Multivariate analyses were applied in order to identify the groups of samples based on their similarity. Evaluation of hydrogeochemical equilibrium and evolution of mine waters was done using the Geochemist’s Workbench and PHREEQC software. The sampling proved that uranium concentrations in mine waters did not predominantly exceed 0.45 mg/L. In case of discharges from old adits abandoned more than 40 years ago, uranium concentrations were below the MCL of US Environmental Protection Agency for uranium in drinking water (0.03 mg/L). Higher concentrations, up to 1.23 mg/L of U, were found only at active dewatered mines. Activity concentration of 226Ra varied from 0.03 up to 1.85 Bq/L except for two sites with increased background values due to rock formation (granites). Radium has a typically increasing trend after mine abandonment with a large variability. Concerning metals in mine water, Al, Co and Ni exceeded legislative limits on two sites with low pH waters. The mine water quality changes with a focus on uranium mobility were described from recently dewatered mines to shafts with water level maintained in order to prevent outflows to surface water and finally to stagnating shafts and discharges of mine water from old adits. The results were in good agreement with published experience on mine water stratification, its disturbance by pumping or natural water decant and the “first flush” phenomenon after mine flooding.Web of Science20117602759

    Triplet Excited Carbonyls and Singlet Oxygen Formation During Oxidative Radical Reaction in Skin

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    The skin is the largest organ in the body and is consistently exposed to aggressive environmental attacks (biological/physical/chemical, etc.). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are formed during the normal oxidative metabolism which enhances to a lethal level under stress conditions referred to as oxidative stress. While, under normal conditions, cells are capable of dealing with ROS using non-enzymatic and enzymatic defense system, it can lead to a critical damage to cell system via the oxidation of cellular components under stress condition. Lipid peroxidation is a well-established mechanism of cellular injury in all kinds of organisms and it is often used as an indicator of oxidative stress in cells and tissues. In the presence of metal ions, ROS such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) produces highly reactive hydroxyl radical (HO•) via Fenton reaction. In the current study, we have used the porcine skin (intact pig ear/skin biopsies) as an ex vivo/in vitro model system to represent human skin. Experimental results have been presented on the participation of HO• in the initiation of lipid peroxidation and thereby leading to the formation of reactive intermediates and the formation of electronically excited species eventually leading to ultra-weak photon emission (UPE). To understand the participation of different electronically excited species in the overall UPE, the effect of a scavenger of singlet oxygen (1O2) on photon emission in the visible and near-infrared region of the spectrum was measured which showed its contribution. In addition, measurement with interference filter with a transmission in the range of 340–540 nm reflected a substantial contribution of triplet carbonyls (3L=O∗) in the photon emission. Thus, it is concluded that during the oxidative radical reactions, the UPE is contributed by the formation of both 3L=O∗ and 1O2. The method used in the current study is claimed to be a potential tool for non-invasive determination of the physiological and pathological state of human skin in dermatological research

    Multi-GNSS positioning for landslide monitoring: A case study at the Recica landslide

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    Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) positioning has characteristics of simple operation, high efficiency and high precision technique for landslide surface monitoring. In recent years, finalization of modern GNSS systems Galileo and BeiDou has brought a possibility of multi-GNSS positioning. The paper focuses on evaluation of possible benefits of multi-GNSS constellations in landslide monitoring. While simulating observational conditions of selected Recica landslide in the Czech Republic, one-month data from well-established permanent GNSS reference stations were processed. Besides various constellation combinations, differential and Precise Point Positioning techniques, observation data lengths and observation sampling intervals were evaluated. Based on the results, using a combination of GPS and GLONASS, or GPS, GLONASS and Galileo systems can be recommended, together with a static differential technique and observation periods for data collection exceeding eight hours. In the last step, data from GNSS repetitive campaigns realized at the Recica landslide during two years were processed with optimal setup and obtained displacement results were compared to standard geotechnical measurements.Web of Science19327025

    Amino acid oxidation of the D1 and D2 proteins by oxygen radicals during photoinhibition of Photosystem II

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    The Photosystem II reaction center is vulnerable to photoinhibition. The D1 and D2 proteins, lying at the core of the photosystem, are susceptible to oxidative modification by reactive oxygen species that are formed by the photosystem during illumination. Using spin probes and EPR spectroscopy, we have determined that both O2 -and HO are involved in the photoinhibitory process. Using tandem mass spectroscopy, we have identified a number of oxidatively modified D1 and D2 residues. Our analysis indicates that these oxidative modifications are associated with formation of HO at both the Mn4O5Ca cluster and the nonheme iron. Additionally, O2 -appears to be formed by the reduction of O2 at either PheoD1 or QA. Early oxidation of D1:332H,which is coordinatedwith theMn1 of the Mn4O5Ca cluster, appears to initiate a cascade of oxidative events that lead to the oxidative modification of numerous residues in the C termini of the D1 and D2 proteins on the donor side of the photosystem. Oxidation of D2:244Y, which is a bicarbonate ligand for the nonheme iron, induces the propagation of oxidative reactions in residues of the D-de loop of the D2 protein on the electron acceptor side of the photosystem. Finally, D1: 130E and D2: 246Mare oxidatively modified by O2 -formed by the reduction of O2 either by PheoD1 -or QA -. The identification of specific amino acid residues oxidized by reactive oxygen species provides insights into the mechanism of damage to the D1 and D2 proteins under light stress